[Tutorial] Clan member friendly fire OFF

Junior Spellweaver
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
Parnamirim (Rio
Sorry my English!
I was andano by ragezone and the codes to disable friendly fire was all in error, I decided to do a basic tutorial of how to solve.

Search in WarZ_Server.sln

Search for:

((targetPlr->loadout_->GameFlags & wiCharDataFull::GAMEFLAG_NearPostBox) && !force_damage)
return false;

Add below:
// A menos que voce não cause dano a si mesmo os demais em clan não são atingidos, com excessão das granadas
if(targetPlr->ID == IsServerPlayer(fromObj)->ID) // TheLiciaZ
return true; //The damage friend is disabled.

/*if(!*targetPlr->loadout_-> ClanID != 0
return true; */ // TheLiciaZ apenas para src codex e amosin deixar não comentado

if(targetPlr->loadout_->ClanID == IsServerPlayer(fromObj)->loadout_->ClanID)
return false;

You will have this here:

if((targetPlr->loadout_->GameFlags & wiCharDataFull::GAMEFLAG_NearPostBox) && !force_damage)
return false;

// A menos que voce não cause dano a si mesmo os demais em clan não são atingidos, com excessão das granadas
if(targetPlr->ID == IsServerPlayer(fromObj)->ID) // TheLiciaZ
return true; //The damage friend is disabled.

/*if(!*targetPlr->loadout_-> ClanID != 0
return true; */ // TheLiciaZ apenas para src codex e amosin deixar não comentado

if(targetPlr->loadout_->ClanID == IsServerPlayer(fromObj)->loadout_->ClanID)
return false;
If that does not work try this! Code 100% working in WarZTHv2

bool ServerGameLogic::ApplyDamageToPlayer(GameObject* fromObj, obj_ServerPlayer* targetPlr, const r3dPoint3D& dmgPos, float damage, int bodyBone, int bodyPart, bool force_damage, STORE_CATEGORIES damageSource, int airState )


// Não receber dano quando estiver com o GM ativado
if(targetPlr->loadout_->Alive == 0 || targetPlr->profile_.ProfileData.isGod)
return false;

// Removido o dano
else if(IsServerPlayer(fromObj)) // Removido o dano dos players em grupo
obj_ServerPlayer * fromPlr = ((obj_ServerPlayer*)fromObj);
if(fromPlr->loadout_->GroupID == targetPlr->loadout_->GroupID && targetPlr->loadout_->GroupID != 0)
return false;

// Removido o dano dos player em clã
if (fromPlr->loadout_->ClanID == targetPlr->loadout_->ClanID && targetPlr->loadout_->ClanID != 0)
return false;


// Spawn Protection 100%
if(((targetPlr->loadout_->GameFlags & wiCharDataFull::GAMEFLAG_NearPostBox) || (targetPlr->loadout_->GameFlags & wiCharDataFull::GAMEFLAG_isSpawnProtected)) && !force_damage)
return false;

if(targetPlr->loadout_->Alive == 0)
return false;

// Sem dano nas safes, ou quando o player estiver com spawn
if(((targetPlr->loadout_->GameFlags & wiCharDataFull::GAMEFLAG_NearPostBox)||
(targetPlr->loadout_->GameFlags & wiCharDataFull::GAMEFLAG_isSpawnProtected)) && !force_damage)
return false;

damage = targetPlr->ApplyDamage(damage, fromObj, bodyPart, damageSource);

// send damage packet, originating from the firing dude
PKT_S2C_Damage_s a;
a.dmgPos = dmgPos;
a.targetId = toP2pNetId(targetPlr->GetNetworkID());
a.damage = R3D_MIN((BYTE)damage, (BYTE)255);
a.dmgType = damageSource;
a.bodyBone = bodyBone;
p2pBroadcastToActive(fromObj, &a, sizeof(a));

// check if we killed player
if(targetPlr->loadout_->Health <= 0)
bool fromPlayerInAir = ((airState & 0x1) != 0);
bool targetPlayerInAir = ((airState & 0x2) != 0);

DoKillPlayer(fromObj, targetPlr, damageSource, false, fromPlayerInAir, targetPlayerInAir);

return true;
Code 100% working in V3SRC
