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Upcoming baking project

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Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2005
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So today I went full retarded and somehow managed to pour half a can of beer into the top exhaust of my case (Ducking hate myself for getting a Raven RV02 case now). One of my two 680's died in the process. Sent it back for RMA but I'm almost 100% sure they won't accept it because of water (beer) damage. Thought I'd try it anyway because you never know, might get lucky!

If they won't send me a new one I'll be trying one last thing before giving up, which is baking the card in the oven for about 8 minutes at 200C.

Anyone here have any experience with baking graphic cards ? Any tips or hints before I attempt to revive my 680 in the oven (doubt it's going to work though). :lol:
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Have a camera on hand when you do, please! Haha no only joking but I've never heard of baking your graphics card after spilling something on it o_O Is it really supposed to work? I can see it evaporating all the liquids on the card but I can also see it cooking the card lol Goodluck either way hope it fixes it for ya.
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
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You are not losing anything if you try its still broken but have a camera in had pls.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2005
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Have a camera on hand when you do, please! Haha no only joking but I've never heard of baking your graphics card after spilling something on it o_O Is it really supposed to work? I can see it evaporating all the liquids on the card but I can also see it cooking the card lol Goodluck either way hope it fixes it for ya.

That's the thing I'm not sure about. Sometimes when cards just die out of nowhere, baking it can revive it in a few cases. In my case though, it's water damage. I'm guessing some chips fried because of that so no idea if baking it will work. By baking the card at the right temperature, only the soldering on the chips/connectors will melt. The graphics chip itself will remain unaffected. This way, any broken/cracked soldering will reheat and fix itself.

I've heard of cards being brought back from the grave in this way. Good luck :D

If they decline the RMA I'm pretty much fucked anyway. Baking it is the last thing I can try before throwing it in the bin.

You are not losing anything if you try its still broken but have a camera in had pls.

I'll be making pics when I bake it :D:
A hard working geek :-)
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2004
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Baking only works when you have bad solder points. Water damage can't magically be fixed by baking a component. Water causes shorts, if you have a short - the card is toast. Unless you replace all the capacitors affected by the short, and any bad wiring/resistors along the way.

Baking, as mentioned above, only affects the solder. It helps the solder to reconnect to weak connections and wired points.

Sorry bud, if the RMA doesn't work, I highly doubt you will magically fix it.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2005
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Baking only works when you have bad solder points. Water damage can't magically be fixed by baking a component. Water causes shorts, if you have a short - the card is toast. Unless you replace all the capacitors affected by the short, and any bad wiring/resistors along the way.

Baking, as mentioned above, only affects the solder. It helps the solder to reconnect to weak connections and wired points.

Sorry bud, if the RMA doesn't work, I highly doubt you will magically fix it.

Yeah, thought as much. Nevertheless I'm still going to try it. I've got nothing to lose if the RMA fails. :sleep:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2005
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A quick update.

After giving the card a good clean and leaving it near the heater for two nights, it appears that it yet barely lives.

iqsNtc2 - Upcoming baking project - RaGEZONE Forums

VqobtqD - Upcoming baking project - RaGEZONE Forums

eu30cYG - Upcoming baking project - RaGEZONE Forums

Device manager still recognizes it as a GTX 680 but does give warnings about it running into problems.


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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2005
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Apparently the warranty will not void if I remove the cooler, god bless MSI. The new plan is to completely strip the card and check for any burnt chips first. Then I'll have it soak in a tub of isopropyl for a while and let it dry in a bucket of rice after that. Re-apply thermal paste after that and see if it works or not.

If it still doesnt work I'll try to RMA it and hope that they'll replace it (should be a fairly decent chance if there are no visibly burnt chips, or some type of indicator for water damage, seeing that the card still works in a way). And if all that fails, baking is the final option.

I remain hopeful :sleep:
Mar 7, 2003
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I think your card is drunk.

The problem with evaporating the water, is that beer isn't just water.

Isopropyl is a good call to get rid of the beer gunk, but it won't help with the shorts. Though it doesn't look like it was too damaged since it seems to boot. If you do manage to coax it back to life, I'd sell it asap. It'll be on it's last leg!