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Toxic998's Moderator Application - Habbo Section

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Junior Spellweaver
Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
My Information
Name: Toxic998
Age: 14
Current Location: United States
Availability: Always
Occupation: High School
Language: English, Spanish, and Gujurati
Hobby: Coding, programming, graphics, etc.
Interested Section: Habbo Section

About myself
I'm 14 years old, and live in the US. I love computers and have been coding for quite a while now. I love helping other's with coding, and making websites, and programs. I can code in quite a few languages and love doing it. I am in the 9th grade, and am a straight A student.

Me as a Moderator??
I think I'd make a great moderator here at ragezone forums. I know just about everything habbo related, and can code anything when it comes to habbo. I've helped many people out with their habbo related problems, and would love to be of more help. I post regularly on the habbo section, and have started making my own threads aswell. I am always on Ragzone during my free time, and even when I'm doing other stuff. I try to be as active as possible, which is quite a while. I think I can help you monitor the habbo section of the forum.

What brought you to RaGEZONE?????
I mainly came here because alot of my friends are on here. I think this forum is a great resource for just about any MMORPG game. I have been on here for a while, and used to have another account before this.

What have you contributed???
I've helped many people out with their problems. I help people code stuff, and fix their problems. I mostly help with habbo related problems, as that is what I'm best at. I'm working on a few projects at the moment, and would love to share them with my fellow Ragezoners :)

Why I want to be moderator???
I think I can help keep the section clean, and spam free. I will do my best to get fellow Habbo users to be more active, and do what they can to help improve the habbo section. I see that there are already a few moderators on the habbo section, but the more the merrier right? I can help them with anything they ever need. Or, if anyone ever leaves the ragezone team, I'm sure I can help make up for him.

I have worked for a few smaller forums in my past. I used to own a forum called Flux Forums, but shut it down due to budget problems. I've been on habbo for about 5 years now, and have worked for quite a few habbo retros as tech and other positions. I am a fairly good tech, and have worked on VB forums before.

Users, please don't spam on this thread. Only post if your giving suggestions, or advice, or something else that is useful, and helpful.

The real deal.
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry but there has been stronger people in the habbo section apply already so if Dan were to hire i'm sure he'd go for one of them. Good luck anyway though.

Sent from my iPhone 4.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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For someone who I have deleted several spamming posts, over numerous sections, I do not think you would be a good fit as moderator in the mindset you are currently in. Maybe in a few years when you mature a little.
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
No just no they don't need moderators anymore for the Habbo section.

Junior Spellweaver
Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
For someone who I have deleted several spamming posts, over numerous sections, I do not think you would be a good fit as moderator in the mindset you are currently in. Maybe in a few years when you mature a little.

Aren't moderators supposed to be nice to users???
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Aren't moderators supposed to be nice to users???

Im not being mean. Im being honest. If you want mean I wouls suggest going to Spamzilla. THERE you will get mean. I didnt say you were poop, and no Ducking way you should do the job? No I said maybe when you have matured a bit.
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