• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[VSRO] 125 Skills

skills are easy to add but fuck
the lines are no compatible with vsro 1.188 you have to edit it like who done that's all GL

BTW i released those lines in dev section and they copied it before delete
it's useless just a blind copy didnt even read my entire post
In my Opinion..

don't copy and paste just work your mind in the skill lines if you prof in this you must check the skill tab and edit the :
skillgroup.txt and skillmasterydata.txt
lol , ... i tried it

and when i try to hit any mob by the new skill of the bow

he hit it as like as the Fire skill on CH

lol , then no Hit damage appear and no error while hitting the the mob by the skill

But if urs working good , add me skype : nourayman.2010

or just give me linkz :D
Anyone have the new icon files for european skills???? china skills develop from old skills but european skills are new skills so they need new icon file ddj. Can anyone upload it here or show me where to take it from?

For those who need the edited _RefSkill: I edited the raw data from the first post, all credits go to denis456

View attachment _RefSkill_edited.txt