Untrix is looking for developers

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
So now i do want to fully start developing for untrix

PS>iam not owner of shyemu anymore its malacka so dont ask me for 2 projects.

So altso Untrix is an whole new world of warcraft emulator and let me tell ur a thing that its not based of any emulators.

Its just an emu i got mine hands on its not fully working it need many fixes and as i know it only supports 3.1.3

And iam looking for some Really good c++ dev's Bacouse the structure of the core looks more Advances then mangos etc it haves 2 updatefields one .h and one .cpp with its own updatefield structure in each.
The core Are using openssl altso it were the first compile error
currently we will need to fix the compile errors with the lua engine and then go to core errors.
and compile errors with lua engine etc i mean + gameserver bacouse it wont compile.

altso as an example of the core i will give ur some lines from the core.

this is updatefields.cpp

	/* Name,                                                    Object Type,   Pos,  Offset,     Size,Type,      Flags            */
	{ "OBJECT_FIELD_GUID",                                      OBJECT,        0,    NULL,       2,   Long,      Public                     },
	{ "OBJECT_FIELD_TYPE",                                      OBJECT,        2,    NULL,       1,   Int,       Public                     },
	{ "OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY",                                     OBJECT,        3,    NULL,       1,   Int,       Public                     },
	{ "OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X",                                   OBJECT,        4,    NULL,       1,   Float,     Public|DontSave            },
	{ "OBJECT_FIELD_PADDING",                                   OBJECT,        5,    NULL,       1,   Int,       Padding                    },

this is updatefields.h

	OBJECT_FIELD_GUID                                      = 0,                // Size: 2 bytes,   Type: Long,       Flags: Public
	OBJECT_FIELD_TYPE                                      = 2,                // Size: 1 byte,    Type: Int,        Flags: Public
	OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY                                     = 3,                // Size: 1 byte,    Type: Int,        Flags: Public
	OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X                                   = 4,                // Size: 1 byte,    Type: Float,      Flags: Public, DontSave
	OBJECT_FIELD_PADDING                                   = 5,                // Size: 1 byte,    Type: Int,        Flags: Padding
	OBJECT_END                                             = 6

i know the updatefields.h looks like aspire or mangos or trinity yes its same strucutre.
but you can see that the core is made by an very advanced programmer so i dont think that the core will be more editable then mangos.
but it will be good for funservers too bacouse it will be able to handle lua.

So if ur wanna look more at the core your can check this svn out

Your can altso add my msn vittwow@hotmail.com if your want to apply or contact me.

Do you have any clue what you're talking about? EDIT: Why did I even ask...

Take a look at that UpdateFields.cpp you mention - the code is COMMENTED, and that data is extracted from the client, FYI.

And how is having an extra .cpp being more advanced than MaNGOS? What does it prove?
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"Kiddie"? You're telling that to someone who's actually capable of disassembling the client, knowing WoW's internal mechanics, something 98% of emu devs can't? I see. Makes sense.

On another note, I don't see why you bother - this is nothing against you, this is just in general: New emu projects like this never survive. It's not really because of who founds them, but rather because people just want a working game server here and now. And those who don't unfortunately are vulnerable to drama, which WILL ensue. I have yet to see any of the 15~ "new emus" I've heard about succeed.
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shyemu did succed.

Bacouse of malacka it was mine suggetion to close it.
he reopened it.
and altso as always i more wanted untrix to succed but now when he isnt home then il get the shyemu staff to work at it instead in an way its mine staff and they do most of what i say.
so wee succed.
Your arguments do not justify a successful emulation project - however, I'll stop now. You get your chance like everyone else.

By the way, I have nothing against ShyEmu - I never even checked it out fully, so it's nothing personal.
zomg, yet another epic fun thread ^_^

EDIT: vittwow you demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge for anything related to programming. Pick up some books and start reading man...
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zomg, yet another epic fun thread ^_^

EDIT: vittwow you demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge for anything related to programming. Pick up some books and start reading man...

pas nu hellere på hva du siger.

hmmm not heard very much of wcell.
isnt it dead now or sumthing or outdated?
lol, ofc wcell less known that so wide known untrix.

Before comment history another projects, at least have comparable time existance for own, and comparable progress for this time.

Actualy its here youre unknown.

on ac-web some ppl knows it well.

And ac-web is mine place we dont get flammed any more.
Mmopro isnt against us either.
Then its ragezone back i throught i get flammed here more then on mmowned so this gonna be easy.

Actualy its here youre unknown.

on ac-web some ppl knows it well.

And ac-web is mine place we dont get flammed any more.
Mmopro isnt against us either.
Then its ragezone back i throught i get flammed here more then on mmowned so this gonna be easy.
another emu, how long will this one last?
I consider that a new emu is a good idea, why work for others when you have the knowledge to do your own. New projects should get support...
I consider that a new emu is a good idea, why work for others when you have the knowledge to do your own. New projects should get support...

ah yes the age old discussion of "who gets ze credit!!!"... It is highly inefficient to start new useless emu projects, considering you all gotta do the same feature crap nomatter what... Coding everything multiple times is a waste of energy. Oh well, usually smaller emus end up copy+pasting from the more established ones...Hell, even antrix/ascent did that a while back.

EDIT: vittwow, you remind me alot about the horribly nadscap from ac-web...and it looks like youre the same age... You wouldnt happen to be his goon, his twin brother or the same person?
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ah yes the age old discussion of "who gets ze credit!!!"... It is highly inefficient to start new useless emu projects, considering you all gotta do the same feature crap nomatter what... Coding everything multiple times is a waste of energy. Oh well, usually smaller emus end up copy+pasting from the more established ones...Hell, even antrix/ascent did that a while back.

EDIT: vittwow, you remind me alot about the horribly nadscap from ac-web...and it looks like youre the same age... You wouldnt happen to be his goon, his twin brother or the same person?

actualy we live in Denmark both. But we dont live on Same island etc i live on Fyn he live on Jylland i think just not that island cophengagen is in cant remmember thier names.

And we arent twins lol iam alot older then him. i think he just had his 11year brith iam 13, Actualy he arent that good to lead projects as me.

and untrix cant be Ducking able to copy its an damn new emu Its made from scrath damn other structures.

and actualy i would give credits to koper and coolmanbob.
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actualy we live in Denmark both. But we dont live on Same island etc i live on Fyn he live on Jylland i think just not that island cophengagen is in cant remmember thier names.

And we arent twins lol iam alot older then him. i think he just had his 11year brith iam 13, Actualy he arent that good to lead projects as me.

and untrix cant be Ducking able to copy its an damn new emu Its made from scrath damn other structures.

and actualy i would give credits to koper and coolmanbob.

So altso Untrix is an whole new world of warcraft emulator and let me tell ur a thing that its not based of any emulators.

Its just an emu i got mine hands on its not fully working it need many fixes and as i know it only supports 3.1.3

start making sense?

Since when has coolmanbob ever done anything even remotely useful to the wow community, except start a dozen emus that all failed?
Actualy he gave me this source.
its not actualy working yet.
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Once upon a time , there ware search engines , and then , one day , in 1996 , 2 Stanford students created yet another search engine , and to make a long story short , we call it Google. And that's why it's not useless to have yet another emu project witch might or might not fail in the near future...