• Unfortunately, we have experienced significant hard drive damage that requires urgent maintenance and rebuilding. The forum will be a state of read only until we install our new drives and rebuild all the configurations needed. Please follow our Facebook page for updates, we will be back up shortly! (The forum could go offline at any given time due to the nature of the failed drives whilst awaiting the upgrades.) When you see an Incapsula error, you know we are in the process of migration.

TimelessMS Rev.6 [v117.1]

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Experienced Elementalist
May 10, 2013
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guide for setup please. :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 26, 2013
Reaction score
I have the same problem as one of the other guys here :

ERRORcom.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Canno
t load connection class because of underlying exception: 'java.lang.NumberFormat
Exception: For input string: "null"'.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at server.Start.run(Start.java:63)
at server.Start.main(Start.java:144)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at server.ServerProperties.<clinit>(ServerProperties.java:56)
... 2 more
Press any key to continue . . .

All ports are open.
My wamp is running ( Green light) and i have been trying to change the ip in like every file with no luck. Does someone have any idea ?

I found the problem and fixed it.

Hey could you tell me how you fixed it?

*update* nvm problem solved :3
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
i need help about create character my server don't get error in bat but when i login id then i go to Create Character i'm click OK then stuck in that i don't know what problem this

any one can help me ?
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
i need help about create character my server don't get error in bat but when i login id then i go to Create Character i'm click OK then stuck in that i don't know what problem this

any one can help me ?

change your locate computer to ENGLISH(United State)
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
Burblish, do you know how noob-friendly you made this source? You even made it so they could edit the database easily. lol :D

I've noticed a few things.
1. Your name is everywhere (fuckload of credits).
2. Job advancer is odd....
3. AIO is buggy.

This may just be because I ripped some NPC scripts and didn't add poop to the internal java files.
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Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
yea, well I don't work on this anymore soo...
Aww, I was hoping for Rev 7.

Mind if I take over the project?

I deleted all of the players & accounts, restarted the server and the console gave me a nice message:
"No Members in Guild 1. Impossible... guild is disbanding" Don't you just love MapleStory? :p

Quick Fix:
Original -
    public static final String MAPLE_PATCH = "2";

Fix -
    public static final String MAPLE_PATCH = "1";

Found in Constants > Server Constants.java
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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I am thinking about joining this community to enhance my college experience as a side project. I downloaded the source code and was able to successful launch and play with prebuilt binary. Then I altered AdminCommand and added methods in the hopes that it will allow me to alter potentials at will. There are two commands that I added and extended CommandExecute:
     * Lists all slots of a given type for a given person. 
     * If player is unspecified, list all slots for the current player.
     * @author Jun
    public static class ListSlot extends CommandExecute {
        private MapleInventoryType transType(String type){
                return MapleInventoryType.EQUIP;
            } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("equiped")){
                return MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED;
            } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("cash")){
                return MapleInventoryType.CASH;
            } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("etc")){
                return MapleInventoryType.ETC;
            } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("use")){
                return MapleInventoryType.USE;
            } else {
                return MapleInventoryType.UNDEFINED;
        private MapleCharacter playerByName(MapleClient c, String name){
            List<MapleMap> maps = c.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getAllLoadedMaps();
            for(MapleMap map : maps){
                MapleCharacter chrFound = map.getCharacterByName(name);
                if(chrFound!=null) return chrFound;
            return null;
        private void printHeader(MapleCharacter p, String formatString){
            String headerString = String.format(formatString, "Unique ID", "Item ID", "Position");
        public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] args){
            MapleCharacter self = c.getPlayer();
            //ListSlot <type>
            String formatString = "%10s\t%10s\t%10s";
                self.dropMessage(6,"!ListSlot <Item Type> [Player]");
                return 1;
            String typeString = args[0];
            String playerString = args.length == 2?args[1]:null;
            MapleCharacter foundPlayer = playerString==null?self:playerByName(c, playerString);
                self.dropMessage(6,"Player not found.");
                return 1;
            MapleInventoryType itemType = transType(typeString);
            if(itemType == MapleInventoryType.UNDEFINED){
                self.dropMessage(6, "Item type undefined.");
                return 1;
            MapleInventory inventory = foundPlayer.getInventory(itemType);
            Collection<Item> items = inventory.list();
            for(Item item:items){
                //possible enhancement, change display of item type id to item type name.
                String itemString = String.format(formatString, item.getUniqueId(), item.getItemId(), item.getPosition());
                self.dropMessage(6, itemString);
            return 0;
    public static class AlterPotential extends CommandExecute {
        private Equip findEquip(MapleCharacter owner, short position) throws ClassCastException{
            return (Equip)owner.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIP).getItem(position);
        private short findFirstAvailablePotentialLine(Equip equip, short requestLine){
            int p1=equip.getPotential1(),p2=equip.getPotential2(),
            //simply replace if potential is already set.
            case 1: if(p1>=0) return requestLine;
            case 2: if(p2>=0) return requestLine;
            case 3: if(p3>=0) return requestLine;
            case 4: if(p4>=0) return requestLine;
            case 5: if(p5>=0) return requestLine;
            //otherwise, add to the first empty line
            if(p1<=0) return 1;
            else if(p2<=0) return 2;
            else if(p3<=0) return 3;
            else if(p4<=0) return 4;
            else return 5;
        public int execute(MapleClient c, String[] args){
            String helpString = "!AlterPotential <item position> <potential id> <req level> <potential line> [item owner]";
            MapleCharacter self = c.getPlayer();
            //see InventoryHandler.UseMagnify
             final MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance();
                String posStr = args[0];
                String potIdStr = args[1];
                String reqLevelStr = args[2];
                String potLineStr = args[3];
                String itemOwnerStr = args.length>=5?args[4]:null;
                MapleCharacter itemOwner = self;
                    itemOwner = self.getMap().getCharacterByName(itemOwnerStr);
                if(itemOwner == null){
                    self.dropMessage(6, "Player not found.");
                    return 1;
                List<StructItemOption> potGrades = ii.getPotentialInfo(Integer.parseInt(potIdStr));
                int reqLevel = Integer.parseInt(reqLevelStr)/10;
                StructItemOption pot = potGrades.get(reqLevel);
                //find item
                Equip equip = findEquip(itemOwner,Short.parseShort(posStr));
                short potLine = Short.parseShort(potLineStr);
                potLine = findFirstAvailablePotentialLine(equip, potLine);
                case 1: equip.setPotential1(pot.opID); break;
                case 2: equip.setPotential2(pot.opID); break;
                case 3: equip.setPotential3(pot.opID); break;
                case 4: equip.setPotential4(pot.opID); break;
                case 5: equip.setPotential5(pot.opID); break;
                //TODO: Send update info to player and save to database. 
                //See CWvsContext.scrolledItem and SendOP for information.
                c.getPlayer().getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.showPotentialReset(false, c.getPlayer().getId(), true, equip.getItemId()));
               // c.getSession().write(InventoryPacket.scrolledItem(toUse, item, false, true));
                c.getPlayer().forceReAddItem_NoUpdate(equip, MapleInventoryType.EQUIP);
                MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(c, 2430481, (short) 1, "Cube" + " on " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date());
                return 0;
            } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){
                self.dropMessage(6, helpString);
                return 1;
            } catch (ClassCastException e){
                self.dropMessage(6, "Required Level must be a number.");
                return 1;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e){
                self.dropMessage(6, "Entered NaN into a number argument.");
                return 1;
And to facilitate quick recompilation, I have created the following simple batch script (I am messing around in Win 7):
@echo off
@title Jouyang3's quick recompiler (make sure you have java installed)
if not exist class mkdir class
dir /s /B src\*.java > srcp
javac -Xlint:none -cp dist/* -d class @srcp

set curr_dir=%cd%
chdir /D .\class

jar cf ../v116.jar .
chdir /D %curr_dir%

rmdir class /s /q
del srcp
if exist dist\v116.jar move dist\v116.jar dist\v116.jar.old
move v116.jar dist\v116.jar
chdir /D %curr_dir%
It compiles and all classes are in place. I was able to launch ms client. However, the animation did not follow the black screen, but rather, it d/ced me. I have checked the cmd output, no logging for me to debug.

So I went on. I was skeptical about the code that I have modified. So I have diff within the src folder against the untouch src folder. The only thing that I had changed was the AdminCommand thus I commented out the changes I made and recompiled with my tool. But the same error followed.

As a last resort, I went on and recompiled the original src and see if there were something wrong with it (or with me), again with my own batch compile script. However, same "black screen then d/c" error occurred to me. Now I am really confused.:junglejane:

Can I compile src folder with simple java commands? Or was there something wrong with the original source? And where is the log or error file. Can you guys shed me some light on such matters?

Thanks you,
Jun D. Ouyang

It turns out that you really have to change MAPLE_PATCH constant for the login server to function.
I wonder why...
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