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The world is awesome!

Master Summoner
Oct 26, 2006
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On my way back from work today, I was approached by two men. They were among hundreds of other commuters who walk this street daily. I never have a moment to pay any attention to any specific people. There was nothing striking about these two. We all go about our own business. The Occasionally there are friendly commuters I bump into. They wish you a happy day and greet you with a smile. Today was different. I did not see any friendly commuters.

These men were no ordinary commuters. Just as I was about to pass them, they blocked my path. I kindly requested them to excuse me. Instead of being a friendly commuter, they decide to pull out a knife. The instance I saw the knife I rolled my eyes knowing what was about to happen. I was getting mugged. They requested me to hand over any cash or valuables in my possession. With two knives pointing towards me I had no other option. They left with everything I had in possession which included my wallet, cellphone, iTouch and a necklace I have had since I was able to walk and talk.

It was a long walk home. I still cannot not believe what has happened in the past few hours. Was I suppose to fight back? Was I suppose to yell for help? Life is simply too expensive to do any of them. At the end, I was just lucky to leave without a scratch.

This world is just awesome!
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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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"pardon me sir, I must request that you hand over any cash or valuables that are in your possession."
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Loyal Member
Feb 2, 2008
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I wouldv'e ran, or tried. If you wouldn't succeed in that, call for help. Weren't others around you? You should carry a gun around, legally. Drive a car, could help.
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Loyal Member
Mar 31, 2006
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duck it man you did the right thing, I'd much rather lose some material items than be seriously injured. You can't afford to risk things like this. Try report it to the police though
Master Summoner
Oct 26, 2006
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I wouldv'e ran, or tried. If you wouldn't succeed in that, call for help. Weren't others around you? You should carry a gun around, legally. Drive a car, could help.

Easier said than done. Being a second away from making the front page of a newspaper makes you appreciate life. I could have yelled for help but with two knives pointing your direction words don't come out of your mouth at all.

I live in Boston. There are more chances of someone dying as a result of slipping on ice. Today also happened to be the day of the month when I take my car away for monthly servicing. Talk about luck.
Experienced Elementalist
Aug 22, 2008
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report them as stolen, also, you might want to learn a a self defense. If your anything like the rest of us, a knife is something to watch for, ofc dont turn your back on them, but instead learn what to do when faced with two attackers, usually taking 1 on 1 by seperating yourself or forcing them to come at you one at a time. Thing is, your one of the many who arent lucky.

If you arent rich enough to learn self defense, you can basically look online and learn from the internet. Here's also a pointer if your going to do that, learn to use RAGE. Yes, that feeling inside of you, the dark red or black feeling where your animal instincts take over, but you have to combine it with fighting experience. First of all, you'll fight better, and maybe your attackers will flee. Combined with some lessons or practice of a self defense you will be more likely to succeed in victory. Worst case scenario is you get stabbed and die, if they are aiming to kill. Best case scenario is you take their wallets and items and leave them there naked.

Sucks for you, but a good saying is: Dont try to ignore on aspect of life, you may not be able to afford to ignore it.

another good saying is, Value is not a item, but the process of aquiring that item. As for success, Success isnt measured by common or professional knowledge, but rather on how you use your mind to achieve what you want without violating or hurting others.

Hope that helps. :p
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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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did you just advise somebody to fight against two armed attackers using techniques they learned... on the internet?
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 8, 2008
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Well, it's good that your ok, that's really all that matters in reality.
Master Summoner
Oct 26, 2006
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My hands aren't as sharp or lethal as a knife. I have been taking Muy Thai lesson for past year. Consider the odds of trying to take on two guys with knife. You aren't going to get far without harming yourself. Lucky me they weren't pointing guns either.

Those items except the necklace can be replaced. On the other hand, life cannot be replaced.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 8, 2008
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Did you cherish the necklace or something? was it like an air loom from a grandparent or parent or something?
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 7, 2008
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Life sucks. Life is unfair. I hate the universe's choices.
Experienced Elementalist
Aug 22, 2008
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did you just advise somebody to fight against two armed attackers using techniques they learned... on the internet?

ofc i adivsed him to take on 2 knives and 2 ppl by bringing them into a 1 vs 1 formation, forcing them to be limited to fighting him 1 at a time lowers their success rate, and i advised him to practice fighting, even if he learned it on the net, and use them and if possible get into a real fight with them. Your capacity is a bit low so ill explain. The only true way to learn how to fight is to do it, but moofin does not have the mind set to take on opponents in the real world, only in his dojo where it is controlled.

You do not need hands lethal like knives, your only goal is to disable your opponent, or to get away. Your aim is to get away, even fi it means killing them. You have to train your mind to react in all situations isntantly and subconciously. I can understand your fear since ive been in instances where ive been outnumbered and left without a weapon, but you need to turn that fear into motivation and that motivation into reaction. If for some reason your body is incapable of performing you can always do what you did. What would have happened if they knifed you after they took your items? or if one ran off and the other proceeded to molest you? If it was up to me I prolly would have thrown my valuables far away from me, then as they were stunned proceeded to beat the duck out of them, or if possible to get away, most likely to duck em up and stab them, but im twisted that way.

When you go to learn, sure you got someone to walk you through each throw and punch, but ultimate it is up to you to perform the moves without guidance. Sure its easier, but if you diligently practice your kicks correct i.e. teacher helping you kick a body bag vs you by yourself kicking a steel pole. If his capacity is low, then i advise him to take the classes and forget doing it on his own. I'm saying your teacher is useless if you lack the ability to master it yourself. No teacher or amount of videos can make you a fighter, only be exp can you.

Hes lucky he didnt get beat, else he would have been exp debt -178 lvl 0.
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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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the fact that you describe people as having 'levels' tells me you don't really know much about real life.
Junior Spellweaver
May 11, 2008
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I would of ran probably, when ur in danger a knife in the back wont be nothing, ur legs will just tell u to run.
Loyal Member
Dec 4, 2007
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You can always carry a knife on you, for self-defense. Of course, I'm not telling you that you should use it, but if the time ever comes where you're in this situation again, or worse, you can protect yourself and your valuables.

But it was a good choice to hand your stuff over. You never know what they could have done to you. But if you were in a public street, with many people walking by... Wouldn't someone notice something is wrong?
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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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You can always carry a knife on you, for self-defense. Of course, I'm not telling you that you should use it, but if the time ever comes where you're in this situation again, or worse, you can proetct yourself and your valuables.

yeah because getting into a 2 on 1 knife fight is always a wonderful idea

listen, OP, seriously. You did the right thing. It's not worth risking your life over replaceable material possessions.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 31, 2005
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Tbh I would have done the same, knives is for pussies !
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 10, 2007
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Glad to hear you alive, and well. Oh, and like everyone else said, you did the right thing. It'd be silly ro risk your life over something that can be replaced.
Junior Spellweaver
May 11, 2008
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well ur still not sure what their capable of, but u should of tried talking with em and say that dont do this man!
I'll take you all on.
Loyal Member
May 11, 2004
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hey Moof, you did the right thing buddy. I'm glad you're ok.