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ok i did those will the server conneted now
and what about the ip going to my router how do i stop this?

EDIT: if thats suppose to make the server connect it doesnt it sitts there and then you get the mant. error
if you cant come in to your site make sure you have MySQL server and make sure you have navicatn and exute batch file...Rosen_beta.sql or what its named on Server folder and Sql
Make sure you have deleted every httpdocs in your xampp and extrack the new CMS 2.6 that can be dound in this forum SOMWHERE http://forum.ragezone.com/rose-online/
You will also need to edit your Config in the Cms at _Inc Set the "host" "user" "pass" and "DBname..on config it says name only.."
try whith that and now stop xampp and run again typ
I set the Channel tables ip to i set all the ips in the config to when i use as my site it brings me to my router config page.
itofu - Wanip - RaGEZONE Forums

if i have no password for my database what do i put?
do i leave it blank?

this is in a dif post but this is my post i made for this problem
im trying that again now since i redid the files
Do you get the reg problem with your site too?
and your WanIp takes you to your router

EDIT- yea i get the mant thing still,if i could get the reg page working i could just use my hamachi
no but i have creat account on login on

so i dont think i need register

EDIT: testing my no-ip thing

EDIT 2: my no-ip.org didn't work
Had same problem

First go into your network settings and select properties of the Internet Protocols (TCP/IP) then assign your settings like this.

IP Address: 0r anything you want between 1 to 100.
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

The DNS settings you can get by going to Command Prompt and typing in ipconfig/all.

Once you have done all of that save it and then go into your router configuration and go to Gaming settings and look for DMZ then give it the last set of numbers you made in your IP Address for example I made my IP Address so I would put the 50 in the blank spot then check the enable button then scroll down and click save.

Now what you have done here was assign your computer with a static IP and told your router that that was your server.

I hope this helped you out have fun in your game.

Just to let you know there is really no reason to use No-IP or Hamachi if you do it the way I just explained.
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