The Post Your Favorite Linux Distribution Thread!

MS-DOS 6.1

oops! ;)

Would have to agree with NoPeace, I enjoy Fedora Core 6+ as well.. nice and efficient :-)
Ive never ran fedora core, gonna try it out during spring break though. The first linux OS i ever used was actually red hat, so ill prolly enjoy fedora core.

FC is basically Red Hat with a fancy GUI and no tech support. So if you like Red Hat you'll probably like FC unless you don't like the pretty GUI it has. O.O

NoPeace - out
Sabayon, for Beryl. Only reason I use linux is for that beautiful eye-candy.

Don't start, I got you into linux so be quiet >_>.

Anyways, I like ubuntu with beryl.
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Same with me, Ubuntu is the easiest to use and the best at getting new people into Linux. I also run Beryl and it is so amazing it is probably one of the main reasons I switched to Linux :)