UberCMS 2.0.1 HK broken?

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Experienced Elementalist
Oct 17, 2008
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On Housekeeping all I get is a 500 Internal Error

How on earth do I fix this error?
On Housekeeping all I get is a 500 Internal Error

How on earth do I fix this error?

I'm pretty sure that you need to post a screenshot so you can pretty much inform us what is going on and what the situation is and so i prefer you to post one.

But for now I'm just going to say from when you are using RevCMS and you are using IIS then you just need to download HeliconAPE so it rewrites the access on your files so you are able to access your ase.

If not then you have probably done something wrong related to the IIS installation
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He is using UBERcms 2.0.1 it says in the title.

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No I don't see why I would have to, I have also used old Housekeepings and they all get the same 500 error.
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Screenshot of a 500 error. Dont know what to see about that.

You edited the config file and or the admin file?

My bad....

He is using UBERcms 2.0.1 it says in the title.

Hmm if he's running on to IIS Can't the problem possibly be the same then
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