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This Is Why I HATE The News

2D > 3D
Loyal Member
Dec 19, 2008
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>Earthquake in China 04/21/13: 179 Dead
>Bombings in Iraq 04/15/13: 55 Dead
>Fertilizer Plant Explosion 04/18/13: 14 Dead
>Boston Bombing 04/15/13: 3 Dead

Days in which bombing has had a front page article in the Times?: 8 Consecutive days in counting.
Days in which any other event mentioned got a front page article in the Times?: 1 Article COMBINED

Do not allow the media to decide what is important and what is not, you must be the one to decide that yourself.
duck You
Loyal Member
Jun 27, 2007
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Media mostly just feeds us bull poop.

I don't even bother.
1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Thanks for creating this thread. I never had the balls to say it, cause everyone would go ape poop on me. Rep for you brotha. 100% agree.

But yeah that's how it goes, USA is number 1 Media power.
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
I believe The Times is a UK paper.

I believe that the US media has a huge impact on the UK take a look there is even a special section for US news, even though it's a UK news website, we also have a channel called 5 USA... (Not that there is any point in that, almost every channel has a US movie or tv show airing anyway) Everything is Americanized here now. In short, the US is the number 1 media power. :)
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 6, 2010
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The Boston attacks were instances of domestic terrorism whereas the others are either natural occurances, accidents or foreign tragedies. The New York Times is an American news publication, therefore they focus on American news. Not that difficult to figure this one out.
The one and only!
Loyal Member
Nov 24, 2008
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The Boston attacks were instances of domestic terrorism whereas the others are either natural occurances, accidents or foreign tragedies. The New York Times is an American news publication, therefore they focus on American news. Not that difficult to figure this one out.
I wouldn't describe the Boston bombings as domestic lol. No tragedy should be prioritised or made to look more important just because it happened on home soil or more importantly because the media seem to think it is.
Loyal Member
Dec 4, 2007
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I'm sure that media corporations in those respective countries did many articles on those too. It's not that crazy to only report on local tragedies, and obviously only reporting on those is what makes people buy the newspaper or tune into the station to watch. I'm not saying it's a bad or good thing, but people care more about things that happen near home that could potentially harm them or their family.
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 6, 2010
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So does the rest of the world's media when something happens over there. Especially the UK.

Foreign events are briefed; they just aren't a high priority. Like it or not, it's human nature to be reactionary especially when something that happens is relevant to them. Chances are the quake in China won't affect the average joe but the bombings will i.e. new security measures.

hejula said:
I wouldn't describe the Boston bombings as domestic lol. No tragedy should be prioritised or made to look more important just because it happened on home soil or more importantly because the media seem to think it is.

Yes, it was domestic. The suspects were U.S. citizens and so far no links to any external organisations have been validated. You're right. People who still listen to mainstream media outlets are fools and I've been saying this for years. Media outlets jump at the chance to use tragedies to their advantage to push their agendas.
1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
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I'm in the Philippines and ABS-CBN is giving all its attention to the boston bombing and so is the French's journal. It can't be denied, all the attention it's getting is because of America's impact on other countries 'cause of its media power, as stated before.
Loyal Member
Dec 4, 2007
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I'm in the Philippines and ABS-CBN is giving all its attention to the boston bombing and so is the French's journal. It can't be denied, all the attention it's getting is because of America's impact on other countries 'cause of its media power, as stated before.

Sure, they have a big media impact.

But tell me this... When something bad happens in the Philippines, do your news outlets focus on the United States news, or on something that happened on your own soil? I'm sure it's like the United States, who focused on the Boston Bombings and not the bombing that they did at the same time, because it happened on their soil. But if that hadn't happened, then I'm sure the media would have been all over the bombing that the United States did on Afghanistan (can't remember where it was, maybe not Afghanistan).

As Riley said, human nature is to care about your own country. You want to protect your belongings, family, and yourself. The media needs to make money, and they do so by reporting on what people care about. Obviously a domestic terror attack is going to get more attention than something off our shores.
Ginger by design.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2007
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>Earthquake in China 04/21/13: 179 Dead
>Bombings in Iraq 04/15/13: 55 Dead
>Fertilizer Plant Explosion 04/18/13: 14 Dead

Natural disaster. Normal everyday occurrence (this isn't news). Accident.

The fertilizer plant is now being investigated for lying to the government about having so much ammonium nitrate. This has been newsworthy for longer than the others except the bombing.

But you have to realize that the major news outlets report on news. This is typically new or noteworthy information. I've seen information on the Chinese earthquake for just as many days as the bombing. It's covered, it's just not on the front page because while it sucks, it's not developing, and it happens from time to time. Earthquakes happen near faults. This isn't news. Tornadoes happen in tornado valley. This isn't news. Hurricanes hit the east coast of the US every year. This isn't news, except when it completely and utterly Ducking destroys multiple cities.

A US citizen and a naturalized immigrant blow up 267 people at a public event on American soil? The last time anything even remotely close to that has happened in the US on radicalized religious grounds was on September 11, 2001. This is why it's front-page. It's also much closer to home -- a public event, people were deliberately attacked. When a country is terrorized, they tend to react much differently.

If we were to rate things based on how many people they kill, we'd have to consider old age the most newsworthy thing, ever, and it's all we should ever be talking about.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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Erm, how comes I have been informed a lot about these situations? Maybe instead of you CHOOSING to only look at the headlines on a newspaper why not watch or read the newspaper and inform yourself? The information is there to be read. All of these stories were covered in the 6 o'clock news. One woman who was blown to poop in the boston bombings had about 3 minutes from her funeral aired.

Terrorism is a huge issue, so therefore it is going to be something that makes the headlines. Terrorism causes terror, people get scared, and people want to know what is happening to the people responsible.

The war in Iraq has been going on for years and people know that people die. When the war first started what was headlining all the time? The iraq war.

Ive seen quite a lot about the earthquake in china. Have you just poked your head out of a hole or something? Seriously?

The fertilizer plant I have also seen a lot in the news.

If I were you I would sit and watch the 24hour BBC News channel.
2D > 3D
Loyal Member
Dec 19, 2008
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Erm, how comes I have been informed a lot about these situations? Maybe instead of you CHOOSING to only look at the headlines on a newspaper why not watch or read the newspaper and inform yourself? The information is there to be read. All of these stories were covered in the 6 o'clock news. One woman who was blown to poop in the boston bombings had about 3 minutes from her funeral aired.

Terrorism is a huge issue, so therefore it is going to be something that makes the headlines. Terrorism causes terror, people get scared, and people want to know what is happening to the people responsible.

The war in Iraq has been going on for years and people know that people die. When the war first started what was headlining all the time? The iraq war.

Ive seen quite a lot about the earthquake in china. Have you just poked your head out of a hole or something? Seriously?

The fertilizer plant I have also seen a lot in the news.

If I were you I would sit and watch the 24hour BBC News channel.

I will agree that I could of made better choices for my initial argument, but the fact that they are running the same freaking story repeatedly just to increase their profits seems immoral. The media makes you believe that to show sympathy and remorse for the lives lost you have to follow this story every day, making sure that this man gets what he deserves. Logically speaking, that is the WORST thing to do. By following this story you are just making what they did a success, they aren't called TERRORISTS for nothing.

My point in making this thread is to show that news and the media conglomerates running it (Comcast, News Corporation, Walt Disney, Viacom, and Time Warner) have much more power than what the average person realizes at face value.

Like it or not, news and media surrounding it is a commercial service, they have fiscal budget just like every other company out there, but there is one huge exception: News has power. Without news people are not only severed from the rest of the world, but are left with limited information on events that could drastically affect them in the future. Why in the world are we letting a lifeline to modern day society be in the hands of for-profit companies, and more importantly, why is such an important information source controlled by only 5 entities. Then you get to the idea that our "trusted" source of information faces no repercussions for lying or spreading faulty/ incomplete information. I do not understand this in the slightest.

I am not trying to say that the Boston Bombing was not as bad as it was.... the fact that lives were lost and they will never be returned is horrible. I am however saying that focusing on a single event is just as naive as not following anything at all. The media wants you to be biased, seeing that emotion is a basic hook of any entertainment source.

As for a news source, I listen to public radio and watch non-profit news sources. I will never trust a news agency that looks at the almighty dollar as more important than the people providing that dollar.

P.S.: I have not heard anyone in my workplace (or my town for that matter) talk about any other issue last week other than that of the Bombing. Just because you may search for news does not mean everyone else does. Most people do not "poke [their] head out of a hole", and thus the most popular story gets the full focus of everyone's attention. The news makes things more important by showing it more, regardless of how it affects the average person. Headlines don't matter to me, but they sure as hell matter to the general public.
Last edited:
Loyal Member
Dec 4, 2007
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I will agree that I could of made better choices for my initial argument, but the fact that they are running the same freaking story repeatedly just to increase their profits seems immoral. The media makes you believe that to show sympathy and remorse for the lives lost you have to follow this story every day, making sure that this man gets what he deserves. Logically speaking, that is the WORST thing to do. By following this story you are just making what they did a success, they aren't called TERRORISTS for nothing.

They're a company, and like any other company in the world (excluding non-profit organizations), they're in it to make money. If you were the owner of a large media corporation, I'm sure you would air the stuff that people watch too. Why would you report on things in other countries, when your viewers have no interest since something much larger happened in your own? That's a way to lose viewers because most people want to watch it, and will switch to another station that has it.

I don't make the media tell me how I should feel. I watch the broadcasts because I have a genuine interest in learning more about a terrorist attack that just hit the United States, a place very close to home, where I lived for 3 years.

My point in making this thread is to show that news and the media conglomerates running it (Comcast, News Corporation, Walt Disney, Viacom, and Time Warner) have much more power than what the average person realizes at face value.

P.S.: I have not heard anyone in my workplace (or my town for that matter) talk about any other issue last week other than that of the Bombing. Just because you may search for news does not mean everyone else does. Most people do not "poke [their] head out of a hole", and thus the most popular story gets the full focus of everyone's attention. The news makes things more important by showing it more, regardless of how it affects the average person. Headlines don't matter to me, but they sure as hell matter to the general public.

It was a terrorist attack on United States soil. Obviously people are going to be talking about it. Like someone else said, the last time something like that happened on this scale was September 11th with the hijacking.

I was going to reply to every paragraph of yours but I have to go to work here soon and it's not worth my time since you already have a strong negative opinion.
Oct 2, 2004
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I believe that the US media has a huge impact on the UK take a look there is even a special section for US news, even though it's a UK news website, we also have a channel called 5 USA... (Not that there is any point in that, almost every channel has a US movie or tv show airing anyway) Everything is Americanized here now. In short, the US is the number 1 media power. :)
Well grats to the UK for jumping ont he bandwagon, but doesn't mean the rest of the world has.
The Boston attacks were instances of domestic terrorism whereas the others are either natural occurances, accidents or foreign tragedies. The New York Times is an American news publication, therefore they focus on American news. Not that difficult to figure this one out.

The Times =/= The New York Times, genius.