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The New XBOX --- Watch live and join the discussion!

"(still lacks brains)"
Loyal Member
Sep 2, 2011
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You can tell they tried to keep everything a secret till the Reveal which is pretty difficult to do in a big company. For you guys who want the specifications:

I personally think the Controller is a step up from the 360 controller, similar design which means it's comfortable on the hands and it looks good as well! I like the thing they have done on the new sticks, looks like it is a big more curved so it is harder to split your finger off by accident. Overall, I think Microsoft and the Xbox Team did great, let's hope for more reveals of games and backwards compatibility, and the low price (hopefully under £600).
Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
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Specification comparison. (MY OPINION!!!)

Xbox One: 8GB DDR3
Playstation 4: 8GB GDDR5
Winner: Playstation 4, GDDR5 is faster than DDR3 from personal experience and some research

Xbox One: AMD 8-core (Modified, 1.6GHz)
Playstation 4: AMD 8-core 'Jaguar' (x86-64, 2.0GHz)
Winner: Playstation 4 by a slight edge

I'd probably go for the Xbox One because it honestly does look good, not sure yet though as I'm waiting for news regarding Playstation 4.

P.S The original PS3 had two chips, one for backwards compatibility for the PS2, they further removed that in the Slim line to reduce costs. The PS4 will not have backwards compatibility on hardware-scale but will utilize The Cloud to play PS3 games.
May 11, 2012
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I think the unknown port you see is used for certain A/V needs such as headsets and stuff (I use it for my Astro Headset), so I'm assuming that's what we'll be connecting to the television for A/V. However, I'm not 100% sure. If not, I'm sort of worried if you'll NEED an HD TV for this console.

OT: Are you at the Reveal?

I really hope the Kinect comes with the Xbox One, but doesn't bump the price up too much. If they really want the Kinect to catch on, that's what they need to do. Otherwise, it's never going to kick off because nobody wants to buy something $400-500 and pay another $150 or so for a camera to put on top. So, I'm hoping they include the Kinect without making the price ridiculous.

Starting price will prob be around £300.
I'm really hoping the price isn't ridiculous. I'd like to buy the console the day it comes out, but if it's too high, I'll just wait 'til the price goes down. Not worth it to buy the console for £600.00 when you may end up having issues with it later. It's definitely not £600.00 though, just an example. If it's gonna be £600.00, sales are gonna be LOW, like really LOW. It looks cool, but not worth £600.00. However, £300.00 is reasonable. :)

It doesn't even matter. People who play PlayStation are still going to buy PS4. People who play Xbox are going to buy Xbox One. The fact that Microsoft's share price dropped and Sony's increased is stupid. It doesn't make a difference. Nobody is going to really change their mind on which one they're going to buy unless they're not really a fan of either or undecided still waiting on specs and stuff, such as zJordan. Most people have it set which one they're going to buy whether it's one of them, both of them, or neither of them.

I apologize for getting involved with the whole Sony vs. Microsoft debate in the first place. Either one you purchase, you're going to enjoy playing it for the most part. The graphics are probably going to be very close if not exactly alike, just like always.
Fell In Love Without You
Loyal Member
Dec 22, 2004
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I was all hyped up for it, till I heard all the reports that you will need to be online and you can't let your friends borrow your games unless they pay a "fee".
"(still lacks brains)"
Loyal Member
Sep 2, 2011
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Sad news guys, Xbox One will NOT be backwards compatible. (Watch the video)

"The Xbox One will not be with Xbox 360 content, as the systems use different core architectures. The Xbox 360 uses a architecture and the Xbox One has moved to an based one"


£600 is NOT low! o_O

Typo, I meant to put "hopefully under £500".

I was all hyped up for it, till I heard all the reports that you will need to be online and you can't let your friends borrow your games unless they pay a "fee".

It will not be always online, Don Mattrick confirmed that.
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May 11, 2012
Reaction score
I was all hyped up for it, till I heard all the reports that you will need to be online and you can't let your friends borrow your games unless they pay a "fee".
That's just a misunderstanding. They never said you'd have to pay for it, PlayStation fans are taking what it actually says and changing it to piss people off and start false rumors.

As far as the being "online" all the time, that's shenanigans. It clearly states on the Xbox One FAQs found on Xbox.com the following:
Xbox One FAQs said:
Q: Does Xbox One require an “always on” Internet connection?
A: No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet. We’re designing Xbox One to be your all-in-one entertainment system that is connected to the cloud and always ready. We are also designing it so you can play games and watch Blu-ray movies and live TV if you lose your connection.

So, you won't have to be online all the time to play Xbox One. It's just recommended in order to use it to it's maximum capabilities. They're working on making it so you can use all or as much of it's features without Internet Connection.

As far as borrowing games, that's not true either. Proof that they're designing a new system fro used games:
Xbox One FAQs said:
Q: Will Xbox One allow players to trade in, purchase and play pre-owned games?
A: We are designing Xbox One to enable customers to trade in and resell games.We’ll have more details to share later.

I can already guess what they're doing. They're probably going to design a system that will allow you to play the game on more then one system using a code of some sort to make sure that you did not steal the game or re-create it (Flashed Xbox 360's allowed people to create ISO disks with games on it, and they would sell it to other people with flashed Xbox's, play it themselves, or use it to Mod online, which is why they're probably doing this to prevent that.). It says nothing anywhere about the inability to borrow games from a friend.

The rumor about borrowing games came from a tech website known as "Wired".
Wired said:
Microsoft did say that if a disc was used with a second account, that owner would be given the option to pay a fee and install the game from the disc, which would then mean that the new account would also own the game and could play it without the disc.
But what if a second person simply wanted to put the disc in and play the game without installing – and without paying extra? In other words, what happens to our traditional concept of a “used game”? This is a question for which Microsoft did not yet have an answer, and is surely something that game buyers (as well as renters and lenders) will want to know. (Update: Microsoft called Wired after this story was originally published to say that the company did have a plan for used games, and that further details were forthcoming.)

Microsoft Denied this Claim, and so did their Panel Architect, Larry Hryb.
Larry Hryb said:
We know there is some confusion around used games on Xbox One and wanted to provide a bit of clarification on exactly what we’ve confirmed today. While there have been many potential scenarios discussed, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail.Beyond that, we have not confirmed any specific scenarios.
Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend’s house – should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile.

So, please stop carrying on these petty rumors. :) Here's what I've found though.
Xbox One FAQs said:
Q: Can I use my current gamertag on Xbox One and will my Gamerscore and Achievements transfer?
A: Yes. Your current Xbox Live Gamertag will stay with you on Xbox One if you choose to keep it, and your hard-earned Gamerscore and Achievements will indeed carry over from Xbox 360.
I think we'll be able to get some free name changes. ;) Good for all of you who have XXASDFSDXX or something you dislike.

All my Sources:

Specification comparison. (MY OPINION!!!)

Xbox One: 8GB DDR3
Playstation 4: 8GB GDDR5
Winner: Playstation 4, GDDR5 is faster than DDR3 from personal experience and some research

Xbox One: AMD 8-core (Modified, 1.6GHz)
Playstation 4: AMD 8-core 'Jaguar' (x86-64, 2.0GHz)
Winner: Playstation 4 by a slight edge

I'd probably go for the Xbox One because it honestly does look good, not sure yet though as I'm waiting for news regarding Playstation 4.

P.S The original PS3 had two chips, one for backwards compatibility for the PS2, they further removed that in the Slim line to reduce costs. The PS4 will not have backwards compatibility on hardware-scale but will utilize The Cloud to play PS3 games.
There's a reason they're using DDR3 and not GDDR5. DDR3 is generally used for computers because the GDDR5 is not advanced in research enough to run the amount of features that a computer requires. Whereas GDDR5 is focused more on Graphics which is why Sony is using it because they're focused more on the concept of gaming rather then "All-In-One" like the Xbox One. Showing that the PS4 probably won't have all the features that the Xbox One does. Not to rant on PS4. Going to have some crazy graphics that Xbox One won't, but if it's a game for both consoles. They're not going to bust their butt to make it better for PS4 when they can make it practically the same.

I'm not too worried about the Backwards Compatibility. It's not like I'm going to sell my Xbox 360 unless I really need to. They're still not going to close the doors on the 360 yet either, but I'm not going to wait around with the 360. People keep complaining about the Xbox One's looks. Who cares what the actual console looks like. It's not there for decoration in my opinion. I don't plan to stare at it all day, do you?
Apr 28, 2010
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That would be pretty cool, however I think it might be late for that. I know they're starting something with DVDs on Windows 8 RT Tablets where it has a code, that comes with the DVD, you can type in and it will play that DVD without inserting the disc in, so maybe they can do something like that. I don't know though because that was only because of the tablet being too small for a disc drive.

I really think that Microsoft is saying "Take those features and shove 'em up your butt!" to Sony. They're adding all kinds of cool stuff now, and all the features that were on PS3 that they should've added on Xbox 360, but didn't such as Blu-Ray, Trayless Disc Drive, Motion Sensors, etc. The Xbox 360 seemed to be a rush job of sorts to catch up with PS3. I think that Xbox One has been in the works since Xbox 360 was launched or at least a year or two after. They made mistakes on Xbox 360 like RRoD, features like stated, and features that they added in late. They tried fixing that by making new versions of the Console like Elite, Arcade, Slim, but they didn't work out too well. So, now I think they're going to take all the reasons that PlayStation fans have to not like Xbox and that make PlayStation "better" then Xbox and fix them and make them better to add on to that. The only thing that will hold them back is the fact that they're still going to charge for Xbox LIVE Membership.

To all of those who think that PS4 will be better then Xbox One, take this into consideration:

- Xbox One will have 100x better, faster, and greater connections while online then PS4, Why?
Microsoft is going to have 300,000 SECURE (not going to be hacked like PlayStation Servers were) servers running for Xbox LIVE. Only Xbox has the means to do this, and that's what we, the users of Xbox LIVE, pay for. Safe, Secure, and Fast servers which is why Microsoft can afford 300,000 of them.

Why won't Sony be able to compete with this?
Do you honestly believe that Sony will buy 300,000 safe, secure, and INSTANTANEOUS servers for un-paying users? If you think so, you should seek assistance from a Doctor. If they did do this, they would probably go bankrupt because they don't have the means to do so.

- As always, Downloadable Content for games and other features/accessories will be available FIRST on Xbox LIVE for more then just Call of Duty. Microsoft has the money to do this multiple times, and they have the connections to get companies to go through with it.

Why can't Sony compete?
The do not have the money to compete with Microsoft in any negotiations with companies. 'Nuff said about that.

- Microsoft is already working with companies to get exclusive features in games ONLY for Xbox customers. One being, FIFA Ultimate Team *Exclusive Content* which, like stated already, will probably send FIFA fans running to purchase Xbox One.

Why can't Sony compete?
They do not have the money or connections to compete with Microsoft.

I'm not trying to slander Sony in any way, and I actually do believe their products are quite great. They just won't be able to compete with Microsoft this time around, due to the fact that they don't have the means to do so. They are a very popular, wealthy, and technologically advanced company, but not to the degree in which Microsoft simply is.

So, please, don't take my previous comments the wrong way.

Still +1 for Xbox One, exclusive content.
Sony bought out a cloud server company, I think they can compete fairly well. If you didn't hear.. All games will be tied to an xbx account. If you give the game to a friend they have to pay a fee depending on the game. If you buy a used game, you have to pay an additional fee as well
Experienced Elementalist
Jul 22, 2012
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You know why they call it the Xbox One? Because you do One 360 and keep walking.

Yes I know, you'll be facing the Xbox again, because the Xbox is amazing.

I'm glad Microsoft have denied rumors that made some people worried about the new console.
It won't fit
Loyal Member
May 18, 2007
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I doubt there will be an increase in price. However, they will most likely still charge for Xbox LIVE, but that's only to assure the best in services, unlike PlayStation Network.

@zJordan While you do make valid points, I do honestly believe Xbox 360 was, is, and will forever be the best system between PS3 and Xbox 360. I know that PlayStation had some features that the 360 did not have, but it still does not beat the amount of games that came out EXCLUSIVELY on Xbox.

If you're going to complain about the fact they charge to play online on Xbox LIVE, you can just take it easy. It's really not that bad in all reality, and it's worth the money if you're really into playing online. Better Services throughout, and not for nothing much more secure.

We pay for the sole reason to protect our personal information, our accounts, and the servers themselves from potential hackers and other threats. PlayStation Network is free, but very insecure to a high degree. The fact that a small group of hackers was able to hack the servers and steal 77,000,000 accounts in less than 48 hours is ridiculous. That just shows you how insecure the PlayStation Network servers are. That means the personal information of 77,000,000 people, compromised in a matter of 2 days because 7,000,000 people did not want to pay $5.00/month, $60.00/year. Maybe $8.00-$10.00/month in Pre-Paid Cards.


Fanboy harder please...

People like you sound like retards. Defending a console/Company completely one sided. M$ has been hacked more times then Sony. Network, Console, and Services wise. ONLY difference is, they don't tell you about it. So if poop hits the fan, they feign ignorance. Like that massive account hacking fiasco some years back. Instead of admitting some one got into their systems they blamed it on the users. This was proved because there was a zip file with thousands of accounts in it floating around the darknet. Oh, there was also that time people found out a way to reuse Xbox Live points more then once. But oh, M$ never gets hacked...
You can lean on that lame excuse all you want. Keep deluding yourself into thinking MS never gets hacked. If that helps you sleep at night.

Moving on to this "better network" rumor. Firstly it's shenanigans and anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves. I know this for a fact because I own both a PS3 and a Xbox 360. I CONSTANTLY get randomly booted, disconnected and locked from parties, games, videos and everything else that uses their crappy network. Just because you pay for a service doesn't mean that money goes towards improving said service. On the other hand. I've never once had that issue with my ps3 over the years I've owned it.

Microsoft is a software company. Sony is a hardware company. That's their high points. Expecting them to far exceed at anything else outside of that is borderline ridiculous. If you think a console that has an average lifespan of less then a year is best the thing since sliced bread, that's your prerogative, me? No sir, When I buy something I expect it to last. I don't want to have to fix it every couple of months because it "red rings". I know better, and anyone who isn't a fanboy will know a clear cut difference between each console each generation. I know people who went through more Xboxes then the amount of consoles ever released, due to them all getting the RROD. That's Ducking insane to say the LEAST, and THAT is why the xbox 360 is a complete and utter piece of poop, not to mention the console was hacked months after it was released.

The 360 has great community features. I.E x game chat. W/e that's good for. I rarely used it.
The PS3 doesn't even touch the xbox in that aspect true enough. Everything else. is just bleh.

This is why you pay for Xbox Live Gold. So they can fund the mountains of software they use to detect hackers, and hacked consoles.
Software programmers don't come cheap, and each year, with each new console they have to create better software to combat hackers. Why? Because their console's security is a joke. Had they created better consoles they wouldn't have that issue, and they wouldn't need so much money, and I.E They probably wouldn't need to charge people to access a game they've already paid for.

While MS is spending money to combat the on slew of hackers, Sony is spending money to create a better console.

I give it 5 months before the Xbox One is completely hacked to where you can play pirated games with ease.

Fanboys need to be put in their place. Know your facts or don't even post...

300,000 servers... hah! Xbox live powers more then just allowing you to play games online. So them saying they need 300,000 servers is no surprise. Videos, Movies, Music, Downloads, and all that other extra unneeded poop is also Xbox Live and has poop to do with playing online. If they're service was so urber, why does voice chat sound like complete poop? Oh wait, it's because they force the party host to host the connection in stead of the xbox live network. You're paying microsoft to let you host a party server off your own connection.

M$ Knows how to make money, and that's all they care about. They've even said it on multiple occasions How people can blindly fall behind such a company is beyond me.
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Aww, you looking here? <3
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2003
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Fanboy harder please...

The irony and hypocrisy of this, it hurts!

And on a side note with regards to the "Red Ring of Death!~!~!~!!!!!!" - I've owned a first line up 360 from initial launch and it has lasted me til I replaced it with the 360 S.

Both the 360 and PS3 are great consoles, the fact you're trying to throw in a debate war here in saying which is better is just sad with regards to the quote above.

But as it currently stands, unless MS has something to WOW me come this E3 I'm getting the PS4. And this is coming from someone that has favored the 360 over the PS3...
May 11, 2012
Reaction score
Sony bought out a cloud server company, I think they can compete fairly well. If you didn't hear.. All games will be tied to an xbx account. If you give the game to a friend they have to pay a fee depending on the game. If you buy a used game, you have to pay an additional fee as well
The rumor about borrowing games came from a tech website known as "Wired".

MentaL - The New XBOX --- Watch live and join the discussion! - RaGEZONE Forums
Originally Posted by Wired
Microsoft did say that if a disc was used with a second account, that owner would be given the option to pay a fee and install the game from the disc, which would then mean that the new account would also own the game and could play it without the disc.
But what if a second person simply wanted to put the disc in and play the game without installing – and without paying extra? In other words, what happens to our traditional concept of a “used game”? This is a question for which Microsoft did not yet have an answer, and is surely something that game buyers (as well as renters and lenders) will want to know. (Update: Microsoft called Wired after this story was originally published to say that the company did have a plan for used games, and that further details were forthcoming.)

Microsoft Denied this Claim, and so did their Panel Architect, Larry Hryb.

MentaL - The New XBOX --- Watch live and join the discussion! - RaGEZONE Forums
Originally Posted by Larry Hryb
We know there is some confusion around used games on Xbox One and wanted to provide a bit of clarification on exactly what we’ve confirmed today. While there have been many potential scenarios discussed, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail.Beyond that, we have not confirmed any specific scenarios.
Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend’s house – should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile.
