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USA Here I come!

Watching from above
Apr 9, 2004
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Yay just booked flights for August, flying to LA on 5th and back to Helsinki from New York on 30th! Never been to the states before so I'm really looking forward to this. Obviously our gang of 4 will be driving across the continent in the 4 weeks.

According to our initial plan we'll be staying for more than a day at least in LA, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Washington DC and NY. If any RaGEZONErs are anywhere near let me know and perhaps we'll meet for drinks or a short tour? But who knows what'll happen - detailed plans are for pussies! :8:
Experienced Elementalist
Mar 5, 2011
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I neither was in the States yet , but I've always wanted to go.
Have fun . : D
Evil Scottish Overlord
May 18, 2007
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DaCheat is somewhere in Minneapolis, Ron and Madison are both Texas. You could always fly by Glasgow :zippy:
Staff member
Jan 18, 2007
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Yay just booked flights for August, flying to LA on 5th and back to Helsinki from New York on 30th! Never been to the states before so I'm really looking forward to this. Obviously our gang of 4 will be driving across the continent in the 4 weeks.

According to our initial plan we'll be staying for more than a day at least in LA, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Washington DC and NY. If any RaGEZONErs are anywhere near let me know and perhaps we'll meet for drinks or a short tour? But who knows what'll happen - detailed plans are for pussies! :8:

Holy crap! that is fantastic.

I have been a lot of places in the West so here is my thoughts/advice feel free to take or leave any part of it. Also if you have any other questions you know where to find me. :)

I'm not sure how you plan to do San Fran, LA and Las Vegas starting in the middle. San Fran is kind of out of the way and you'll probably have to double back.

San Francisco is very cool, definitely stop by and have a sundae for me. Also I hope you go to which is my favorite part about San Fran, not that I got to spend a lot of time there, but if I had one thing to see that was it, and it was great! Plus there are plenty of other great places there. I want to go back someday.
PS I hope one of you is a great driver because the hills and inclines in San Fran are crazy, going up Lombard hill to get the top someone in front of us was having problems and sliding backwards down the hill! I wouldn't drive a manual transmission there, even though I've done it for years, I'm sure I'd roll. Thank goodness I didn't drive.
You'll be about a month early for the Zend PHP conference which takes place just outside of San Fran in Santa Clara. Also you might check out the in San Jose. I didn't get to see it, but I've heard a ton. It is just crazy, stairs going to nowhere, and other odd things.

I love Las Vegas, I've been 4 times, and each time I have went to see the . Everyone I have recommended their show to loved it, it is very stimulating and interactive, oh and even humorous. They started out in New York and perform there as well at the Astor House, but I've only been to Vegas. I don't know where you plan to stay but you probably want to stay on the strip somewhere. I stayed downtown once and I enjoyed that, but I liked the quaintness of downtown. The is really cool they do shows on it, and there are a lot of people out in the street. You probably want to go there in the evening/night, because there is a lot outdoors, and it will be HOT in August. Also gambling is supposed to be much better downtown. (Binions is great for that) I very much recommend going to the top of the at night when you can look out and see the whole city. I've had dinner there too at the restaurant. Pricey but amazing. The top of the building rotates. The strip is great too, lots of things to see and do. I very much loved the . Inside it is made to look like Venice. is also fun, they put on a Pirate Show on the strip every hour or something. I've also stayed at the before I wanted to ride the inclinators, (elevators that go sideways and up - mentioned in the article I linked) that was OK, just felt a bit far from everything down at the end of the strip.

You have to see the . It is right near Las Vegas, and it is grand - well words can't really describe it, neither can photos to be honest. It shouldn't be too far out of your way. I have been there once, and I would love to go back. Its just amazing. Hover Dam is also very near.

Next north through Utah and hit Denver. Not that Denver itself is so splendid, but the Rocky Mountains are and Colorado is beautiful. Utah isn't half bad, the red rocks are pretty cool might be an option.

Kansas City? wtf? um ok. I think you will understand why they call some states fly-over states. Driving through some of them (ehem Kansas) is really boring. This is also why I recommended going through Denver, puts you on a direct path to Kansas City.

I'd say you should stop by Dallas, but that is a whole day out of your way each direction and through some of the really boring states like Oklahoma which is a whole lot of nothing (if you think Kansas is bad - and you probably will - Oklahoma isn't better)

I recommend for you and anyone to stop in St Louis and check out the . Seriously that is one of the coolest things I have ever done in my life. It was way cooler than I thought it would be. You ride up the arch in these little trams that are round like bubbles, and when you are at the top it is just tall enough to stand up, kind of. (depends on how tall you are)

You could head north to Chicago after that. I have been through there as well. The magnificent mile is really cool, and well I won't put a lot of details about this unless you want.

I haven't been to the East much, so my advice runs out there. Like I said, if you have any questions or want to talk about this or anything let me know.

And you better post some pics after all this!

detailed plans are for pussies! :8:

I agree, but being armed with some knowledge of awesome places to go is good.
Ginger by design.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2007
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So who are these other raiders you're tagging along with?

I live near SF, I could buy a round if you're not bringing epic douchebags with you.

As for NY, Manhattan is pretty awesome. I didn't get to see nearly enough of it, but definitely grab some pizza while you're there :).
Skilled Illusionist
Nov 21, 2012
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Upper Manhattan is full of rich, egotistical snobs. It's more of the socialites of the city, so I'd avoid that bit of the city at all costs. It's good to know the most interesting man in the world will be visiting the states soon. I live in Colorado, I could show you around the state a bit if you needed the guided tour. Lemme know if you travel through.
Watching from above
Apr 9, 2004
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Thanks for tips Madi, will have to look into those. The route is early in planning at the moment but it does look like we might be heading north to Chicago from St Louis. I don't know why they planned a stay in Kansas City... it's along the way but I don't know why a longer stay. Maybe just to take a break from driving in the middle of nothing? SF sure is out of the way quite a bit but it's a must go-to.

With details I meant like planning who to meet and where. Obviously we'll have to look into where to stay and that well ahead of time.

jMerlin, I don't know what counts as a douchebag to you but imo they're good guys so maybe, maybe...

TheLordKing, sure we'll probably pass Colorado via Denver/Colorado Springs after Grand Canyon.
Last edited:
Oct 14, 2009
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If you wanna know anything about Chicago ask me, it's where I was born and raised (and yes, still reside)... Oh, and I wont say DO NOT get a pizza in NY, but, ok, DO NOT get a pizza in NY -- NOBODY does pizza like Chicago !!! (ok, so you can get a pizza in both places and decide for yourself :wink:), but seriously... Chicago does do the BEST pizza on the PLANET (besides Italy I'm sure) :wink: :):

That gateway arch in St. Louis is a TON of fun too. You can actually go inside it, and ride in a little transport 'car' to the top, just like Madison said :):

(sorry, they did "legally" change the name, but I refuse to call it ANYTHING except "The Sears Tower") has a really awesome clear observatory area you may like to check out too (if you're not afraid of heights)
Negata - USA Here I come! - RaGEZONE Forums

That and, ofc it remains the tallest building in the Americas and the Western Hemisphere

Oh, and you're probably staying a little longer in Kansas City due to :lol: Right now Kansas City (KS or MO / either side of the state line) has the fastest internet in the country) [At least in terms of residential service...] =\
Dec 3, 2006
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I am concerned by your lack of concern for security. I suggest renting a gun while you are there, you never know what cowboy could be looking for easy targets. You also never know how many doors your enemy can close before you are able to engage so I personally recommend this gun:

it will also help you combat possible jet lag effects thanks to its large spread.
Pessimistic butt@%&!
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2008
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I am concerned by your lack of concern for security. I suggest renting a gun while you are there, you never know what cowboy could be looking for easy targets. You also never know how many doors your enemy can close before you are able to engage so I personally recommend this gun:

it will also help you combat possible jet lag effects thanks to its large spread.

Negata - USA Here I come! - RaGEZONE Forums
Staff member
Jan 18, 2007
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If you wanna know anything about Chicago ask me, it's where I was born and raised (and yes, still reside)... Oh, and I wont say DO NOT get a pizza in NY, but, ok, DO NOT get a pizza in NY -- NOBODY does pizza like Chicago !!! (ok, so you can get a pizza in both places and decide for yourself :wink:), but seriously... Chicago does do the BEST pizza on the PLANET (besides Italy I'm sure) :wink: :):

(sorry, they did "legally" change the name, but I refuse to call it ANYTHING except "The Sears Tower") has a really awesome clear observatory area you may like to check out too (if you're not afraid of heights)

That and, ofc it remains the tallest building in the Americas and the Western Hemisphere

When I went to Chicago I was there for 6 hours. Walked the Magnificent Mile, Went in the Sears Tower, and had pizza. The pizza was the #1 and main reason we went to Chicago (we were staying in Milwaukee)

I am afraid of heights and the sears tower was awesome. It changed its name? What a pity, I don't care. Sears tower it is.

That gateway arch in St. Louis is a TON of fun too. You can actually go inside it, and ride in a little transport 'car' to the top, just like Madison said :):

Yeah the cars are like little round bubbles, it honestly was way cooler than I ever thought it would be.
Wish I knew where my pictures from that trip are.

Oh, and you're probably staying a little longer in Kansas City due to :lol: Right now Kansas City (KS or MO / either side of the state line) has the fastest internet in the country) [At least in terms of residential service...] =\
This made me lol.

I don't think you need a gun. Just pay attention, know where the other guys are, don't do anything really stupid. in a crowd watch your wallet, you know have some common sense. There are going to be 4 guys together, I think you'll be fine.
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Oct 14, 2009
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I don't think you need a gun. Just pay attention, know where the other guys are, don't do anything really stupid. in a crowd watch your wallet, you know have some common sense. There are going to be 4 guys together, I think you'll be fine.

Yes I would agree, you do not "need" a firearm, and unless you've already been acquainted to them (firearms), and you're experienced at using them ~ I would never recommend carrying one for self defense. Those usually wind up becoming the really bad stories, where people actually wind up having their own firearms used against themselves (if they're not properly trained prior to carrying one for self defense)... {and luckily since I went into private security and law enforcement I personally have PLENTY of firearms training}

Also, Madison, you're right about another thing. That is, criminals prey on the 'weak'. A criminal would much rather go after an 'easy target', an old person, a disabled person, a person by themselves (alone) etc... So, being in a group of 4 males, you four should certainly be relatively safe. :):

The 'common sense' rules apply anywhere though to avoid becoming a 'victim' -- keep your wallet in your front pocket, valuables out of sight etc... It's nature predators (in this case 'criminals') always prey (in this case 'attack') the weaker. Don't permit yourself to 'look' "weak" and you wont have any problems :):

//offtop @Madison, where did you get pizza from? I must ask, have you EVER had pizza from here: ??? OMG to die for! If you haven't -- looks like you need to plan another trip to the Chicago area !!!
Staff member
Jan 18, 2007
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//offtop @Madison, where did you get pizza from? I must ask, have you EVER had pizza from here: ??? OMG to die for! If you haven't -- looks like you need to plan another trip to the Chicago area !!!

No it was something else, that logo doesn't look familiar. It was really good, whatever it was, I bet that is Amazing. Oh Look I can order it nationwide, somehow I bet it isn't as good.

So this conference I want to go to is in Chicago in May, so probably not this year but maybe next work will send some people to it, and I might get to go, who knows, anything is possible.
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score
No it was something else, that logo doesn't look familiar. It was really good, whatever it was, I bet that is Amazing. Oh Look I can order it nationwide, somehow I bet it isn't as good.

So this conference I want to go to is in Chicago in May, so probably not this year but maybe next work will send some people to it, and I might get to go, who knows, anything is possible.

Yea, they're that good that they offer nationwide delivery (not quite sure how it works), doubt it would still be warm when it got there though, unless ofc they ship it and you cook it, but yea, probably still wouldn't be quite the same not being cooked in their ovens (or re-cooked since it wasn't warm on delivery)... Probably still good, yes, as good, probably not... & You're talking about acen aren't you ? I go every year !