By popular demand I decided to go back and look into the client to see where to remove the very common Item and Hair client caps. For anyone that doesn't already know, in low-version clients (such as 62), the maximum ItemID that will be recognized for items is is something that has a ID less than 3000 (e.g 1003000 for hats won't work in 62). There is also the common Hair cap where your character's hair becomes bald if the HairID is >= 40000.
Starting off with the Item Cap in lower version clients -- why does it happen? Well, Nexon has three genders used for items and this is how they are identified: 0 for Males, 1 for Females, and 2 for None. So with these three genders and how Nexon's items work (using hats again for example), 1000000 is a Male-only item, 1001000 is a Female-only item, and 1002000 is a item for all genders. Let's see the math behind this.
if ( nItemID / 1000000 == 1 )
nItemGender = nItemID / 1000 % 10;
nItemGender = 2;
if ( nGender != 2 && nItemGender != 2 && nGender != nItemGender )
return 0;
So first off, this Gender check is only in place for equipment (ID's that start with 1). The gender is formed from nItemID / 1000 % 10. So, 1000000 / 1000 % 10 = 0 (Male), 1001000 / 1000 % 10 = 1 (Female), and 1002000 / 1000 % 10 = 2 (None). This makes sense, so what about items that are 3, like 1003000+? Well, 1003000 / 1000 % 10 = 3.. It's not 0, 1, or 2. So the only way to wear an item over 1003000 is if you made your character's gender a 3 so that the character's gender is equal to the same gender of the item.
So how can we fix this? Well, we can easily just change the assembly instruction in the client from checking if the Gender is NOT 2 and the Item's Gender is NOT 2, and instead change it so if the Gender is LESS than 2 or if the Item's Gender is LESS than 2 (either 0 or 1 -- Male or Female), THEN we can validate if the character's gender and the item's gender are equal or not.
This is a extremely easy fix! We just need to change two simple instructions from JE to JL (you can do this in OllyDbg). For v62, here is what you have to modify (ignore the comments, they're just to better explain):
0044D7D4 je short 0044D7DF ; if (nItemGender != 2)
0044DA9A je short 0044DAA5 ; if (nItemGender != 2)
0044D7D4 jge short 0044D7DF ; if (nItemGender < 2)
0044DA9A jge short 0044DAA5 ; if (nItemGender < 2)
004C2221 cmp edx, 2
004C2224 je short 004C2235
004C2221 cmp edx, 1
004C2224 jg short 004C2235
Next up is the Hair Cap. A lot of people seem to need this fixed, especially now that the new clients actually have hairs that are over 40000. The issue here is the same issue as above with the math and the conditions expected. When the client registers your Local User, it processes your item's actions and merges the sprite into the Sprite Animator which the WZ will then calculate each position specific to your character's current action which will result in Drawing your character on the screen. When you load all of the item's actions, the client has to parse each ID on your character and then find the assets within your game files. It determines the directories based on the unique type of Item (as Nexon refers to "Type Index" -> ItemID / 10000). The reason why hairs can't go over 39999 is because the directory path for Hair is only located for Hairs if the HairID / 10000 == 3 (meaning no matter what, the first digit is always a 3). In newer clients, Nexon made this into a big switch statement including case 3: case 4: for the hairs. I'm not really sure which version this was initially changed since the v95 PDB still uses a 30k hair cap.
Here's a quick glimpse at the check:
if ( v2 == 3 )
v8 = StringPool::GetStringW(&v42, 2300);
LOBYTE(v45) = 4;
LOBYTE(v45) = 1;
v5 = &v42;
goto LABEL_17;
The fix? Just as simple as the one above, change two instructions! Now, while v83 has the Item Cap fixed, Hairs will continue to remain a problem for quite a long time, which is why I include the addresses for this version in addition to 62.
v62 Addresses:
0054E321 cmp eax, 3
0054E324 je 0054E3F8 ; if (nID / 10000 == 3)
0054E321 cmp eax, 4
0054E324 jle 0054E3F8 ; if (nID / 10000 <= 4)
v83 Addresses:
005C94FC cmp eax, 3
005C94FF je 005C958D ; if (nID / 10000 != 3)
005C94FC cmp eax, 4
005C94FF jle 005C958D ; if (nID / 10000 > 4)
NOTE: If for whatever reason you wanted Hairs to later cap at 50000 and not 40000, just change that "4" to a "5" and your client will then render hairs up to 59999.
Hope this helps all the low-version WZ Edit servers!
- Eric