We have a moderator that admits he has anger management problems...Capricorn...

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Elite Diviner
20 Happy Years
May 4, 2003
Reaction score
Behind u!!!
After admitting that I won't carry on, I'm sad about him.

All persons have problems sometimes, but don't make that something usual cause then u r not supposed to be a moderator.

Hope the truth doesn't bother u...too much.
kkelios said:
After admitting that I won't carry on, I'm sad about him.

All persons have problems sometimes, but don't make that something usual cause then u r not supposed to be a moderator.

Hope the truth doesn't bother u...too much.

Yeah, I have an anger problem, the problem is that people piss me off when they try to start being funny and calling my ideas "stupid". There was no need.

If you don't want me angry, don't piss me off, it's simple as. If you have a problem with me being moderator - [email protected] is your place to go, I've done nothing wrong, I'm just defending myself like any other person would.

I try my best for this server, and you just get it thrown back in your face. I'd hate to think what MentaL feels like sometimes.
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