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(Tera Project) Tera Emulator by P5yl0 Update 140315

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2008
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nobody here have the custom launcher to input username and password for login, we only use tera-single.exe to auto login as GM, and this is single player only. Until we got custom launcher, we only can play alone.

=( That was an old private server, TERA Dreammings. I think its down now. But is impossible to work with the launcher of them? There were a working launcher that u can choose between Dreamming and Oficial Tera servers ...

Very nice, a lot of quests is working well thank you o much :D

"bugs" that i found:

1) 4. 200315 - Characters delete from MySQL function added.
I've deleted my char in-game and he's still in DB =( Now i deleted and create db again to reset settings.

2) Some mobs is walking a half under the ground. Mobs position is a little bug. The first boss always resets his position =(

3) Its hard to hit mobs. The skills isn't hitting the mob right. Its so bugged in most of skills. =(
I've tried with Warrior and Sorcerer.
PS: The mobs are missings so many atks to you too.

4) Quest "Into the Gourge" is bugged.

5) Tracklist quests isn't ok. If i remove the quest from tracklist and add it again, the quest don't go to tracklist again.
You have to relog the character to quest came back again.

6) Abandon quest isn't working.

7) Sorcere's skills that have Ice element (Ice Needle and Hail Storm) is hitting all mobs o_O

8) Sorcerer's skill Void Pulse isn't working. Always getting: Target invalid error.

9) Teleports isn't working... Skill: Velik's Horn (Sorcerer / Elin) ; Item: Lumbertown Teleport Scroll

10) First Boss bugs: 1. The support's NPC isn't following you. 2. The boss gets some positions bugs. (He "flashs" and appears at another place)

This release is really very nice!

Thankz so much :D
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Junior Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2015
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There is one actually, but i can't use it, because it gives me an error on game start.
Look in this thread, posted by P5yl0, NeoLauncher.

Each character has deleted section in DB. It will turns to 1 if deleted, if restored 0.
Attack system need recode
All other things you reported is not in my option to improve (should be done by server gm). I'm planning to improve only main gameplay (attack, pvp, inventory)
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
There is one actually, but i can't use it, because it gives me an error on game start.
Look in this thread, posted by P5yl0, NeoLauncher.

Each character has deleted section in DB. It will turns to 1 if deleted, if restored 0.
Attack system need recode
All other things you reported is not in my option to improve (should be done by server gm). I'm planning to improve only main gameplay (attack, pvp, inventory)

Skills have many bugs, if u put it into Attack System to improve is very nice ;)

I don't knew much about C# , but i'm trying to change somethings in source.

[STRIKE]Do u knew where could i get the item id list?[/STRIKE] (Found: xampp\GameServer\data\items.xml )
I found the function to add items to starter pack to created chars and i want to add some items :D

The other think is the Skills List id. I'm searching the source to find the functions to skills but i didn't found which skills the players starts.
I'm planning to create a auto learn skills, but i need to find the basics first (skills id list , function when u got new level, etc) :p


I'm using NeoLauncher, i can open the game and list server's list. But when i choose the server i got: Cannot connect to the server... At server's computer's host i can enter, but with another pc at network i got this error.

I've config the <network_IP> with my server's pc host network ip: but it isn't working...

Someone knews how to fix it, please?

Thank you!!!

Thank you for ur fast reply and for your good work on this project :)
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Junior Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2015
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Attack system i mean world geometry movement (player z, world z, npc z position state)
Id item, look in data
Well, all other is depended on you, a lot of ready guides around.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
Attack system i mean world geometry movement (player z, world z, npc z position state)
Id item, look in data
Well, all other is depended on you, a lot of ready guides around.

I found a xml with id item list ;) But i tried: Sunny Bikini id: 60346. I got the item but with no-image and i got: you can't use this item :p I think that isn't implemented =/

Hum... I'll continue readinh the emulator's source files to learn more. Do u suggest me a place to find emulator's guide? instead google lol?
I didn't find any usefull guide on Tutorials here =(

Thank you!
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2015
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Because it's not coded yet.
Player gears:
weapon, body, hands, legs, rings, earrings - that's all.
The functions for costumes, crystals, enchanting is not coded.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
Because it's not coded yet.
Player gears:
weapon, body, hands, legs, rings, earrings - that's all.
The functions for costumes, crystals, enchanting is not coded.

No problem. The gameplay that u r working is more important ;)
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2015
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Bola, Oh ahahaha, i understand now (this will be fixed)
Yeah, i forgot to check sorcerers classes

Done, now sorcerers are not so "OP" xD.
Will update links a bit later this evening.
EvilEva - (Tera Project) Tera Emulator by P5yl0 Update 140315 - RaGEZONE Forums
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2008
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Bola, Oh ahahaha, i understand now (this will be fixed)
Yeah, i forgot to check sorcerers classes

Done, now sorcerers are not so "OP" xD.
Will update links a bit later this evening.
EvilEva - (Tera Project) Tera Emulator by P5yl0 Update 140315 - RaGEZONE Forums

very very very very very nice news ;) Tyyy!!!!

Now i'm testing code to a gm command: !setadd {class} {set_lv} To get all set (Weapon, Body, Hand, Foot) of lv that u choose ;)
I'm a little sleep, so im fighting with the logic.
But ill do it ;)

Admin command !addset DONE!

How to use: !addset {class} {setLv}

Example: !addset sorcerer 40

Class: warrior ; lancer ; slayer ; berserker ; sorcerer ; archer ; priest ; mystic

Lv: 1 to 65

With this comand you will get the complete test set (Weapon, Body, Hands, Foot) for the class and level that you choose.

Download: (DropBox) -
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Junior Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2015
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Updated 280315(fix sorcerers second skill)
reinstall MySQL database!

EvilEva - (Tera Project) Tera Emulator by P5yl0 Update 140315 - RaGEZONE Forums

About enchanting system
The server side opcode to point mouse and view gear is 0x8E8C...
This can be manually coded from this point. Have no suggestion about effects and how the real Tera enhance should be look, but multiplying stats must be enough...

So... After doing something, here is the result of it:
EvilEva - (Tera Project) Tera Emulator by P5yl0 Update 140315 - RaGEZONE Forums

Maybe someone have suggestion about visual effects.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
Updated 280315(fix sorcerers second skill)
reinstall MySQL database!

o_O Its much better now, ty :D

But with this new release i got a new bug. I don't knew if its because the release, but i didn't get this bug before and got all skills from npc...

It fails to Learn Fire Burn II.


The reason is because i don't have the 2 firsts skills (Fire Burn I and Flame Pilar I) at my skills list.
Only the skills icon at shortcurt bar.
(maybe. i'm right, not? )

This bug is for all classes. When you create a new character, you got the initials skills at shortcurt bar but you don't get the skills in your skills list.

Could you tell me please which is the command to add skill to skill list and a skill's list id? Or how to write a console msg after you using any skill that shows up the skill id?

I found item id list, but nothing to skill.

Thank you :D

Updated 280315(fix sorcerers second skill)
reinstall MySQL database!

About enchanting system
Have no suggestion about effects and how the real Tera enhance should be look, but multiplying stats must be enough...

Very nice \o/
I don't knew too how to enchant works on original Tera, but i agree what you said: bonus status (atk/m. atk/def/...) is good enough.
UPDATE: There are very usefull info about Tera Enchant:

Maybe someone have suggestion about visual effects.
What about some aura's colors of each Lv of enchanting? Like as Line Age 2:
EvilEva - (Tera Project) Tera Emulator by P5yl0 Update 140315 - RaGEZONE Forums

I thinks its a nice visual effect and is simple to implement, isn't it?
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Junior Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2015
Reaction score
Dunno... Have no this trouble, have access to all skills
All basic skills after creating new char is available while pressing K. Maybe you changed something in source code.

EvilEva - (Tera Project) Tera Emulator by P5yl0 Update 140315 - RaGEZONE Forums

Well actually not easy.
There is a reasons why enhance need to be coded manually.
There is no 1725 official working servers around, so this makes impossible to sniff packets with succesfull enhancing.
Visuals, i don't know... Have no idea for now.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
Dunno... Have no this trouble, have access to all skills
All basic skills after creating new char is available while pressing K. Maybe you changed something in source code.
You was right. Ive implemented one command on char cheation to add one mount skill and that's it. The mount skill was replacing all others skills =P
I've used:
Communication.Global.SkillsLearnService.LearnMountSkill(player, 111132);
Do u have some advise? How to add skill, not replace :p

Well actually not easy.
There is a reasons why enhance need to be coded manually.
There is no 1725 official working servers around, so this makes impossible to sniff packets with succesfull enhancing.
Visuals, i don't know... Have no idea for now.

For Visual i've suggested to use aura color for each lv of enchant.
For Enchant System, the Tera's original is a bit complicated: http://forum.ragezone.com/redirect-...l-guide/tera-enchanting-equipment-stats-guide
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2015
Reaction score
You should learn C#...
Because before adding you need to check through all skill data in binary.
Only after check make this equal to index and only after that add.
Please don't ask from me how and where, i'm not a teacher.
Initiate Mage
Aug 13, 2009
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hi can i ask im a noob, how to solve error like this Error Execute SQL File ( queries 21, processed 0, errors 21. heres screenshot..REMOVED
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2015
Reaction score
You have connection, called tera.
Now you should create database called tera inside this connection by clicking RMB.
Only after it, execute SQL database file into tera database by clicking RMB on it.

EvilEva - (Tera Project) Tera Emulator by P5yl0 Update 140315 - RaGEZONE Forums
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
You should learn C#...
Because before adding you need to check through all skill data in binary.
Only after check make this equal to index and only after that add.
Please don't ask from me how and where, i'm not a teacher.

Sorry if i had annoyed you. I'm asking just because i'm trying but it isn't working. Ill continue trying, thank you so much for ur help ;)
Initiate Mage
Aug 13, 2009
Reaction score
tnx got it an hour ago didnt read the instructions well :D cheers..
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2008
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use foreach ("and check here skills id")

ive tried:

int skillId = 111132;
foreach (var id in Data.Data.Skills[0][connection.Player.TemplateId].Keys)
                        if (id == skillId)
                            Communication.Global.SkillsLearnService.LearnMountSkill(player, skillId);

I put the code in: Communication\Logic\PlayErLogic.cs below:

Player player = PlayerService.CreateCharacter(connection, playerData);

but don't did nothing =P ive tried a lot of code, but skills don't like me lol