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[Tutorial] How to Detour the Kal Mainserver

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Elite Diviner
Feb 8, 2012
Reaction score
Step 1 – Download and Install Mircosoft Visual C++ Studio Express 2010

Download Mircosoft Visual C++ Studio Express 2010

Execute vc_web.exe and follow the instructions.

Step 2 - Download the detours package

You can download the detours package from Detours - Microsoft Research.

Scroll down a bit and you should see Detours Express 3.0 this is the version you should download.

Step 3 - Install the detours package

Installing detours is pretty much the same as installing some other program. Just follow the instructions and unless you know what you're doing, don't change the installation directory. By default it should be C:\Program Files\Microsoft Research\Detours Express 3.0

Step 4 - Compiling the detours package

Microsoft Detours Express, which is 32-bit only, can still be built on 64-bit operating systems. Here’s how:
Open a 32-bit Command Prompt (C:\Windows\SysWow64\cmd.exe).
VS2010: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"
(cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\)
Set the target processor to x86 (set DETOURS_TARGET_PROCESSOR=X86).
Or run Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt via Start Menu and type in set DETOURS_TARGET_PROCESSOR=X86
Then: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Research\Detours Express 3.0
And Type: nmake all

Step 5 - Setup detours Project
In order to use detours you need to create a new Win32 Project and type of DLL.
Then you should have a project wich includes the dllmain.cpp, click on it and it have to look like this:

#include "stdafx.h"

                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
                       LPVOID lpReserved
    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
    return TRUE;

Then go to Project Settings (Right Click on your Project) and goto VC++ Directories and add to Include Directories: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Research\Detours Express 3.0\include
And to Library Directories : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Research\Detours Express 3.0\lib.X86
Now change the Code of your dllmain.cpp to:

#pragma comment(lib, "detours.lib")

#undef UNICODE
#include <cstdio>
#include <windows.h>
#include <detours.h> 
#include <process.h>

#pragma pack(1)

//The orginal Server Start function at 0x00424A40
static void (__stdcall *ServerStart)(int start) = (void (__stdcall*)(int start))0x00424A40;

//The original Server Console Write Blue function at 0x00432860
static BOOL (__cdecl *ConsoleWriteBlue)(const char* text,  ...) = (BOOL (__cdecl*)(const char* text, ...))0x00432860;

//Our hooked Server Start function
void __stdcall Hooked_ServerStart(int start)
    ServerStart(start); //Call normal Server start, if we wont do this, the server dont start
    ConsoleWriteBlue("Hello World");
    // Call Print Function after Server Start we should see an Hello World in Blue on Console                        

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved )
    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
            DetourAttach(&(PVOID&)ServerStart, Hooked_ServerStart);
            //Insert our function into Mainserver
            DetourDetach(&(PVOID&)ServerStart, Hooked_ServerStart);
            //Detach our function
    return TRUE;

Compile your Project as Release Version and load your DLL into Mainserver (Libaries Folder/Obsidian) and at Server start on your Console should be printed “Hello World”

MadKnight - [Tutorial] How to Detour the Kal Mainserver - RaGEZONE Forums
Last edited:
Elite Diviner
Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Step 1 – Download and Install Mircosoft Visual C++ Studio Express 2010

Download Mircosoft Visual C++ Studio Express 2010

Execute vc_web.exe and follow the instructions.

Step 2 - Download the detours package

You can download the detours package from Detours - Microsoft Research.

Scroll down a bit and you should see Detours Express 3.0 this is the version you should download.

Step 3 - Install the detours package

Installing detours is pretty much the same as installing some other program. Just follow the instructions and unless you know what you're doing, don't change the installation directory. By default it should be C:\Program Files\Microsoft Research\Detours Express 3.0

Step 4 - Compiling the detours package

Microsoft Detours Express, which is 32-bit only, can still be built on 64-bit operating systems. Here’s how:
Open a 32-bit Command Prompt (C:\Windows\SysWow64\cmd.exe).
VS2010: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"
(cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\)
Set the target processor to x86 (set DETOURS_TARGET_PROCESSOR=X86).
Or run Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt via Start Menu and type in set DETOURS_TARGET_PROCESSOR=X86
Then: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Research\Detours Express 3.0
And Type: nmake all

Step 5 - Setup detours Project
In order to use detours you need to create a new Win32 Project and type of DLL.
Then you should have a project wich includes the dllmain.cpp, click on it and it have to look like this:

#include "stdafx.h"

                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
                       LPVOID lpReserved
    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
    return TRUE;

Then go to Project Settings (Right Click on your Project) and goto VC++ Directories and add to Include Directories: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Research\Detours Express 3.0\include
And to Library Directories : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Research\Detours Express 3.0\lib.X86
Now change the Code of your dllmain.cpp to:

#pragma comment(lib, "detours.lib")

#undef UNICODE
#include <cstdio>
#include <windows.h>
#include <detours.h> 
#include <process.h>

#pragma pack(1)

//The orginal Server Start function at 0x00424A40
static void (__stdcall *ServerStart)(int start) = (void (__stdcall*)(int start))0x00424A40;

//The original Server Console Write Blue function at 0x00432860
static BOOL (__cdecl *ConsoleWriteBlue)(const char* text,  ...) = (BOOL (__cdecl*)(const char* text, ...))0x00432860;

//Our hooked Server Start function
void __stdcall Hooked_ServerStart(int start)
    ServerStart(start); //Call normal Server start, if we wont do this, the server dont start
    ConsoleWriteBlue("Hello World");
    // Call Print Function after Server Start we should see an Hello World in Blue on Console                        

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved )
    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
            DetourAttach(&(PVOID&)ServerStart, Hooked_ServerStart);
            //Insert our function into Mainserver
            DetourDetach(&(PVOID&)ServerStart, Hooked_ServerStart);
            //Detach our function
    return TRUE;

Compile your Project as Release Version and load your DLL into Mainserver (Libaries Folder/Obsidian) and at Server start on your Console should be printed “Hello World”

MadKnight - [Tutorial] How to Detour the Kal Mainserver - RaGEZONE Forums

good job ;) , nice tut to make ur own DLL , keep going
Skilled Illusionist
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
hm nice but not very well Explained a beginner just know now how to copy & paste your Code but not how to find or Create anything themself.
Elite Diviner
Feb 8, 2012
Reaction score
hm nice but not very well Explained a beginner just know now how to copy & paste your Code but not how to find or Create anything themself.

Ok i give them a little lecture to read : )

Its the Mainserver Code in Pseudo C from IDA, with renamed Methods from Bakabugslist.


You must be registered for see attachments list
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
Well, Thanks for the tut.
I just wonder how you get adr like 0x00424A40 or anyother.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
first, this is nice tutorial for beginners :)
second i would like to ask you if you Have a solution to display message after click on submenu

HWND hWnd = FindWindow(NULL,TEXT("MainSvrt on port 51752"));
HMENU hCurrent = GetMenu(hWnd);
HMENU hNew = CreateMenu();
AppendMenu(hCurrent, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (unsigned int)hNew, TEXT("DragoN"));
AppendMenu(hNew, MF_STRING, MSG, TEXT("Reload Config"));

For example
if clicked Reload Config [SubMenu]
Then Display Message
MessageBox(hwnd, L"Config", L"Config",MB_OK);
Elite Diviner
Feb 8, 2012
Reaction score
first, this is nice tutorial for beginners :)
second i would like to ask you if you Have a solution to display message after click on submenu

HWND hWnd = FindWindow(NULL,TEXT("MainSvrt on port 51752"));
HMENU hCurrent = GetMenu(hWnd);
HMENU hNew = CreateMenu();
AppendMenu(hCurrent, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (unsigned int)hNew, TEXT("DragoN"));
AppendMenu(hNew, MF_STRING, MSG, TEXT("Reload Config"));

For example
if clicked Reload Config [SubMenu]
Then Display Message
MessageBox(hwnd, L"Config", L"Config",MB_OK);

Nothing easier than this : )

MadKnight - [Tutorial] How to Detour the Kal Mainserver - RaGEZONE Forums

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"

#define MYMENU_EXIT         (WM_APP + 101)
#define MYMENU_MESSAGEBOX   (WM_APP + 102) 

HINSTANCE  inj_hModule;          //Injected Modules Handle
HWND       prnt_hWnd;            //Parent Window Handle

//WndProc for the new window

//Register our windows Class
BOOL RegisterDLLWindowClass(wchar_t szClassName[])
    wc.hInstance =  inj_hModule;
    wc.lpszClassName = (LPCWSTR)L"InjectedDLLWindowClass";
    wc.lpszClassName = (LPCWSTR)szClassName;
    wc.lpfnWndProc = DLLWindowProc;
    wc.style = CS_DBLCLKS;
    wc.cbSize = sizeof (WNDCLASSEX);
    wc.hIcon = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
    wc.hIconSm = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
    wc.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
    wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
    wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
    wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
    wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) COLOR_BACKGROUND;
    if (!RegisterClassEx (&wc))
        return 0;
//Creating our windows Menu
HMENU CreateDLLWindowMenu()
    HMENU hMenu;
    hMenu = CreateMenu();
    HMENU hMenuPopup;
        return FALSE;
    hMenuPopup = CreatePopupMenu();
    AppendMenu (hMenuPopup, MF_STRING, MYMENU_EXIT, TEXT("Exit"));
    AppendMenu (hMenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR) hMenuPopup, TEXT("File")); 

    hMenuPopup = CreatePopupMenu();
    AppendMenu (hMenuPopup, MF_STRING,MYMENU_MESSAGEBOX, TEXT("MessageBox")); 
    AppendMenu (hMenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR) hMenuPopup, TEXT("Test")); 
    return hMenu;

//The new thread
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID lpParam )
    MSG messages;
    wchar_t *pString = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t * > (lpParam);
    HMENU hMenu = CreateDLLWindowMenu();
    prnt_hWnd = FindWindow(L"Window Injected Into ClassName", L"Window Injected Into Caption");
    HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx (0, L"InjectedDLLWindowClass", pString, WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 400, 300, prnt_hWnd, hMenu,inj_hModule, NULL );
    ShowWindow (hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
    while (GetMessage (&messages, NULL, 0, 0))
    return 1;
//Our new windows proc
LRESULT CALLBACK DLLWindowProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    switch (message)
        case WM_COMMAND:
                    case MYMENU_EXIT:
                        SendMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
                    case MYMENU_MESSAGEBOX:
                        MessageBox(hwnd, L"MadKnight is Mad!", L"MessageBox",MB_OK);
        case WM_DESTROY:
            PostQuitMessage (0);
            return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
    return 0;

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HMODULE hModule, DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,LPVOID lpReserved)
    if(ul_reason_for_call==DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
        inj_hModule = hModule;
        CreateThread(0, NULL, ThreadProc, (LPVOID)L"MainSvrt on port 30001", NULL, NULL);
    return TRUE;

Its even with an new Window! : ) But as you can see you cant delete it if you dont want a new window, then only inject the MenuBar to parent Window.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Awesome stuff, thanks for the Pseudo C-Code, very useful. I´m trying to code a BOF system for the NWK files using the pulse.dll base that was released. How do I detour functions like CItemDefense::putOn , so I can check for an armor part being equipped? Could you give me an example? Thanks a lot!
Elite Diviner
Feb 8, 2012
Reaction score
Awesome stuff, thanks for the Pseudo C-Code, very useful. I´m trying to code a BOF system for the NWK files using the pulse.dll base that was released. How do I detour functions like CItemDefense::putOn , so I can check for an armor part being equipped? Could you give me an example? Thanks a lot!

static void (__thiscall *CItemDefense__PutOn)(int *thispointer, int a2)= (void (__thiscall*)(int *thispointer, int a2))0x0042AC10; 

void __fastcall Hooked_CItemDefense__PutOn(int *thispointer,  void* _edx, int a2)
    // Do your stuff here

//Dont forget:
DetourAttach(&(PVOID&)CItemDefense__PutOn, Hooked_CItemDefense__PutOn);
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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Wow, that isn´t even as difficult as I thought it would be :)
Thanks for that sample.

But I´m wondering, where did you get those parameters from? (int *thispointer, int a2, void* _edx)

As the Pseudo C-Code file you uploaded says: CItemDefense::putOn(int a1<ecx>, DWORD a2<ebx>, DWORD a3<edi>, DWORD a4<esi>, int a5).

And which parameter is the id of the item that was put on? As I need to check that one to add the fitting BOF GState if the armor is a G46,G55,G60 or G65 armor.

Or is there any other way to check for that?
Last edited:
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Nothing easier than this : )

MadKnight - [Tutorial] How to Detour the Kal Mainserver - RaGEZONE Forums

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"

#define MYMENU_EXIT         (WM_APP + 101)
#define MYMENU_MESSAGEBOX   (WM_APP + 102) 

HINSTANCE  inj_hModule;          //Injected Modules Handle
HWND       prnt_hWnd;            //Parent Window Handle

//WndProc for the new window

//Register our windows Class
BOOL RegisterDLLWindowClass(wchar_t szClassName[])
    wc.hInstance =  inj_hModule;
    wc.lpszClassName = (LPCWSTR)L"InjectedDLLWindowClass";
    wc.lpszClassName = (LPCWSTR)szClassName;
    wc.lpfnWndProc = DLLWindowProc;
    wc.style = CS_DBLCLKS;
    wc.cbSize = sizeof (WNDCLASSEX);
    wc.hIcon = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
    wc.hIconSm = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
    wc.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
    wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
    wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
    wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
    wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) COLOR_BACKGROUND;
    if (!RegisterClassEx (&wc))
        return 0;
//Creating our windows Menu
HMENU CreateDLLWindowMenu()
    HMENU hMenu;
    hMenu = CreateMenu();
    HMENU hMenuPopup;
        return FALSE;
    hMenuPopup = CreatePopupMenu();
    AppendMenu (hMenuPopup, MF_STRING, MYMENU_EXIT, TEXT("Exit"));
    AppendMenu (hMenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR) hMenuPopup, TEXT("File")); 

    hMenuPopup = CreatePopupMenu();
    AppendMenu (hMenuPopup, MF_STRING,MYMENU_MESSAGEBOX, TEXT("MessageBox")); 
    AppendMenu (hMenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR) hMenuPopup, TEXT("Test")); 
    return hMenu;

//The new thread
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID lpParam )
    MSG messages;
    wchar_t *pString = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t * > (lpParam);
    HMENU hMenu = CreateDLLWindowMenu();
    prnt_hWnd = FindWindow(L"Window Injected Into ClassName", L"Window Injected Into Caption");
    HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx (0, L"InjectedDLLWindowClass", pString, WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 400, 300, prnt_hWnd, hMenu,inj_hModule, NULL );
    ShowWindow (hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
    while (GetMessage (&messages, NULL, 0, 0))
    return 1;
//Our new windows proc
LRESULT CALLBACK DLLWindowProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    switch (message)
        case WM_COMMAND:
                    case MYMENU_EXIT:
                        SendMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
                    case MYMENU_MESSAGEBOX:
                        MessageBox(hwnd, L"MadKnight is Mad!", L"MessageBox",MB_OK);
        case WM_DESTROY:
            PostQuitMessage (0);
            return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
    return 0;

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HMODULE hModule, DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,LPVOID lpReserved)
    if(ul_reason_for_call==DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
        inj_hModule = hModule;
        CreateThread(0, NULL, ThreadProc, (LPVOID)L"MainSvrt on port 30001", NULL, NULL);
    return TRUE;

Its even with an new Window! : ) But as you can see you cant delete it if you dont want a new window, then only inject the MenuBar to parent Window.

i found it on the internet while i searching and got it working fine
but i looking for the one i told you xD :)
i searched for more than 6 hours to find it :S and found it too

but still cant use the submenu as a button
Elite Diviner
Feb 8, 2012
Reaction score
i found it on the internet while i searching and got it working fine
but i looking for the one i told you xD :)
i searched for more than 6 hours to find it :S and found it too

but still cant use the submenu as a button

Dont search 6 hours on Google, just use your brain : )
Ok i made it for you now but next time you make it ^^

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"

#pragma comment(lib, "detours.lib")

#undef UNICODE
#include <cstdio>
#include <windows.h>
#include <detours.h> 
#include <process.h>
#include "../Server.h"

#pragma pack(1)

#define MYMENU_EXIT         (WM_APP + 101)
#define MYMENU_MESSAGEBOX   (WM_APP + 102) 

static LRESULT (__stdcall *Orig_DLLWindowProc)(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	= (LRESULT (__stdcall*)(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam))0x004348E0;

HINSTANCE  inj_hModule;         
HWND       prnt_hWnd;           

HMENU CreateDLLWindowMenu()
	HMENU hMenu;
	hMenu = CreateMenu();
	HMENU hMenuPopup;
		return FALSE;

	hMenuPopup = CreatePopupMenu();
	AppendMenu (hMenuPopup, MF_STRING,MYMENU_MESSAGEBOX, TEXT("MessageBox")); 
	AppendMenu (hMenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR) hMenuPopup, TEXT("Test")); 
	return hMenu;

DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID lpParam )
	MSG messages;
	UINT asd;
	HWND hWnd = FindWindow(NULL,TEXT("MainSvrt on port 30001"));
	HMENU hCurrent = GetMenu(hWnd);
	HMENU hNew     = CreateMenu();

	HMENU hMenuPopup;
	hMenuPopup = CreateDLLWindowMenu();
	AppendMenu (hCurrent, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR) hMenuPopup, TEXT("Test")); 
	return 1;

LRESULT __stdcall Hooked_DLLWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	switch (Msg)
			SendMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
			MessageBox(hWnd, L"MadKnight is Mad!", L"MessageBox",MB_OK);
		PostQuitMessage (0);
		return Orig_DLLWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);
	return 0;		

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HMODULE hModule, DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,LPVOID lpReserved)
	switch (ul_reason_for_call)
			DetourAttach(&(PVOID&)Orig_DLLWindowProc, Hooked_DLLWindowProc);
			inj_hModule = hModule;
			CreateThread(0, NULL, ThreadProc, (LPVOID)L"MainSvrt on port 30001", NULL, NULL);

	return TRUE;


Your Problem was it, that you did not handle the Menu Events.
So just hook mainserver function at 0x004348E0 (Orig_DLLWindowProc) and replace it with Hooked_DLLWindowProc, then do your stuff and after that call the orig function as default:

return Orig_DLLWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);

So easy it is, just 5 mins hooking ^^
Newbie Spellweaver
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
got a prob with something i will be glad if u can help XD :)
i wanna insert item into players inventory on command so i need to get the functions from the list the CPlayer::ChatCommand and the CPlayer::InsertItem now i dun know how the calls are really works XD never used... so we know that if i wanna make consolewrite then its a __cdecl and then fastcall i did the same with entering the game when i enter the game the msg in the server console is displayed but i dun really know how to work with inserting item or creating stuff real ones i will glad if u can help me or give me direction for the call func thanks :)
Elite Diviner
Feb 8, 2012
Reaction score
Many People asked me for Addresses so here are some Addresses for you:

#include <Windows.h>

namespace Server
    namespace CIOServer
        static void (__stdcall *Start)(int start) = (void (__stdcall*)(int start))0x00424A40;
        static int (__thiscall *CIOServer__CIOServer)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00424950; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOServer___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x00424990; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOServer___CIOServer)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004249C0; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *CIOServer__Close)(BOOL thispointer) = (BOOL (__thiscall*)(BOOL thispointer))0x004249F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CIOServer__Start)(int hostshort) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int hostshort))0x00424A40; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *CIOServer__OnWaitCallback)(__int64 thispointer) = (BOOL (__thiscall*)(__int64 thispointer))0x00424B70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOServer__Stop)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00424BA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOServer__OnIOCallback)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00424BD0; 

    namespace CSocket

        static void (__thiscall *Process)(void *Socket, const char* Data) = (void (__thiscall*)(void*, const char*))0x00494930;
        static void (__cdecl *Write)(void *Socket, unsigned char Type, const char* Format, ...) = (void (__cdecl*)(void*, unsigned char, const char*, ...))0x004948c0;
        static int (__thiscall *CSocket__IsSBit)(int thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char a2))0x0040DC60; 
        static void (__thiscall *CSocket__Lock)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004327C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CSocket__Unlock)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004327E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSocket__Id)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x00458680;
        static void (__thiscall *CSocket___scalar_deleting_destructor_)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004947C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CSocket___CSocket)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004947F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CSocket__OnDelPlayer)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00495E50; 

    namespace CPlayer
        static signed int (__thiscall *Create)(int* thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int*))0x00457ED0;
        static void* (__cdecl *Write)(void *Player, unsigned char Type, const char* Format, ...) = (void* (__cdecl*)(void*, unsigned char, const char*, ...))0x00452e60;
        static char* (__thiscall *GetGuildName)(void *Player) = (char* (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0046acd0;
        static char* (__thiscall *GetGuildClassTitle)(void *Player) = (char* (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0046ad70;
        static unsigned long (__cdecl *FindPlayer)(void *Player) = (unsigned long (__cdecl*)(void*))0x00450890;
        static int (__thiscall *IsPCBang)(void *Player) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0046c040;
        static void (__thiscall *Send)(void *Player, char* Data) = (void (__thiscall*)(void*, char*))0x00452e00;
        static int (__thiscall* ProcessMsg)(void *thispointer, char *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointer, char *a2))0x00460A50;
        static int (__thiscall *CancelBuff)(void *pPlayer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*,int))0x0040B6A0;
        static int (__stdcall *SetEventCode)(signed int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(signed int a1, int a2))0x0046BFD0;
        static int (__thiscall *Tick)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00452620;
        static int (__thiscall *InsertItem)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *,int,int))0x0045DE10;
        static int (__thiscall *_InsertItem)(void *a, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*,int,int))0x0045DE10;
        static int (__thiscall *LevelUp)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *))0x0045CC00;
        static bool (__thiscall *CheckBlock)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int,int))0x00452130;
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__AddEState)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00409AF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__AddWState)(int thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char a2))0x00427BB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__IsWState)(int thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char a2))0x00427BE0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CPlayer__AddMState)(int a5, int a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0043CE00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__IsEState)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0044A510; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayerSkill__IsSkill)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0044A940; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayerObject__OnTimer)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044FDD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__CPlayer)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0044FF20; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SendPacket)(void *a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *a5))0x00450460; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SendMove)(void *a2, void *a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *a2, void *a3))0x00450480; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__InitGambleInfo)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004504B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00450500; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer___CPlayer)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00450530; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__Start)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00450730; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__ScanPlayer)(char a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4))0x00450790; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__FindPlayer)(char a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4))0x00450890; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CPlayer__WriteAll)(char a4, char a5) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(char a4, char a5))0x00450910; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CPlayer__WriteInMap)(int a4, char a5, char a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5, char a6))0x004509F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__LogPlayerStatistic)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00450AD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnFree)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00450E40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00450E60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__IsPBit)(int thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char a2))0x00451330; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SendDelete)(int a5, void *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, void *a6))0x00451350; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SendCreate)(int a5, void *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, void *a6))0x00451390; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__AI)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004514F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00451530;
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__InfoDie)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00451CF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__ReviseProperty)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00451D20; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__AddMStateEx)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00451DA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__AddBState)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00451DE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetFinalDefense)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00451F40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetFinalAbsorb)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00451FC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetFinalResist)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00452000; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetMSpeed)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00452070; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetAttackType)(int thispointer) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00452110; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CPlayer__CheckBlock)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00452130; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__UpdateTransformExp)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00452310; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__Add)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x00452360; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CPlayer__Remove)() = (LONG (__thiscall*)())0x00452590; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00452620; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetAutoRefreshHP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00452C10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetAutoRefreshMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00452C50; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__WarPortalAll)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00452C90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__Send)(void *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *a2))0x00452E00; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__Write)(int a4, char a5, char a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5, char a6))0x00452E60; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__Process)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00452ED0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetInvenSize)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00456720; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__ExchangeBoddariToItem)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00456750; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__ExchahgeItem)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9))0x00456AD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetNeedPoint)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00456BC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnLoadPlayer)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00456C40; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer___Create)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x00457ED0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__GameStart)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00458270; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GameRestart)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004585B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SaveAllProperty)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004586A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__UpdateProperty)(int a4, int a5, int a6, signed __int64 a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, signed __int64 a7))0x00458800; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__UpdatePrtyPt)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00459840; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__UpdatePrtyPer)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0045B100; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__Attack)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0045C740; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__LevelUp)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0045CC00; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__Teleport)(int a5, int a6, int* a7, int a8,int a9) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int* a7, int a8, int a9))0x0045CC90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnTeleport)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0045CE50; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer___IntoInven)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0045D0D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer___OutofInven)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0045D140; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__FindItem)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0045D190; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer___FindItem)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0045D1E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer___FindMergeItem)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0045D270; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__BuyItemEx)(char a5, int a6, int a7, char *a8, unsigned int a9) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a5, int a6, int a7, char *a8,  unsigned int a9))0x0045D2F0;
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SellItem)(char a5, int a6, char *a7, unsigned int a8) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a5, int a6, char *a7, unsigned int a8))0x0045D630; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__DropItem)(char a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a5, int a6))0x0045D7E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__TrashItem)(char a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0045D9C0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__RemoveItem)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0045DA90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__PutOnItem)(char a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0045DB40; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__PutOffItem)(char a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0045DC50; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__UseItem)(char a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0045DD00; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__InsertItem)(int a2,int a3, int a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a2,int a3, int a4))0x0045DDC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer___InsertItem)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0045DE10; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__EnchantItem)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0045DF90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__UpgradeItem)(int a5, char a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char a6))0x0045E0A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__AskTrade)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0045E170; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnAskTrade)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0045E2F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__CancelTrade)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0045E3B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer___EndTrade)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0045E410; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__ShowOffItem)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x0045E460; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__TradeAgreed)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0045E720; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer___CheckTrade)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0045E780; 
        static char (__thiscall *CPlayer___TradeItem)(void *a5) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *a5))0x0045E890; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer___StorageIn)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0045EA00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer___StorageOut)(void *thispointer, char a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2, int a3))0x0045EAB0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer___FindStorageItem)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x0045EAE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__StorageInfo)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0045EB90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__PutInStorage)(char a5, int a6, char *a7, unsigned int a8) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a5, int a6, char *a7, unsigned int a8))0x0045ECA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__PutOutStorage)(char a5, int a6, char *a7, unsigned int a8) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a5, int a6, char *a7, unsigned int a8))0x0045EEC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SetStallInfo)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x0045F040; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetStallInfo)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0045F3A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__SwitchStall)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0045F540; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__BuyItemAtStall)(unsigned int a5, int a6, int a7, char *a8, unsigned int a9) = (void (__thiscall*)(unsigned int a5, int a6, int a7, char *a8,unsigned int a9))0x0045F660;
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__AskParty)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0045FA90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnAskParty)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0045FC60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__LeaveParty)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0045FD70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__ExileParty)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0045FDC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetPartySize)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0045FE50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__UpdatePartyMember)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0045FEB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SaveQuestFlag)(signed int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(signed int a5, int a6))0x0045FF20; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CPlayer__CheckQuestFlag)(signed int a5) = (bool (__thiscall*)(signed int a5))0x004600D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__CheckQuestClear)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00460180; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__QuestGuide)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00460210; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__AskPvP)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00460300; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnAskPvP)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004604C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnPvP)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00460770; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__EndPvP)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00460940; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__ProcessMsg)(char a3,char *a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a3,char *a5))0x00460A50; 
        static int (__thiscall *ChatCommand)(void *thispointer,const char *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*,const char*))0x00461080; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__Rest)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004642B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__CutdownExp)(int thispointer, signed int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, signed int a2))0x004643A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__Revival)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00464550; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__RevivalSkill)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00464750; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__RevivalItem)(signed int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(signed int a5))0x00464950; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SaveRevivalPt)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00464A50; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__ProcessEvent)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00464B40; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnProcessEvent)(int a2, void *a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a2, void *a3))0x00465120; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__InitStat)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00465250; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__EventInsert)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004655B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__EventRemoveAll)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004655E0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CPlayer__EventIsMoraTime)(int thispointer) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00465630; 
        static unsigned int (__thiscall *CPlayer__EventSetMora)(int a5) = (unsigned int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004656E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__EventSaveDB)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004658E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__MLMProcess)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004659F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__MLMLoad)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00466BA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer___MLMInsert)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00466C70; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__MLMDelete)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00466CD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer___MLMDelete)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00466D10; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__MLMDeleteAll)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00466DA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__MLMUpdate)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00466E70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer___MLMFind)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00466F20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer___MLMGet)(int *a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *a5, int a6))0x00466F80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__MLMPupilNum)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00467010; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__MLMPayMoney)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00467080; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__MLMAccumFee)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00467400; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__MLMLevelUp)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004674D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__FRDProcess)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004675B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__MailSend)(int a5, int a6, int *a7, int a8, int a9, int a10, int a11, int a12, int a13, int a14) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int *a7, int a8, int a9, int a10, int a11, int a12, int a13, int a14))0x00468280;
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__MailSendResult)(int a5, int a6, signed int a7, char a8, int a9, int a10, int a11, int a12, int a13, int a14, int a15) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, signed int a7, char a8, int a9,int a10, int a11, int a12, int a13, int a14, int a15))0x00468570;
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__MAILProcess)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00468890; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__IsCooking)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00469D40; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__Cooking)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0046A020; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetGuild)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0046AAD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SetGuild)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0046AB20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetGID)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0046AB90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SetGID)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0046ABC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SetGuildLevel)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0046ABF0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SetGuildName)(const char *a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(const char *a5))0x0046AC20; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SetGuildStandard)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0046AC60; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SetGuildClass)(int a5, const char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, const char *a6))0x0046AC90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetGuildName)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0046ACD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetGuildStandard)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0046AD20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetGuildClassTitle)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0046AD70; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__IsDefenseSide)(char a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0046ADC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__CanAttack)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0046AE50; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__PKKill)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0046B0C0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetDropItemMask)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0046B310; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__AddBuff)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0046B390; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__PKBulletinInfoSend)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0046B420; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__PKBulletinLoad)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0046B530; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__ScanONPKPlayer)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0046B5F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__EventBuff)(int a1) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a1))0x0046B770; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__DropItemONPKDie)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0046B890; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__Transform)(int a5, signed int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, signed int a6))0x0046BA30; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__FreeTransform)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0046BB90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__BreakStandard)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0046BBF0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__RefreshStandardBuff)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0046BC40; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CPlayer__IsWearBuffStandard)(int thispointer) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0046BD80; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__Bless)(signed int a5, signed int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(signed int a5, signed int a6))0x0046BDC0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CPlayer__SetSystemCode)(signed int a4, int a5) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(signed int a4, int a5))0x0046BF60; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CPlayer__SetEventCode)(signed int a4, int a5) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(signed int a4, int a5))0x0046BFD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__IsPCBang)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0046C040; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__Shortcut)(int a4, char *a5, unsigned int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, char *a5, unsigned int a6))0x0046C070; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnGetMyTelPt)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0046C100; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SetMyTelPt)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x0046C2F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnSetMyTelPt)(int a5, char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6))0x0046C960; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__GetPalsyDamage)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0046C9F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__CanMove)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x0046CD70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__NPCProcess)(char a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0046CE20; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__ChangePlayerName)(const char *a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(const char *a5))0x0046CEA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnChangePlayerName)(int a5, const char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, const char *a6))0x0046CFC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__ChangeGuildName)(const char *a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(const char *a5))0x0046D100; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__OnChangeGuildName)(int a5, const char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, const char *a6))0x0046D260; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__EventProcessNPC)(int a5, signed int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, signed int a6, int a7))0x0046D340; 
        static int (__stdcall *CPlayer__IsState)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0046D4B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPlayer__InsertOwnItem)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0046D4D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__ExchangeDanjiToItem)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0046D570; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SiegeGunProcess)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0046D8B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__SiegeGunControl)(int a5, char *a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, int a7))0x0046DC50; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SiegeGunUnset)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0046DE50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__ReturnToPoint)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0046DF30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__CountWarrelationPlayer)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0046E0D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__EnforceItem)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, char a10) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, char a10))0x0046E1B0;
        static void (__cdecl *CPlayerSkill__UpperChanceStone)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x00480900; 

    namespace CPlayerObject
        static int (__stdcall *OnTimer)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0044FDD0;
    namespace CChar
        static void (__thiscall *Lock)(void *Char) = (void (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00412e90;
        static void (__thiscall *Unlock)(void *Char) = (void (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00412eb0;
        static int (__thiscall *IsGState)(void *Char, unsigned long State) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*, unsigned long))0x0040b310;
        static int (__thiscall *AddGState)(void *Char, unsigned long State) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*, unsigned long))0x00409910;
        static void (__cdecl *WriteInSight)(void *Char, unsigned char Type, const char* Format, ...) = (void (__cdecl*)(void*, unsigned char, const char*, ...))0x0040b9e0;
        static unsigned short (__thiscall *GetMaxMagic)(void *Char) = (unsigned short (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00458240;
        static unsigned short (__thiscall *GetMinMagic)(void *Char) = (unsigned short (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00458210;
        static unsigned short (__thiscall *GetMaxAttack)(void *Char) = (unsigned short (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043d9d0;
        static unsigned short (__thiscall *GetMinAttack)(void *Char) = (unsigned short (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043d9a0;
        static bool (__thiscall* CheckHit) (void* pPlayer, void* pTarget, int arg) = (bool (__thiscall*) (void*, void*, int))0x43DA00;
        static int (__thiscall *GetMaxHp)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043A200;
        static int (__thiscall *GetMaxMp)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043AF90;
        static int (__thiscall *GetStr)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043BE20;
        static int (__thiscall *GetHth)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043BE60;
        static int (__thiscall *GetDex)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043BF20;
        static int (__thiscall *GetInt)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043BEA0;
        static int (__thiscall *GetWis)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043BEE0;
        static int (__thiscall *GetHit)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0048E510;
        static int (__thiscall *GetDodge)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043DB90;
        static int (__thiscall *GetDefense)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00438F30;
        static int (__thiscall *GetFinalDefense)(void *Char, int arg) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*, int))0x00451F40 ;
        static int (__thiscall *GetASpeed)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043D8E0;
        static int (__thiscall *GetAbsorb)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00438F70;
        static int (__thiscall *GetAttack)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043D970;
        static int (__thiscall *GetMagic)(void *Char) = (int (__thiscall*)(void*))0x004835F0;
        static unsigned short (__thiscall *GetResist)(void *Char, unsigned char Type) = (unsigned short (__thiscall*)(void*, unsigned char))0x00438fa0;
        static void (__cdecl *Write)(void *Player, unsigned char Type, const char* Format, ...) = (void (__cdecl*)(void*, unsigned char, const char*, ...))0x00452e60;
        static int (__cdecl* CreateBuff)(int BuffIndex, __int32 BuffCooldown, int StatIncrease, int a4) = (int (__cdecl*)(int,__int32,int,int))0x00402610;

        static __int64 (__thiscall *CChar__IsMState)(int thispointer, __int64 a2) = (__int64 (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, __int64 a2))0x00406BA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__CChar)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040AA10; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CChar__Index)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040ABB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__AddMState)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0040ABE0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CChar__AddMStateEx)(int thispointer, int a2) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040AC50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetFinalDefense)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0040ACF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetFinalAbsorb)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040AD20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetFinalResist)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0040AD40; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *CChar__GetMSpeed)(int a1) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0040AD70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__UpdateChild)(int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a2))0x0040AD90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0040ADB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar___CChar)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0040ADE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__ReviseProperty)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040AE20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetDropPt)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040B060; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__SetXY)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040B110; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__SetDirection)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0040B180; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__SetReverseDirection)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040B240; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CChar__IsNormal)(int thispointer) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040B280; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__IsGState)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040B310; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__SetBuff)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0040B330; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__AddBuff)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0040B3D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar___FindBuff)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040B4A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetBuffRemain)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0040B4E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__UpdateBuff)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0040B540; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__RefreshBuff)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0040B5F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__CancelBuff)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0040B6A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__CancelAllBuff)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0040B750; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__DeleteAllBuff)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0040B7E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__CancelBuffPrty)(int a2edx,int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a2edx,int a3))0x0040B870; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__ResetAllBuff)(int a2edx) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a2edx))0x0040B920; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__SaveAllBuff)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0040B980; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CChar__WriteInSight)(int a4, char a5, char a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5, char a6))0x0040B9E0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CChar__WriteInRect)(int a1, char a2, int a3, char a4) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a1, char a2, int a3, char a4))0x0040BA70; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__Lock)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00412E90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CChar__Unlock)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00412EB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecCharming__CSpecCharming)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041EC20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecCharming__Enchant)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0041FE90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetDefense)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00438F30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetAbsorb)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00438F70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetResist)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00438FA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetMaxHP)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0043A200;
        static signed int (__thiscall *CChar__GetFinalDamage)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0043AD50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetMaxMP)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0043AF90;
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetStr)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0043BE20;
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetHth)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0043BE60;
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetInt)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0043BEA0;
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetWis)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0043BEE0;
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetDex)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0043BF20;
        static signed int (__thiscall *CChar__GetASpeed)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043D8E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetAttack)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0043D970;
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetMinAttack)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0043D9A0;
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetMaxAttack)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043D9D0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CChar__CheckHit)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0043DA00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetHit)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043DB60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetDodge)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043DB90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetFatalDamage)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0043EAC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetMinMagic)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x00458210;
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__GetMaxMagic)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00458240; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__IsGStateExcept)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0045F640; 

    namespace CObject
        static long (__cdecl *WriteExclusive)(unsigned char Type, const char* Format, ...) = (long (__cdecl*)(unsigned char, const char*, ...))0x0044fce0;
        static int (__fastcall *CObjectDB__CObjectDB)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__fastcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00425C20; 
        static void (__thiscall *CObjectDB___CObjectDB)(int thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00425C40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCObject__CNPCObject)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00448530; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCObject___CNPCObject)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00448590; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCObject__OnTimer)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004485C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCObject__Insert)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00448740; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CObjectDB__Open)(int thispointer, const char *a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const char *a2))0x0044C300; 
        static int (__cdecl *CObjectDB__FindSymbol)(char a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1))0x0044C550; 
        static signed int (__fastcall *CObjectDB__Load)(void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__fastcall*)(void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x0044C5A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CObjectDB__Close)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0044C8D0; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CObjectDB__CanReload)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x0044C960; 

    namespace CMonster
        static void (__thiscall *OnDelete)(void *Monster) = (void (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043a3f0;
        static unsigned long (__thiscall *GetOperatorName)(void *Monster) = (unsigned long (__thiscall*)(void*))0x0043a720;
        static unsigned long (__thiscall *GetGuildName)(void *Monster) = (unsigned long (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00438eb0;
        static void* (__cdecl* FindMonster) (int nID) = (void* (__cdecl*) (int))0x0043A240;
        static void (__stdcall *CMonster__ResetNextMove)(int a1, int a2) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x004021B0; 
        static int (__stdcall *CMonsterSiegeGunBall__Damage)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x0040ABD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterObject__CMonsterObject)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00438A00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterObject___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x00438A80; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterObject__OnTimer)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00438AB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterObject__Insert)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00438CA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterObject__Stop)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00438D20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__GetGID)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00438E90; 
        static char (__cdecl *CMonster__GetGuildName)() = (char (__cdecl*)())0x00438EB0; 
        static void (__stdcall *CMonster__Summon)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00438EC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00438ED0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster___CMonster)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00438F00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__CMonster)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00438FC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonster__Start)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004390C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonster__Stop)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00439130; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMonster__Size)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x004391F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__NewMonster)(int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00439200; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguni__CMonsterMaguni)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439830; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__GetAttackType)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00439860; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ResetNextMove)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00439880; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal___CMonsterReal)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004398B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly__CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439910; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00439940; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly___CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00439970; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkill__CMonsterMaguniWithSkill)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439990; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterInactive__CMonsterInactive)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004399D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterNotReal___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00439A30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterNotReal___CMonsterNotReal)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00439A60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMagic___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00439A80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterInactive___CMonsterInactive)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00439AB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterNotReal__CMonsterNotReal)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00439AF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__GetGID)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00439B10; 
        static char (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__GetGuildName)(void *thispointer) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00439B30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem__CMonsterItem)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439B50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00439B80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem___CMonsterItem)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00439BB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterBlackBug__CMonsterBlackBug)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439C00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterEgg__CMonsterEgg)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00439C60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterCocoon__CMonsterCocoon)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439CC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterFireFlower__CMonsterFireFlower)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00439D80; 
        static char (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun__GetGuildName)(void *thispointer) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00439E80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00439EC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGunRuins__CMonsterSiegeGunRuins)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00439EF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterWithSkillOnly__CMonsterWithSkillOnly)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439F10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterInvaderBoss__CMonsterInvaderBoss)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439F40; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonster__Create)(int a4, int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00439FB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__FindMonster)(char a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4))0x0043A240; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__GetMonsterList)(int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0043A2C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__ScanMonster)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0043A350; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043A3F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonster__SendDelete)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0043A4A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonster__SendCreate)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0043A4D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__SetTarget)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043A590; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__SetProperty)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0043A5E0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonster__AI)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x0043A620; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__Add)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043A640; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__Remove)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043A6B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonster__GetOperatorName)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043A720; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonster__CanAttack)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0043A770; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0043A8C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__CMonsterReal)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0043A8F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043AA00; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__SendCreate)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0043AAC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x0043ABB0;
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Defense)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043AEB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ReviseProperty)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043AF00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__SetTarget)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043AFD0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__UpdateProperty)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0043B030; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__UpdatePrtyPt)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0043B130; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__UpdatePrtyPer)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0043BF60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__SetProperty)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0043CEA0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Add)(int a5) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043CFA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Remove)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043CFE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043D060; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043D140; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AddHostility)(int a2, int a3, signed int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a2, int a3, signed int a4))0x0043D210; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__RemoveHostility)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043D410; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__GetMSpeed)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0043D480; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Attack)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043D510; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Move)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043DBC0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__GetRandomPt)(int a5) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043E070; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__GetChasePt)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0043E470; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ScanSight)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043E8C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ManageBuff)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043E8F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ApplyDamage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10, int a11) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10,int a11))0x0043E950;
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AfterDamage)(int a5, int a6, signed int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, signed int a7))0x0043EB40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AllotTransformExp)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0043EC20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AllotExp)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0043ECC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ResetHostility)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043F1C0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguni__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9,int a10))0x0043F260;
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguni__Die)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0043F3D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly__SetTarget)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043F490; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043F4E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043F7F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkill__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043F8E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkill__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043FBF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkill__Attack)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043FD50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__IsIgnore)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004400D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__CMonsterTowerBoss)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004400F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Create)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x004401A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00440430; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Defense)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00440500; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniMaster__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00440550; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004406A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Attack)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00440A30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__UpdateChild)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00440D90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Summon)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00440E20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Reaction)(int thispointer, signed int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, signed int a2, int a3))0x00440EE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__OnSummon)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00440F70; 
        static int (__stdcall *CMonsterNotReal__AddBuff)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00440FF0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterInactive__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00441030;
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterInactive__SetProperty)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004411A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterInactive__Add)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004411F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__CMonsterGuildWar)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, const char *a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, const char *a6))0x00441230; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__Create)(char a4, signed int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, const char *a9, int a10) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4, signed int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8,  const char *a9, int a10))0x004412B0;
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00441590;
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__SetProperty)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00441790; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004417F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__SetGuild)(int a5, const char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, const char *a6))0x004418A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00441920;
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterItem__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00441B20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem__Add)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00441C70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem__Remove)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00441CE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMagic__CMonsterMagic)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00441D60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMagic__Create)(char a4, signed int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4, signed int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00441DE0;
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMagic__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00442030; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterMagic__SetProperty)(int thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00442110; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMagic__Add)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00442160; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterBlackBug__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004421F0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Die)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00442360; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterBlackBug__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00442410;
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterBlackBug__UpdateChild)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004425E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterBlackBug__Summon)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00442670; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGunRuins__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00442730; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterEgg__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004427C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterEgg__Summon)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x004428D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterEgg__OnSummon)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004429A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterCocoon__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00442A20; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniMaster__Create)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00442AF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniMaster__CMonsterMaguniMaster)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00442DF0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniMaster__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00442E10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMother__CMonsterBigBirdMother)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00443060; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMother__Create)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00443090; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMother__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00443340; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMother__Summon)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x004434F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMother__OnSummon)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004435B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMother__Move)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00443630; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMother__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00443970;
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMother__Attack)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00443B30; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterFireFlower__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00443EE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMaster__Create)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00443FD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMaster__CMonsterBigBirdMaster)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00444290; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterFireFlower___CMonsterFireFlower)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004442B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterBigBirdMaster__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004442D0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniMaster__Die)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00444560; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun__CMonsterSiegeGun)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, const char *a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, const char *a5, int a6))0x004446D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun__Create)(int a4, signed int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, const char *a9, int a10) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, signed int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, const char *a9, int a10))0x00444760;
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00444A10; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00444B10; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun__Die)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00444C00; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun__SetFire)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00444D30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun__Summon)(char a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00444D80; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun__SetOperator)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00444DD0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGun__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00444E30;
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGunBall__CMonsterSiegeGunBall)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00444F90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGunBall__Create)(char a4, signed int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4, signed int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00445030; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGunBall__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004452B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGunBall__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004453B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterSiegeGunRuins__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004454A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterWithSkillOnly__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00445510; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterWithSkillOnly__Attack)(int thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00445610; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterInvaderBoss__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004457F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterInvaderBoss__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00445950; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AddGState)(int a5) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00449220; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonster__IsRemoved)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x00449450; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterSkill__Close)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00480CD0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CMonsterSkill__LoadSkill)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00480E40; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPurgatorialFlame__AddMagicMonster)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048D1A0; 
    namespace CSMap
        static unsigned long (__thiscall *GetCellMap)(void *_this, void*, void*) = (unsigned long (__thiscall*)(void*, void*, void*))0x00491360;
        static bool (__thiscall *CSMap__IsValidTile)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00438130; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSMap___GetCellMap)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00438250; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CSMap__IsMoveTile)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9))0x0043E1C0;
        static int (__thiscall *CSMap__IsOnTile)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0045CD80; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CSMap__ReadLock)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9,int a10))0x00491460;

    namespace CIOBuffer
        static void (__thiscall *Release)(void *Buffer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00401070;
    namespace CBuff
        static void* (__cdecl *CreateBuff)(int, int) = (void* (__cdecl*)(int, int))0x004402610;
        static LONG (__thiscall *CIOBuffer__Release)(int thispointer) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00401070; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CIOBuffer__AddRef)(int thispointer) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00401570; 
        static void (__cdecl *CIOBuffer__Alloc)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x00423F90; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CIOBuffer__Free)(void *thispointer) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00424040; 
        static int (__cdecl *CIOBuffer__FreeAll)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004240A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOBuffer__CSlot__CSlot)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004258A0; 

    namespace CDBSocket
        static void (__cdecl *Write)(unsigned char Type, const char* Format, ...) = (void (__cdecl*)(unsigned char, const char*, ...))0x0040dc80;
        static int (__thiscall *CDBSocket__CDBSocket)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0040CA80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CDBSocket___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a2))0x0040CAB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CDBSocket___CDBSocket)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0040CAE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CDBSocket__Start)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0040CB00; 
        static void (__thiscall *CDBSocket__Stop)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0040CC40; 
        static BOOL (__cdecl *CDBSocket__OnClose)() = (BOOL (__cdecl*)())0x0040CCA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CDBSocket__OnRead)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0040CD00; 
        static void (__thiscall *CDBSocket__Process)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0040CD90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CDBSocket__Write)(char a4, char a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a4, char a5))0x0040DC80; 
    namespace CIOCriticalSection
        static void (__thiscall *Enter)(void *Section) = (void (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00423640;
        static void (__thiscall *Leave)(void *Section) = (void (__thiscall*)(void*))0x004236d0;
        static struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION (__thiscall *CIOCriticalSection__CIOCriticalSection)(struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *thispointer) = (struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION (__thiscall*)(struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *thispointerpointer))0x004235E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOCriticalSection___CIOCriticalSection)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00423610; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOCriticalSection__Enter)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00423640; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOCriticalSection__Leave)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004236D0; 
    namespace CIOException
        static void (__cdecl *Write)(const char *a1, char a2) = (void (__cdecl*)(const char *a1, char a2))0x00422B30;
        static BOOL (__cdecl *sub_421EC0)(HANDLE hFile, LPCSTR arg4, ...) = (BOOL (__cdecl*)(HANDLE hFile, LPCSTR arg4, ...))0x00421EC0;
        static void (__thiscall *CIOException__CInit__CInit)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00420FF0; 
        static void (__cdecl *CIOException__Lock)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x00421120; 
        static void (__cdecl *CIOException__Unlock)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x00421130; 
        static void (__cdecl *CIOException__CInit___CInit)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x00422B00; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CIOException__Filter)(int a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00422DF0; 
        static void (__cdecl *CIOException__Open)(char *a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(char *a1, int a2, int a3))0x00422E30; 
        static bool (__cdecl *CIOException__Enable)() = (bool (__cdecl*)())0x00422EC0; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CIOException__Disable)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x00422EE0; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CIOException__IsEnable)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x00422F00; 
        static void (__cdecl *CIOException__SendMail)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x00422F10; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CIOException__ToggleRaise)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x00422F30; 
        static void (__cdecl *CIOException__DumpStack)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x00422F50; 
    namespace CBase
        static void* (__thiscall *Id)(void *base) = (void* (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00407760;

        static int (__thiscall *CBase__CBase)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00402110; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBase__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00402180; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBase___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x004021C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBase___CBase)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004021F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBase__OnFree)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00402220; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBase__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x00402270; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBaseList__Push)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004023F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBaseList__Pop)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00402430; 
        static void (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CBaseList___Alloc)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x00402460; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CBaseList___Free)(int a1) = (LONG (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x004024C0; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CBaseList___CPool___CPool)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x004024F0; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CBaseList___FreeAll)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x00402500; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBase__IsDeleted)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0040B2F0;
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBase__Delete)(void *thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00411780; 
    namespace CItem
        static char* (__cdecl *PutByte)(char*, char) = (char* (__cdecl*)(char*, char))0x004189a0;
        static char* (__cdecl *PutWord)(char*, short) = (char* (__cdecl*)(char*, short))0x0042f960;
        static char* (__cdecl *PutDword)(char*, long) = (char* (__cdecl*)(char*, long))0x0044f9b0;
        static int (__cdecl *CreateItem)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__cdecl*)(char,int,int,int))0x00426110;
        static int (__stdcall *InsertItem)(int playerp, int type, int index, int amount, int prefix, int iid) = (int (__stdcall*)(int,int,int,int,int,int))0x004274A0;
        static int  (__cdecl *CreateOwnItem)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__cdecl*)(char,int,int,int))0x00426210 ;
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__CItem)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004258F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__Use)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004259B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__Enchant)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004259D0; 
        static int (__stdcall *CItem__ChangePrefix)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004259F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00425A00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem___CItem)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00425A30; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CItem__InsertInitItem)(int a1) = (signed int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00425A50; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CItem__InsertPrefix)(int a1) = (signed int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00425AB0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CItem__InsertItemGroup)(int a1) = (signed int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00425B10; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItem__ReloadItemGroup)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00425B70; 
        static int (__cdecl *CItem__FindInitItem)(char a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1))0x00425C60; 
        static int (__cdecl *CItem__FindPrefix)(char a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1))0x00425CB0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CItem__NewItem)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00425D00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemMask__CItemMask)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00425F80; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CItemDefense__IsBroken)(int thispointer) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00425FB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemMask___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00425FD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemStandard__CItemStandard)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00426000; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemStandard___CItemStandard)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00426040; 
        static int (__cdecl *CItem__CreateItem)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00426110; 
        static int (__cdecl *CItem__CreateCheatItem)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00426170; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__AddState)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004261F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CItem__CreateOwnItem)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00426210; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__CreateDropItem)(char a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4, int a5))0x00426290; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__CreateQuestItem)(char a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4))0x00426390; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__Close)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00426490; 
        static int (__cdecl *CItem__ClearItemGroup)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004265B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItem__OnTimer)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00426640; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__PutInfo)(int thispointer, int *a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int *a2, int a3))0x00426750; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__Init)(int thispointer, int a2, signed int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, signed int a3, int a4))0x004268E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItem__SendDelete)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00426950; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItem__SendCreate)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00426980; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItem__Trash)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004269D0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItem__Erase)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00426A60; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItem__Insert)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00426B40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__UpdateNum)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00426C10; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CItem__Drop)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00426D00;
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__Trade)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00427010; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CItem__CanSell)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004270B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__IsState)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00427130; 
        static char (__thiscall *CItem__CanTrade)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00427150; 
        static char (__thiscall *CItem__CanDrop)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00427210; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItem__StorageOut)(void *a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x004272D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItem__ForcedStorageIn)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00427340; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CItem__NewIID)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x004273B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__GetSellMoney)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004273E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__SetEtc)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00427400; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CItem__SendItemInfo)(void *a5, char a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(void *a5, char a6))0x00427430; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__InsertItem)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9))0x004274A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__CItemWeapon)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00427520; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGeneral___CItemGeneral)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004275C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__PutInfo)(int thispointer, int *a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int *a2, int a3))0x004275E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__Init)(int thispointer, char a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char a2, int a3, int a4))0x00427A50; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__SetWearState)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00427AA0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__Trash)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00427C00; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__Erase)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00427D60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__ApplySpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00427E70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__FreeSpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00428000; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__PutOn)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00428140; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__PutOff)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00428770; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__UpdateNum)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00428D70; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CItemDefense__CanSell)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00428F00; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__StorageIn)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00428F30; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__ForcedStorageIn)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00429060; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__Charming)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00429100; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__GetLevel)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004295B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__CharmingCheat)(void *a5, int a6, int a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *a5, int a6, int a7))0x004295F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__Repair)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00429730; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__ChangePrefix)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x004297B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__Protect)(void *a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *a5))0x00429B60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__GetSellMoney)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00429C90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__UpgradeDestroy)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00429D50; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__UpgradeRateUp)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00429E60; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemWeapon__UpgradeLevel)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00429FB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__CItemDefense)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042A310; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGeneral___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0042A390; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__PutInfo)(int thispointer, int *a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int *a2, int a3))0x0042A3C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemDefense__SetWearState)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042A800; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__Trash)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042A8F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__Erase)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042AA10; 
        static char (__thiscall *CItemDefense__ApplySpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042AAF0; 
        static char (__thiscall *CItemDefense__FreeSpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042AB80; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemDefense__PutOn)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042AC10; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemDefense__PutOff)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042AD60; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemDefense__Insert)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042AE90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__UpdateNum)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042AF90; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__StorageIn)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042B0F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__Charming)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042B210; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__CharmingCheat)(void *a5, int a6, int a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042B630; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__ChangePrefix)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0042B710; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__Protect)(void *a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *a5))0x0042BAB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemDefense__GetSellMoney)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042BBD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemDefense__UpgradeDestroy)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042BC70; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemMask__SetWearState)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042BDD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemMask__PutOn)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0042BE10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemMask__Init)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0042BE40; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemStandard__SetWearState)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042BE80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemStandard__ApplySpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042BEF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemStandard__FreeSpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042BF30; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemStandard__PutOn)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042BF70; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemStandard__PutOff)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042C1B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemStandard__CanDrop)(int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0042C2B0; 
        static char (__thiscall *CItemStandard__CanTrade)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0042C2E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemStandard__Broken)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042C340; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__CItemOrnament)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042C450; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__Init)(void *thispointer, char a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2, int a3, int a4))0x0042C480; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__SetWearState)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042C4B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__Trash)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042C560; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__Erase)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042C640; 
        static char (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__ApplySpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042C6E0; 
        static char (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__FreeSpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042C720; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__PutOn)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042C760; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__PutOff)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042C870; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__Insert)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042C920; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__UpdateNum)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042CA20; 
        static char (__thiscall *CItemTransform__CanDrop)(int a5, int a6) = (char (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042CB30; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__StorageIn)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042CB80; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__ForcedStorageIn)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042CC80; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__ChangePrefix)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0042CD20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__GetSellMoney)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042CE40; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemOrnament__UpgradeDestroy)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042CE90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGeneral__CItemGeneral)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042CF10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__Sum)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042CF40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGeneral__Use)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042CFB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGeneral__Trade)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042D040; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemGeneral__StorageIn)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042D180; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemGeneral__StorageOut)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int *a8) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int *a8))0x0042D460; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGeneral__Enchant)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0042D670; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemQuest__CItemQuest)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042D6B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGeneral__UpdateNum)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042D6E0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CItemQuest__CanMerge)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042D860; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemMoney__SetEtc)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042E570; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__CItemTransform)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042E5E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__PutInfo)(int thispointer, int *a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int *a2, int a3))0x0042E640; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__Init)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0042E7F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemTransform__SetWearState)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042E820; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__Trash)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042E8C0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__Erase)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042E980; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__ApplySpec)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0042EA00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__FreeSpec)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0042EA70; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemTransform__PutOn)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042EAE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemTransform__PutOff)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0042EBD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemTransform__Insert)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042ECB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__UpdateNum)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042ED90; 
        static char (__thiscall *CItemTransform__CanTrade)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0042EE90; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__StorageIn)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042EED0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemTransform__ForcedStorageIn)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042EFB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemTransform__UpdateExp)(void *a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *a5, int a6))0x0042F030; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CItemTransform__CheatLevelUp)(void *a5, signed int a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(void *a5, signed int a6))0x0042F200; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemTransform__SaveInfo)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0042F2C0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__ApplyTransform)(int a5, signed int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, signed int a6))0x0042F300; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemMoney__Trash)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042D920; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemMoney__Insert)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042D9C0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemMoney__UpdateNum)(int a5, int a6, LONG Value) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, LONG Value))0x0042DB00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemMoney__Trade)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0042DF30; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemMoney__StorageIn)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042E080; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemMoney__StorageOut)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int *a8) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int *a8))0x0042E2E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemTransform__FreeTransform)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0042F460; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CItemGroup__InsertGroup)(int a1) = (signed int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x004302B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CItemGroup__ClearGroup)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00430310; 
        static int (__cdecl *CItemGroup__Copy)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004303A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGroup__CItemGroup)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004303E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGroup___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00430410; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGroup___CItemGroup)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00430440; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemGroup__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x00430460; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CItemGroup__OnLoad)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00430520; 
        static int (__stdcall *CItemGroup__FindGroup)(char a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(char a1))0x00430540; 
        static void (__thiscall *CItemGroup__GetItemInfo)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004305A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItemGroup__GetFirstGroup)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00430630; 
    namespace CIOObject
        static int (__thiscall *AddRef)(int object) = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x004010D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *Release)(int object) = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x00401DE0;
        static LONG (__thiscall *CIOObject__AddRef)() = (LONG (__thiscall*)())0x004010D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOObject__OnFree)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004010F0; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *CIOObject__PostObject)(__int64 thispointer, int dwNumberOfBytesTransferred) = (BOOL (__thiscall*)(__int64 thispointer, int dwNumberOfBytesTransferred))0x00401590; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOObject__Release)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00401DE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOObject__CIOObject)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00401FA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOObject___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x00401FE0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CIOObject__RegisterWait)(void *a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *a5))0x00423AC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOObject__AddTimer)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00423B40; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *CIOObject__OnTimerCallback)(int dwNumberOfBytesTransferred) = (BOOL (__thiscall*)(int dwNumberOfBytesTransferred))0x00423C00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOObject__OnIOCallback)(int a1,int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a1,int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00423C40; 
    namespace Skill
        static void (__thiscall* LifeAsorbtion) (void* pSkill, void* pPlayer, char* pPacket, char* pPos) = (void (__thiscall*) (void*, void*, char*, char*))0x00488330;
    namespace CLink
        static void (__thiscall* Initialize)(void *Object) = (void (__thiscall*)(void*))0x00438A60;
        static void (__thiscall* MoveTo)(void *Object,int x) = (void (__thiscall*)(void*,int))0x00438C40;
        static void (__thiscall *CLink__Initialize)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00438A60; 
        static void (__thiscall *CLink__MoveTo)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00438C40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CLink__Insert)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00438CE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CLink__Remove)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0043A6F0; 

    namespace CMonsterReal
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__GetAttackType)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00439860; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ResetNextMove)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00439880; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal___CMonsterReal)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004398B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0043A8C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__CMonsterReal)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0043A8F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043AA00; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__SendCreate)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0043AAC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x0043ABB0;
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Defense)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043AEB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ReviseProperty)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043AF00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__SetTarget)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043AFD0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__UpdateProperty)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0043B030; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__UpdatePrtyPt)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0043B130; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__UpdatePrtyPer)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0043BF60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__SetProperty)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0043CEA0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Add)(int a5) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043CFA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Remove)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043CFE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043D060; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043D140; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AddHostility)(int a2, int a3, signed int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a2, int a3, signed int a4))0x0043D210; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__RemoveHostility)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043D410; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__GetMSpeed)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0043D480; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Attack)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043D510; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Move)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043DBC0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__GetRandomPt)(int a5) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043E070; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__GetChasePt)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0043E470; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ScanSight)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043E8C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ManageBuff)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043E8F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ApplyDamage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10, int a11) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10,int a11))0x0043E950;
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AfterDamage)(int a5, int a6, signed int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, signed int a7))0x0043EB40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AllotTransformExp)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0043EC20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AllotExp)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0043ECC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__ResetHostility)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043F1C0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__Die)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00442360; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CMonsterReal__AddGState)(int a5) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00449220; 

    namespace CMonsterMaguniWithSkill
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly__CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439910; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00439940; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly___CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00439970; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkill__CMonsterMaguniWithSkill)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439990; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly__SetTarget)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0043F490; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043F4E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkillOnly__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043F7F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkill__AI)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043F8E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkill__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0043FBF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterMaguniWithSkill__Attack)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0043FD50; 

    namespace CMonsterTowerBoss
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__IsIgnore)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004400D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__CMonsterTowerBoss)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004400F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Create)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x004401A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00440430; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Defense)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00440500; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004406A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Attack)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00440A30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__UpdateChild)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00440D90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Summon)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00440E20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__Reaction)(int thispointer, signed int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, signed int a2, int a3))0x00440EE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterTowerBoss__OnSummon)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00440F70; 

    namespace CMonsterInactive
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterInactive__CMonsterInactive)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004399D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterInactive___CMonsterInactive)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00439AB0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterInactive__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00441030;
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterInactive__SetProperty)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004411A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterInactive__Add)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004411F0; 

    namespace CMonsterItem
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem__CMonsterItem)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439B50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00439B80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem___CMonsterItem)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00439BB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00441920;
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterItem__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00441B20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem__Add)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00441C70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterItem__Remove)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00441CE0; 


    namespace CMonsterGuildWar
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__GetGID)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00439B10; 
        static char (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__GetGuildName)(void *thispointer) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00439B30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__CMonsterGuildWar)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, const char *a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, const char *a6))0x00441230; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__Create)(char a4, signed int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, const char *a9, int a10) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4, signed int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8,  const char *a9, int a10))0x004412B0;
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__Damage)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00441590;
        static int (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__SetProperty)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00441790; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004417F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMonsterGuildWar__SetGuild)(int a5, const char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, const char *a6))0x004418A0; 

    namespace CParty
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__GetSize)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00412ED0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CParty__ExistOnPK)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x0041FDA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__CParty)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044D3C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0044D470; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty___CParty)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0044D4A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__FindParty)(char a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4))0x0044D4E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__Accept)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0044D550; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__OnFree)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0044D640; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__OnTimer)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044D6A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__Add)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0044D7F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__Remove)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0044D850; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CParty__IsHead)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044D890; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CParty__IsMember)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0044D8E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__FindTopLevel)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0044D950; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__Join)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0044D9D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__Leave)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044DB20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__Delete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0044DDA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__Exile)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0044DDC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__AllotExp)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0044E020; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CParty__SendPartyInfo)(void *a5) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(void *a5))0x0044E4B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__UpdateMemberHP)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044E610; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__UpdateMemberLevel)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044E680; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__Broadcast)(void *a5, void *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *a5, void *a6))0x0044E700; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CParty___Broadcast)(void *a5, void *a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(void *a5, void *a6))0x0044E740; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__GetRandomPlayer)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0044E7C0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CParty__Teleport)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0044E830; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__StoreItem)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044E940; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__DistributeItem)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044E9A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__AllotTransformExp)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0044F000; 
        static void (__thiscall *CParty__Healing)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9))0x0044F110; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__Chant)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0044F290; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__GetPlayerList)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0044F390; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty___GetPlayerList)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0044F3D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CParty__GetLuckySize)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044F440; 

    namespace CCastle
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__CCastle)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x00419940;
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a2))0x00419A00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle___CCastle)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00419A30; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *CCastle__Start)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x00419A60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__Stop)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00419AB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__Load)(int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00419B30; 
        static char (__thiscall *CCastle__SetWarGuild)(int a1, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00419D80; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCastle__WarBegin)(char a1, int ebx,int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a1, int ebx,int a2))0x00419E10; 
        static int (__cdecl *CCastle__WarPortal)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0041A030; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle___WarMsg)(void *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *a2))0x0041A0D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__WarMsg)(void *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *a2))0x0041A170; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__WarList)(int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0041A1A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041A300; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__SetGuild)(int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a2))0x0041A370; 
        static int (__cdecl *CCastle__GetCastle)(char a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1))0x0041A3B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CCastle__GetMonsterTile2CID)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0041A400; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CCastle__IsLord)(int a5) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041A570; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CCastle__IsAlliance)(int a5) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041A5B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CCastle__IsAlreadyDeclare)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041A610; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CCastle__IsAllCastleWarRelation)(int a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0041A670; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__Login)(int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a3, int a4))0x0041A790; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__WarAllianceADD)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0041AB10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__WarADD)(int a5, int a6, const char *a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, const char *a7, int a8))0x0041AC80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__GetWarSize)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041AD90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__WarDelcareList)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0041ADE0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CCastle__IsStandardAlive)() = (bool (__thiscall*)())0x0041B060; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__GetStandardUnfurl)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041B0A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__SetStandardUnfurl)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041B0D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__SetCurStandardGuild)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0041B100; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCastle__UnfurlStandardCancel)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0041B160; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__BrokenStandard)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041B270; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CCastle__CreateStandard)(int a4, int a5, const char *a6, int a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, const char *a6, int a7))0x0041B360; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCastle__CreateGate)(int a5, int a6, const char *a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, const char *a7))0x0041B3F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCastle__CreateNoExistGate)(int a5, int a6, const char *a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, const char *a7))0x0041B480; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__IsGateAlive)(char a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4, int a5))0x0041B580; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__GetTaxRate)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041B610; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__SetTaxRate)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0041B640; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CCastle__IsPayment)() = (bool (__thiscall*)())0x0041B690; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__GetTax)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041B6D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__AddTax)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041B700; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__ResetTax)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041B770; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__TaxSave)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041B7C0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CCastle__IsGateUse)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041B860; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CCastle__IsGateUseWarring)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041B970; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCastle__GateGoto)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0041BA30; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CCastle__SetGateLimit)(signed int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(signed int a5, int a6))0x0041BA90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__SetWarRemainSecondTime)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0041BAF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__ChangeLeaderName)(int a4, const char *a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, const char *a5))0x0041BB20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__ChangeGuildName)(int a4, const char *a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, const char *a5))0x0041BBD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__SetLordDeclare)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041BC80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__SecondProcess)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041BCE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCastle__WarEnd)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041BEE0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CCastle__IsWarEnd)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x0041C180; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCastle__ChangeLord)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0041C210; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CCastle__IsWarDeclared)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0041C310; 

    namespace CWar
        static int (__thiscall *CWar__SetGuild)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00419710; 
        static int (__thiscall *CWar__CWar)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041C380; 
        static int (__thiscall *CWar___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0041C3F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CWar___CWar)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041C420; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *CWar__Start)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x0041C440; 
        static int (__thiscall *CWar__Load)(int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0041C490; 
        static int (__thiscall *CWar__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041C650; 
        static void (__thiscall *CWar__ADD)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0041C670; 
        static int (__thiscall *CWar__Clear)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0041C6B0;

    namespace CSpec
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecPrty__CSpecPrty)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0041EB20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpec__CSpec)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0041EB60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecGState__CSpecGState)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041EB90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecTeleport__CSpecTeleport)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0041EBC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecRefresh__CSpecRefresh)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0041EBF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecRepair__CSpecRepair)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041EC50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecChangePrefix__CSpecChangePrefix)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x0041EC80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecProtect__CSpecProtect)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041ECD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecBuff__CSpecBuff)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0041ED00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecRevival__CSpecRevival)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041ED40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecPrty__ApplySpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041FB40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecPrty__FreeSpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041FBB0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CSpecGState__ApplySpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041FC20; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CSpecGState__FreeSpec)(int thispointer, int a2) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041FC40; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CSpecTeleport__Use)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041FC60; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CSpecRefresh__Use)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0041FE40; 
        static int (__stdcall *CSpecRepair__Enchant)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0041FEC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecChangePrefix__Enchant)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0041FEE0; 
        static int (__stdcall *CSpecProtect__Enchant)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0041FF20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpecBuff__Use)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0041FF40; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CSpecRevival__Use)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041FFA0; 

    namespace CIOSocket
        static int (__thiscall *CIOSocket__CIOTimerInstance___CIOTimerInstance)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00402010; 
        static int (__cdecl *CIOSocket__CInit___CInit)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00423710; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CIOSocket__CreateIOThread)(char a1, int a2,int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(char a1, int a2,int a6))0x00423730; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOSocket__AddIOThread)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00423840; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CIOSocket__CloseIOThread)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x004238F0; 
        static void (__cdecl *CIOSocket__FreeIOThread)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x00423920;
        static int (__thiscall *CIOSocket__CIOTimer__CIOTimer)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00423BD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOSocket__CIOTimerInstance__OnTimerCallback)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00423C80; 
        static int (__stdcall *CIOSocket__CIOTimerInstance__OnIOCallback)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x00423CD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOSocket__WaitThread)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00423D10; 
        static void (__cdecl *CIOSocket__IOThread)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x00423EC0; 
        static void (__cdecl *CIOSocket__DumpStack)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x00423F30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOSocket__CIOSocket)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00424120; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOSocket___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x004241C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOSocket___CIOSocket)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004241F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOSocket__Close)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00424260; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOSocket__GracefulClose)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004242E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOSocket__OnIOCallback)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00424340; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOSocket__OnCreate)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004243D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOSocket__ReadCallback)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004243F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOSocket__Read)(size_t a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(size_t a5))0x00424440; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOSocket__WriteCallback)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004245E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOSocket__Write)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00424760; 
        static void (__thiscall *CIOSocket__Initialize)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00424C80; 
        static char (__thiscall *CIOSocket__CIOTimer__operator_)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x004256C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIOSocket__CIOTimerInstance__CIOTimerInstance)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00425880; 

    namespace CGoods
        static void (__thiscall *CGoods__ForcedStorageIn)(int a4, int a5, void *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, void *a6))0x00430680; 
        static int (__cdecl *CGoods__ClearGoods)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004308F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CGoods__Copy)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00430980; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGoods__CGoods)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004309C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGoods___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00430A00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGoods___CGoods)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00430A30; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGoods__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x00430A50; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGoods__OnLoad)(void *thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00430B30; 


    namespace CGroup
        static int (__cdecl *CGroup__Copy)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0042FEF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGroup__CGroup)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042FF30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGroup___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0042FF60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGroup___CGroup)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0042FF90; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGroup__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x0042FFB0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGroup__OnLoad)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004301E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CGroup__GetItemInfo)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00430200; 

    namespace CMemory
        static int (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CAuthPacket___Alloc)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00401E80; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CAuthPacket___Free)(int a1) = (LONG (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00401F50; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CAuthPacket___CPool___CPool)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x00402030; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CAuthPacket___FreeAll)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x00402040; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CSkill___CPool___CPool)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x004020B0; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CSkill___FreeAll)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x004020C0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CDBPacket___Alloc)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0040DCF0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CDBPacket___Free)(int)  = (int (__cdecl*)(int))0x0040DD70;
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CDBPacket___CPool___CPool)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x0040DDF0; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CDBPacket___FreeAll)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x0040DE00; 
        static int (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CFindPath__NODE___Alloc)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0040E650; 
        static int (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CFindPath__NODE___Free)(int)  = (int (__cdecl*)(int))0x0040E6C0;
        static void (__thiscall *CMemoryPool_CAuthPacket___CPool__CPool)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040E750; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CFindPath__NODE___CPool___CPool)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x0040E770; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CMemoryPool_CFindPath__NODE___FreeAll)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x0040E780; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMemory__CInit__CInit)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004356C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMemory__CMemory)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00435720; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMemory___heap_init)(void *thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00435750; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMemory____sbh_heap_init)(int thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004357B0; 
        static void (__cdecl *CMemory___malloc)(size_t a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(size_t a1))0x00435820; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMemory___heap_alloc_base)(int thispointer, int dwBytes) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int dwBytes))0x00435890; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMemory____sbh_alloc_block)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00435910; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMemory____sbh_alloc_new_region)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00435E40; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *CMemory____sbh_alloc_new_group)(int a1) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00435F60; 
        static void (__cdecl *CMemory___free)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00436150; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMemory___free_base)(int thispointer, void *lpMem) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *lpMem))0x00436190; 
        static unsigned int (__thiscall *CMemory____sbh_find_block)(int thispointer, int a2) = (unsigned int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00436240; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMemory____sbh_free_block)(int thispointer, unsigned int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, unsigned int a2, int a3))0x004362A0; 
        static void (__cdecl *CMemory___realloc)(int a1, size_t a2) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, size_t a2))0x00436870; 
        static LPVOID (__thiscall *CMemory___realloc_base)(int thispointer, int lpMem, int dwBytes) = (LPVOID (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int lpMem, int dwBytes))0x00436900; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *CMemory____sbh_resize_block)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x00436AB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMemory___mlock)(int thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004370A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CMemory___munlock)(int thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004370C0; 

    namespace CInitMonster
        static int (__thiscall *CInitMonster__CInitMonster)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00437110; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitMonster___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00437260; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitMonster___CInitMonster)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00437290; 
        static int (__cdecl *CInitMonster__Copy)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004372D0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CInitMonster__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x00437310; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CInitMonster__OnLoad)(void *thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00437BD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CInitMonster__DropItemEx)(int a4, int a5, char a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, char a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00437C30; 
        static char (__thiscall *CInitMonster__DropItem)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9) = (char (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9))0x00437D70; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CInitMonster__IsRace)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00441570; 

    namespace CNPC
        static int (__thiscall *CNPC__CNPC)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00448780; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPC___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x004488E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPC___CNPC)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00448910; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPC__Create)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00448930; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCTeleport__CNPCTeleport)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00448C80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCScenario___CNPCScenario)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00448CE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCMerchant__CNPCMerchant)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00448D00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCInformant___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00448D30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCQuest__CNPCQuest)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00448D60; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CNPCQuest__CanReply)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00448D90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCScenario__CNPCScenario)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00448DC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCDoor__CNPCDoor)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00448E10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCSiegeGunStone__CNPCSiegeGunStone)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00448E60; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *CNPC__Size)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x00448F00; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPC__Start)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00448F10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPC__Stop)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00448F80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPC__FindNPC)(char a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4))0x00448FA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPC__CanReply)(char a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4, int a5))0x00449010; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPC__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00449130; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPC__SendDelete)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00449180; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPC__SendCreate)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x004491B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPC__Reply)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00449260; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPC__WarRelationShow)(int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x004492A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPC__Add)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00449390; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CNPC__Remove)() = (LONG (__thiscall*)())0x00449400; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPC__SetProperty)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00449490; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPC__Show)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004494F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPC__GetNPCList)(int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6))0x004495D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNPCQuest__Reply)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00449680; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCScenario__MirrorGState)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x004496B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCScenario__ThroneGState)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00449770; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCScenario__ResetBossTower)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x004497D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCScenario__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00449830; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCScenario__InitScenario)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004498F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCScenario__Process)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00449940; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCTeleport__Process)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00449AE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCDoor__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00449BF0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCDoor__Process)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00449C80; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCSiegeGunStone__Reply)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00449D80; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCSiegeGunStone__Tick)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00449DD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCSiegeGunStone__SiegeGunSet)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0044A530; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCSiegeGunStone__SiegeGunUnSet)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0044A960; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCSiegeGunStone__Show)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044ABC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCSiegeGunStone__SendCreate)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0044ACB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCSiegeGunStone__SetOperator)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044AD30; 
        static void (__thiscall *CNPCSiegeGunStone__SetSiegeGun)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0044AD80; 

    namespace CConfig
        static int (__fastcall *CConfig__CConfig)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__fastcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0040BB00; 
        static void (__thiscall *CConfig___CConfig)(int thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040BB50; 
        static void (__thiscall *CConfig__Close)(int thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040BB70; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CConfig__GetToken)(void *thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040BD40; 
        static void (__thiscall *CConfig__Find)(void *thispointer, void *a2, const char *a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, void *a2, const char *a3))0x0040C1B0; 
        static void (__fastcall *CConfig__GetValue)(int a1, int a2, void *a3) = (void (__fastcall*)(int a1, int a2, void *a3))0x0040C250; 
        static void (__fastcall *CConfig__GetList)(void *thispointer, int edx0, void *a2) = (void (__fastcall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int edx0, void *a2))0x0040C3C0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CConfig__Open)(int thispointer, const char *a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const char *a2))0x0040C590; 
        static int (__thiscall *CConfig__Get)(void *thispointer, const char *a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, const char *a2, int a3))0x0040C920; 
        static int (__thiscall *CConfig__GetInt)(void *thispointer, const char *a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, const char *a2, int a3))0x0040C9A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CConfig__GetTimeStamp)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0040C9F0; 


    namespace CCalendar
        static int (__thiscall *CCalendar__CCalendar)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040A620; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCalendar___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0040A640; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCalendar___CCalendar)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040A670; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCalendar__Start)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0040A690; 
        static int (__cdecl *CCalendar__GetTime)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0040A730; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCalendar__OnTimer)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0040A750; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCalendar__ElapseTime)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0040A770; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CCalendar__IsIntercalary)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0040A990; 

    namespace CBuff
        static int (__stdcall *CBuff__UpdateBuff)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00402580; 
        static void (__cdecl *CBuff__CreateBuff)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00402610; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffMoveSpeed__CBuffMoveSpeed)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405C60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuff__CBuff)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00405CA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffStone__CBuffStone)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00405CF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffMeditation__CBuffMeditation)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405D30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffFatalChance__CBuffFatalChance)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00405D70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffRevivalSequela__CBuffRevivalSequela)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405DB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffStun__CBuffStun)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405DE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffMoveStop__CBuffMoveStop)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405E20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffPoison__CBuffPoison)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405E60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffPoisonCloud__CBuffPoisonCloud)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405EB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffHaste__CBuffHaste)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405F00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffHP__CBuffHP)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405F30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffMP__CBuffMP)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405F60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffSleep__CBuffSleep)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00405F90; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffCTDefensePer__Copy)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00406010; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffCTDefensePer__CBuffCTDefensePer)(int thispointer, const void *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const void *a2))0x00406050; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffCTHealing__Copy)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004060D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffCTHealing__CBuffCTHealing)(int thispointer, const void *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const void *a2))0x00406110; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffCTPrtyPtEx__Copy)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004061A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffCTPrtyPtEx__CBuffCTPrtyPtEx)(int thispointer, const void *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const void *a2))0x004061E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffSuffering__CBuffSuffering)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00406220; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffInchantWeapon__CBuffInchantWeapon)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00406260; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffSpiritDmg__CBuffSpiritDmg)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00406290; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffFlagPrty__CBuffFlagPrty)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x004062D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffFlagHP__CBuffFlagHP)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00406330; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffBerserk__CBuffBerserk)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00406360; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffSilenceShot__CBuffSilenceShot)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004063A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffManaBurn__CBuffManaBurn)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004063E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffPrty__CBuffPrty)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00406420; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffPrtyEx__CBuffPrtyEx)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00406490; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffExpire__CBuffExpire)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004064F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffExpireEvent__CBuffExpireEvent)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00406550; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffExpireLuckyStone2__CBuffExpireLuckyStone2)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00406590; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainEx__CBuffRemainEx)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00406630; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffRemain__CBuffRemain)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00406680; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainDead__CBuffRemainDead)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x004066A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainDeadEx__CBuffRemainDeadEx)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x004066F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffRemainXBlow__CBuffRemainXBlow)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00406730; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffRemainPrty__CBuffRemainPrty)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00406770; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffRemainCount__CBuffRemainCount)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x004067B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffRemainLuckyStone1__CBuffRemainLuckyStone1)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x004067F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainPet__CBuffRemainPet)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00406830; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *CBuffRemainPet__SetBuff)(int a1) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00406890; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffHydrochloricAcid__CBuffHydrochloricAcid)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004068B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffMixDamage__CBuffMixDamage)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00406900; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CBuff__IsExpired)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00406990; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffMoveSpeed__ApplyBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x004069C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffMoveSpeed__FreeBuff)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00406A00; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffMoveSpeed__UpdateBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00406A40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffMoveSpeed__IsExpired)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00406BD0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffStone__ApplyBuff)(int thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00406C20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffStone__FreeBuff)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00406C80; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *CBuffMeditation__ApplyBuff)(int a1) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00406CE0; 
        static int (__stdcall *CBuffMeditation__FreeBuff)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00406D10; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CBuffMeditation__IsExpired)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00406D30; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffFatalChance__ApplyBuff)(int thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00406E40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffFatalChance__FreeBuff)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00406EA0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffRevivalSequela__ApplyBuff)(int thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00406EF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffRevivalSequela__FreeBuff)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00406F60; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffRevivalSequela__UpdateBuff)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00406FC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffStun__ApplyBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00407010; 
        static int (__stdcall *CBuffStun__FreeBuff)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00407080; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffStun__UpdateBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004070A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffStun__IsExpired)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00407200; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffMoveStop__ApplyBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00407260; 
        static int (__stdcall *CBuffMoveStop__FreeBuff)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x004072B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffMoveStop__UpdateBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00407300; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffMoveStop__IsExpired)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00407440; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *CBuffPoison__ApplyBuff)(int a1) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x004074A0; 
        static int (__stdcall *CBuffPoison__FreeBuff)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x004074D0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffPoison__UpdateBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004074F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffPoison__IsExpired)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00407620; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *CBuffPoisonCloud__ApplyBuff)(int a1) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00407780; 
        static int (__stdcall *CBuffPoisonCloud__FreeBuff)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x004077B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffPoisonCloud__UpdateBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004077D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffPoisonCloud__IsExpired)(int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a2))0x00407900; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffHaste__ApplyBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00407A40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffHaste__FreeBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00407AC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffHP__ApplyBuff)(int a1) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a1))0x00407B00; 
        static int (__stdcall *CBuffHP__FreeBuff)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00407B60; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffMP__ApplyBuff)(int a1) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a1))0x00407B80; 
        static int (__stdcall *CBuffMP__FreeBuff)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00407BE0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainDeadEx__SetBuff)(int thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00409AC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainXBlow__ApplyBuff)(int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a2))0x00409B20; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainPrty__SetBuff)(int thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00409BA0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainPrty__ApplyBuff)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00409BF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainPrty__FreeBuff)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00409C40; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainCount__UpdateBuff)(int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a2, int a3))0x00409C80; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainLuckyStone1__ApplyBuff)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00409D80; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainPet__ApplyBuff)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00409DC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CBuffRemainPet__FreeBuff)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00409E90; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffRemainPet__IsExpired)(int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a2))0x0040A040; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffHydrochloricAcid__ApplyBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0040A330; 
        static int (__stdcall *CBuffHydrochloricAcid__FreeBuff)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0040A370; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffHydrochloricAcid__IsExpired)(int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a2))0x0040A390; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffMixDamage__ApplyBuff)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0040A4A0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBuffMixDamage__IsExpired)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0040A4F0; 

    namespace CAuth
        static LONG (__thiscall *CAuthPacket__OnIOCallback)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00401040; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAuthSocket__CAuthSocket)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004010A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAuthSocket___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00401140; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAuthSocket___CAuthSocket)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00401170; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAuthSocket__Start)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00401190; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *CAuthSocket__Stop)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x00401320; 
        static void (__thiscall *CAuthSocket__Initialize)(LONG Value) = (void (__thiscall*)(LONG Value))0x00401380; 
        static void (__thiscall *CAuthSocket__OnTimer)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00401460; 
        static void (__thiscall *CAuthSocket__OnClose)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00401490; 
        static void (__thiscall *CAuthSocket__OnRead)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004014E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CAuthSocket__Process)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x004015C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CAuthSocket__Write)(char a4, char a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a4, char a5))0x00401E00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAuthPacket__CAuthPacket)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00401F80; 

    namespace CGuild
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__CGuild)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004114A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00411680; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild___CGuild)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004116B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__Stop)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00411700; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__SecondProcess)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004117B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__MinuteProcess)(char a2dil,unsigned int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a2dil,unsigned int a4))0x004117E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00411AB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__IsLoad)(char a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4))0x00411BE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CGuild__Load)(int a4, int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00411C80; 
        static void (__thiscall *CGuild__Login)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00412210; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__LoginCastle)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a1, int a2))0x004124F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__Logout)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00412520; 
        static void (__thiscall *CGuild__DelPlayer)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00412720; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CreateTrial)(int a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00412A50; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CreateTrialSecedeAnswer)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00412EF0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CreateConsent)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00413020; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__IsAllConsent)(void *thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004132A0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CreateGuildName)(int a4, const char *a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, const char *a5))0x00413310; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CreateGuildNameAnswer)(int a5, int a6, const char *a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, const char *a7))0x00413380; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__IsSkillAble)(int thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, char a3))0x00413790; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__Conflux)(int a5, char a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char a6))0x00413850; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__ConfluxAnswer)(int a4, int a5, char a6, int a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, char a6, int a7))0x00413A50; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__ConfluxSecedeAnswer)(int a4, int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00413C20; 
        static char (__thiscall *CGuild__IsTempMemberFUll)(void *thispointer) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00413DB0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__Secession)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00413E30; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__Banish)(int a5, const char *a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, const char *a6))0x00414030; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__Appointment)(int a5, const char *a6, const char *a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, const char *a6, const char *a7))0x004142D0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__Dissolution)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00414890; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__TitleChange)(int a5, const char *a6, const char *a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, const char *a6, const char *a7))0x00414B30; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__SetTodayMessage)(int a5, const char *a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, const char *a6))0x00414D90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__GetTodayMessage)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00414EF0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CGuild__SendMemberInfo)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00414F40; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__AdminInfo)(int a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00415170; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__BasicInfo)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00415200; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__SetSkillAble)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10))0x00415260;
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CheckStandard)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00415340; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__SetStandard)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004153F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__OnSetStandard)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00415480; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__SetExpADD)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00415600; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__SetExp)(const char *a4, signed int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(const char *a4, signed int a5))0x004158B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__SetConnectTell)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00415A20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__SetMemberLelvelUp)(int a5, char a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char a6))0x00415B60; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__GetTitle2Class)(void *thispointer, const char *a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, const char *a2))0x00415BC0; 
        static char (__thiscall *CGuild__GetClass2Title)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00415DD0; 
        static char (__thiscall *CGuild__SetClassTitle)(int thispointer, char *a2, const char *a3) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char *a2, const char *a3))0x00415E50; 
        static char (__thiscall *CGuild__IsMemberFull)(void *thispointer) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00415F20; 
        static char (__thiscall *CGuild__IsAppointmentFull)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00416000; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__GetAppointmentLimitTime)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00416100; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__IsSameName)(const char *a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(const char *a4))0x00416190; 
        static int (__cdecl *CGuild__FindGuild)(const char *a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(const char *a1))0x004162B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__FindLeaderPlayer)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00416330; 
        static char (__thiscall *CGuild__GetLeaderName)(void *thispointer) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004163B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__FindMember)(void *thispointer, int a2, const char *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, const char *a3))0x00416430; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__Create)(char a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4))0x004164B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__MemberADD)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00416570; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__MemberDEL)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x004166C0; 
        static char (__thiscall *CGuild__SetLevel)(int a4) = (char (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x004167E0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CGuild__GetGuildSkill)(int a1) = (signed int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00416970; 
        static void (__thiscall *CGuild__SetPointADD)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004169D0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CalPenaltyLevel)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00416B20; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CalPenaltyTLevel)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00416BF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__BroadcastLock)(void *a5, void *a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *a5, void *a6))0x00416CB0; 
        static char (__thiscall *CGuild__Broadcast)(void *a5, void *a6) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *a5, void *a6))0x00416CF0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CGuild__SendPlayerSight)(int a4, void *a5, int a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a4, void *a5, int a6))0x00416D70; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__AllianceOffer)(int a5, const char *a6, signed int a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, const char *a6, signed int a7))0x00416DE0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__AllianceOfferAnswer)(int a5, int a6, time_t a7, int a8) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, time_t a7, int a8))0x00416FE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__SetAlliance)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00417360; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__AllianceBroadcast)(void *a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *a5))0x004173B0; 
        static bool (__cdecl *CGuild__IsDeclareWarPeriod)() = (bool (__cdecl*)())0x00417410; 
        static bool (__cdecl *CGuild__IsWarWaitingPeriod)() = (bool (__cdecl*)())0x00417430; 
        static bool (__cdecl *CGuild__IsWarringPeriod)() = (bool (__cdecl*)())0x00417450; 
        static time_t (__cdecl *CGuild__GetWarEndTime)() = (time_t (__cdecl*)())0x00417470; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__WarDeclare)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00417500; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__WarDelcareList)(int a4, char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5))0x00417890; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__TrialUnfurlStandard)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004178D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__UnfurlStandard)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00417A90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__BrokenStandard)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00417BA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGuild__BrokenGate)(int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00417BE0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CanAttack)(int a4, int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00417C60; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CastleInfo)(int a4, char a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5))0x00417D70; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__TaxRateControl)(int a4, int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00417E30; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__TaxLevy)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00417F10; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CastleGateNPC)(int a4, char a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5, int a6))0x00418000; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGuild__CastleSetGateLmit)(int a4, int a5, signed int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, signed int a6))0x004180B0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CGuild__IsAlliancePeriod)(int a5) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00418170; 
        static void (__thiscall *CGuild__ChangePlayerName)(int a4, int a5, const char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, const char *a6))0x004181D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CGuild__ChangeGuildName)(int a4, int a5, const char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, const char *a6))0x004182E0; 

    namespace CAlliance

        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__CAlliance)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00418B20; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00418B90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance___CAlliance)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00418BC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__Stop)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00418BE0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CAlliance__Clear)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00418C60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__OnDelete)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00418CC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CAlliance__IsLoad)(int a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00418D00; 
        static void (__thiscall *CAlliance__Load)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00418DA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__LoadSetGuild)(int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00418FF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__DeleteSetGuild)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004190C0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CAlliance__Join)(int a4, const char *a5, int a6, int a7, const char *a8, int a9, int a10) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, const char *a5, int a6, int a7,const char *a8, int a9, int a10))0x00419110;
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__PostponeExpire)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00419370; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CAlliance__Postpone)(int a5, unsigned int a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, unsigned int a6))0x00419400; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__Expire)(unsigned int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(unsigned int a4))0x00419470; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__AllianceInfo)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00419570; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__Add)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00419690; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__GetSize)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004196C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CAlliance__BroadcastLock)(void *a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *a5))0x00419750; 
        static char (__thiscall *CAlliance__Broadcast)(void *a5) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *a5))0x004197B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CAlliance__ChangeLeaderName)(int a4, int a5, const char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, const char *a6))0x00419800; 
        static void (__thiscall *CAlliance__ChangeGuildName)(int a4, int a5, const char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5, const char *a6))0x004198A0; 

    namespace CInitItem
        static int (__thiscall *CInitItem__CInitItem)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041D380; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitItem___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0041D500; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitItem___CInitItem)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041D530; 
        static int (__cdecl *CInitItem__Open)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0041D5E0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CInitItem__FindKey)(char a1) = (signed int (__cdecl*)(char a1))0x0041D640; 
        static int (__cdecl *CInitItem__Copy)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0041D690; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CInitItem__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x0041D6D0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CInitItem__OnLoad)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041DCC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CInitItem__SetSpec)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0041DD00; 
        static char (__thiscall *CInitItem__ApplySpec)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0041ED70; 
        static char (__thiscall *CInitItem__FreeSpec)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0041EDE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitItem__Use)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0041EE50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitItem__Enchant)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0041EF60; 
        static int (__cdecl *CInitItem__GetSpecValue)(int a1, int a2, char a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, char a3))0x0041EFD0; 

    namespace Console
        static BOOL (__cdecl* WriteBlack)(char* text,  ...) = (BOOL (__cdecl*)(char* text, ...))0x00432890;
        static BOOL (__cdecl* WriteRed)(char* text,  ...) = (BOOL (__cdecl*)(char* text, ...))0x004328C0;
        static BOOL (__cdecl* WriteBlue)(const char* text,  ...) = (BOOL (__cdecl*)(const char* text, ...))0x00432860;
        static BOOL (__cdecl* Write)(signed int a1, const char *a2, va_list a3) = (BOOL (__cdecl*)(signed int a1, const char *a2, va_list a3))0x00432530;
    static char* (__cdecl *ReadPacketSecure)(char* Data, char* DataEnd, const char* Format, ...) = (char* (__cdecl*)(char*, char*, const char*, ...))0x004975f0;
    static long (__thiscall* ObjectRelease)(void* pOject, long lpAddend) = (long (__thiscall*)(void*, long))0x4239C0;

    namespace Uncategorized
        static LONG (__thiscall *CIOSpinLock__Enter)(volatile LONG *thispointer) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(volatile LONG *thispointerpointer))0x00401F00; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CIOSpinLock__Leave)(volatile LONG *thispointer) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(volatile LONG *thispointerpointer))0x00401F30; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *CSkill__CanExcuteM)(int a1, int a2) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00406970; 
        static int (__thiscall *CDBPacket__OnIOCallback)(int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0040CA50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CDBPacket__CDBPacket)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0040DDA0;
        static int (__thiscall *CDBPacket___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0040DDC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFindPath__CFindPath)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040DE70; 
        static void (__thiscall *CFindPath___CFindPath)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040DEF0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CFindPath__FindPath)(int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a2, int a3))0x0040DF10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFindPath__CalcH)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040E170; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFindPath__GetBestNode)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0040E1E0;
        static void (__thiscall *CFindPath__FreeNode)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040E220; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFindPath__LinkChild)(int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0040E300; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFindPath__CheckList)(int thispointer, int a2, unsigned int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, unsigned int a3))0x0040E480; 
        static int (__stdcall *CFindPath__Propagation)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0040E4E0;
        static int (__thiscall *CFindPath__Insert)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0040E5A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFindPath__NODE__NODE)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0040E6F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CGoto__CGoto)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040E7D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGoto___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a2))0x0040E810; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGoto___CGoto)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0040E840; 
        static int (__cdecl *CGoto__FindGoto)(char, int)  = (int (__cdecl*)(char, int))0x0040E860;
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGoto__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x0040E8D0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGoto__OnLoad)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040E990; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPortal__CPortal)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040EA00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPortal___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a2))0x0040EA40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPortal___CPortal)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0040EA70; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPortal__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x0040EA90; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPortal__OnLoad)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040EC10; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPortal__OpenPortal)(int a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0040EC70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPrefix__CPrefix)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041F0D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPrefix___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0041F120; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPrefix___CPrefix)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0041F150; 
        static int (__cdecl *CPrefix__Copy)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0041F1E0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPrefix__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x0041F220; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CPrefix__OnLoad)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041FA40; 
        static char (__thiscall *CPrefix__ApplySpec)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0041FA60; 
        static char (__thiscall *CPrefix__FreeSpec)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0041FAD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitMap__CInitMap)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00420C30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitMap___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00420C90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitMap___CInitMap)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00420CC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CInitMap__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x00420CE0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CInitMap__OnLoad)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x00420E10; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CIOSpinLock__Wait)(void *thispointer) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00423550; 
        static int (__cdecl *CLog__CInit___CInit)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004324E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CLog__AddV)(signed int a1, const char *a2, va_list a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(signed int a1, const char *a2, va_list a3))0x00432530; 
        static void (__thiscall *CLog__Flush)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00432800; 
        static signed int (__fastcall *CMainConfig__Open)(int a1, int a2) = (signed int (__fastcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x004328F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CMainConfig__Close)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00432EE0; 
        static void (__cdecl *CNoMemoryObject__operator_new)(size_t a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(size_t a1))0x00437080; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CCellMap__IsValidTile)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, char a4) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, char a4))0x004381C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCellMap__GetTile)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00438220; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGenMonster___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00438370; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGenMonster___CGenMonster)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004383A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGenMonster__CGenMonster)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x004383C0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CGenMonster__Copy)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004384B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGenMonster__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x004384F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGenMonster__OnLoad)(void *thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00438710; 
        static void (__thiscall *CGenMonster__OnTimer)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00438770; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGenMonster__GetGenTile)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00438880; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGenMonster__Stop)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00438950; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFindPath__Init)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0043CF70; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CCellMap__IsMoveTile)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x0043E320; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCellMap__GetLock)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0043E440; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CFindPath__IsGoal)(int thispointer) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043E840; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFindPath__GetPixel)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043E860; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CFindPath__SetNextPath)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043E880; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitNPC__CInitNPC)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00447C00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitNPC___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00447C40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CInitNPC___CInitNPC)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00447C70; 
        static char (__cdecl *CInitNPC__Close)() = (char (__cdecl*)())0x00447C90; 
        static int (__cdecl *CInitNPC__Copy)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00447D10; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CInitNPC__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x00447D50; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CInitNPC__OnLoad)(void *thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00447DD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGenNPC__CGenNPC)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00447E30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGenNPC___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00447F60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGenNPC___CGenNPC)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00447F90; 
        static char (__cdecl *CGenNPC__Close)() = (char (__cdecl*)())0x00447FB0; 
        static int (__cdecl *CGenNPC__Copy)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00448030; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGenNPC__Set)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x00448070; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CGenNPC__OnLoad)(void *thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004484D0; 
        static void (__stdcall *CGunnery__ExcutePassive)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x004488D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CQuest__CQuest)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044CE00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CQuest___scalar_deleting_destructor_)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0044CE50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCellMap__IsOnTile)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0045CDF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CTrade__IsEnd)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0045E6C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CTrade__GetOther)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0045E6E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CActionItem___CActionItem)(int thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char a2))0x0047CA20; 
        static void (__thiscall *CQuest___CQuest)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047CD40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CServer__SendAlive)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047EB40; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBehead__CanExcute)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004816F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpBow__ExcutePassive)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004819F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMagic__Excute)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00483360; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CShock__GetMagic)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00483F10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMagicWidePos__Excute)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00484FA0; 
        static char (__thiscall *CMagicWideIce__GetMagic)(int thispointer, int a) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004852A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChainLitning__GetMagic)(int a3, char a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a3, char a4, int a5))0x004856D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChainLitning__Redistribute)(int a4, char a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5, int a6))0x004857C0; 
        static char (__thiscall *CSuffering__Excute)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00488960; 
        static int (__thiscall *CDarknessVision__CanSkillUp)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004893F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSkillBuff__CanExcute)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00489DD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSkillBuff__PreExcute)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00489E60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CStrenUpInt__Apply)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0048A2A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCloudSight__CanExcute)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0048A360; 
        static bool (__thiscall *CMeshDefense__CanSkillUp)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048A560; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChantDefLightning__CreateBuff)(void *thispointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0048AFE0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CTDiamondClow__Excute)(int a5, int a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048B800; 
        static int (__stdcall *CDoSpiritAbsorb__ExcuteM)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048BF10; 
        static int (__stdcall *CMFireRain__GetMagicM)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048C2D0; 
        static int (__stdcall *CMSpark__ExcuteM)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048C4D0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CReturn__CReturn)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048E070; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpBow__CUpBow)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E0F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpConCen__CUpConCen)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E110; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPullSwing__CPullSwing)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048E130; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBlow__CBlow)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E150; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPullSwing__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E170; 
        static int (__thiscall *CThunder__GetHit)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E1D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CShot__CShot)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E1F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CShot__GetHostility)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E210; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMock__CMock)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048E280; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNegative__GetHostility)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E370; 
        static int (__thiscall *CNegative__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E390; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFlameArrow__CFlameArrow)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E3B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFlameArrow__GetAttack)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E3D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CTranscendental__CTranscendental)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E3F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CTranscendental__GetAttack)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048E410; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpperSlash__CUpperSlash)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E440; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpperSlash__GetAttack)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E460; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpperSlash__GetHostility)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E4A0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CInfernal__CInfernal)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048E5B0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CExplosion__GetSpendMP)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048E640; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CGetherShot__CGetherShot)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048E670; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSpiritBlast__CSpiritBlast)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E710; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMagic__CMagic)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E730; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFire__CFire)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E750; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFireExplosion__CFireExplosion)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048E770; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFireEruption__CFireEruption)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E790; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIce__CIce)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048E7B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIce__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E7D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CExplosiveBurst__GetAddValueType)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E970; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIceRequiem__CIceRequiem)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EA10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIceRequiem__GetAddValueType)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EA30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CIceStorm__CIceStorm)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EAD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFireRain__CFireRain)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048EAF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPoisonCloud__CPoisonCloud)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EB10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CManaBurn__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EB30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CHealing__CHealing)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EB50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMShock__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EB70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CHealingAny__CHealingAny)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EB90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpperSmash__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EBB0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CHealingAnyPlus__CHealingAnyPlus)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048EBD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CHealingAnyQuick__CHealingAnyQuick)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EC50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CHealingInstance__CHealingInstance)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EC70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CHealingInstance__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EC90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CHealingGreatRe__CHealingGreatRe)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048ECB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CRest__CRest)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048ECD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpFatal__CUpFatal)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048ECF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpFatal2__CUpFatal2)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048ED10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpFatal3__CUpFatal3)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048ED30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMeditation__CMeditation)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048ED50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpFire__CUpFire)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EDB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFatalChance__CFatalChance)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EDD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpBlockShield__CUpBlockShield)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EDF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CGunnery__CGunnery)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048EE10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CRevival__CRevival)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EE30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CResurrection__CResurrection)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EE50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CResurrection__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048EE70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CReincarnate__CReincarnate)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EE90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CReincarnate__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048EEB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpEvade__CUpEvade)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EED0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpRFEvade__CUpRFEvade)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EEF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CStoneShield__CStoneShield)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EF10; 
        static int (__thiscall *CHaste__CHaste)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048EF30; 
        static int (__thiscall *CFrostBlast__CFrostBlast)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EF50; 
        static int (__thiscall *CHealingParty__CHealingParty)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EF70; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMPoisonCloud__GetResistNum)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EF90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CWildAccuracy__CWildAccuracy)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F010; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPoisonArrow__CPoisonArrow)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F030; 
        static int (__thiscall *CWildStrength__CWildStrength)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048F050; 
        static int (__thiscall *CProtect__CProtect)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F070; 
        static int (__thiscall *CProtect__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F090; 
        static int (__thiscall *CShieldSmash__CShieldSmash)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048F0B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSilenceArrow__CSilenceArrow)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F0D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CProtectRange__CProtectRange)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048F0F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpReinforceVitality__CUpReinforceVitality)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F110; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpReinforceVitality__CanLearn)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048F130; 
        static int (__thiscall *CUpAttackRange__CUpAttackRange)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048F170; 
        static int (__thiscall *CVitalityDrain__CVitalityDrain)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F190; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSuffering__CSuffering)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048F1B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CHaste__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F1D0; 
        static int (__stdcall *CRainforceDefense__CRainforceDefense)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048F1F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CManaBurn__CManaBurn)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F5C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMeshChance__CMeshChance)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F5E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMeshStr__CMeshStr)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F600; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMeshHth__CMeshHth)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F620; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMeshDex__CMeshDex)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F640; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMeshInt__CMeshInt)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F660; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMeshWis__CMeshWis)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F680; 
        static int (__thiscall *CMeshDefense__CMeshDefense)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F6A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CVanishConfi__CVanishConfi)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F6C0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CDestroySight__CDestroySight)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048F6E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CBerserk__CBerserk)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F720; 
        static int (__thiscall *CSkillSelfBuff__CSkillSelfBuff)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F740; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CBerserk__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F760; 
        static int (__thiscall *CResistLightning__CResistLightning)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F780; 
        static int (__thiscall *CResistIce__CResistIce)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F7A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CResistFire__CResistFire)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F7C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CResistCurse__CResistCurse)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F7E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CResistPalsy__GetSpendMP)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F800; 
        static int (__thiscall *CResistPalsy__CResistPalsy)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F820; 
        static int (__thiscall *CEmergencyEscape__CEmergencyEscape)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F840; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CChantProtect__CChantProtect)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048F860; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CChantDefFire__CChantDefFire)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048F900; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChantBattle__CChantBattle)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F940; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CTLitningBlast__CTLitningBlast)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048F960; 
        static int (__thiscall *CTFury__CTFury)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FA00; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CTGroundSplinter__CTGroundSplinter)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048FA20; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CTDiamondClow__CTDiamondClow)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048FA60; 
        static int (__thiscall *CDoFury__CDoFury)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FAB0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CDoGroundFeal__GetAddValueType)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048FAD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CDoOverrun__GetAddValueType)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FC20; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CSkill_MonsterMagic__CSkill_MonsterMagic)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048FC50; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *CMIceStorm__CMIceStorm)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048FCD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCompleteFire__CCompleteFire)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0048FE50; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CMFireFlowerExplosion__CMFireFlowerExplosion)(void *thispointer, int *a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int *a2))0x0048FFB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCellMap___CCellMap)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00490120; 
        static int (__thiscall *CCellMap__ReadUnlock)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004905E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCellMap__GetRWLockRect)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00490830; 
        static void (__thiscall *CCellMap__GetPlayerList)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00490E00; 
        static int (__thiscall *CTables__CTables)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004966C0; 

    namespace Unknown
        static void* (__cdecl *CObject__GetPointer)(size_t a1) = (void* (__cdecl*)(size_t a1))0x00401000; 
        static void (__cdecl *CObject__FreePointer)(void* a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(void* a1))0x00401020; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4012D0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004012D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_402340)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00402340; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_402360)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00402360; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_402380)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00402380; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4023A0)(void *thispointer, void *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, void *a2))0x004023A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_402550)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00402550; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_405FD0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00405FD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_406090)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00406090; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_406150)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00406150; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4065D0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004065D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_406E10)(int, int) = (int (__cdecl*)(int, int))0x00406E10;
        static LONG (__thiscall *CChar__SubGState)(int thispointer, int a2) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040AC20; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CChar__SubMStateEx)(int thispointer, int a2) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040AC80; 
        static int (__thiscall *CChar__SubMState)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0040ACB0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_40BBE0)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0040BBE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40BCA0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040BCA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40BCC0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040BCC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40BCE0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040BCE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40BD00)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040BD00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40BD20)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040BD20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40C300)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0040C300; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_40C330)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0040C330; 
        static char (__cdecl *sub_40C360)() = (char (__cdecl*)())0x0040C360; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_40C380)(const char *a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(const char *a1))0x0040C380; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40C4E0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0040C4E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40C510)(void *thispointer, char a2, char a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2, char a3))0x0040C510; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_40C550)(void *thispointer) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040C550; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40C8D0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040C8D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40C8F0)(void *thispointer, const char *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, const char *a2))0x0040C8F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40C970)(void *thispointer, const char *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, const char *a2))0x0040C970; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_40E130)(int, int)  = (int (__cdecl*)(int, int))0x0040E130;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40E270)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0040E270; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40ED20)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0040ED20; 
        static char (__stdcall *sub_40EEE0)(const char *a1, const char *a2) = (char (__stdcall*)(const char *a1, const char *a2))0x0040EEE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40EF10)(int thispointer, int a2, const char **a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, const char **a3))0x0040EF10; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40EFA0)(int thispointer, void *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2))0x0040EFA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40EFD0)(int thispointer, const void *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const void *a2))0x0040EFD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F000)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0040F000; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F040)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0040F040; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_40F060)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0040F060; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40F070)(int thispointer, void *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2))0x0040F070; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40F0A0)(int thispointer, void *a2, const char **a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, const char **a3))0x0040F0A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40F0D0)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, int a5))0x0040F0D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F510)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040F510; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40F550)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0040F550; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40F580)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0040F580; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F5F0)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0040F5F0;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F610)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0040F610; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F660)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040F660; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F680)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0040F680; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F6B0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040F6B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F6E0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0040F6E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F700)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0040F700; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40F730)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0040F730; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F780)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0040F780; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40F7A0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0040F7A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F8A0)(int thispointer, char a2, size_t a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char a2, size_t a3))0x0040F8A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F920)(int thispointer, unsigned int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, unsigned int a2, int a3))0x0040F920; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_40F9B0)(void *a1, const void *a2, size_t a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, const void *a2, size_t a3))0x0040F9B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40F9D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0040F9D0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_40FA20)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x0040FA20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40FB00)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0040FB00; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_40FC00)(size_t a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(size_t a1))0x0040FC00; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_40FC50)(size_t a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(size_t a1))0x0040FC50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40FC70)(void *thispointer, char a2, const void *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2, const void *a3))0x0040FC70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40FCF0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0040FCF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40FD10)(void *thispointer, char *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char *a2))0x0040FD10; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40FD50)(void *thispointer, char *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char *a2))0x0040FD50; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_40FDA0)(void *thispointer, char *a2, size_t a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char *a2, size_t a3))0x0040FDA0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_40FE20)(void *thispointer, unsigned int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, unsigned int a2))0x0040FE20; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_40FE70)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0040FE70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40FE90)(int thispointer, const char **a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const char **a2))0x0040FE90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_40FF20)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0040FF20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_410050)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00410050; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_410180)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5))0x00410180; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_410210)(int a1, int a2, const void *a3) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, const void *a3))0x00410210; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_410280)(int thispointer, unsigned int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, unsigned int a2))0x00410280; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4102F0)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x004102F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_410310)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00410310; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_410330)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00410330; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_410360)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00410360; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_410380)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00410380; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4103A0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004103A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_410480)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, char a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, char a6))0x00410480; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4104E0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, const void *a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, const void *a4))0x004104E0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_410520)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00410520; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_410560)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00410560; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_410580)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00410580; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4105A0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004105A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4105D0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004105D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_410610)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00410610; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_410680)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00410680; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4107A0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004107A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4107E0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004107E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_410880)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00410880; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4108A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004108A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4108C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004108C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_410970)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00410970; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_410A10)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00410A10; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4111A0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x004111A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4111D0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004111D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4111F0)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x004111F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_411220)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00411220; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_411280)(int *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00411280; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_4112B0)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x004112B0;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_411330)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00411330; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_411370)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00411370; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_411390)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00411390; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4113B0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004113B0; 
        static char (__cdecl *sub_411470)(int a1, int a2) = (char (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x00411470; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4116E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004116E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_416230)(char a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4))0x00416230; 
        static bool (__cdecl *sub_4173F0)() = (bool (__cdecl*)())0x004173F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418420)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00418420; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418480)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00418480; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4184E0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004184E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418510)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00418510; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418530)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00418530; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418590)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00418590; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4185D0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x004185D0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_418670)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00418670;
        static bool (__stdcall *sub_4186F0)(int a1, int a2) = (bool (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x004186F0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_418710)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00418710;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418790)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00418790; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4187B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004187B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418860)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00418860; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418880)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00418880; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4188A0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x004188A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_418940)(int, char, char)  = (int (__cdecl*)(int, char, char))0x00418940;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_418960)(int, int)  = (int (__cdecl*)(int, int))0x00418960;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_418980)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x00418980; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4189A0)(int a1, char a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, char a2))0x004189A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4189C0)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x004189C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_418A00)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00418A00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418A30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00418A30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418A50)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00418A50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_418A70)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00418A70; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *CCastle__SubGateState)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0041A4B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41C710)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041C710; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41C770)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0041C770;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41C7D0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0041C7D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41C800)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041C800; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41C840)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041C840; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_41C8D0)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0041C8D0;
        static int (__stdcall *sub_41C950)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0041C950;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41C9D0)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3, int a4))0x0041C9D0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_41CA50)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0041CA50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41CA80)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0041CA80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41CAB0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0041CAB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41CAD0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041CAD0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_41CB60)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0041CB60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41CB80)(int thispointer, const void *a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const void *a2, int a3, int a4))0x0041CB80; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_41CE40)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0041CE40; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_41CE60)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0041CE60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41CE80)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0041CE80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41CEB0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0041CEB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41CEE0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0041CEE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41CF00)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041CF00; 
        static char (__stdcall *sub_41CF30)(const void *a1, int a2, void *a3) = (char (__stdcall*)(const void *a1, int a2, void *a3))0x0041CF30; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_41CF60)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0041CF60; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_41CF80)(const void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(const void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x0041CF80; 
        static char (__cdecl *sub_41CFC0)(const void *a1, int a2, void *a3) = (char (__cdecl*)(const void *a1, int a2, void *a3))0x0041CFC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_41D000)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0041D000; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_41D030)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0041D030; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41D060)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041D060; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41D080)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041D080; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41D0A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041D0A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_41D150)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0041D150; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41D1F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041D1F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41D210)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041D210; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41D230)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041D230; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_41D2E0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0041D2E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41D5C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041D5C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41EAA0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0041EAA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41EAE0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0041EAE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_41FFC0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0041FFC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_41FFF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0041FFF0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_420010)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00420010; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_420030)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00420030; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_420060)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00420060; 
        static char (__stdcall *sub_420220)(int a1, int a2) = (char (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00420220; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_420250)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00420250; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_420270)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, int a5))0x00420270; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4206B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004206B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_420760)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00420760; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_420780)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00420780; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_420820)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00420820; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_420880)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00420880;
        static void (__cdecl *sub_420900)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00420900; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_420920)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00420920; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_420950)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x00420950; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_420990)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00420990; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4209C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004209C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4209E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004209E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_420A00)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00420A00; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_420AB0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00420AB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_420B50)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00420B50; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_420BB0)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00420BB0;
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_420E30)(int a1, int a2,void *lpContext) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a1, int a2,void *lpContex))0x00420E30;
        static const char (__cdecl *sub_4210A0)(const char *a1) = (const char (__cdecl*)(const char *a1))0x004210A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4210E0)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004210E0; 
        static BOOL (__cdecl *sub_421140)() = (BOOL (__cdecl*)())0x00421140; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4212B0)(const char *cp, int a2, char *a3, LPCSTR lpintName) = (int (__cdecl*)(const char *cp, int a2, char *a3, LPCSTR lpintName))0x004212B0; 
//        static int (__cdecl *sub_421820)(SOCKET s, LPCSTR lpintName)  = (int (__cdecl*)(SOCKET s, LPCSTR lpintName))0x00421820;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4218D0)(int a1,int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a1,int a5))0x004218D0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_421F30)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00421F30; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_421FE0)(HANDLE hint)  = (int (__cdecl*)(HANDLE hint))0x00421FE0;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_422180)(HANDLE hint)  = (int (__cdecl*)(HANDLE hint))0x00422180;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_422280)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00422280; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_422460)(int a1, HANDLE hint, unsigned int a3, unsigned int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a1, HANDLE hint, unsigned int a3, unsigned int a4))0x00422460; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4225E0)(HANDLE hint, PVOID ContextRecord)  = (int (__cdecl*)(HANDLE hint, PVOID ContextRecord))0x004225E0;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4228C0)(int a1, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a1, void *a2, int a3))0x004228C0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_422B30)(const char *a1, char a2) = (void (__cdecl*)(const char *a1, char a2))0x00422B30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_422D80)(int result) = (int (__thiscall*)(int result))0x00422D80; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_422DC0)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00422DC0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_423130)(HANDLE hint, HANDLE hThread) = (int (__cdecl*)(HANDLE hint, HANDLE hThread))0x00423130; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_423980)(volatile LONG *lpAddend) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(volatile LONG *lpAddend))0x00423980; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4239C0)(int lpAddend) = (int (__thiscall*)(int lpAddend))0x004239C0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_423F60)(int a1, int a2, int a3, void* ) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, void* ))0x00423F60;
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_424D30)(int thispointer) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00424D30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_424D50)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00424D50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_424D70)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00424D70; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_424DC0)(int thispointer) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00424DC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_424E10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00424E10; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_424E30)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00424E30; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_424EA0)(int thispointer) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00424EA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_424EF0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00424EF0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_424F70)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00424F70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_424FA0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00424FA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_425280)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00425280; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4252A0)(char a1, char a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2))0x004252A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4252F0)(char a1, char a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2))0x004252F0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_425330)(void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x00425330; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_425370)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x00425370; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4253A0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004253A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4253C0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004253C0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4253D0)(char a1, char a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2))0x004253D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_425440)(char a1, char a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2))0x00425440; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4254E0)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x004254E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_425520)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00425520; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_425550)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00425550; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_425570)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00425570; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_425640)(char a1, char a2, char a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, char a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00425640; 
        static char (__stdcall *sub_4256A0)(void *a1, int a2) = (char (__stdcall*)(void *a1, int a2))0x004256A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4256E0)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x004256E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_425830)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00425830; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_425850)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00425850; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4258D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004258D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_426060)(int a1, int *a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int *a2))0x00426060; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_426810)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00426810; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_426AD0)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00426AD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4277C0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004277C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CItem__SubState)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00427B90; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__SubWState)(int thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char a2))0x00428CD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_428D00)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00428D00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42A590)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0042A590; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_42AE20)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0042AE20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42E710)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0042E710; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42F590)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042F590; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42F5F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042F5F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42F650)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042F650; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_42F6B0)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0042F6B0;
        static int (__stdcall *sub_42F730)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0042F730;
        static int (__stdcall *sub_42F7B0)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0042F7B0;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42F840)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0042F840; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_42F920)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0042F920; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_42F960)(int a1, __int16 a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, __int16 a2))0x0042F960; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_42F980)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0042F980; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_42F9B0)(void *a1, void **a2) = (void (__stdcall*)(void *a1, void **a2))0x0042F9B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_42F9D0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0042F9D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_42FA10)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0042FA10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42FA40)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042FA40; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42FA60)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042FA60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42FA80)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042FA80; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_42FB30)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0042FB30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42FBD0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042FBD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42FBF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042FBF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42FC10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042FC10; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_42FCC0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0042FCC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42FD60)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042FD60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42FD80)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042FD80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_42FDA0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0042FDA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_42FE50)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0042FE50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_430160)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00430160; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4301A0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004301A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_430B90)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00430B90; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_430BB0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00430BB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_430C20)(int thispointer, void *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2))0x00430C20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_430C40)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00430C40; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_430CA0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00430CA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_430D10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00430D10; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_430D70)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00430D70; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_430DE0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00430DE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_430E00)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00430E00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_430E30)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00430E30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_430E60)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00430E60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_430EA0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00430EA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_430F20)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00430F20; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_430F90)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00430F90; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_430FA0)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00430FA0;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_431020)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00431020; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4310A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004310A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_431110)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00431110; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_431120)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00431120;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4311A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004311A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4311E0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004311E0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_431260)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00431260; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4312E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004312E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_431350)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00431350; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_431390)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00431390; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_4313B0)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x004313B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4313E0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004313E0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_4316C0)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x004316C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4316F0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004316F0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4319C0)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5))0x004319C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_431A40)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00431A40; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_431D20)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00431D20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_431D50)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00431D50; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_431D80)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00431D80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_431DB0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00431DB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_431DD0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00431DD0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_431DF0)(void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x00431DF0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_431E30)(int a1, int a2, void *a3) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, void *a3))0x00431E30; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_431E60)(int a1, int a2, void *a3) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, void *a3))0x00431E60; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_431E90)(void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x00431E90; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_431EF0)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x00431EF0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_431F30)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x00431F30; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_431F70)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x00431F70; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_431FA0)(int a1, int a2, void *a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, void *a3))0x00431FA0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_431FE0)(void *a1, int a2) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, int a2))0x00431FE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_432030)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00432030; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_432060)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x00432060; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4320A0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004320A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4320D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004320D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4320F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004320F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_432110)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00432110; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4321C0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x004321C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_432260)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00432260; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_432280)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00432280; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4322A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004322A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_432350)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00432350; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4323F0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x004323F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_432410)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00432410; 
        static unsigned int (__thiscall *sub_432430)(int thispointer) = (unsigned int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00432430; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_432450)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00432450; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4324B0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004324B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_432EC0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00432EC0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_432EF0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00432EF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_432F60)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00432F60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433110)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00433110; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433170)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00433170; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433200)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00433200; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_433230)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00433230; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_433240)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x00433240; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_433270)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00433270;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4332F0)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, int a5))0x004332F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_433730)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00433730; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433740)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00433740; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_433870)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5))0x00433870; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4338F0)(int a1, int a2) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x004338F0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_433910)(void *a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(void *a1))0x00433910; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433930)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00433930; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433950)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00433950; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433A30)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, char a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, char a6))0x00433A30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433A80)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00433A80; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_433AB0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00433AB0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_433AF0)(void *a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(void *a1))0x00433AF0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_433B00)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00433B00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433B20)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x00433B20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_433B70)(void *thispointer, char *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char *a2))0x00433B70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433B90)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00433B90; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_433BC0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00433BC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433BF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00433BF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433C10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00433C10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433C30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00433C30; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_433CE0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00433CE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_433D80)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00433D80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_434510)(int *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00434510; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_434540)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00434540; 
        static ATOM (__cdecl *sub_434710)(HINSTANCE hInstance) = (ATOM (__cdecl*)(HINSTANCE hInstance))0x00434710; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_434790)(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow)  = (int (__cdecl*)(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow))0x00434790;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_434840)(int a1, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a1, char a2))0x00434840; 
        static LRESULT (__thiscall *sub_4348E0)(char a2,HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) = (LRESULT (__thiscall*)(char a2,HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam))0x004348E0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_434ED0)(HWND hDlg, int a4, unsigned int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(HWND hDlg, int a4, unsigned int a5, int a6))0x00434ED0; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *sub_435130)(HWND hDlg, int a2, unsigned __int16 a3, int a4) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(HWND hDlg, int a2, unsigned __int16 a3, int a4))0x00435130; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4351C0)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x004351C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_435500)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00435500; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4355E0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x004355E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_435600)(void *thispointer, int a2, unsigned int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, unsigned int a3, int a4))0x00435600; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_4370E0)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int ) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int ))0x004370E0;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4382D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004382D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_438DB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00438DB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4398F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004398F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_439A00)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439A00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_439AD0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00439AD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_439BD0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439BD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_439D20)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00439D20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_439DE0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00439DE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_439EA0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00439EA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_43A7D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043A7D0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CPlayer__SubMState)(int a5, int a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0043CE50; 
        static __int64 (__cdecl *sub_43D870)(int a1, int a2) = (__int64 (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x0043D870; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_43F1A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0043F1A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_440070)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00440070; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *CPlayer__SubGState)(int a5) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004418E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_445B20)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00445B20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_445B40)(int thispointer, void *a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2))0x00445B40; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_445B60)(int thispointer) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00445B60; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_445B80)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00445B80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_445BF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00445BF0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_445C10)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00445C10; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_445C80)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00445C80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_445CB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00445CB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_445CD0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00445CD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_445D30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00445D30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_445D90)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00445D90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_445DF0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00445DF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_445FA0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00445FA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446000)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00446000; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446060)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00446060; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446090)(int *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00446090; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4460C0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004460C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4460F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004460F0; 
        static bool (__cdecl *sub_446110)() = (bool (__cdecl*)())0x00446110; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446130)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00446130; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4461C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004461C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446200)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00446200; 
        static char (__stdcall *sub_446280)(void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (char (__stdcall*)(void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x00446280; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4462B0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004462B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_446350)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00446350; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4463F0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004463F0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_446430)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00446430;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4464B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004464B0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_446560)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00446560;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4465E0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x004465E0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_446680)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00446680;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_446700)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00446700; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_446720)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x00446720; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446750)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00446750; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_446800)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00446800; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446820)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00446820; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_446B00)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00446B00; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_446B40)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00446B40; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_446B60)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00446B60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446B80)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00446B80; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_446E50)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00446E50; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_446E70)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x00446E70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446EA0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00446EA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446F30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00446F30; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_446F90)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00446F90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_446FA0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00446FA0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_446FD0)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00446FD0;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_446FF0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00446FF0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_447000)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00447000; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_447010)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00447010; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4470B0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x004470B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4470E0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x004470E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_447120)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00447120; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4471B0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004471B0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_4472D0)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x004472D0;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_447350)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00447350; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_447370)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00447370; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4473D0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x004473D0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_4473F0)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x004473F0;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_447470)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x00447470; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4474B0)(int a1, int a2, void *a3) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, void *a3))0x004474B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4474E0)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x004474E0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_447520)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x00447520; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_447570)(void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x00447570; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4475D0)(void *a1, int a2) = (void (__stdcall*)(void *a1, int a2))0x004475D0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_4475F0)(int a1, int a2, void *a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, void *a3))0x004475F0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_447660)(int a1, int a2, void *a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, void *a3))0x00447660; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_4476D0)(void *a1, int a2) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, int a2))0x004476D0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_447720)(void *a1, int a2) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, int a2))0x00447720; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_447760)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00447760; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_447790)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00447790; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4477C0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004477C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4477F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004477F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_447810)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00447810; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_447830)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00447830; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4478E0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x004478E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_447980)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00447980; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4479A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004479A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4479C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004479C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_447A70)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00447A70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_447A90)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00447A90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_447AB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00447AB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_447B60)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00447B60; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_448820)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00448820; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_448870)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x00448870; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4490A0)(char a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4, int a5))0x004490A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *CPlayer__SubEState)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0044A4E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44ADC0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0044ADC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44AE20)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0044AE20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44AEB0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0044AEB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44AF50)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0044AF50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44B6E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044B6E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44B740)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0044B740; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44B760)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0044B760; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_44B780)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0044B780;
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_44B800)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0044B800; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44B820)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0044B820; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_44B850)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0044B850; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44B880)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0044B880; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44B8B0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0044B8B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44B8E0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0044B8E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44B920)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044B920; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44B940)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044B940; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44B960)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044B960; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44BA10)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0044BA10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44BAB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044BAB0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_44BB10)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0044BB10;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44BB90)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044BB90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44BBB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044BBB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44BBD0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044BBD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44BC80)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0044BC80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44BD20)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044BD20; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_44BD80)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0044BD80;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44BE00)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044BE00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44BE20)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044BE20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44BE40)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044BE40; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *Server__ReadingConfigs)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0044BEF0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_44C860)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0044C860; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44C970)(int thispointer, int a2, int *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int *a3))0x0044C970; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44CA00)(int thispointer, void *a2, int *a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int *a3))0x0044CA00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44CA30)(int thispointer, int *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int *a2))0x0044CA30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44CAC0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0044CAC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44CBF0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0044CBF0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_44CD20)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0044CD20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44CD40)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0044CD40; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_44CD70)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0044CD70; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44CD90)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0044CD90; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_44CDC0)(void *a1, void **a2) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, void **a2))0x0044CDC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44CE80)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0044CE80; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_44CEC0)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0044CEC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44CEE0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044CEE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44CF00)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044CF00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44CF20)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044CF20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44CFD0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0044CFD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44D070)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044D070; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_44D0D0)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0044D0D0;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44D150)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044D150; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44D170)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044D170; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44D190)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044D190; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44D240)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0044D240; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44D2E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044D2E0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_44D340)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0044D340;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44D620)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0044D620; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44F580)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x0044F580;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44F5A0)(int thispointer, int a2, void *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, void *a3))0x0044F5A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44F600)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0044F600; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44F660)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044F660; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_44F6A0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0044F6A0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_44F720)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0044F720; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44F750)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044F750; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44F7C0)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0044F7C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44F7E0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0044F7E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44F810)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0044F810; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44F8B0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0044F8B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44F8D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044F8D0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_44F930)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0044F930;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_44F9B0)(int, int)  = (int (__cdecl*)(int, int))0x0044F9B0;
        static char (__cdecl *sub_44F9D0)(const void *a1, int a2, void *a3) = (char (__cdecl*)(const void *a1, int a2, void *a3))0x0044F9D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_44FA10)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x0044FA10; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_44FA50)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0044FA50; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_44FA90)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0044FA90; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_44FAC0)(const void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(const void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x0044FAC0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_44FB00)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0044FB00; 
        static char (__cdecl *sub_44FB20)(const void *a1, int a2, void *a3) = (char (__cdecl*)(const void *a1, int a2, void *a3))0x0044FB20; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_44FB60)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0044FB60; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44FB90)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0044FB90; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44FBC0)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x0044FBC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44FBF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044FBF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44FC10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044FC10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_44FC30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0044FC30; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_44FCE0)(char a4, char a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(char a4, char a5))0x0044FCE0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_44FD40)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x0044FD40; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_450650)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00450650; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_450670)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00450670; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_450690)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00450690; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4506B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004506B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4506D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004506D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4506F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004506F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_450710)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00450710; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_450810)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00450810; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SubMStateEx)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00451E70; 
        static void (__thiscall *CPlayer__SubBState)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00451EB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_457E30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00457E30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_457E60)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00457E60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_45F300)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0045F300; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_45F9A0)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0045F9A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_45F9D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0045F9D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_45FA10)(unsigned int a4, unsigned int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(unsigned int a4, unsigned int a5))0x0045FA10; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_45FA60)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0045FA60; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_460490)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00460490; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_466AB0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, const void *a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, const void *a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00466AB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_466B20)(unsigned int a4, unsigned int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(unsigned int a4, unsigned int a5))0x00466B20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_466B70)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00466B70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_468200)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00468200; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_468240)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3, int a4))0x00468240; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_469C80)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00469C80; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_46B2C0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0046B2C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_46C290)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0046C290; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_46C2D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0046C2D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_46C920)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0046C920; 
        static int (__stdcall *CPlayer__SubState)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0046D490; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_46EF70)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0046EF70; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *sub_46EF90)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0046EF90; 
        static bool (__stdcall *sub_46F2C0)(int a1) = (bool (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0046F2C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_46F320)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0046F320; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_46F350)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9))0x0046F350; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4703E0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004703E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470440)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00470440; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470600)(int thispointer, const char **a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const char **a2))0x00470600; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470660)(int thispointer, int a2, const char **a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, const char **a3))0x00470660; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4706F0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004706F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470720)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00470720; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470740)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00470740; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4707A0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004707A0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_4707D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004707D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_470840)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00470840; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470870)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00470870; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470890)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00470890; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470A40)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00470A40; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_470AA0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00470AA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470AD0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00470AD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470AF0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00470AF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_470CA0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00470CA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471430)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00471430; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471490)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00471490; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4714F0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004714F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_471580)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00471580; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4715B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004715B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4715D0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004715D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471780)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00471780; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4717E0)(int)  = (int (__thiscall*)(int))0x004717E0;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471840)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00471840; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4718D0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004718D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471900)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00471900; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471920)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00471920; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_471980)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00471980; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4719B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004719B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4719D0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004719D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471B80)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00471B80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471BE0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00471BE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471C40)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00471C40; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_471CD0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00471CD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471D00)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00471D00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471D20)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00471D20; 
        static char (__stdcall *sub_471ED0)(void *a1, void *a2) = (char (__stdcall*)(void *a1, void *a2))0x00471ED0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_471F00)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00471F00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472690)(int thispointer, void *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2))0x00472690; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4726F0)(int thispointer, int a2, void *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, void *a3))0x004726F0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_472780)(int thispointer) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00472780; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4727A0)(int thispointer, const void *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const void *a2))0x004727A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4727D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004727D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472800)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3, const void *a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3, const void *a4))0x00472800; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472830)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3))0x00472830; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472860)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00472860; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472890)(int *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00472890; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4728C0)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3))0x004728C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4728F0)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3))0x004728F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472920)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, const void *a3))0x00472920; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_472950)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00472950; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472990)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00472990; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4729B0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x004729B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_472A50)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x00472A50; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_472A80)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00472A80; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_472B20)(int thispointer, void *a2, const char **a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, const char **a3))0x00472B20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472B50)(int thispointer, int a2, const char **a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, const char **a3))0x00472B50; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_472B90)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00472B90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472C30)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00472C30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472C70)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00472C70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472D20)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00472D20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472D60)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00472D60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472DA0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00472DA0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_472E20)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00472E20; 
        static char (__stdcall *sub_472EA0)(void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (char (__stdcall*)(void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x00472EA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_472ED0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00472ED0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_472F10)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00472F10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_472FB0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00472FB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_472FF0)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, const void *a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, const void *a5))0x00472FF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_473430)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00473430; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4734E0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x004734E0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4734F0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x004734F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_473500)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00473500; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_473520)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00473520; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_473560)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00473560; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_473600)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x00473600; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_473630)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00473630; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_473670)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00473670;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4736F0)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, const void *a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, const void *a5))0x004736F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_473B30)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00473B30; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_473C60)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00473C60; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_473CA0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00473CA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_473CE0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00473CE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_473E10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00473E10; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_473EC0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00473EC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_473ED0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00473ED0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_473F10)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00473F10; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_473FB0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x00473FB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_473FE0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00473FE0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_474020)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00474020;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4740A0)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, int a5))0x004740A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4744E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004744E0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_474590)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00474590; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4745A0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x004745A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_474640)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00474640; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4746F0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x004746F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_474700)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00474700; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_474740)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00474740; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4747E0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x004747E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_474810)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00474810; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_474850)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00474850;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4748D0)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, const void *a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, const void *a5))0x004748D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_474D10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00474D10; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_474DC0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00474DC0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_474DD0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00474DD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_474DE0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00474DE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_474E20)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x00474E20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_474EC0)(int thispointer, void *a2, void *a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, void *a3))0x00474EC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_474EF0)(int thispointer, int a2, void *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, void *a3))0x00474EF0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_474F30)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, char a3, int a4, int a5))0x00474F30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475370)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00475370; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4754A0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x004754A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4754E0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x004754E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475520)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00475520; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475650)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00475650; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_475700)(void *a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(void *a1))0x00475700; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475720)(void *thispointer, char a2, const void *a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2, const void *a3))0x00475720; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4757A0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004757A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475880)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00475880; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4758A0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004758A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4758C0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004758C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4758E0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004758E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475900)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00475900; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475920)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00475920; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475940)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00475940; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475960)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00475960; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475980)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00475980; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4759A0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004759A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4759C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004759C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475A20)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00475A20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_475A80)(int thispointer, void *a2, const char **a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, const char **a3))0x00475A80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475AB0)(int thispointer, const char **a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const char **a2))0x00475AB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475B40)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00475B40; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475BA0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00475BA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_475E70)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00475E70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_476600)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00476600; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_476660)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00476660; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4766F0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x004766F0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_476820)(int a1, int a2, int a3, const void *a4, char a5) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, const void *a4, char a5))0x00476820; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_4768A0)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x004768A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4768C0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x004768C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4768F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004768F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_476960)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00476960; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4769F0)(int a1, int a2, int a3, const void *a4, char a5) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, const void *a4, char a5))0x004769F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_476A70)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00476A70; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_476A80)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00476A80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_476AA0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00476AA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_477230)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x00477230; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_477260)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00477260; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4772D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004772D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_477360)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00477360; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_477490)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00477490; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4775C0)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5))0x004775C0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_477640)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00477640; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_477660)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00477660; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4776C0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x004776C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4776F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004776F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_477760)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00477760; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_477770)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00477770; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_477790)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00477790; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_477F20)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x00477F20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_477F50)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00477F50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_477FC0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00477FC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478050)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00478050; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478180)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00478180; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4782B0)(int a1, int a2, int a3, const void *a4, char a5) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, const void *a4, char a5))0x004782B0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_478330)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00478330; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478350)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00478350; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4783B0)(int thispointer, void *a2, void *a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, void *a3))0x004783B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4783E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004783E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478450)(int thispointer, void *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2))0x00478450; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4784E0)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, char a5))0x004784E0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_478560)(int a1, int a2, const void *a3) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, const void *a3))0x00478560; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4785D0)(int thispointer, unsigned int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, unsigned int a2))0x004785D0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_478640)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00478640; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478660)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00478660; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478680)(int *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00478680; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4786B0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004786B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4786D0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004786D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4786F0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004786F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478710)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00478710; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478740)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00478740; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478760)(int *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00478760; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478790)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00478790; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4787B0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004787B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4787E0)(int *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004787E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478810)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00478810; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478830)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00478830; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478850)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00478850; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4788F0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004788F0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_478920)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00478920;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4789A0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004789A0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_478A30)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00478A30;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478AB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00478AB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478AD0)(int thispointer, const char **a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, const char **a2))0x00478AD0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_478B60)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00478B60;
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_478BE0)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00478BE0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_478C10)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00478C10;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478C90)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00478C90; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_478D20)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00478D20; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_478E40)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00478E40; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_478E70)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00478E70; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_478E90)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00478E90; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_478ED0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00478ED0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_478F10)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00478F10; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_478FA0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00478FA0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_4790C0)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x004790C0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4790F0)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x004790F0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_479110)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00479110;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_479190)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00479190; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4791D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004791D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_479260)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00479260; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_479380)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00479380; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_4793B0)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x004793B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4793D0)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x004793D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_479410)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00479410; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479450)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00479450; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4794E0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004794E0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_479600)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00479600; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_479630)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00479630; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_479650)(int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x00479650;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4796D0)(int thispointer, void *a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2))0x004796D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_479760)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00479760; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_479880)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00479880; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_4798B0)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x004798B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4798D0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004798D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4798F0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004798F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4799D0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x004799D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479AB0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00479AB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479B70)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00479B70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479B90)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00479B90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479C70)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00479C70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479D50)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x00479D50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479E10)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, const void *a5, char a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, const void *a5, char a6))0x00479E10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479E60)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, const void *a5, char a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, const void *a5, char a6))0x00479E60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479EB0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, char a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, char a6))0x00479EB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479F10)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, const void *a5, char a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, const void *a5, char a6))0x00479F10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479F60)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, char a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, char a6))0x00479F60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_479FB0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, const void *a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, const void *a4))0x00479FB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_479FF0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00479FF0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_47A030)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0047A030; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A060)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0047A060; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A080)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0047A080; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A0A0)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0047A0A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A160)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0047A160; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A220)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x0047A220; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A240)(int, int) = (int (__cdecl*)(int, int))0x0047A240;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A260)(int, char) = (int (__cdecl*)(int, char))0x0047A260;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A280)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A280; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A2B0)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A2B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A2E0)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A2E0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A310)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A310; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A340)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A340; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A370)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A370; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A3A0)(void *a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(void *a1))0x0047A3A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A3B0)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x0047A3B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A3F0)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0047A3F0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47A430)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0047A430; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47A450)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0047A450; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47A470)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0047A470; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47A490)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0047A490; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47A4B0)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0047A4B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A4D0)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0047A4D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A520)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A520; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A560)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A560; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A5A0)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A5A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A5E0)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A5E0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A620)(char a1, char a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(char a1, char a2, int a3))0x0047A620; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A660)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x0047A660; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47A690)(int a1, int a2, void *a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, void *a3))0x0047A690; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_47A6D0)(void *a1, int a2) = (void (__stdcall*)(void *a1, int a2))0x0047A6D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47A6F0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047A6F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47A720)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0047A720; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47A760)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047A760; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A790)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047A790; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47A7D0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0047A7D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47A870)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0047A870; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A8B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047A8B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A8D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047A8D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A8F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047A8F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A910)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047A910; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A9C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047A9C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47A9E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047A9E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47AA00)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047AA00; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_47AAB0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047AAB0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_47AAE0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047AAE0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_47AB00)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047AB00; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_47AB60)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047AB60; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47AB90)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047AB90; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_47AC50)(int a5) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047AC50; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_47AC80)(int a5) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047AC80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47ACA0)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047ACA0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_47ACC0)(int a5) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047ACC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47ACF0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047ACF0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47AD50)(int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0047AD50; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47AD80)(int thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047AD80; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47ADA0)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047ADA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47AE20)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047AE20; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_47AE50)(int a5) = (char (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047AE50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47AF80)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047AF80; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47B000)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047B000; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47B050)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047B050; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47B0A0)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047B0A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47B0C0)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047B0C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47B0E0)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047B0E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47B1B0)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047B1B0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_47B1D0)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0047B1D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47B1F0)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047B1F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47B230)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047B230; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47B330)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0047B330; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47B8A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047B8A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47B8E0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047B8E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47B940)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0047B940; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47B990)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047B990; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47B9B0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047B9B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47B9E0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047B9E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47BA10)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047BA10; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47BA40)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047BA40; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47BA70)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0047BA70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47BAA0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047BAA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47BAC0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047BAC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47BAF0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047BAF0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47BB20)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047BB20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47BB50)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047BB50; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47BB80)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047BB80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47BBB0)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0047BBB0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47BBE0)(char a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(char a4))0x0047BBE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C470)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C470; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47C4A0)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0047C4A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47C4F0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047C4F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C510)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C510; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C570)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C570; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C5A0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C5A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47C5D0)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0047C5D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C600)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C600; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47C630)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0047C630; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47C660)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047C660; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C680)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C680; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C6B0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C6B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C6E0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C6E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C710)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C710; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C740)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C740; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C770)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C770; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C7A0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C7A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C7D0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C7D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47C800)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C800; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47C830)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047C830; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47C880)(int thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047C880; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_47C910)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047C910; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47C980)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0047C980; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47CA50)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0047CA50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47CAC0)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0047CAC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47CB40)(int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0047CB40; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47CB80)(int a4, char a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5))0x0047CB80; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47CD70)(int a4, char a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5))0x0047CD70; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47CE60)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047CE60; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47CEC0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047CEC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47CF60)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047CF60; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_47CF90)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047CF90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47D000)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047D000; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47D030)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047D030; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_47D070)(int) = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0047D070;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47D0A0)(int *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0047D0A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47D0D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047D0D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47D110)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0047D110; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_47D190)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047D190; 
        static char (__stdcall *sub_47D210)(void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (char (__stdcall*)(void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x0047D210; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47D240)(void *thispointer, char a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2, int a3))0x0047D240; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47D2C0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0047D2C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47D360)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047D360; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_47D3D0)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0047D3D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47D3F0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0047D3F0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_47D6D0)(int a1) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0047D6D0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_47D6F0)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0047D6F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47D760)(int thispointer, unsigned int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, unsigned int a2))0x0047D760; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47D7D0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047D7D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47D800)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0047D800; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47D820)(void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x0047D820; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47D860)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x0047D860; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47D8A0)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0047D8A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47D8E0)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0047D8E0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47D920)(int a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0047D920; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47D940)(void *a1, int a2, int a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1, int a2, int a3))0x0047D940; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47D9A0)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x0047D9A0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47D9D0)(int a1, int a2, void *a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, void *a3))0x0047D9D0; 
        static void (__stdcall *sub_47DA10)(void *a1, int a2) = (void (__stdcall*)(void *a1, int a2))0x0047DA10; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_47DA30)(int a1, int a2, void *a3) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, void *a3))0x0047DA30; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47DAA0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047DAA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47DAD0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047DAD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47DAF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047DAF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47DB10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047DB10; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47DBC0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0047DBC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47DC60)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047DC60; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_47DCC0)(int) = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0047DCC0;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47DD40)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047DD40; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_47DDA0)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x0047DDA0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_47DDE0)(void *thispointer) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047DDE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47DE70)(volatile LONG *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(volatile LONG *thispointerpointer))0x0047DE70; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_47E030)(int thispointer) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047E030; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_47E060)(int thispointer) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047E060; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E080)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0047E080; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E0D0)(volatile LONG *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(volatile LONG *thispointerpointer))0x0047E0D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E1C0)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0047E1C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E220)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047E220; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47E270)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0047E270; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47E2A0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0047E2A0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_47E3D0)(int thispointer, int a2, const char *a3) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, const char *a3))0x0047E3D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E480)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047E480; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_47E4A0)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x0047E4A0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47E5F0)() = (signed int (__thiscall*)())0x0047E5F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E620)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0047E620; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E6B0)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0047E6B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47E700)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0047E700; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47E710)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0047E710; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E720)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0047E720; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E780)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0047E780; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E800)(int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x0047E800; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47E880)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x0047E880; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E940)(int a4, int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0047E940; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47E990)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047E990; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47E9F0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0047E9F0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_47EA90)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0047EA90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47EAB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047EAB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47EB10)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3))0x0047EB10; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_47EB60)(int) = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0047EB60;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47EBE0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047EBE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47EC10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047EC10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47EC80)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047EC80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47ECA0)(void *thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, char a2))0x0047ECA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47ECD0)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047ECD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47ECF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047ECF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47ED10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047ED10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47ED30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047ED30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47EDE0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047EDE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47EEA0)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x0047EEA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47EED0)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0047EED0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47EEF0)(void *thispointer, int a2, char a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, char a3))0x0047EEF0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47F1E0)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047F1E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47F450)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0047F450; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_47F4D0)(void *thispointer) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047F4D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47F560)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0047F560; 
        static char (__cdecl *sub_47F5D0)() = (char (__cdecl*)())0x0047F5D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47F680)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0047F680; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47F6B0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0047F6B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47F760)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047F760; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47F780)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0047F780; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47F7A0)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047F7A0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47F910)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0047F910; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47F970)(signed int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(signed int a5))0x0047F970; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47FA60)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0047FA60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47FBB0)(void *thispointer, signed int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, signed int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0047FBB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_47FC00)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0047FC00; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_47FC50)(int a1, int a2, char a3) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, char a3))0x0047FC50; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47FC90)(int *thispointer, signed int a2, int a3, int a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer, signed int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0047FC90; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_47FD70)(void *thispointer, signed int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, signed int a2))0x0047FD70; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_47FF00)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0047FF00; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4800E0)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004800E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_480240)(signed int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(signed int a5))0x00480240; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4802D0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004802D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_480340)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00480340; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_480390)(void *thispointer, signed int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, signed int a2, int a3))0x00480390; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4803E0)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004803E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_480540)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00480540; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_480830)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00480830; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_480870)(void *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00480870; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4808E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004808E0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_480910)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00480910; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_480970)(int thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00480970; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_480A00)(int thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00480A00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_480A80)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00480A80; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_480B70)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00480B70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_480C50)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00480C50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_480CF0)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00480CF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_480D40)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00480D40; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_480E10)(int thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00480E10; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_480E80)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00480E80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_480F20)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00480F20; 
        static bool (__stdcall *sub_480F80)(int a1, int a2) = (bool (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00480F80; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_481000)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00481000; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_481040)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00481040; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_481070)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00481070; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_481150)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00481150; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_481210)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00481210; 
        static bool (__stdcall *sub_481330)(int a1, int a2) = (bool (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00481330; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4813A0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004813A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4814F0)(int thispointer, int a2, signed int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, signed int a3, int a4))0x004814F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_481630)(int thispointer, int a2, signed int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, signed int a3, int a4))0x00481630; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_481750)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00481750; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_481970)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00481970; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_4819A0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004819A0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_481E80)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00481E80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_481F10)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00481F10; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_481F30)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00481F30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_481F60)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00481F60; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_481FD0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00481FD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482000)(void *thispointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00482000; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_4820C0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004820C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4820F0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004820F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_482130)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00482130; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482160)(void *thispointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00482160; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482260)(void *thispointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00482260; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482340)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00482340; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_482370)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00482370; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_4823E0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004823E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482430)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00482430; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482490)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00482490; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_4824E0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004824E0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_482570)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00482570; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482610)(void *thispointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00482610; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482710)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00482710; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_482770)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00482770; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_4827E0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004827E0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_482830)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (char (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00482830; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_482960)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00482960; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_482990)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00482990; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4829B0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004829B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482A00)(void *thispointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00482A00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482B20)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00482B20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482B70)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00482B70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482D30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00482D30; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_482D60)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00482D60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482DF0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00482DF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482E20)(void *thispointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, void *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00482E20; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_482F40)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00482F40; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_482FA0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00482FA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483230)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00483230; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483260)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00483260; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4832A0)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x004832A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483310)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00483310; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4833D0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004833D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483460)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00483460; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_4834E0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004834E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483520)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00483520; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_4835A0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004835A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4835E0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004835E0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_483670)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00483670; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_4836B0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004836B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4836E0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004836E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483770)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00483770; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_4837F0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004837F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483830)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00483830; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_4838C0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004838C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483930)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00483930; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_483A00)(int a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00483A00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483B50)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00483B50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483C70)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00483C70; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_483DB0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00483DB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483DF0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00483DF0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_483F50)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00483F50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_483F80)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00483F80; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_4840C0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004840C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_484100)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00484100; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4844A0)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004844A0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_484710)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00484710; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_4849E0)(int a5, int a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004849E0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_484BE0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00484BE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_484EE0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00484EE0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_484F60)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00484F60; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_485030)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00485030; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485060)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00485060; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_4850D0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004850D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485100)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00485100; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_485170)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00485170; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485200)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00485200; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485230)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x00485230; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485310)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00485310; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_485400)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00485400; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485430)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00485430; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_4854A0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004854A0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_4854D0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004854D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4855D0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004855D0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_485610)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00485610; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485840)(int a4, char a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5, int a6))0x00485840; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4858C0)(int a5, char a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char a6, int a7))0x004858C0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_485930)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00485930; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_485970)(int a3, int a4, int a5) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a3, int a4, int a5))0x00485970; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_485AB0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00485AB0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_485AE0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00485AE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485B80)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00485B80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485CE0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00485CE0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_485D80)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00485D80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485DC0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00485DC0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_485E60)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00485E60; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_485E90)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00485E90; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_485EF0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00485EF0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_485F50)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00485F50; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_485F70)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00485F70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_485FA0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00485FA0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_485FD0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00485FD0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_486030)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00486030; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_486050)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00486050; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_4860B0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004860B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4860F0)(int thispointer, int a2, signed int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, signed int a3, int a4))0x004860F0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_4861F0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004861F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_4862A0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004862A0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_4862F0)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x004862F0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_486350)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x00486350; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_4863B0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004863B0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_486420)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00486420; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_486500)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00486500; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_486560)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00486560; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4865C0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x004865C0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_486620)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00486620; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_4866D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004866D0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_486760)(int thispointer, int a2) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00486760; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_486860)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00486860; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_486910)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00486910; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_486A50)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00486A50; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_486AA0)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00486AA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_486AE0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00486AE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_486B60)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00486B60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_486BF0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00486BF0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_486C60)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00486C60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_486C90)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00486C90; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_486CF0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00486CF0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_486D50)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00486D50; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_486E20)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00486E20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_486EC0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00486EC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_487000)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00487000; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_487190)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00487190; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_4871C0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004871C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_487390)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00487390; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_487430)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00487430; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_487460)(int a5) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00487460; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_487490)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00487490; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_4874D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004874D0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_487510)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00487510; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4875B0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004875B0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_487860)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00487860; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_487900)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00487900; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4879D0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004879D0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_487AE0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00487AE0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_487B40)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00487B40; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_487BF0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00487BF0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_487CF0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00487CF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_487DB0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00487DB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_487EF0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00487EF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_488010)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00488010; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4880D0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004880D0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_488160)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00488160; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_4881A0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004881A0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_488260)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00488260; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_4882D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004882D0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_488330)(int a2, void *a3, int a4) = (char (__thiscall*)(int a2, void *a3, int a4))0x00488330; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_488540)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00488540; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4885A0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004885A0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_4887B0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004887B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_488820)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00488820; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4889F0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004889F0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_488B30)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00488B30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_488B70)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00488B70; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_488CF0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (char (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00488CF0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_488E50)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00488E50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_488E90)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00488E90; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_489030)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00489030; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_489090)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00489090; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4891E0)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x004891E0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_489320)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00489320; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4893C0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x004893C0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_489550)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00489550; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_4895C0)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x004895C0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_4895E0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004895E0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_4896C0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004896C0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_4897F0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004897F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_489890)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00489890; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_489A10)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00489A10; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_489AA0)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00489AA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_489B30)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x00489B30; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_489CE0)(int a5, int a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00489CE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_489D90)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00489D90; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_489E10)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00489E10; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_489EA0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00489EA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_489EE0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00489EE0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_489F20)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00489F20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_489F60)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00489F60; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_489FA0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00489FA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_489FF0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00489FF0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_48A050)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048A050; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A070)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0048A070; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_48A0D0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048A0D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A120)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0048A120; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_48A1A0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048A1A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A1E0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0048A1E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A240)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0048A240; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A300)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0048A300; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_48A3C0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048A3C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A400)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0048A400; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A480)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0048A480; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A4D0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x0048A4D0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48A520)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0048A520; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_48A5D0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0048A5D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A680)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048A680; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_48A6D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048A6D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A770)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048A770; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A7B0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048A7B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A7F0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048A7F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A830)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048A830; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48A870)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048A870; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48A8B0)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0048A8B0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_48A9A0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0048A9A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48AAF0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048AAF0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_48AB30)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048AB30; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48AB90)(int thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048AB90; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_48ABC0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048ABC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48AC20)(int thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048AC20; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_48AC50)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048AC50; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48ACB0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048ACB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48ACE0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048ACE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48AD10)(int thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048AD10; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_48AD40)(int thispointer, int a2) = (char (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048AD40; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48ADA0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048ADA0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48ADD0)(int a1, signed int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, signed int a2))0x0048ADD0; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_48AE00)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048AE00; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48AE50)(int a1, signed int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, signed int a2))0x0048AE50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48AE70)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6))0x0048AE70; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_48AED0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0048AED0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48AF60)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0048AF60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48AF90)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048AF90; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48AFC0)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0048AFC0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_48B0E0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0048B0E0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48B170)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0048B170; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_48B1A0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048B1A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48B230)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, unsigned int a7))0x0048B230; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_48B440)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0048B440; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48B4D0)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048B4D0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48B510)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048B510; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48B550)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048B550; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48B590)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048B590; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48B5C0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048B5C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48B630)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x0048B630; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48B9C0)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048B9C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48BB50)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048BB50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48BC80)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048BC80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48BCB0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048BCB0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48BCE0)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048BCE0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48BD00)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048BD00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48BF30)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048BF30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48BF60)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048BF60; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48BFA0)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048BFA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48C040)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048C040; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48C110)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048C110; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48C310)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048C310; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48C610)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048C610; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48C7D0)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048C7D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48C880)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048C880; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48C950)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048C950; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48CA70)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048CA70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48CAA0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048CAA0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48CAD0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048CAD0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48CB10)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048CB10; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48CDA0)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048CDA0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48CDC0)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048CDC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48CDE0)(int a4, char a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5, int a6))0x0048CDE0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48CE20)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048CE20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48CE40)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x0048CE40; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48CEB0)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048CEB0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48CEE0)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048CEE0; 
        static LONG (__thiscall *sub_48CF20)(int a5, int a6) = (LONG (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048CF20; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *sub_48D100)(int a1, int a2) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0048D100; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48D140)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x0048D140; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48D1D0)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048D1D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48D390)(int a4, char a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5, int a6))0x0048D390; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48D3F0)(int a1) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x0048D3F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48D440)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x0048D440; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48D680)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0048D680; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48D6B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048D6B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48D6D0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048D6D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_48D880)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x0048D880; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *sub_48D900)(int a1) = (LONG (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x0048D900; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48D930)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048D930; 
        static bool (__stdcall *sub_48D9E0)(int a1, int a2) = (bool (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0048D9E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48DA00)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0048DA00; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_48DA20)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x0048DA20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DAC0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DAC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DB20)(int *thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int *thispointerpointer))0x0048DB20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DBE0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, char a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, char a6))0x0048DBE0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48DC30)(int) = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x0048DC30;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DCB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DCB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DCD0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DCD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DCF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DCF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DD10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DD10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DD30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DD30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DD50)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DD50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DD70)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DD70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DD90)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DD90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DDB0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048DDB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DDD0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DDD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DDF0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048DDF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DE10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DE10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DE30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DE30; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_48DE50)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048DE50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DE60)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048DE60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DE80)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048DE80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DEA0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DEA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DEC0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DEC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DEE0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DEE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DF00)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048DF00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DF20)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DF20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DF40)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DF40; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DF60)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048DF60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DF80)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DF80; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48DFA0)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x0048DFA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DFB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DFB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DFD0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048DFD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48DFF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048DFF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E010)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048E010; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E030)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E030; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E050)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048E050; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E080)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E080; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E0A0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048E0A0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_48E0E0)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048E0E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E190)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048E190; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E230)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E230; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E250)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E250; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_48E270)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048E270; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E2B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E2B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E2D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048E2D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E2F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E2F0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_48E310)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048E310; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E330)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E330; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E350)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E350; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E480)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048E480; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E4C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E4C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E4E0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048E4E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E500)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E500; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E520)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E520; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E540)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E540; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E560)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E560; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E580)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E580; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E5C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E5C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E5E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E5E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E600)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E600; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E620)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E620; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E650)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E650; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E680)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E680; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E6A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E6A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E6C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E6C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E6E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E6E0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_48E700)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0048E700; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E7F0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048E7F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E810)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E810; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E830)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E830; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E850)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E850; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E870)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E870; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E890)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E890; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E8B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E8B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E8D0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048E8D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E8F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E8F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E910)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E910; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E930)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E930; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E950)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E950; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E990)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E990; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E9B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E9B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E9D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E9D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48E9F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048E9F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48EA50)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EA50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48EA70)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EA70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48EA90)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EA90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48EAB0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048EAB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48EBE0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EBE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48EC00)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EC00; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48EC20)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048EC20; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_48EC40)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048EC40; 
        static bool (__thiscall *sub_48ED70)(int thispointer, int a2, unsigned int a3) = (bool (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, unsigned int a3))0x0048ED70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48EFB0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048EFB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48EFD0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EFD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48EFF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048EFF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F150)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F150; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F200)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F200; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F220)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F220; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F240)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F240; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F260)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F260; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F280)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F280; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F2A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F2A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F2C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F2C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F2E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F2E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F300)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F300; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F320)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F320; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F340)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F340; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F360)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F360; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F380)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F380; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F3A0)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048F3A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F3C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F3C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F3E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F3E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F400)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F400; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F420)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F420; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F440)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x0048F440; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F460)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F460; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F480)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F480; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F4A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F4A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F4C0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F4C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F4E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F4E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F500)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F500; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F520)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F520; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F540)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F540; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F560)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F560; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F580)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F580; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F5A0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F5A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F6F0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F6F0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_48F710)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048F710; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F870)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F870; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F890)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F890; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_48F8B0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048F8B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F910)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F910; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_48F930)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048F930; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F970)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F970; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F990)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F990; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F9B0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F9B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48F9D0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048F9D0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_48F9F0)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048F9F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FA30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FA30; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_48FA50)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048FA50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FA70)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FA70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FA90)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FA90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FAF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FAF0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FB10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FB10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FB30)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FB30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FB50)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FB50; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FB70)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FB70; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FB90)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FB90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FBB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FBB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FBD0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FBD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FBF0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FBF0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_48FC40)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048FC40; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FC60)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FC60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FC90)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FC90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FCB0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FCB0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FCE0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x0048FCE0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_48FD10)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x0048FD10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FD20)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x0048FD20; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FD60)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x0048FD60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_48FDE0)(int thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char a2))0x0048FDE0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_48FEC0)(void *thispointer) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0048FEC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_490070)(int thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2))0x00490070; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_490220)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00490220; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4902D0)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x004902D0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_490470)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00490470; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_490780)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00490780; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4908E0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004908E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_490990)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00490990; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_490A40)(int a5, int *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int *a6))0x00490A40; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_490B00)(int a5, int *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int *a6))0x00490B00; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_490BD0)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00490BD0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_490CD0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00490CD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_490DC0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00490DC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_490E70)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00490E70; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_490EA0)(int a4) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a4))0x00490EA0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_491010)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00491010; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_491040)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00491040; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_491080)(signed int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(signed int a1))0x00491080; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4910A0)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x004910A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_491150)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00491150; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_491200)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3, int a4))0x00491200; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4912B0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004912B0; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_491360)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00491360; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_4913E0)(int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004913E0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_492440)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x00492440; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_492510)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00492510; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_492570)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00492570; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_4925C0)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9))0x004925C0;
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493390)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00493390; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493440)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00493440; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4934F0)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004934F0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4935A0)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004935A0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493650)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00493650; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493770)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00493770; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4938A0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004938A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_493CD0)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00493CD0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493E80)(void *thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2, int a3))0x00493E80; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493EB0)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00493EB0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_493EE0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00493EE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493F10)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00493F10; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493F60)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00493F60; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493F90)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00493F90; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493FC0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00493FC0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_493FE0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00493FE0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_494000)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00494000; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4940B0)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, void *a2, int a3, char a4))0x004940B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_494150)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x00494150; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_4941B0)(int) = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x004941B0;
        static signed int (__stdcall *sub_494230)(int *a1) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int *a1))0x00494230; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4942C0)(int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x004942C0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_494400)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00494400; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_494430)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00494430; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_494450)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00494450; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4944F0)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004944F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_494700)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00494700; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_494760)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00494760; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4948C0)(int a4, char a5, char a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, char a5, char a6))0x004948C0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_494930)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00494930; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_495770)(signed int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, const void *a10) = (void (__thiscall*)(signed int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9,const void *a10))0x00495770;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4958F0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004958F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_495980)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00495980; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4959B0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x004959B0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4959E0)(int a5, char *a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6))0x004959E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_495A90)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00495A90; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_495B20)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00495B20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_495C20)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x00495C20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_495C50)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00495C50; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_495CC0)(int a5, int a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7))0x00495CC0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_495D30)(int a5, int a6) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6))0x00495D30; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_495F90)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8))0x00495F90; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_496030)(int a5, char *a6, int a7) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5, char *a6, int a7))0x00496030; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_496150)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00496150; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4961B0)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004961B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4962E0)(int thispointer) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004962E0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_496300)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00496300; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4964E0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x004964E0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_496520)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00496520; 
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_496550)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x00496550; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4965B0)(int a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004965B0; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_496640)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, int a2, int a3))0x00496640; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_496690)(char a5) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a5))0x00496690; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_496700)(int a4, int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a4, int a5))0x00496700; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_496880)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x00496880; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4968F0)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x004968F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_496990)(int a5) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a5))0x00496990; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_496B30)(char a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4, int a5, int a6))0x00496B30; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_496B90)(char a4, int a5, int a6) = (int (__thiscall*)(char a4, int a5, int a6))0x00496B90; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_496BE0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00496BE0; 
        static unsigned int (__cdecl *sub_496C70)() = (unsigned int (__cdecl*)())0x00496C70; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_496C80)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x00496C80; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_496CD0)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00496CD0; 
        static signed int (__cdecl *sub_496CE0)() = (signed int (__cdecl*)())0x00496CE0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_496CF0)(char *a4, int a5) = (char (__thiscall*)(char *a4, int a5))0x00496CF0; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_496F10)(char *a4, char a5) = (char (__thiscall*)(char *a4, char a5))0x00496F10; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_496F40)(char *a4, int a5) = (char (__thiscall*)(char *a4, int a5))0x00496F40; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_497220)(char *a4, char a5) = (char (__thiscall*)(char *a4, char a5))0x00497220; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_497250)(char *a1, unsigned int a2, int a3) = (char (__thiscall*)(char *a1, unsigned int a2, int a3))0x00497250; 
        static char (__thiscall *sub_4975F0)(char *a4, unsigned int a5, char a6) = (char (__thiscall*)(char *a4, unsigned int a5, char a6))0x004975F0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_497620)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00497620; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_497660)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00497660; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_4976A0)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x004976A0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_497700)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__stdcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x00497700; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *sub_4977B0)(int a1) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x004977B0; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_4979C0)(int) = (int (__stdcall*)(int))0x004979C0;
        static signed int (__stdcall *sub_497B80)(int *a1) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int *a1))0x00497B80; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_497C20)(void *a1) = (void (__cdecl*)(void *a1))0x00497C20; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_497CB0)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x00497CB0; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *sub_497CE0)(int a1) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(int a1))0x00497CE0; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *sub_497D5D)(void *a1, void *a2, int a3, void *a4, int a5) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(void *a1, void *a2, int a3, void *a4, int a5))0x00497D5D; 
        static signed int (__stdcall *sub_497DA8)(void *a1, void *a2, int a3, void *a4, int a5) = (signed int (__stdcall*)(void *a1, void *a2, int a3, void *a4, int a5))0x00497DA8; 
        static int (__stdcall *sub_497DF3)(int *, int)  = (int (__stdcall*)(int *, int))0x00497DF3;
        static signed int (__thiscall *sub_4983BD)(int a1, int *a2, void *a3, size_t a4, int a5, int a6) = (signed int (__thiscall*)(int a1, int *a2, void *a3, size_t a4, int a5, int a6))0x004983BD; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4988C1)(int a1) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a1))0x004988C1; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_498920)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x00498920; 
        static __int16 (__cdecl *sub_4989CB)(int a1, int a2, char a3, int a4) = (__int16 (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, char a3, int a4))0x004989CB; 
        static signed __int16 (__cdecl *sub_49C998)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (signed __int16 (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0049C998; 
        static signed __int16 (__cdecl *sub_49DCC7)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (signed __int16 (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0049DCC7; 
        static __int16 (__cdecl *sub_49EFED)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (__int16 (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0049EFED; 
        static __int16 (__cdecl *sub_49F008)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (__int16 (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3))0x0049F008; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_49F030)(int a1, void *a2, void *a3, void *a4, int a5) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, void *a2, void *a3, void *a4, int a5))0x0049F030; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_49F10F)(int a1, void *a2, void *a3, void *a4, int a5) = (void (__cdecl*)(int a1, void *a2, void *a3, void *a4, int a5))0x0049F10F; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_49F1EE)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x0049F1EE; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_49F22E)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0049F22E; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_49F271)(void *thispointer, int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer, int a2))0x0049F271; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_49F289)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x0049F289; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_49F65E)(void *thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(void *thispointerpointer))0x0049F65E; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4A0647)(int a1) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1))0x004A0647; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4A0FE3)(const void *a1, size_t a2, size_t a3, int *a4) = (int (__cdecl*)(const void *a1, size_t a2, size_t a3, int *a4))0x004A0FE3; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4A1236)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004A1236; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4A16B4)(int) = (int (__cdecl*)(int))0x004A16B4;
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4A17A2)(void *, size_t, size_t, int *)  = (int (__cdecl*)(void *, size_t, size_t, int *))0x004A17A2;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4A2489)(int thispointer) = (void (__thiscall*)(int thispointer))0x004A2489; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4A24AC)(int thispointer, char a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int thispointer, char a2))0x004A24AC; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_4A7BF9)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x004A7BF9; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_4A7C3D)()  = (void (__cdecl*)())0x004A7C3D;
        static void (__cdecl *sub_4A89F9)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x004A89F9; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4A8ACA)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004A8ACA; 
        static LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER (__cdecl *sub_4A8ADD)() = (LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER (__cdecl*)())0x004A8ADD; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AA18E)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x004AA18E; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AA1A4)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x004AA1A4; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AA1BA)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x004AA1BA; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AA1F7)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2))0x004AA1F7; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4ABF6A)(int a2) = (void (__thiscall*)(int a2))0x004ABF6A; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4ABF7C)(int a2) = (int (__thiscall*)(int a2))0x004ABF7C; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4ABF90)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004ABF90; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ABFB0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ABFB0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ABFD0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ABFD0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ABFF0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ABFF0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC010)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC010; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4AC030)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004AC030; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC050)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC050; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC070)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC070; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC090)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC090; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC0B0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC0B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC0D0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC0D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC0F0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC0F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC110)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC110; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC130)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC130; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC150)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC150; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC170)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC170; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC190)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC190; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC1B0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC1B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC1D0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC1D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC1F0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC1F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC930)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC930; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC950)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC950; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC970)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC970; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC990)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC990; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC9B0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC9B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC9D0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC9D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AC9F0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AC9F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACA10)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACA10; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACA30)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACA30; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACA50)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACA50; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACA70)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACA70; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACA90)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACA90; 
        static int (__fastcall *sub_4ACAB0)(int a1, int a2) = (int (__fastcall*)(int a1, int a2))0x004ACAB0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_4ACAC0)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x004ACAC0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACAD0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACAD0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACAF0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACAF0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACB10)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACB10; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACB30)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACB30; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACB50)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACB50; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACB70)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACB70; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACB90)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACB90; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACBB0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACBB0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACBD0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACBD0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACBF0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACBF0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACC10)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACC10; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_4ACC30)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x004ACC30; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACC40)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACC40; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACC50)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACC50; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACC70)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACC70; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACC90)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACC90; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACCB0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACCB0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACCD0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACCD0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACCF0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACCF0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACD10)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACD10; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACD30)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACD30; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACD60)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACD60; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACD80)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACD80; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACDA0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACDA0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACDC0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACDC0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACDE0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACDE0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACE00)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACE00; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACE20)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACE20; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACE40)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACE40; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACE60)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACE60; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACE80)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACE80; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACEA0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACEA0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACEC0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACEC0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4ACEE0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004ACEE0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AE1D0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AE1D0; 
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        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AE830)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AE830; 
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        static int (__cdecl *sub_4AE890)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004AE890; 
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        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B2F10)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B2F10; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B2F30)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B2F30; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B2F40)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B2F40; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B2F70)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B2F70; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B2F90)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B2F90; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_4B2FB0)() = (void (__cdecl*)())0x004B2FB0; 
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        static LONG (__cdecl *sub_4B2FD0)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x004B2FD0; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *sub_4B2FE0)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x004B2FE0; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *sub_4B2FF0)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x004B2FF0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3000)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3000; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4B3010)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004B3010; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *sub_4B3020)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x004B3020; 
        static LONG (__cdecl *sub_4B3030)() = (LONG (__cdecl*)())0x004B3030; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3040)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3040; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3050)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3050; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3060)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3060; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3070)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3070; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B3080)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B3080; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3090)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3090; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B30A0)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B30A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B30B0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B30B0; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B30C0)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B30C0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B30D0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B30D0; 
        static void (__cdecl *sub_4B30E0)()  = (void (__cdecl*)())0x004B30E0;
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4B30F0)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004B30F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3100)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3100; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3110)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3110; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3120)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3120; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3130)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3130; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3140)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3140; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3150)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3150; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B3160)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B3160; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3170)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3170; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3180)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3180; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4B3190)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004B3190; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B31A0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B31A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B31B0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B31B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B31C0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B31C0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B31D0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B31D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B31E0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B31E0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B31F0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B31F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3200)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3200; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3210)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3210; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3220)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3220; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3230)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3230; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3240)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3240; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4B3250)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004B3250; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3260)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3260; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B3270)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B3270; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3280)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3280; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B3290)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B3290; 
        static int (__thiscall *sub_4B32A0)() = (int (__thiscall*)())0x004B32A0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B32B0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B32B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B32D0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B32D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B32E0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B32E0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B32F0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B32F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3300)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3300; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3310)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3310; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3320)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3320; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B3330)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B3330; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3340)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3340; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4B3350)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004B3350; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4B3360)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004B3360; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4B3370)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004B3370; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3380)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3380; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3390)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3390; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B33A0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B33A0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4B33B0)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004B33B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B33C0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B33C0; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B33D0)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B33D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B33E0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B33E0; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B33F0)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B33F0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3400)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3400; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3410)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3410; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B3430)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B3430; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3440)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3440; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B3450)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B3450; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3460)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3460; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3470)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3470; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B3480)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B3480; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3490)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3490; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B34A0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B34A0; 
        static BOOL (__thiscall *sub_4B34B0)() = (BOOL (__thiscall*)())0x004B34B0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B34C0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B34C0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B34D0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B34D0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B34E0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B34E0; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B34F0)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B34F0; 
        static void (__thiscall *sub_4B3510)() = (void (__thiscall*)())0x004B3510; 
        static int (__cdecl *sub_4B3520)() = (int (__cdecl*)())0x004B3520; 

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