TERA Steer Server + Box Server (Item Claim System)

TERA Foundation
Jun 3, 2020
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Steer server is designed to manage administrator rules (integration to a WebApp and a Box Server). The Box Server is required to implement the Item Claim system. Requires Python 2.6 (x86) and MySQL 5.7 to work.



  1. Install the Python 2.6 to directory C:\Python26.
  2. Unpack the python-2.6-Lib.zip archive into the C:\Python26 directory.
  3. Unpack the box.zip and steer.zip archives to your TERA Server directory.
Create Database
  1. Open Navicat or HeidiSQL and connect to your MySQL server.
  2. Create two databases named box2db and steer3db.
    Important! Specify the utf8 encoding with collation utf8_unicode_ci when creating the database.
  3. Import sql files from the directory box\DB to database box2db in the following order:
    - BOX_schema_2.16.1.db50.sql
    - BOX_sp_2.16.1.db50.sql
    - BOX_data_2.16.1.db50.sql
    - BOX_update_2.16.1.db50.sql
  4. Import sql files from the directory steerserver\DB to database steer3db in the following order:
    - STEER_schema_3.3.1.db15.sql
    - STEER_sp_3.3.1.db15.sql
    - STEER_data_3.3.1.db15.sql
    - STEER_update_3.3.1.db15.sql
  1. Open the file box\BoxConfig.ini and set the db_user and db_passwd parameters according to your database settings.
  2. Open the file steerserver\SteerConfig.ini and set all db_user and db_passwd parameters according to your database settings.
  3. Open the file boxadminweb\boxadminweb.ini and change the value of the nation_code parameter as en.
  4. Open the file steerweb\steeradminweb.ini and change the value of the nation_code parameter as en.
Servers Starting
  1. To start the Box Server API, run the 1_Box.bat file in the box directory.
  2. To start the Steer Server, run the .bat files in the steer directory in order.
  3. To start the Box Web Admin, run the Start.bat file in the boxadminweb directory.
  4. To start the Steer Web Admin, run the Start.bat file in the steerweb directory.

    Box Web Admin panel: or
    Steer Web Admin panel: or
    Logins: boxadmin and steeradmin
    Password: password
Import the Translation
  1. Unpack the archive steer_translation_EN_RU.zip to any directory.
  2. Go to the Steer Web panel and select 언어 데이터 가져오기 from the 가져오기/내보내기 menu:
    sd7FGFS - TERA Steer Server + Box Server (Item Claim System) - RaGEZONE Forums
  3. Click File upload button and select the file L10N_DisplayGroup_steeradmin_en.csv.
  4. Click File upload button and select the file L10N_Function_steeradmin_en.csv.
Integration WebApp with Steer Server
  1. Download the patch (for patch 100.02).
  2. Unpack the patch to the WebApp\bin directory.
  3. Open the file WebApp\AppResource\WebAppConfig.xml and change like that:
      <SteerServer addr="" port="8105" />
      <Admin id="gadmin" />
      <DbSync option="execute" />
  4. Restart WebApp ApplicationPool or IIS Service.
  5. Login to Steer Web and set new password for the user gadmin:
    hsdn - TERA Steer Server + Box Server (Item Claim System) - RaGEZONE Forums
    Now you can enter WebApp panel with login gadmin and your password set via Steer.
Installation of FCGI Gateway and FCGI WebServer (optional)
  1. Unpack the fcgi_gw.zip and fcgi_webapi.zip archives to your TERA server directory.
  2. To start the FCGI Gateway, run the Start.bat file in the fcgi_gw directory.
  3. To start the FCGI WebServer (nginx), run the Start.bat file in the fcgi_webapi directory.
  4. The FCGI Web API will be available by default at:
    To send an Item Box to a player, you need to send a POST request in JSON to the /make_box.json endpoint.
    Then send a GET request to the /box_noti endpoint so that the user receives a Item Claim notification.

    FCGI Web API reference description available here:
    Requests scheme:
    IKX8S9n - TERA Steer Server + Box Server (Item Claim System) - RaGEZONE Forums
Integration FCGI Gateway with TeraAPI (deprecated)
The latest version of Tera API no longer requires FCGI integration for the Item Claim system to work.
Integration with old version of Tera API:
  1. Make sure that the Box System and the FCGI Gateway Web Server are configured correctly (see previous steps).
  2. Go to the Box Web panel and create Service Items that will be sent when the premium is activated.
  3. Open the config file config\chronoScroll.js and customize the boxContext section according to your preferences. Service Item ids must be specified as item_id.
  4. Open your .env config file and change parameter API_PORTAL_FCGI_GW_WEBAPI_ENABLE to true.
    Change parameter API_PORTAL_FCGI_GW_WEBAPI_URL if necessary.
  5. Restart tera-api.

2j91tbf - TERA Steer Server + Box Server (Item Claim System) - RaGEZONE Forums

6p3AwFl - TERA Steer Server + Box Server (Item Claim System) - RaGEZONE Forums

Official documentation available here: https://forum.ragezone.com/f797/tera-server-official-documentation-1206071/
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BOX_schema_2.16.1.db50.sql imported without errors?
I have no problem when importing a database using HeidiSQL.
I checked now, there are no problems when importing. The database must be encoded utf8_unicode_ci, not utf8_general_ci.
Importing databases is working fine from navicat and heidi sql

I'm stuck at "Integration WebApp 100.02 with the Steer Server" the provided password is not working for me, tried lower and upper case without luck

For those people who has the same problem as me, check this.

hsdn - TERA Steer Server + Box Server (Item Claim System) - RaGEZONE Forums

hsdn thanks for your support!
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Importing databases is working fine from navicat and heidi sql

I'm stuck at "Integration WebApp 100.02 with the Steer Server" the provided password is not working for me, tried lower and upper case without luck

You can try change password of gadmin user in Steer Web panel.
So i am running into a block when creating the DB, i dont have a flat out the option to choose: utf8_unicode_ci
I only have these encodings and i am clueless as to which to choose:

rF58QT - TERA Steer Server + Box Server (Item Claim System) - RaGEZONE Forums
OK so managed to make the DB and imports worked without issues but when starting the box api i get this:
P36n3Yz - TERA Steer Server + Box Server (Item Claim System) - RaGEZONE Forums

EEDIT: nvm, after startingthe first part of the game server it jumped to "server ready" lol
Different issue, but perhaps i am doing something wrong:

I cannot access the pages: or
When going to the WebApp ip i used to go to: i get to the login screen but none of the logins work.

Any suggestions?
Different issue, but perhaps i am doing something wrong:

I cannot access the pages: or
When going to the WebApp ip i used to go to: i get to the login screen but none of the logins work.

Any suggestions?

You start boxadminweb and steerweb servers?
And for login to WebApp with Steer, you need set password for gadmin user in Steer Web Panel.
You start boxadminweb and steerweb servers?
And for login to WebApp with Steer, you need set password for gadmin user in Steer Web Panel.

Yes i started the box api and the steer bat files in order and they all say "Server ready". How do i access the steer web panel?
According the manual the steer web panel should be at: but i cannot access that page for some reason.