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[TV] The Walking Dead [Spoilers!]

Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

Supposedly AMC has released a statement that Daryl's brother, Merle, would be making a reappearance in Season 3. :)
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

Wow...watched the new episode last night....wow...

Merle is back! I'm really curious about the Governors actions with the military team...I didn't trust him but I didnt see that one coming....

Have to admit I'm a little dissapointed we didn't visit with the main team not once though....
Staff member
Mar 5, 2012
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

Episode 2

Wow the Episode 2 was amazing and I am so happy the old man is still hanging on in there because he is one of my favourites. Little big creped out by the practice C section on a zombie. I wonder whats going to happen to the prisoners?
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

Episode 3.

Well... I thought this episode was better than last but not as good as the first, the fact that we didn't meet the main team during this episode was really disappointing but I imagine that what they are doing is flipping between them both so next week will be on the Ricktatorship.

wow Merle, daryl's brother! Is back, with some sort of sexy arm (I guess!) - That guy! The Governor, killing those soldiers in a single heart beat - wow; how could someone do that, as well as keeping heads in his secret room? Gross!

tbh surprised that the black woman is still alive; I thought the governor would have killed her because she was a threat, but Angela still going strong. (if I was to make a twist - I would have that zombies actually breach the 'safe haven' for that side of the story and the governor would get bitten and hide it until the last moment).

As well as that it seems like when the zombies don't eat/feed for a period of time it makes them not want to at all; as well as it acting as a repellent against other walkers. So I wonder are they on the verge of finding how to get rid of the creatures?

So yeah four out of five for this episode!
Legendary Battlemage
Oct 15, 2012
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

Watched episode 2, but haven't seen the first episode yet.
Glad Herchel got through it, quite suprised at Rick killing another human though, even if he is a prisoner. I think it's so him and the group can survive, going to see episode 3 as soon as I can.
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

Watched episode 2, but haven't seen the first episode yet.
Glad Herchel got through it, quite suprised at Rick killing another human though, even if he is a prisoner. I think it's so him and the group can survive, going to see episode 3 as soon as I can.

Watch episode 1 first...so far this season it was the best one.
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

He is a little hokey...and obviously not trustworthy...even before seeing the incident with the military..


C# Programmer
Dec 11, 2009
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

I'm enjoying this series more than the other two series, can't wait for episode four on Sunday.
Aww, you looking here? <3
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2003
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

There anywhere where I can actually DOWNLOAD the Season 3 episodes ? Every site I see are just streaming ones...

Want to watch this in me TV room, ain't a fan of watching things on me PC >_<
Initiate Mage
Jan 9, 2009
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

There anywhere where I can actually DOWNLOAD the Season 3 episodes ? Every site I see are just streaming ones...

Want to watch this in me TV room, ain't a fan of watching things on me PC >_<

Sep 9, 2009
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

Loved all the 3 episodes... but in the third one they shouldve showed what the group was doing instead of making a whole episode for merle and that camp.
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

Episode 4

So this weeks episode see's two of the main cast die, Laurie and T-Dog, which I personally thought was a bad move, I really think that Laurie should have survived longer, this is because of there could have been a more dramatic and hard felt way for her to pass, such as; she survives her birth but she cuts her self - she keeps this from the group but when the walkers catch her sent she gets bitten while Carl goes in to save her he could have been bitten as well. While I still like how she died just a tad disarranged on how and when they should of done it.

T-Dog was a great character - while he saved Carol, he also died with a nasty shot of what they did to him when Rick, Darryl and the Prisoner finds him. It was really sad to see him go but it was a great episode - two people dead; great! Getting to the action. What is Rick going to do when he is back on his feet - we saw him run into the prison on the preview.

In my honest respect the other side of the story is pretty awful - nothing is going on, really disliking it at the current point in the line. Hopefully it will progress!
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Re: The Walking Dead Season 3

I don't think he shot Laurie....I think we will see her again...either alive somehow or as a walker...

I'm really dissapointed to see T-Dog go...why get rid of the good characters yet keep Herchels youngest daughter who is pretty much worthless.

I think Rick will lose it...and probably clear out the entire prison of walkers on a rampage...if I were those 2 prisoners..I would be heading on out...even though that one shot the right guy...still...he will be partly blamed by association...

I agree about the Community..it's boring as hell...only interesting points will be the show down between the sword woman and the governor and Merle meeting back up with Daryl...