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[Tutorial] PortForwarding - Noob Friendly

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Hey guys.
I'm new here on the Sa-Mp boards and to make a good start i have a nice tutorial in portforwarding for you. If you just follow the steps you will all succeed.

Step 1:

Go to Start>All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt
A black box will open and you will typ in:
After that press enter and the following thing will happen:
iThom - [Tutorial] PortForwarding - Noob Friendly - RaGEZONE Forums

You will see your:
Local Ip Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gate away

Step 2:
Press right button and click on 'mark'.
Mark your Default Gateaway.(green box)
Copy it and open your browser.
Typ in your browsers addres you default gateaway and hit enter.
iThom - [Tutorial] PortForwarding - Noob Friendly - RaGEZONE Forums

Step 3:
A login screen will be shown. It will not be the same as someone else because it is connected with your router.
Well login with your username and password:
(many used examples: user:admin pass:root / user:root pass:admin / user: pass:admin / user: pass:root)
iThom - [Tutorial] PortForwarding - Noob Friendly - RaGEZONE Forums

Step 4:
Youre now in the settings of your router. Dont start clicking at things because it can screw your internet. Well you have to search for anything with: 'forwarding' 'portforwarding'.
Its in all router different.

Step 5:
A table like this will appear:
iThom - [Tutorial] PortForwarding - Noob Friendly - RaGEZONE Forums

You see:
Local ip address (= here do you have to put in you local ip(red))
iThom - [Tutorial] PortForwarding - Noob Friendly - RaGEZONE Forums

Start port and end port(=The port you want to forward)
Protocol: (= The way you want to port forward: Udp, Tcp or Both(I prefer both))
Enabled (=If the port will be forwarded or not)

Fill everything in and hit Apply or Save


Step 6:
Now where gonna check if the port has a active connection. Start your server and go to: Fill in the port you have forwarded and if you have done everything right there will be in green: 'active connection'

If you havent got your server on there will be in red:
'Connection refused'

And if you forwarded wrong in red:
'Connection timed out'

Well this was my tutorial. I hope you guys succeeded in forwarding your ports.

Text > iThom
Pictures > iThom

I dont give anybody permission to copy my tutorial or pictures.

If you have done something wrong add me on msn: [email protected] or reply!

If this helped you hit thanks :D

Tip for moderators: Sticky this it will stop many noobs posting questions about it.

Greetings iThom
Re: PortForwarding - Noob Friendly

Might be helpful :D: Also, there are a lot of guides for all kinds of different routers , if someone can't find what they need on theirs.
Re: PortForwarding - Noob Friendly

Dude could you help me on teamviewer , alsjeblieft? xD Lol of heb je msn ofso?;o When I enter my ip , it doesn't load for me...
Re: PortForwarding - Noob Friendly

@Tuna lees post me msn staat erin. Add me maar ik help je via team viewer.

I just gave an example but i will change it for you..
Re: PortForwarding - Noob Friendly

uhm gasten geen probleem met NL fzo :p maar wil je aub ook een engelse vertaling posten als je in nl post? het is redelijk frustrerend voor mensen die geen NL praten als ze iets nl zien staan op het forum :p (zul je wel zien als je ooit eens braziliaans ofzo ziet op het forum :p)

uhm guys no problem with dutch or smth :p but can you please translate to english if you post in dutch? :p its kinda frustrating for people who don't talk dutch :p