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[tut] MEGAGUIDE How to setup a Ascent server for 2.4.2 Perfect for beginers

Initiate Mage
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
ok..Yes you can make it work without the BC expansion..as it says in the server setup.you can diable BC expansion play by changing the 'flags' from 1 to 0 or whatever, and you can play by yourself on the server. All you hav to do is run the server on your pc and hav nobody connect to it and there you hav your very own wow realm to yourself!!

chen87 are you referring to having the server running on your own computer? without hamachi? well yes you can..as i said before all you hav to do is get the server up and running on ur box and you can connect...assuming you hav set up all the mysql and server connections properly. If your on a Local network you wont neet hamachi. as hamachi is used to create a virtual local network between users which arent in your local network..So your right about thinkin you dont need hamachi if your running the server just for boxes on ur local network.

and as for sycoslicer, you may need to set up another mysql connection. its a bugger of a thing to do sometimes, however check your sever setup file as you have to put ur username and password in that in order for the mysql connection to be established with the wow server files. So if you forgot the password that you were using for the logon it may be the one you specified in the server file..

and for getting sql files into the mysql, just run a sql dump. it should automattically set up everything for you..i dont know for sure as i used SQLyog or sumthin like that a while bak, but it worked like a charm.
cheers peeps
gimme a buzz if i messed up somewhere!
Initiate Mage
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
ok..Yes you can make it work without the BC expansion..as it says in the server setup.you can diable BC expansion play by changing the 'flags' from 1 to 0 or whatever, and you can play by yourself on the server. All you hav to do is run the server on your pc and hav nobody connect to it and there you hav your very own wow realm to yourself!!

chen87 are you referring to having the server running on your own computer? without hamachi? well yes you can..as i said before all you hav to do is get the server up and running on ur box and you can connect...assuming you hav set up all the mysql and server connections properly. If your on a Local network you wont neet hamachi. as hamachi is used to create a virtual local network between users which arent in your local network..So your right about thinkin you dont need hamachi if your running the server just for boxes on ur local network.

and as for sycoslicer, you may need to set up another mysql connection. its a bugger of a thing to do sometimes, however check your sever setup file as you have to put ur username and password in that in order for the mysql connection to be established with the wow server files. So if you forgot the password that you were using for the logon it may be the one you specified in the server file..

and for getting sql files into the mysql, just run a sql dump. it should automattically set up everything for you..i dont know for sure as i used SQLyog or sumthin like that a while bak, but it worked like a charm.
cheers peeps
gimme a buzz if i messed up somewhere!
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 9, 2007
Reaction score
Everything goes smoothly untill it says in the logonserver.exe : Server connection from (HAMA IP):(RANDOM PORT) DENIED, not an allowed IP.

# ArcEmu Realms Configuration File
# Last updated at revision rev.1564

#* How to use this config file:                                                 *
#* Config files are in a block->variable->setting format.                       *
#* A < signifies the opening of a block, the block name is expected after that. * 
#* After the block name, a space and then the settings sperated by = / ' '.     *
#*                                                                              *
#* e.g.                                                                         *
#* <block setting="0" someval = "1">                                            *
#*                                                                              *
#* Comments can be in C format, e.g. /* some stuff */, with a // at the start   *
#* of the line, or in shell format (#).                                         *

# LogonServer Section
#    Address:
#      The address (no port) of the server.
#    Port:
#      The port on which the logon server listens. (*** NOT 3724 ***)
#    Name:
#      Not really relavant, but name the logon.
#    RealmCount:
#      The number of realms in the next section.

<LogonServer Address = ""
	Port = "8093"
	Name = "Logon"
	RealmCount = "1">

# Realm Section
#    Name:
#      The name of the realm.
#    Address:
#      The address (and port) of that realm.
#    Icon:
#      The type of realm (PVP, Normal, RPPVP, RP)
#    TimeZone:
#      The location of the server (1=Development, 2=United States, 3=Oceanic, 4=Latin America, 
#       5=Tournament, 6=Korean, 8=English, 9=German, 10=French)
#    Population:
#      (0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high)
#   Important information below
#     change to your EXTERNAL ip if you wish to have a PUBLIC server.
#     This issues come up a lot!
# 	Timezone values :
#	0=Korean				16=China
#	1=Development				17=CN1
#	2=United States				18=CN2
#	3=Oceanic				19=CN3
#	4=Latin America				20=CN4
#	5=Tournament				21=CN5
#	6=Korean				22=CN6
#	8=English				23=CN7
#	9=German				24=CN8
#	10=French				25=Tournament
#	11=Spanish				26=Test Server
#	12=Russian				27=Tournament
#	13=Tournament				28=QA Server
#	14=Taiwan				29=CN9
#	15=Tournament				30=TestServer2

<Realm1 Name = "Wrath of The Lich King Test Server"
	Address = "" 
	Icon = "PVP"
	Population = "1.0"
	TimeZone = "18">

# ArcEmu Realms Configuration File  
# Last updated at rev.1564

# LogonDatabase Section
#    These directives are the location of the `realms` and `accounts`
#    tables.
#    LogonDatabase.Host      - The hostname that the database is located on
#    LogonDatabase.Username  - The username used for the mysql connection
#    LogonDatabase.Password  - The password used for the mysql connection
#    LogonDatabase.Name      - The database name
#    LogonDatabase.Port      - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually 3306.
#    LogonDatabase.Type      - Client to use. 1 = MySQL, 2 = PostgreSQL, 3 = Oracle 10g

<LogonDatabase Hostname = "localhost"
               Username = "root"
               Password = "root"
               Name     = "ascentlogon"
               Port     = "3306"
               Type     = "1">

# Host Directive
#    This is the address that the realmlist will listen on.
#    To listen on all addresses, set it to
#    Default: (localhost)
#    Note: ISHost is the interserver communication listener.

<Listen Host = ""
        ISHost = ""
        RealmListPort = "3724"
        ServerPort = "8093">

# Server console logging level
#    This directive controls how much output the server will
#    display in it's console. Set to 0 for none.
#    0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
#    Default: 3

<LogLevel Screen = "0"
          File = "-1">

# Account Refresh Time
#    This controls on which time interval accounts gets 
#    refreshed. (In seconds)
#    Default = 600

<Rates AccountRefresh = "600">

# Accepted Build Range Setup
#    These two directives set up which clients will be
#    allowed to authenticate with the realm list.
#    Set these to the same builds that the server was
#    compiled for.
#    As of the last update, version 3.0.3 was build 9183.

<Client MinBuild = "9183"
        MaxBuild = "9183">

# WorldServer Setup
#  RemotePassword
#    This directive controls the password used to authenticate with the worldserver.
#    It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your server will
#    not register.
#    Default: "asdasd"
#  AllowedIPs
#    This section MUST be completed, otherwise all attempts to link your servers will fail.
#    These "Allowed" fields are a space-seperated list of CIDR-form IP addresses that are allowed
#    to make server connections to your logonserver, and register realms.
#    For example, everything in the 127.0.0.* range would be:
#, as 24 of the bits must match the
#    To allow a single IP,
#, would allow only to connect as 32 of the bits must match.
#  AllowedModIPs
#    In the same form as AllowedIPs, these are the IPs that are allowed to modify the database
#    (adding bans, GMs, account permissions, etc)

<LogonServer RemotePassword = "asdasd"
             AllowedIPs = ""
             AllowedModIPs = "">