Tracking? Urgent help needed.

Oct 2, 2004
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Ok well i got a bit of a prob and i need the most helpful input asap.

A friend who is still at school (i just left school this year) has been added on msn by someone who claims to be at school with them. From what they have said, it seems that the person genuinely knows my friend and they have been making threats to them. At first it was stuff like "yea I'm gonna fuck you up bitch!" but now it sounds like its getting serious, and they have expressed intentions of getting a group of people to mob this person (and another friend of hers).

We have their email address, but thats about it. What we need to find out is whether this person actually is from our city/area so we know if they really are serious, or are just fucking with them (i say "them" cos two people have been threatened, not just one tough i only personally know one of them).

I know that a hotmail address is virtually untraceable, but is there anyway we can get their IP address (By getting them to visit a site or something that can record their IP? The only way we can do this is to add them on another email address, so it would be way too suspicious if i tried to send any files to them that would record info from them or anything) and get their location from there?

Please don't move this to hardware/software, it may belong there but this really isn't about technical problems, we're trying to find out if someone can cause physical harm to a friend of ours and this thread would get allot more attention here, thank you.
ask MSN to track it. thats the only way if "hotmail address is virtually untraceable".
You could set up a direct connection with the person on MSN (via microphone, webcam, or filesharing,) and traceroute yourself to find his/her IP (it's much easier to do once you've shut down all of your other programs accessing the Internet.)

If you manage to find the person's IP, you can look it up on any "whois" website and research the person's ISP to see if your/your friend's city/area has that service...but these websites don't always return any helpful information.

Stalking tactics seem to usually work pretty well, too, ie: throwing their email into a search engine and datamining everything you find.

...There's actually many ways to find a person's IP, but I won't suggest the other methods I'm thinking of, as you're likely to be thrown off your ISP if you're reported for it, and that's definately not fun.
There's tons of MSN add-ons. Just take a look at Mess with MSN Messenger: msn emoticons msn names display pictures download and look for a program that allows IP checking. But that wont help much as IP's can change very easy as you know. What you need to really know is what's the MAC address of their modem. Then you can give that information to the police and they can contact the ISPs of the area to see which one has the MAC addressed on their network.

But to be all honest. It's probally just a sick prank of someone.

NoPeace - out
Print screen and/or log every conversation, give it to the head of the school and request police action.

Don't let them know you've reported it or they'll probly stop too soon to be caught. But dont try deal with it yourself, 'death threats' is evidence that can be put to very good use in convicting little shits that think they can go around beating up who they please.

If your from the UK, i know police take text message bullying/attack/death threats seriously.
I say keep chatlogs and screenshots of all chatlogs that this person receives. If it is truly making this person upset and disrupting his life then you can tell the police to look into it and let you know what they can do. Maybe even ask Hotmail to get involved. Let headteacher know about this because they might keep an eye out to protect. They may even get police involved.

The best evidence is to nor to tackle this yourself as it could make things worse. Get some sort of authority involved.
ask thier number and arrange a phone call or wtv... that way u first can judge them by the voice... well kinda, and then judge it if its sidious or not... i think it will sound serious or not on a phone call.

Or like it has been said, keep all the convos and then say that u reported them to the police, even if u didnt. If they dont believe do so and send them a report.
Ignore Contact. If Still Persists Then Take Screenies And Go To Police.
Ignore Contact. If Still Persists Then Take Screenies And Go To Police.

he want to know where they are, IGNORE THEM won't help :zippy:
he want to know where they are, IGNORE THEM won't help :zippy:

I Once Had A Similar Problem, But Was A Dick Head Telling Me That He'll Gonna Rape Me, Etc. I Ignore Him (Delete His Mail) And He Persists Then I Went To The Police (With My Screenies) And "Corious" Before Police Doing Something He Stops. (How He Know I Went To The Police? Its A Mistery)
damn I've had this situation 2, sept some random sent me an email saying your going to die at 1am and I was like wtf? and then it had a phone number to finding out why, I rang it and some lady answered and had no idea what I was on about, well I'm still alive so nothing happened.

Yeah there should be something at
i was saying that cz i had a similar thing. i guy called me like a 6.30AM and said that i was doing BS and bad things and that i should put 100$ everyweek in my mailbox if not ill be dead and blablabla... by the tone of his voice and his arguments... i just understoon it was not serious and it was a bad prank... i just said O.K. BYE, hung up and laughted at it.
There's tons of MSN add-ons. Just take a look at Mess with MSN Messenger: msn emoticons msn names display pictures download and look for a program that allows IP checking. But that wont help much as IP's can change very easy as you know. What you need to really know is what's the MAC address of their modem. Then you can give that information to the police and they can contact the ISPs of the area to see which one has the MAC addressed on their network.

But to be all honest. It's probally just a sick prank of someone.

NoPeace - out


Just get their IP, then call the ISP company and tell them that their member is threating you and such.
Print screen and/or log every conversation, give it to the head of the school and request police action.

Don't let them know you've reported it or they'll probly stop too soon to be caught. But dont try deal with it yourself, 'death threats' is evidence that can be put to very good use in convicting little shits that think they can go around beating up who they please.

If your from the UK, i know police take text message bullying/attack/death threats seriously.

informing school wont do any good, we dont know who it is. if we did then i woudn't need to get their details then would i? and they aint death threats.

ask thier number and arrange a phone call or wtv... that way u first can judge them by the voice... well kinda, and then judge it if its sidious or not... i think it will sound serious or not on a phone call.

Or like it has been said, keep all the convos and then say that u reported them to the police, even if u didnt. If they dont believe do so and send them a report.
the only people who have been contact with them is the 2 people who are being harassed. so when i finally do add them to msn/email them, i have to act like a random... whens the last time you went to meet with a random who added u on msn?

also why would i tell them i've reported em to the police? they will stop harrasing on msn, but they may do something even worse irl.

I Once Had A Similar Problem, But Was A Dick Head Telling Me That He'll Gonna Rape Me, Etc. I Ignore Him (Delete His Mail) And He Persists Then I Went To The Police (With My Screenies) And "Corious" Before Police Doing Something He Stops. (How He Know I Went To The Police? Its A Mistery)
we dont care if they keep making threats over msn, we just want to know whether they actually do go to her school or not. cos if they do, then there is the possibility that they can do physical damage, whereas if they are not from her school, they cant do anything can they?

Email the person then wait till they email you back and get their ip in the headers. Rawr.
rofl emails show the IP? O.o


Just get their IP, then call the ISP company and tell them that their member is threating you and such.
isn't that what this thread is about?

anyway, the person DOES know them irl cos they mention other friends of theirs ect... and yes we have looked, no info like that has been on myspace or anything where they could simply have taken it from.
Rishwin said:
we dont care if they keep making threats over msn, we just want to know whether they actually do go to her school or not. cos if they do, then there is the possibility that they can do physical damage, whereas if they are not from her school, they cant do anything can they?

Its The Point Of My Post. Act Before He Can Do Something Worse Than Making Threats Over MSN. Im Sure Hes From Irl (He Mentioned Friends Who Can Just Know Inrl, Isnt?) Once U Do Something And He Knows He'll Be Scared Or Accept That Was A Joke (If Was). Well, This Is My Opinion.
Somehow I Think Its Some Kind Of Silly Joke (Like In My Case - I Suspect Cozz Was Someone Close To Me Who Knew I Went To The Police, Then Stops)
Anyway, Be Careful And Good Luck Solving The Problem. :)
informing school wont do any good, we dont know who it is. if we did then i woudn't need to get their details then would i? and they aint death threats.

the only people who have been contact with them is the 2 people who are being harassed. so when i finally do add them to msn/email them, i have to act like a random... whens the last time you went to meet with a random who added u on msn?

also why would i tell them i've reported em to the police? they will stop harrasing on msn, but they may do something even worse irl.

we dont care if they keep making threats over msn, we just want to know whether they actually do go to her school or not. cos if they do, then there is the possibility that they can do physical damage, whereas if they are not from her school, they cant do anything can they?

rofl emails show the IP? O.o

isn't that what this thread is about?

anyway, the person DOES know them irl cos they mention other friends of theirs ect... and yes we have looked, no info like that has been on myspace or anything where they could simply have taken it from.

Well, then you can be pretty sure they go to your school. Or atleast know
your friends.
Anyway, I would just taunt them till they get pissed of an make mistakes. (like naming a place or a time or anything.) And then catch them when they do. Although it's most likely a sick prick who she rejected.