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TheHabbos shutdown? Private 

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Junior Spellweaver
Jun 17, 2011
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But nothing illegal is being done.

That's not strictly true. Whilst linking to a retro is legal, they're still using Sulake's IP (images of Habbos, Habbo furniture etc. in the banners). Sulake could push against them again.
Loyal Member
Nov 16, 2009
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That's not strictly true. Whilst linking to a retro is legal, they're still using Sulake's IP (images of Habbos, Habbo furniture etc. in the banners). Sulake could push against them again.

All trough, the same thing happens here at RZ. People post copyrighted things like furni, images swfs etc. The webmaster is safe. Only the people that are putting their website on thehabbos.org or other website are the ones that are doing something illegal.

And btw thehabbos.org is back online.
Loyal Member
Oct 28, 2008
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But Dom, doesn't that count as external image url? If say I uploaded my logo to imgur and then used that link for the picture, can't Josh say "I didn't know that he'd use your IP".

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Nov 29, 2006
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But Dom, doesn't that count as external image url? If say I uploaded my logo to imgur and then used that link for the picture, can't Josh say "I didn't know that he'd use your IP".

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes but they can just drag it out and make him remove links to all the images everytime someone uploads an image of Habbo - not sure about the actual links themselves, I have no idea but I'm pretty sure they can insist on the images being removed.
May 11, 2012
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Sulake are meant to be professional, I doubt they're being professional with that letter... It made no sense at all, if I received or anyone else received a letter from "Sulake" - What I would do personally is, rip it up :)

They also might just not have perfect English skills like many people on this forum.
You know, "I beez teh pirsin to divehlup zee emewl80rz, pleezzz dunt givz me teh DAMC frum teh sualkez."
No offense to those who do try to use good grammar when they're not too familiar with the language. :thumbup: Just merely making a point, although it does seem weird how all these DMCAs are being sent out with bad grammar.

What if it's just some random dude who got tired of Habbo Retros, and started sending these out after Aaron got into issues with Sulake?
wy479 - TheHabbos shutdown? - RaGEZONE Forums

"Hehehehehe, these motherfuckers are gonna poop their pants when they get these. -takatakataka on the keyboard- Mhhmm, lemme think of a stupid name to fool them. Hmmmm, AHA! -takatakataka more on the keyboard- 'Olga Sanchez' HAAAAAAA, they'll never know!"

Then when you get the letter, if you sign it and send it back, the guy is just like.
wy479 - TheHabbos shutdown? - RaGEZONE Forums

"Oh look, a letter from those sons 'uh' bitches that own retros, let me just throw it on the stove here. -puff of smoke-"
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 1, 2012
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Occam's razor (also written as Ockham's razor from William of Ockham, and in Latin lex parsimoniae) is a principle of parsimony, economy, or succinctness used in logic and problem-solving. It states that among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

The application of the principle often shifts the burden of proof in a discussion. The razor states that one should proceed to simpler theories until simplicity can be traded for greater explanatory power. The simplest available theory need not be most accurate.

In other words it's more than likely the most simple explanation until you have strong evidence to the contrary.
Learning C# - Developer
Loyal Member
Nov 8, 2010
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But nothing illegal is being done.

True, their dcr loading poop isnt there anymore. Now its just a topsite. Nothing else really besides that.
May 11, 2012
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What is this the Salem "Snitch" Trials?

Please understand this, these developers were releasing their work on a forum. Not just any forum, this forum. One that is free for anyone to join, and anyone to use. This section requires no specific rights to look at, guests can see what you post. So, it's not like RaGEZONE is some underground forum that we only know about. For God's sake, they've stolen furni ideas from RaGEZONE, and some even say they took images from someone on here! So, it's not any news that Sulake/Habbo do browse this forum and this section in particular.
Aug 4, 2011
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Ask yourself, Why do I develop retros? For the money? To learn?

When will you stop? Will you stop?

If you're here to learn how to code, most of you should start on new projects which are legal.
I've seen alot of the current developers never stop, or give up... Until the letter receives them. Doing this stuff can really ruin your life, If you're inside every day coding on illegal projects you could miss out on the things that matter in life like friends, family and jobs.

Dont you think a year is long enough to learn what you need?

Take a moment to think about it.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 26, 2012
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Ask yourself, Why do I develop retros? For the money? To learn?

When will you stop? Will you stop?

If you're here to learn how to code, most of you should start on new projects which are legal.
I've seen alot of the current developers never stop, or give up... Until the letter receives them. Doing this stuff can really ruin your life, If you're inside every day coding on illegal projects you could miss out on the things that matter in life like friends, family and jobs.

Dont you think a year is long enough to learn what you need?

Take a moment to think about it.


You developed to, and now you telling us to think about what you said.
Also, you can set priorities, like I do. If somebody invites me to a party, I don't say 'no' because of coding, friends, family, job, crush go first, then my school, then my health and then coding. Nothing more.

Got your answer. I won't stop coding, since I am going to be an application maker later, just not with Habbo. Why do I develop retros? For fun, and to learn. And.. some people learn in 5 months, some in 3 weeks, some in 2 years, depends on the problem.
Zephyr Studios
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2012
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They were probably just changing domain.
Dec 11, 2010
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Ask yourself, Why do I develop retros? For the money? To learn?

When will you stop? Will you stop?

If you're here to learn how to code, most of you should start on new projects which are legal.
I've seen alot of the current developers never stop, or give up... Until the letter receives them. Doing this stuff can really ruin your life, If you're inside every day coding on illegal projects you could miss out on the things that matter in life like friends, family and jobs.

Dont you think a year is long enough to learn what you need?

Take a moment to think about it.

Hasn't ruined my life. :blush:
idk what to put here
Loyal Member
Oct 19, 2007
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Ask yourself, Why do I develop retros? For the money? To learn?

When will you stop? Will you stop?

If you're here to learn how to code, most of you should start on new projects which are legal.
I've seen alot of the current developers never stop, or give up... Until the letter receives them. Doing this stuff can really ruin your life, If you're inside every day coding on illegal projects you could miss out on the things that matter in life like friends, family and jobs.

Dont you think a year is long enough to learn what you need?

Take a moment to think about it.

Isn't it ironic that you were inside renaming a whole bunch of emulators and selling them for money, more specifically your "RP" emulator?

Take a moment to think about it.

@Clawed yeah. I noticed that they changed the domain to retroslist. I would assume it was because it had "Habbo" in the domain name.
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