To all Tantra newbie developers I think you might like this

Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
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How to set up Tantra Online K5 Version:
(Intended for those lazy people asking over and over where and how to setup)
Please don't ask me a lot of question if you can't understand. This is free and I share for free.

What you will need:
1. The Server Files posted by pher14344. You have to download including the fixed database and anti DDoS code.
2. A Apache server - No need to locate this one. you can find it in google. credits to yagamy.
3. A good client of course. I prefer this one (Edited due to link) but download at your own risk. Use several antivirus (I give the precaution). Credits to heterojeneo.
4. The (It is the latest right now I think).
5. The data.

(I wont elaborate this one because it is very elementary, just the summary) - so don't ask me.
1. Setup your xampp server.
2. look for the php.ini file and open it in notepad. enable the mssql connection by removing the ";" on the left side.
3. copy the website data into the htdocs folder of xampp
4. Install your mssql 2012. Set it up as multi with "sa" user enabled.
5. Open the sql browser and restore the fixed database backups
6. Replace your php connections with the SQL name (e.g. "TERROR\SQLEXPRESS", "sa", "123456") - means the sql server name, the username and the password.
7. Extract Server files (e.g. C:\TERROR) - You should see the folders from Chatserv, DBSRV, MSGSRV, and so on...).
8. Replace the register.php directory with your directory, in my case is $accdir = "C:\TERROR"
9. Replace your Admin.txt with your Local IP (e.g.
10. Replace your LocalIP.txt with your local IP
11. Replace your Serverlist.txt with your Local IP
12. Extract the client (e.g. C:\Tantra)
13. Replace your Serverlist.txt with your local IP in client with 0 6 in the first line.
14. Get the HTLauncher here and paste it in your client folder replacing HTLauncher.
15. Open a hex editor (e.g. PSPad.exe) and search for http and replace it with your local IP plus the link in your login site (e.g. ). only two line should be replaced. leave the others alone.
16. Use This to edit the HTSmessage.xml.
17. Replace the HTSMessage.txl in your client's /system folder.
18. Run the Server... DBSRV.EXE -> MSGSRV.EXE -> Itemserv.exe -> SQLDAEMON.exe ->Zone1 -> Zone6 -> then so on...
19. Run the Xampp and click the Apache button.
20. Run the client by using a batch file with "start htlaucher.exe -" code.
21. Enjoy the game.

Some Tantra Useful tools in this website:
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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
Reaction score
Updates for SQLDAEMON.EXE and the ranking...

What you need:
1. You should have your SQL FOLDER in your server.
2. You should have an odbc server and dns of the sqldaemon.
3. Don't be lazy

How do you do the ranking? (as many have questions on this part)
1. What is in your SQLDAEMON FOLDER?
a. You should have the char folder categorized with sub-folders from a to z and etc(if your character begins with a number)
b. The data folder with settings.ini inside (for the [Country] = Mexico)
c. Log where the updates on the Ranking audit trail is placed.
d. Rank Folder (Where Mrank00.txt and Rank00.txt is located)
e. config.txt (where TantraGM sa yourpasswordforsqlinodbc is located)
f. localip.txt -> you know what this means
g. serverlist.txt

2. Configure your odbc:
a. Create the odbc with in both client and server (discussed over and over but still emphasized for newbies too lazy to look for in the forum)
b. Test connection (always make sure it says SUCESS in it)
c. Use the Tantra Schema (do not attempt to create a TantraGM on your sqlserver its not working)
d. You should have BILL_CONN, Tantra, TantraGM, UserLogin in your odbc both user DSN and system dsn with SQL Server (not Native Client).
3. Compare your gminfo00 table with tantrabackup00 table, it should have the same content
4. Run all zones and then last the sqldaemon.exe
5. wait until it update the Rank00.txt updates.
6. if your ranking still not working you have to manually delete the gminfo00 and recreate it with the same data from tantrabackup00

hope this information solves all the ranking questions. and hope to see you all in different servers.
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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
Reaction score
UPDATE FOR This thread:

For Newbies only (Not intended for advance and Intermediate users. I Presume you already know better).

For No icon Items:

It is in your system folder known as clientres.txl, It means that the game client you are using is not updated with the objects folder. So you may encounter several errors like no icon, or the item does not fit in the intended image, or it simple the item you are using is not really what you think is for the certain box (e.g. earring like but fits on the pants box and displays pants). further, you will need to disable it using tantraparam and gmtool hand-in-hand to eliminate the problem.

For those who are unable to connect server:

Check your HTSMessage.txl if it points to your computer. How are you going to do that?, Get the Htsmessage.xml shared by heterjeneo and recompile it. Correct the line 305 to 307 with your current local IP the same as your Serverlist.txt

For those who are using K3 files:

Use a K4 client or Tantra MAxi Client shared by heterojeneo if you cannot edit the MainUI.hpk in your client's objects folder. and update your tantraparam.tpa both server and client.

To those who are asking about SQL, I recommend MSSQL 2012. Its is easier to install and correct. just install the SQL browser, Advance Server and SQL Express server. Use the Server in ODBC not the Native Client.

All questions in my PM, were answered here. Any Advance or Intermediate user who is willing to add info is greatly appreciated, lets see more tantra servers.

I have the Tantrazone, Tantra Invictus, Tantra Fire, Tantra World and the others... Let's see what makes all of it differ from each and everyone.
Initiate Mage
Feb 19, 2014
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sir... how to use tantra GMtools even your not in the server... For example you are in other place then u need to access the GMtools using Internet.. is this posible???
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2012
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If you intend to use the gmtool remotely you will need to setup sql server so that it will accept remote connections and then set it up on your personal pc separate from the server with the same databases. Then you can run the gm tool remotely as well. The problem with this is that now you are going to open up a port and allow connections that can hinder your server and cause further issues with security.
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
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In addition to what jbeitz107 explained, put your remote IP to Admin.txt in DBSRV folder to have an access in your server remotely. You should have the same DNS-ODBC as the server to allow GMTool connections, otherwise the buttons in it will be disabled.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 24, 2004
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Mr. Terrified
Thank you very much for the guide but i have 2 problem with this server files:

- First SQLDAMON dont save the info on DB of SQL(i use 2005), my TantraBackUp00 and other table are Null after creates characters and play on the server.
- Second, if i use local ip on server files, i have access to mall (Premium items) BUT if i use hamachi ip i cant even open the mall window Y_Y. (more detail about it - Below)

- itemserver window show me ->LoginedServer: 0
- Premium item mall dont work on game

With Hamachi IP

- itemserver window show me ->LoginedServer: 6 (i open 6 zones)
- Premium item work perfect

Any idea Sir?
Thank you for your time!
My Regards!
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
Reaction score
Hi sir elche27, I do not suggest hamachi because of the net block, I'd rather suggest public IP. On the term that it is very difficult to port forward 7514 into hamachi. It is very slow too. So nonetheless, item mall as well as sqldaemon wont probably work on hamachi.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
Thank you Mr Terrified for your reply and ur knowledge! Now i will see what happen with my WAN IP, hope dont change while i edit my server because i have dinamyc IP Y_Y. About sqldaemon, even with LAN IP dont save data because when i chek my tables of tantra are all with NULL...any idea? Thank you again and sry for take your time! My regards


Ok, look like tantra files k5 cant work properly with hamachi IP(dont work premium item) and Dinamycs IP (Binding Fail Error) so looks like i must tested it on LAN Y_Y.

Still dont working sqldaemon, it suppose to save my character info in db ¿right? Sry for my ignorance!
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Initiate Mage
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
Hi sir, I download the files and test it, there is a problem with mailing system, tried a char sending a mail to other, the mail board shows a mail have been reached but the mailbox shows nothing .
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
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hi sir elche27, the problem is in your MSSQL, recreate it again and do the ODBC connection again.

to sir gogodutch, The mailing system should work fine. check you chatsvr.exe if it is recording logs.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
hi sir elche27, the problem is in your MSSQL, recreate it again and do the ODBC connection again.

to sir gogodutch, The mailing system should work fine. check you chatsvr.exe if it is recording logs.

Hello Mr. T, i have all edited well, the problem is i have dynamic IP and get the error binding and with hamachi, zones.exe cant reach itemserver so dont work item mall abnd other stuff... i didnt tested with a static IP yet but in this point i think ill buy one!!! No1 know or wont help about how to edit the server files to can use it withow item mall issue or binding error. i already read all topic from tantra forum.... My best regards!
Skilled Illusionist
Mar 7, 2013
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hello guys regarding about my problem on item mall how can i fix this ? --- > [SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'hb_tan_gp_userinfo_se'.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
get sql server advanced express from is free

so dont need download SQL 2012???

maybe this one??

How to set up Tantra Online K5 Version:
(Intended for those lazy people asking over and over where and how to setup)
Please don't ask me a lot of question if you can't understand. This is free and I share for free.

What you will need:
1. The Server Files posted by pher14344. You have to download including the fixed database and anti DDoS code.
2. A Apache server - No need to locate this one. you can find it in google. credits to yagamy.
3. A good client of course. I prefer this one (Edited due to link) but download at your own risk. Use several antivirus (I give the precaution). Credits to heterojeneo.
4. The (It is the latest right now I think).
5. The data.

(I wont elaborate this one because it is very elementary, just the summary) - so don't ask me.
1. Setup your xampp server.
2. look for the php.ini file and open it in notepad. enable the mssql connection by removing the ";" on the left side.
3. copy the website data into the htdocs folder of xampp
4. Install your mssql 2012. Set it up as multi with "sa" user enabled.
5. Open the sql browser and restore the fixed database backups
6. Replace your php connections with the SQL name (e.g. "TERROR\SQLEXPRESS", "sa", "123456") - means the sql server name, the username and the password.
7. Extract Server files (e.g. C:\TERROR) - You should see the folders from Chatserv, DBSRV, MSGSRV, and so on...).
8. Replace the register.php directory with your directory, in my case is $accdir = "C:\TERROR"
9. Replace your Admin.txt with your Local IP (e.g.
10. Replace your LocalIP.txt with your local IP
11. Replace your Serverlist.txt with your Local IP
12. Extract the client (e.g. C:\Tantra)
13. Replace your Serverlist.txt with your local IP in client with 0 6 in the first line.
14. Get the HTLauncher here and paste it in your client folder replacing HTLauncher.
15. Open a hex editor (e.g. PSPad.exe) and search for http and replace it with your local IP plus the lik in your login site (e.g. ). only two line should be replaced. leave the others alone.
16. Use This to edit the HTSmessage.xml.
17. Replace the HTSMessage.txl in your client's /system folder.
18. Run the Server... DBSRV.EXE -> MSGSRV.EXE -> Itemserv.exe -> SQLDAEMON.exe ->Zone1 -> Zone6 -> then so on...
19. Run the Xampp and click the Apache button.
20. Run the client by using a batch file with "start htlaucher.exe -" code.
21. Enjoy the game.

is that possible if i run this game by rent a host to make it public??
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2012
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i currently use 2008 r2 sql server advanced. i have no idea why you guys are pushing to use 2012 right now. lol. at least with 2008 the tutorials will make sense.
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
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i don't push the MSSQL 2012 but i strongly suggest it. highly recommend it. its up to them which sql they want. and regarding tutorials, it is scattered all over the net. they can use the search engine.pher14344's fixed database can be imported using 2008 or higher. if installation would be a problem, then read the post of infinium for MSSQL-DNS. with regards to installation of mssql as demo or trial... i was just wondering how did you install that? it is free and full version.

Sir GuessMe, yes it is possible to run game via host company.
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2012
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@GMDeveloper1 - this has been answered before but, I will answer it once again for you. What you need to do is to change the Pustika and QZP in your TantraParam.xml to 0 for all the settings. This will disable it once you convert it. But, make sure you save this as another copy and keep the original. Simply add the converted .tpa file to the Zone in which you want to disable it in. Good luck.
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
Reaction score
in addition to jbeitz107's post, edit the value to 0(zero) anything that you want disabled in tantraparam.xml and put it into the zone where you wanted to apply it. thanks for re-posting it sir.

and to those sending pm, i will not answer pm queries, use this thread instead. thank you.

i don't have much knowledge regarding DDoS on zones, but i will suggest a cisco router to prevent denial of service attacks. and regarding hamachi servers, i don't use that one and i don't recommend it either because i can't resolve the netblock myself.