FlyFF Enthusiast
These buggy files are being sold by Ketchup / zOmbie. Here they are completely free! Happy New Year! Enjoy
If you need help, Try following this setup guide! ->Click Here<-
Tested On:
If you need help, Try following this setup guide! ->Click Here<-
Tested On:
- Visual Studio Community 2022
- Sql Server 2019 Standard
- Windows 10 & 11 Professional
- These files have been tested and appear to be working fine out of the box. I am however not responsible for SECURITY FIXES, added features and etc. If you want those things then you need to add them yourselves as they are NOT INCLUDED.
- C++ 17 Standard
#pragma once
#undef GetProp
#undef GetText
#undef DrawText
#define NEUZ_TITLE "Simple Flyff v2" // Title of the window
#define NEUZ_IPSET "" // The main server ip.
#define NEUZ_TEST_IPSET "" // test server IP if there is one
#define NEUZ_CPORT "13902" // Port for the Cacheserver
#define NEUZ_BHASH "asf8r23rbskjf3" // Starting the application hash string
#define NEUZ_PHASH "kikugalanet" // Password hash. md5(PHash + Password)
#define NEUZ_MSGVR "df84jf4jkr01B" // Required Message Version for game
#define SERVER_AUTHS_FILE "..\\Program\\Authorization.ini" // Limit authority of players based on file read on world.
// Patcher settings
#define SERVER_ROOT "NeuroSpace/RESCLIENT/"
#define HOME_LINK ""
#define WEB_FIRST_PAGE ""
#define REGISTER_LINK ""
// Game Settings
#define ENCHANT_TIME 1
#define MAX_SPEED 100
#define MAX_PING 800
#define __ENVIWAITTIME 4000
#define __FDCOUNT 10
#define __FLOFLO_SHORTCUT_CHAT 20 //: Allows more shortcuts in the taskbar.
#define COLOR_SCRL01 0xFF3498DB // (blue)
#define COLOR_SCRL02 0xFF00FF6C // (green)
#define COLOR_SCRL03 0xFFFF5733 // (orange)
#define COLOR_SCRL04 0xFF9B00FF // (purple)
#define COLOR_SCRL05 0xFFFF006C // (pink)
#define COLOR_GAMEMASTER 0xFFFF4500 //: Gamemaster name coloring.
#define COLOR_ADMINISTRATOR 0xFFFF4500 //: Administrator name coloring.
#define COLOR_ITEM_NUMBER 0xFF07A878 //: Item count name coloring.
#define COLOR_ITEM_SHADOW 0xFF000000 //: Item count name shadow coloring.
#define __AllowLocalhostSetting
#define __Bugtrap // Bugtrap implementation to send reports
#define __NEW_FORMATS
// fixes
#define __AIO_BULK_FIX_001 // First set of bulk fixes
#define __ARROW_FIX // When animation speed is too fast, attack frames can skip.
#define __CLEARTARGET_FIX // bunch of fixes for the targetting. If the mob you killed is not your target, then your target does not reset.
#define __COLLISION_FIX_PLAYER // Lowers player colision testing
#define __COUPLEBUFF_FIX // Couple buffs will only reset on level change.
#define __DARKILLUSION_FIX // Fixes invisibility
#define __EEL_BUG_FIX // Fixes uses with grilled eel.
#define __ELEMENTDMG_FIX // Missing dmg from multi element skills
#define __fixes // kia bulk fixes
#define __FIX_DST_HEAL
#define __FIX_FEMALE
#define __FIX_GW_NOTNAME
#define __FIX_POS_CAMERA
#define __FIX_STAT_BUFF
#define __JUMP_FIX
#define __LOGOUTFIX
#define __MAPNAME_CHANGE_FIX // todo: send mapkey hash instead.
#define __NPCPORTBUG
#define __PMA_FIX_ATKMSG
#define __POSI_BUG_FIX
#define __RangeHackFixes // Range hack fix overhaul will fix locally.
#define __SLEEPING_FIX
#define __SLOW_WALK_FIX
#define __STAT_SYNC
#define __V16_GOALDATA_FIX
#define __V16_OBJECT_FIX
#define __GAMEGUARD
// systems
#define __2H_SHIELD // 2handed weapons with shields
#define __ACCELOGIC //
#define __ADDMENU2 //
#define __ADDSHOPITEM //
#define __ADMIN_AUTH //
#define __ANARCHY_SYSTEM //
#define __APP_TELEPORTER // Teleporter window. (Edit: backend has been redone a bit)
#define __ATTACK_SPEED //
#define __AUTO_HELPER_THREAD // Needed for auto shout / powerups.
#define __AUTO_PENYA_PICKUP // Automatically picks up penya
#define __AUTO_SKILL_MAX // Skills are automatically maxed level.
#define __BlindTempFix //
#define __BOLD_ITEM_COUNT //
#define __BOSS_DEATH_ANNOUNCE // Sends a system message when a user takes down a boss.
#define __BUYBACK // Buy back system. (Edit: users' buy back information is stored for up to 5mins after dc)
#define __BULK_PICKUP // AoE Pickup for same item id.
#define __BLADEDAMAGE //
#define __CHARACTER_INJECTION // Prevents injection
#define __CHEAT_ENGINE_BLOCK // Checks for cheatengine
#define __CARD_BONUSES // Tool tip to show cardbonuses.
#define __CMD_EXP_TOGGLE // A command to nerf exp. (Edited: added pet exp command)
#define __CMD_IPLOOKUP // Command to whois a player's ip.
#define __CMD_LISTITEM // A command to list
#define __CMD_LISTMOBS //
#define __CMD_LISTSKILL //
#define __CMD_BUFFS // Buff based commands
#define __CMD_INVWIPE // A command to wipe your inventory.
#define __CMD_ITEMDUPE // A command to copy an item and dupe it in your inventory
#define __CMD_PANGEVENT // Buff pang gets better buffs
#define __CPU_UTILDOWN_060502 // enable on client as well.
#define __CS_ON_OFF // Hide cs
#define __DAILY_GIFT // Get a gift everyday
#define __DAILY_QUEST // Non-stop rotating quest system that is auto complete.
#define __DayNight //
#define __DECREASE_SNAPSHOTLATENCY // Players send move packets twice as fast.
#define __DISCORD_RPC // Discord integration to show what you're playing.
#define __ENH_REMOVEKNOCKBACK // Removes knockback from monsters
#define __ENH_NOPARTYSKILL_DELETE // Party skills won't be removed
#define __FAST_DIAMOND // fast
#define __FAST_NEUZ //
#define __FASTER_NEUZ //
#define __FASTJOBCHANGE //
#define __FIX_CHEAT //
#define __FL_CUSTOM_HP_BAR_V2 1 //
#define __FL_WEAK_STRONG // Element display for monsters
#define __FL_DPS_DISPLAY //
#define __FL_COLLECTING_INFO // Implements a window that shows the collecting chances
#define __FLYSPEEDS // Increase in flying speed.
#define __IMPROVEGFX0112
#define __INVENTORY_168
#define __ITEM_SEARCH
#define __LatencyChanges // oof kill me for doing this
#define __LatencyChanges_Test
#define __LOOKCHANGE
#define __MOD_OBJARR
#define __NavBossIndicator
#define __NERF_BESERK // Users' under the influence of berserk may still cast skills.
#define __NEW_ANNOUNCE_TYPE // More announcement types
#define __NEW_EXCHANGE_V19
#define __NO_GUIDESYSTEM // Removes the Guide Pang system.
#define __NoPartyToMakeGuild
#define __NOT_WORTH_15EURO
#define __PetSpeedFix
#define __PetChanges // FL_PET_STUFF, __PetChanges, __PET_EXP_MOBS, PETFILTER
#define __PARTY_FIND
#define __PERM_EXTRABAGS // Extra bags are permanently on and enabled for users.
#define __PLAYER_LIST
#define __QUICK_SELL // Quickly sell all blue armor and weapons to the npc.
#define __RemoveFullShout
#define __RemoveGaugePower // wands should work with auto attack now as well
//#define __REFRESHER
#define __ShiftSetEffect
#define __SmeltSafety2 // fast upgrade changes.
#define __STATISTICS
#define __SYS_GLYPH
#define __SYS_PARTYFULLEXP // Gives full exp no matter what
#define __SYS_AUTO_POWER_UPS // Auto powerup activation for players.
//#define __SYS_AUTO_SHOUT // Auto shouting for players.
#define __SystemMessage_MaxLevel // Sends a system message when a user achieves the maximum level.
#define __SFX_PATTERN
#define __TOOLTIP_GUILD // Adds more indepth tooltips to guild members
#define __TOOLTIP_PARTY // Adds tooltips to the party skills
#define __TASKBAR_1920
#define __TIMER
#define __UPGRADE_ANNOUNCE // Sends messages when a user upgrades an item to full.
#define __V19_RHISIS_TRAIL
#define __V21_GM_COMMANDS
#define __V21_LEVELUP_SFX
#define __V21NetLib // Updeated network code from the newer source.
//#define __V21_PREMIUM_BATTERY
#define __VIPS
#define __WIKIPEDIA_MONSTER // Wiki for in-game monsters.
#define __WIKIPEDIA_MONSTER_DROPLIST // Displays a drop list with animations for monsters from the wiki.
#define __YSMOOTH_OBJ
// WIP
#define __KiaOptions // __Anisotropy, __Antialiasing, __FarPlane,
#define __KiaBalance // Rebalancing of game but semi-flyff like.
//#define __KiaGM // commands rework todo
#define __KiaOptions_wnd // wip
//#define __V21_Movement // Updated player movement from the newer source
Last edited: