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The Zeitgeist Movement

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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 18, 2008
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Reply to this message, if you feel like the following...

- A controlled person
- Working for the goverment
- Being a slave for the growth of goverments, and banks

It's just annoying me now, how I always through that, that is the way it goes or in other words. Thats the way the cookie crumbles. Now, this video changes a lot of knowledge the way you think about the goverment, how the United States assisnated the good guys, because they wanted to currupt them, for being Loyal to their country, I always through that America had a great history, and I admired their administration. But after watching that with my family, I felt like a right waffle. Honestly.

I got my teachers to have this showed to the students at my school, during assembly just the important parts, well actually the whole 4 parts are important. Its just very hard to take that in, and say what its true, because other people will try and say It's shenanigans, and others will agree or disagree to the video. I respect that. But it would be funny, if someone disagreed to something that is true. Anyways I'm gonna shut up. LOL
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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you guys realise that this whole 'movement' is largely ideological so anyone who talks about 'the facts' when referring to it is a goddamn moron.
Custom Title Activated
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Jun 28, 2007
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Re: the zeitgeist movement

If you want to take anything with you , then bring common sense. Solarcells ain't efficient in every single part of the world (Even yesterday's Black Silicium invention will help in a few years), and not all countries got a Shoreline. Where I live Oil , Gas and Wind is the most efficient energy.

False, Oil and Gas, in the way we consume it, is VERY inefficient. Solar cells have 20% efficiency, better then most electricity-generating-systems.

Also, organic solar cells are rising. Here in Groningen we do research at the university, one of the few, to make solar cells not out of silicium, but carbon. These reach efficiency 5% (I myself made one, 2% :D), when these get into mass production, it would be much and much cheaper, and you can have solar cells in your jacket, jeans, bags, just in the paint...paint entire walls with solar cells (yes, like you normally paint a wall!)...if these reach the marked, solar cells would be hot topic (even more) and could easily solve energy problems.

you guys realise that this whole 'movement' is largely ideological so anyone who talks about 'the facts' when referring to it is a goddamn moron.

If you think so, please point us what is false. Backup with some trustful references please.
Junior Spellweaver
Feb 16, 2006
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I agree with the economics part, but do you realy think that the technology is the key to our problems ?
Ofcourse technology helps alot, but its not a solution.
Venus project - no system, no laws, no jobs, no money...are you kidding me ?
Arent you afraid, if this movement grow too much and US will forced to send hitmans and assasin movement leaders :closedeyes::lol:?
Custom Title Activated
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Aug 18, 2005
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Re: the zeitgeist movement

If you think so, please point us what is false. Backup with some trustful references please.

oh you mean like exactly how you didn't in your post? don't be hypocritical.

I didn't say anything was 'false', I said it was ideological. Calling others 'ignorant' or 'uneducated' for not instantly jumping on this movement makes no sense at all given that ideologies are purely personal things. But as far as ideologies go i have to say this one is pretty pathetic. "air and tap water is free therefore everything would be free if there was enough of it"? Are you serious?

(tap water isn't even free btw)
Arrogant Wizard
Loyal Member
Mar 30, 2007
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aye very true, get yourself out of the majority mate

accept what is factual and what we can change and simply entertain the rest
I'll be waiting for the day you show up at my door with proper proof, not idealogical propaganda.
In the mean time, I'll threat all you belivers like I threat Jehova's Withness and other brainwashed organizations, laugh at you and slam the door.

And after that I'll enjoy the system as it benefits ME alot more than it benefits you from the sound of it.

Poor scrubs will always cry <3
Sep 10, 2006
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Re: the zeitgeist movement

Back to our issue:
DeathArt, its democracy not democrazy, an intellectual like you should know that. Unless you're making the mistake on purpose for a stylistic effect.
Someone who claims his english is perfect should know that, not an intellectual.

Now your being racist pretty much, you seriously need to be quiet.

It's more about teaching everyone about sex not just Africans.
Racist? It's a fact that Africans need to be taught about sex and protection, not more not less.
Custom Title Activated
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Jun 28, 2007
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Re: the zeitgeist movement

oh you mean like exactly how you didn't in your post? don't be hypocritical.

I just as easily could.

I didn't say anything was 'false', I said it was ideological.


  1. Of or pertaining to an ideology.
  2. Based on an ideology or misleading studies or statistics, especially based on the media or propaganda. Not based on scientific evidence or reality.

Calling others 'ignorant' or 'uneducated' for not instantly jumping on this movement makes no sense at all given that ideologies are purely personal things. But as far as ideologies go i have to say this one is pretty pathetic. "air and tap water is free therefore everything would be free if there was enough of it"? Are you serious?

(tap water isn't even free btw)

Of course it's not all true what is said in the video, it's about the essence of what they try to tell you. It is true that diamonds are burnt to keep them rare, how weird is that? How wasting is that?

A system without money would prevent this, a system where companies don't go for market share and their profits leads to more carefully treating the environment and thus ourselves, as well as less wasting or pollutions.

It sadly is true energy companies still build coal industries and oil producers try to slow down new ways of transport without oil...why? Because they want to make profit, they couldn't care less about health or environment, the only thing they go for is profit, which is a very sad thing.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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Re: the zeitgeist movement

I just as easily could.


  1. Of or pertaining to an ideology.
  2. Based on an ideology or misleading studies or statistics, especially based on the media or propaganda. Not based on scientific evidence or reality.

Uhh ok, did you just edit that yourself? because I'm pretty sure ideological that.

Of course it's not all true what is said in the video, it's about the essence of what they try to tell you. It is true that diamonds are burnt to keep them rare, how weird is that? How wasting is that?
this is the kind of thing youre gonna have to start providing sources for. or maybe three or four.
A system without money would prevent this, a system where companies don't go for market share and their profits leads to more carefully treating the environment and thus ourselves, as well as less wasting or pollutions.

It sadly is true energy companies still build coal industries and oil producers try to slow down new ways of transport without oil...why? Because they want to make profit, they couldn't care less about health or environment, the only thing they go for is profit, which is a very sad thing.

Ok. Ask yourself this: You have just abolished all monetary systems and capital from the world. Now what happens?


Experienced Elementalist
Jun 17, 2007
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Sad thing is that I didn't look at the video, and probably won't. Just by seeing the reaction of this whole thread, the video seems to be quite "extremist" (not in a good nor bad way). If you agree, you have to go with the thread and spread it. If you don't, you're screwed, not anyone here will support you. I understand people who would respect this video as much as people who wouldn't. I just don't think it's a good thing for me to watch it. What's the point if, after watching it, I won't be anymore happy, nor anymore appreciated by anyone on either side. I probably won't make a change either, even if the whole concept is to make a change "together", I guess. Oh and, of course, the moderator warning: "If you're below the age of 14-16, don't even bother trying to understand." (or something similar). Doesn't really help me at 15. Doesn't make me want to look at it. Doesn't even make me want to take position and have an opinion.

*Nerves off*.
P.S.: Please don't flame this, it's pointless. This was just... a nerves-let-out.
P.P.S.: If it wasn't clear, I don't take any side regarding this video, and think everyone's opinion in this thread is valuable.
P.P.P.S.: ololol69.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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Sad thing is that I didn't look at the video, and probably won't. Just by seeing the reaction of this whole thread, the video seems to be quite "extremist" (not in a good nor bad way). If you agree, you have to go with the thread and spread it. If you don't, you're screwed, not anyone here will support you. I understand people who would respect this video as much as people who wouldn't. I just don't think it's a good thing for me to watch it. What's the point if, after watching it, I won't be anymore happy, nor anymore appreciated by anyone on either side. I probably won't make a change either, even if the whole concept is to make a change "together", I guess. Oh and, of course, the moderator warning: "If you're below the age of 14-16, don't even bother trying to understand." (or something similar). Doesn't really help me at 15. Doesn't make me want to look at it. Doesn't even make me want to take position and have an opinion.

*Nerves off*.
P.S.: Please don't flame this, it's pointless. This was just... a nerves-let-out.
P.P.S.: If it wasn't clear, I don't take any side regarding this video, and think everyone's opinion in this thread is valuable.
P.P.P.S.: ololol69.
Indeed, what's the point in watching it if you're automatically labelled "ignorant" "elitist" and "dumb" if you don't happen to agree with everything in it? It's that kind of attitude that stifles constructive debate and prevents anything from developing, because why even bother discussing something when you know the likes of vendaku metal are gonna start flaming you if your personal view is apparently "wrong"?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 28, 2008
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I'll be waiting for the day you show up at my door with proper proof, not idealogical propaganda.
In the mean time, I'll threat all you belivers like I threat Jehova's Withness and other brainwashed organizations, laugh at you and slam the door.

And after that I'll enjoy the system as it benefits ME alot more than it benefits you from the sound of it.

Poor scrubs will always cry <3

Lol, you've been threating us?

If you have you suck really badly at it lol.
May 3, 2004
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Indeed, what's the point in watching it if you're automatically labelled "ignorant" "elitist" and "dumb" if you don't happen to agree with everything in it? It's that kind of attitude that stifles constructive debate and prevents anything from developing, because why even bother discussing something when you know the likes of vendaku metal are gonna start flaming you if your personal view is apparently "wrong"?

You just love to embrace hypocrisy with an iron fist.

Anyways. I don't give a poop, if you disagree with this video. But if you do it in such a way that makes you look like an intellectual elitist(Like DeathArt over there), yeah. You'll get labeled, but its only appropriate.

I personally can't see how anyone can disagree with the simple fact, that we need change. Hell, you don't even need to watch the god damn video to come to that conclusion.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2005
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Re: the zeitgeist movement

Ok. Ask yourself this: You have just abolished all monetary systems and capital from the world. Now what happens?

It's like asking a man who was born in a cave, who lived in a cave, and never ventured out, what is it like outside?

We can't imagine a world without it, simply because we're so used to it. We were born into it, our parents were born into it, and we hope our children to be born in it, doing any different would mean chaos.
Once all of the population as a whole comes to a higher understanding in unison, which most people would probably believe would never happen, but once we reach that sort of mentality, then we would know what next...and that's pretty much the easiest transition into a drastic change like the one you mentioned.

If as you say it just happened all of a sudden, without warning, there would be chaos, there would be fighting...and maybe over time it would ease down...or maybe we would live a survival of the fittest type scenario, quite literally.

It would be impossible to transition into the end result shown in the movie, over night...or a few years, it would take ages...but it would be quicker if people consider a world without all the things we have right now, as hard as it may be for some with families, and children, and so on.

Minb2, for the age thing, that was me...that was not mentioned anywhere in the first post or mental's post. I very well understand that there are many young people who would understand the video, but a majority probably wouldn't, as shown by the first few posts in the thread itself.
Arrogant Wizard
Loyal Member
Mar 30, 2007
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You just love to embrace hypocrisy with an iron fist.

Anyways. I don't give a poop, if you disagree with this video. But if you do it in such a way that makes you look like an intellectual elitist(Like DeathArt over there), yeah. You'll get labeled, but its only appropriate.

I personally can't see how anyone can disagree with the simple fact, that we need change. Hell, you don't even need to watch the god damn video to come to that conclusion.
Oi, I AM a intellectual elitist, I wouldn't claim anything else.

But to counter argue, you make yourself look like a scrub, so I'll label you as a scrub. Happy now? :D

I strongly doubth any of you done anything seriously, besides sending ZOMG LINKS to your friends since you saw the video. So much for your new world order.
Arrogant Wizard
Loyal Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Re: the zeitgeist movement

this is the kind of thing youre gonna have to start providing sources for. or maybe three or four.

They won't EVER have any decent sources on any of their claims, so they boil it into a long story where they combine history and random people who say random things to make you belive it's true.

It's how you make propaganda. But I'm sure the kids here is to young to know the meaning of the word.

No okay, wait. I'll ask one serious question:

If you had your New World Order tomorrow, what would you do with the people who would disagree with how it works.

Come, I dare you. Answer it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 23, 2004
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Re: the zeitgeist movement


They won't EVER have any decent sources on any of their claims, so they boil it into a long story where they combine history and random people who say random things to make you belive it's true.

It's how you make propaganda. But I'm sure the kids here is to young to know the meaning of the word.

No okay, wait. I'll ask one serious question:

If you had your New World Order tomorrow, what would you do with the people who would disagree with how it works.

Come, I dare you. Answer it.

Quoted for truth.

Zeitgeist is just another way for people who hate the world to get others to hate it just as much as they do. Sure there is a lot of corruption in the world, there always has and there always will be. It's the closed-minded supremacists who make it that way. Just like those people here who automatically discard your ideas for disagreeing without even considering that you have a valid point. People need to learn the power to pick and choose what they believe to be right and wrong and not just assume "Well hey, I agree with a few things that are said here so that must mean that its ALL correct."

That is just my two cents on the matter, I have never been for the whole zeitgeist movement as I believe that the world can be changed without taking such drastic measures.
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