v83 IDB + Client Edit Dump

Experienced Elementalist
Sep 27, 2016
Reaction score
United States
Long story short, I had no pc for about a month, but now that I have one I've lost interest.

This IDB is created off the localhost mooplestory client, so it should be pretty clean.
I don't think it's legal for me to release cracked software, but this IDB is created on IDA 7.0 so ye

There's around 3K (give or take) named functions, imported Enum list from the client's strings, and maybe a dozen
functions with named ivars or structs or whatever, but don't count on that. I was just focusing on naming random
functions by X reffing them, even though I'd have no idea what the use for them would be.

Are any of the 3k functions going to be of use to you? It's a lot of UI functions so probably not. But who cares!
Hope this is useful for anyone just coming into the client game, or anyone at all. Blah blah whatever enjoy

IDB stuff:

Z1BzEgf - v83 IDB + Client Edit Dump - RaGEZONE Forums

UWY34mG - v83 IDB + Client Edit Dump - RaGEZONE Forums

B57ntY - v83 IDB + Client Edit Dump - RaGEZONE Forums

Random client edit dump:
Tooltip fixes:
WriteByte(0x008339A1 + 2, 0x2C);   //Keyboard
WriteInt(0x004B7379 + 3, 0);       //Cash Shop

Random stuff:
PatchNop(0x007050D3, 2);    //Bypass lv15 for /pet <text> command

//ToolTip Colors (Hovering items, pets etc)
int toolTipColors = 0xBB000000;
WriteInt(0x008E6F35 + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_String
WriteInt(0x008E70C5 + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_MultiLine
WriteInt(0x008E7317 + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_String2
WriteInt(0x008E7716 + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_WorldMap
WriteInt(0x008E7E49 + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_Ring
WriteInt(0x008E97D2 + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_Equip
WriteInt(0x008EDBCF + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_Pet
WriteInt(0x008EEEF1 + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_Bundle
WriteInt(0x008F0460 + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_Package
WriteInt(0x008F1D6B + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_SlotInc
WriteInt(0x008F214B + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_EquipExt
WriteInt(0x008F22BB + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_MacroSys
WriteInt(0x008F2876 + 1, toolTipColors);   //CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_Skill

I might add more stuff in the future, but I forgot what else I wanted to release.
For now, enjoy!
Last edited:
I decided to log in for the first time in over a decade to say thank you. I've been stuck doing some client editing lately and this got me across the finish line. Much appreciated!
you're actually goated, i was just crawling through your post history the other day looking for pointers too
You're truly a legend, love the dedication! Keep it up!
Would you mind explaining how to implement the mouse hover cash shop fix? It seems to be simple (only 2 lines) but where do I edit them?
Very useful Thank you~ Do I want to know if there are any further updates