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The Rules

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New rule has been introduced:

Staff said:
Addition to the rules. . .

If you are banned and start a new account, yet continue to do wrongful acts you do not get warnings. So if you get banned on one account, then start another, do not be surprised if you cannot access the forums after flaming/spamming or doing anything against the RaGEZONE Forum Rules.


in addition to the rules that are already in place:

Neosparky said:
1. Show respect towards each other. Flames are not welcome in the Ragezone Forum. Keep personal attacks to a minimum...

2. We will not tolerate racism, (explicitly)personal attacks, or threatening of each other, which Includes Verbal Or Written Abuse, Ingame Physical Abuse Or Racist Jokes To An Extent To where people are complaining.

3. Do not post in ALL UPPERCASE or all big sized text. Turn off your Caps Lock before posting.

4. Please try to stay on topic. The Off Topic forum does not mean that you can go off topic and spam all over those threads, it's there to make topics not related to the game.

5. Do not repeat post an existing thread. If you have something to say, please post it on the old thread, also DO NOT continue a locked thread by making a new one.

6. Please do not spam the board. Excessive spamming will be deleted and can result in your forum account banned.

7. Do not deliberately circumvent the censor filter, especially for "banned" websites or other forums

8. Continuing a locked thread is not allowed. If you feel your thread has been wrongly locked and really feel the urge to protest, PM a moderator/administrator about it and it'll be looked at... this does NOT mean it will be reopened, it will be considered

9. Avatars are not disabled, but you can have one only when you have achieved 100 posts (posts, not spam).

10. Other forum/server related threads/posts are not welcome here

11. Signatures should not be longer then about 5 lines on normal font size (just be reasonable). If your signature is too long you'll be pm'd to adjust it. fail to do so and it will be edited for you.
Do not use signatures to advertise other mir2 forums, or ****** links(exeption read #15), your personal website(wether or not mir2 website)is allowed, if you have doubts about wether its allowed pls ask an admin or moderator.

12. Badmouthing, insulting and making false accusations against GM's, moderators or administrators can lead to immediate ban.

13. Do NOT post threads asking about something that has already been discussed, especially sticky threads (READ THEM, they're important)

14. This is an english forum, so please post in english

15. Do not post/spam links to games like outwars, its allowed in signature only if it clearly states thats its a link to for example outwars, and what it does. If in doubt ask a moderator or admin.

16. We do not support hacks cheats or any other of that kind, posting it or asking for them can lead to a direct ban.

17. Do not ever being issues from someones IRL into the game.. i will personally ban you for doing this.

18. Use common sence if you think its not allowed it probably isnt

Breaking of any of these rules can lead to your post being edited/deleted (consider this a warning, do NOT edit your post back if a moderator/administrator did...)
Continued breaking of the rules will lead to a 2 day ban (after being warned, unless you've totally gone out of line) and eventually to a permanent ban.

Maintainers of theres rules are the moderators and our beloved administrator, Mental
Respect them and their decisions.

If you do not agree with these rules you are free to leave

Please respect these at all times; failure to do so will result in warnings or bans. You have no excuse.

Thankyou and enjoy RaGEZONE.COM.
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