Untrix is looking for developers

actualy it wont fail.

bacouse altso i will requit only Untrix dev's who will only work for untrix but mine shyemu devs is working on both cores Shyemu and untrix.

but thats right words ur said.
i hate arcemu but actualy i call it an emulator but Ascent is the best of lold Ascent emu's
its still alive tho but bad developing.

and untrix cant be fucking able to copy its an damn new emu Its made from scrath damn other structures.
Again, you show that you have no idea. Of course shit can be copied. Any code can be copied.

See, when I develop and reverse WoW, I prefer to do it independently. That means: No looking in other emus at how they do it (if they do it at all, mind you), no asking people who have already reversed it, and so on. That kind of beats the fun in it - the process of figuring things out. But, occasionally, I simply can't do it myself -- regrettable, yes, but I'm no god -- which is when I look in another emulator's source, ask for advice, or whatever works (I happen to know quite a few people in the scene).

Now, you will do the same. I happen to know that you're not on my level of knowledge, so I cannot imagine you soloing the disassembly of the WoW client at all.

That was the point.

it will fail, no reason to actually believe in something these days. And i most certainly have no hope left over for a 13 year old. Join an established emu or stop wasting our time.
it will fail, no reason to actually believe in something these days. And i most certainly have no hope left over for a 13 year old. Join an established emu or stop wasting our time.

actualy shyemu is the only ascent based emu i can use bacouse aspire works like shit arcemu banned mine ip on thier web/forums/svn/wiki just everything that is named arcemu, its same for all mine devs tho.
pas nu hellere på hva du siger.

hmmm not heard very much of wcell.
isnt it dead now or sumthing or outdated?

Please keep in mind this is an english forum
So keep it that way.

By the way, i dont think a project like this have any chance to survive.
Cuse when the coder it self cant track a comment in hes code something is wrong.

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it will fail, no reason to actually believe in something these days. And i most certainly have no hope left over for a 13 year old. Join an established emu or stop wasting our time.

That's the thing , it's not "our" time , it's his.
I guess we can let him spend his precious time moving #include preprocessor directives around to fix crashes.


22:03:08 | ~dfighter: "all emus fail , ascent is proof (please don't call arcemu ascent..or an emulator) "
22:03:28 | ~dfighter: lol
22:03:40 | ~dfighter: no it's not an emulator
22:03:43 | ~dfighter: it's a server
22:03:46 | ~dfighter: ))))))
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I guess we can let him spend his precious time moving #include preprocessor directives around to fix crashes.


whats a server?

he mean that arcemu isnt an emulator but is shit?and ascent is bad?
then why the fuck did he base of ascent?
couldnt he just keep playing burning wow and keep his ass there?
Burningwow was some shit server tho Wowkse was best untill one of Dfighters friends Elenion come there and did all the shit as an example removed all known users rank's by his requests blah blah. banned users for fun there were banned about 10 in 80 to 90 hours.

and then later i started the wowkse named DCokse and then it got closed 3 times.
And we arent twins lol iam alot older then him. i think he just had his 11year brith iam (->)13(<-) , Actualy he arent that good to lead projects as me.
(note the bold numbers and the arrows pointing to it)
nuff said.

Really, I don't think that this one will survive, but eh good luck.
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