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[v83 cosmic] tutorial sentinel drop issue

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
hey guys so im trying to make the tutorial sentinel drop 100% of the time a jr sentinel piece. the quest id is correct and is in progress.
this is my sql entry. i cant seem to understand how the chance works.. if anyone can help i will appreciate. thanks.

edit: my server is for now on 1x drop rate just for understanding purposes.

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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 12, 2023
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1691903787233 - [v83 cosmic] tutorial sentinel drop issue - RaGEZONE Forums

float chance = Math.max(1000000 / drop.chance / (!MonsterInformationProvider.getInstance().isBoss(mobId) ? player.getDropRate() : player.getBossDropRate()), 1);
output += "- " + name + " (1/" + (int) chance + ")\r\n";

This depends on multiple scenarios. If you are on v83 of , you can use `!showrates` to see the breakdown of all droprates.
1691904092263 - [v83 cosmic] tutorial sentinel drop issue - RaGEZONE Forums

So in the scenario where chance = 50000,

  1. Since MonsterInformationProvider.getInstance().isBoss(mobId) is false, the ternary expression (!MonsterInformationProvider.getInstance().isBoss(mobId) ? player.getDropRate() : player.getBossDropRate()) evaluates to player.getDropRate(), which is 1.
  2. 1000000 / drop.chance is 20 (1000000 / 50000).
  3. 20 / 1 is 20 (20 / 1).
  4. Math.max(20, 1) returns 20.
So, chance is 20.0.

This means you have a 1/20 chance of dropping a jr sentinel piece. However since there is a World DROP Rate of 10x, the final chance is 1/2 (50%).

You can confirm this by using `!whatdropsfrom jr.sentinel`
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P.S. Every time you change `chance` in the database, you have to restart the server for it to take effect.

Hope this helps. Good luck with the drop rate editing.


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