[Tut] Full to Vana Web 

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Aug 8, 2007
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Ok this guide is to help everyone with the Vana source and so i'm not waisting your time this guide is for the maple story tespia, v.56 v.57 and v.58 of maple global.

Credits to this guide go to DUfire and Jonathan of moomoo's forum

Ok the first thing you'll require is the source itself

Download Tespia Client at:
Download GMS .58 at:

Downloading the Source

Ok this part is finished congrats!
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Aug 8, 2007
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

Setting up your Source

First i shall explain the database, i shall assume you already have MySQL and the GUI Tools, and/or Navicat or whatever you use.

1) First you should start up MySQL Query Browser and use your user/pass but make the default schema maplestory
2) When your in double click your maplestory so its selected, then open the scripts in your branches folder.
Bellocan - [Tut] Full to Vana - RaGEZONE Forums

3) Execute all of them in order, this is only half your database you still need the 2nd half, depending on what you use you shall need a different one. VEDB is the 2nd half to your database.
go here and i shall explain Tespia first so download VEDB 9

VEDB9: (made for tespia as far as i know)
VEDB11: (made for possibly .56 ~ .58

4) Execute the SQL inside this also to your maplestory schema.

Now your database is done so now we'll setup your source ^^

Setting up your server
Open your conf folder inside Vana/Branches/058_support/conf and you should have a bunch of .sample files

1) Open channelserver.lua.sample and edit the ext ip to w/e you like and save it.
2) Open inter_password.lua.sample and edit the 'changeme' so people don't hack your server?
3) You don't have to open loginserver.lua.sample,
4) Open mysql.lua.sample and edit so it suits your MySQL
5) Worlds.lua.sample is for changing the world and channels and stuff, you can edit this if you like
6) Worldserver.lua.sample is also your choice, i personally don't edit this but you can if you like.

Now what you have to do on each file is remove the .sample from each file.
Bellocan - [Tut] Full to Vana - RaGEZONE Forums

Setting up Microsoft Visual C++ to compile Vana

1) Download vcsetup.exe at
Pay mind to which one your downloading, make sure its the yellow box that literally says Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
If you already have this redownload this and make sure you have v9.0 2008
2) Next to support Microsfot Visual C++ download the framework here (you need 3.5)
Now to support Vana you shall require a boost ;)

This one is easy
1) Download boost at and get the newest one 1.35.0
2) Close Visual C++
2) Open Setup and click in order I Agree, I Agree, Choose Random Mirror then click Next And at this state tick what my picture shows
Bellocan - [Tut] Full to Vana - RaGEZONE Forums

Then click next until your finished. Let this install/download until its complete
What boost does is when your building your source you won't receive errors.

building your source
Ok now you have to open MapleStoryServer.sln in your branches folder

Bellocan - [Tut] Full to Vana - RaGEZONE Forums

Just open what i have selected, mines more complete because my folder is finished.
Ok after you open it you need to edit 2 minor things ;)
First shall be your sendheader.h
In your Solution Explorer scroll through Common/Header Files/Packets/headers/ and select SendHeader.h
Bellocan - [Tut] Full to Vana - RaGEZONE Forums

Your sendheader.h should have
#define MAPLE_VERSION 57
or something close to it, make it
then save it

Now you shall open Decoder.cpp
Its like my picture, in Solution Explorer you go through Common/Source Files/Decoder/ then select Decoder.cpp
Bellocan - [Tut] Full to Vana - RaGEZONE Forums

When you open Decoder.cpp find
If you can't go all the way to the bottom and its there
change it to
Then Save it.

Go to the top and Build your solution with "debug" not "release". When its build is complete you now have to support your server.

Go into your Vana Folder/branches/.058 support/debug and go into channel/world/login and get the channel.exe/login.exe/world.exe and copy then and paste into your main .58 support folder, the same folder as your maplestoryserver.sln.

Loading your server
Well this is easy!

Start in this order
1) start login
2) start world
3) start channel

And if you did everything right it should load up fine!

Connecting to your Server
1) download DXWND (we will be using this)
(thank you RastaMS)
2) Open DXWnd (for windows vista users the only way to get this to work is to right click dxwnd, go to properties, and change compatibility to "windows xp service pack 2" and click "run as administartor"
3) Navigate to your client your going to be using and double click it
4) in your navigation bar where it will say (for example: c:\\nexon\maplestoryt\maplestoryt.exe) add at the end of the link 8484
5) open your server and use DXWnd to open your client

Found out a 2nd way to connect

Connecting to your server with Launcher.bat

Ok i've tested this and it also works (non window mode)
1) Open up notepad
2) type in notepad
start maplestoryt.exe 8484
3) Save this as launcher.bat into your tespia client folder
4) make a shortcut to your desktop and use this instead of maplestoryt.exe

Optional Guides

Adding Channels​
1. Open your worlds.lua and it should be like this or a little different
-- World name
world0_name = "Tespia";
-- World channels
world0_channels = 1;
-- World ID (also affects the icon of the world)
world0_id = 0;
-- World Ribbon
-- 0 = None
-- 1 = E
-- 2 = N
-- 3 = H
world0_ribbon = 0;
-- Server rates
world0_exprate = 100;
world0_questexprate = 100;
world0_mesorate = 100;
world0_droprate = 5;
-- What port should the world server listen on?
-- Channels will run on port world port + channel number
-- i.e. channel one will run on 7101 and channel 2 will run on 7102
world0_port = 7100;

-- Uncomment for another world
-- world1_name = "Scania";
-- world1_channels = 1;
-- world1_id = 1;
-- world1_ribbon = 2;
-- world1_exprate = 1;
-- world1_questexprate = 1;
-- world1_mesorate = 1;
-- world1_droprate = 1;
-- world1_port = 7200;
At the top where it says
world0_channels = 1;
change the 1 to whatever you like!
for me i'm fine with 2. You don't have to rebuild your server with these =) just restart the server

Now to make 2 channels appear you load your server like this
1) start login
2) start world
3) start channel
4) start channel (yes ad a 2nd one)

Making server Compatible with v56~58
Ok this is fairly simple
1) Re-open Decoder.cpp and change
back to
2) open sendheader.h and modify
to the version of your client, for example make it either
#define MAPLE_VERSION 56
#define MAPLE_VERSION 57
#define MAPLE_VERSION 58
3) Recompile your server, re-copy your channel.exe login.exe and world.exe from debug to your main folder and your done =)
I hope this full guide helps people with Vana!

Edit: Sorry it took 2 posts couldn't post more than 10 images per post >.<
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 20, 2008
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

This is cool. Ima ask my mate to check it out. Thanks for the guide :D
Aug 8, 2007
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

This is cool. Ima ask my mate to check it out. Thanks for the guide :D
Thank you =) It took me about 3 days to figure all this out but it ends up working! :winky: Plus there's no guide out there with everything you require to get it up and running.
Initiate Mage
Jul 5, 2008
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

You leeched this right off Ragezone!, nah Just kidding, nice tutorial.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 13, 2008
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

Very nice :) .
Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Apr 27, 2008
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

Great tutorial, Ill try and make one.
Master Summoner
May 31, 2008
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

Wow! This seem really useful! But, I'm confused on something. Do you download both from:

Download Tespia Client at:
Downloag GMS .58 at:


(And btw, no offense, but why is Download spelled Downloag? o.o)
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 30, 2008
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

How do you put the server up with hamachi? o.o
Aug 8, 2007
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

Wow! This seem really useful! But, I'm confused on something. Do you download both from:

Download Tespia Client at:
Downloag GMS .58 at:


(And btw, no offense, but why is Download spelled Downloag? o.o)
Lol i'll fix that my bad, i typed it in half hour ;) And for how i made a tut for, download Tespia.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 30, 2008
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

How come my vana folder doesn't have a trunks, and the other folders you said its supposed to have.. This is all i got..

Bellocan - [Tut] Full to Vana - RaGEZONE Forums
Initiate Mage
Jul 1, 2008
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

do you have a guide on the mysql etc? i tried refering to other guides but didnt work for me.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 1, 2005
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

thank for tutorial, it's so clear
but how can ppl join my server?
and i think you must open port 8484, 7100 and 7101, 7102, ... for channel 1, 2 etc
Aug 8, 2007
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Re: [Guide] Full to Vana

do you have a guide on the mysql etc? i tried refering to other guides but didnt work for me.
I can make one, i'll do it tomorrow though when i have time, i have to go to sleep.

thank for tutorial, it's so clear
but how can ppl join my server?
and i think you must open port 8484, 7100 and 7101, 7102, ... for channel 1, 2 etc
yes you have to port forward and you have to open channelserver.lua and edit the external ip.
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