[Tut] URL Redirection Web 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 24, 2008
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Shorten Your URL with Forwarding

Note: Personally I'd strongly suggest avoiding these to redirect to your website. While they seem like a good idea (short easy to remember url) many use a 302 redirect which can get your site in major trouble with the search engines. Look up "302 hijacking" in your favorite search engine to get complete information.

Also note that if the URL redirection service you choose is with cloaking (it covers your real URL), when you link out of your site, type target="_top" inside your links or your address will remain in the location box of your visitors browser the rest of the time they are on the web. Also some free web space providers have added a script that prevents hiding your real URL and will either redirect to the wrong page or show an alert box.

301 url
I found a free redirection service that uses a 301 redirect (permanent) code not a 302 (temporary)! Shorten your URL without the risk of harming your rankings (Well, at this moment anyway, somehow search engines seem to have a knack at getting redirects wrong. Your new, short url would look like: and is totally adware and spyware free! If you're going to use one of these, this is one I recommend!

Tiny URL
I tested the headers with that Tiny URL. It also used a 301 redirect! Very good news. The other handy stuff they offer is a browser extension for Firefox that lets you quickly and easily add a TinyURL for any page you visit, and for Internet Explorer users there is also a convenient way to do this right from your browser.

This free service is different than any of the others on this page. They offer a free subdomain urls, , but they do not provide hosting. It looks a lot more complex but may be a better option for some web sites. No advertising is added from what I saw, a link back is requested.

Shim's free URL redirection service offers the ability to forward to dynamic IPs as well as other features and currently shows no ads.
Domains currently available:
yournames.freebiefinders.net and a few others. Caution: this one uses a 302 redirect (302 means temporary redirect and will cause headaches for you in the search engines.)

Not recommended. They cover your real address by framing your page which means some search engines will have trouble indexing your content. They also add an advertisement bar to the top of your site and a 'fly in ad' covering your pages content.

Another I wouldn't suggest but I'll list here as an example. WebAlias adds a very advertisement-filled page between the redirect URL and your website. They also add "The WebAlias Network presents: yourchosenname" to the title of the frame cloaking your real webpage. They do offer "free advertising, free real-time statistics, free custom graphics, access restrictions, and more." Many names to choose from including

Bravenet offers a fast redirect, addresses are:

and many others.

If you would like to write a review of a URL redirection service I will put it here.....
Experienced Elementalist
Jul 1, 2008
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Re: [GUIDE] URL Redirection

I use afraid.org my favorite to use is xxx.us.to. Add it to your thread if you want
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 24, 2008
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Re: [GUIDE] URL Redirection

Better is to See my TUT : MAKE YOUR WEBSPACE goo look it.
Mother effin' clouds
Loyal Member
Apr 13, 2008
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Re: [GUIDE] URL Redirection

if your URL is short enough then you dont need this lol :D
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 17, 2008
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Re: [GUIDE] URL Redirection

Wow your stupid. its a copy + paste. Make something of your own.
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