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[Web]aeroCMS (Updated)

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Apr 10, 2008
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Re: aeroCMS

I learned PHP from looking at public CMS's. :) Anything is possible if I could learn PHP that easily. o.o
Loyal Member
Jan 21, 2009
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Re: aeroCMS

I don't think that's possible. It's like when you're making a purchase with your credit card, you're NEVER supposed to hit back or refresh the page because it can double charge your account.

One image per link, just change the background position. If you use two images per link, there will be a split second when you hover of white while the next image is loaded and it ends up looking like poop.

This is actually an excellent option; however, you need to keep in mind that the navigation bar should be modifiable with the click of a button since it's a public project. I use your method all of the time when I'm making a site for myself.

That's where I learned most of mine. That and Google. Google helped a poop ton.

This. Far more efficient than wasting your life with an e-book.
Loyal Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Re: aeroCMS

google + w3schools + messing with CMS's = how to learn PHP

I do what Trahb said (image with normal and hover state on it, just move BG position in hover event) but I'm interested to see how you did the coding on aero D:
Apr 10, 2008
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Re: aeroCMS

google + w3schools + messing with CMS's = how to learn PHP

I do what Trahb said (image with normal and hover state on it, just move BG position in hover event) but I'm interested to see how you did the coding on aero D:

Well, what I did was look up pre-made scripts. I copied the code, changed the names of variables and what not and put the stuff in functions and classes.

One major image is a good idea, I think.
Junior Spellweaver
May 2, 2010
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Re: aeroCMS

Well, what I did was look up pre-made scripts. I copied the code, changed the names of variables and what not and put the stuff in functions and classes.

One major image is a good idea, I think.

Haha speaking of that, I did a Google search on PHP sanitizing a while back when i was trynna find the best way to sanitize input and I found your sanitize() function verbatim from Cype ;)

Thought it was kinda funny :)
Loyal Member
Jan 21, 2009
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Re: aeroCMS

Haha speaking of that, I did a Google search on PHP sanitizing a while back when i was trynna find the best way to sanitize input and I found your sanitize() function verbatim from Cype ;)

Thought it was kinda funny :)

Haha, see, we're not hypocrites. We utilized open source code, so it'd only be fair if we let others do the same. But you probably won't see that happening in aero for a bit; it's pretty much coded entirely from scratch at this point.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 19, 2009
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Re: aeroCMS

google + w3schools + messing with CMS's = how to learn PHP

I do what Trahb said (image with normal and hover state on it, just move BG position in hover event) but I'm interested to see how you did the coding on aero D:

I don't understand what is trying to be done here... Are you wanting to use 2 images to make it look like it shines up? Because you can do that with jQuery, and it would look like its animated somewhat. But using two images is poop, trust me, I had this idea which Murad and Josh know about. My portal consisted of 8 link images and it kinda lagged loading the images unless you already had it cached. And to be honest, it was a pain in the butt for me to see that happening.
Apr 10, 2008
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Re: aeroCMS

I don't understand what is trying to be done here... Are you wanting to use 2 images to make it look like it shines up? Because you can do that with jQuery, and it would look like its animated somewhat. But using two images is poop, trust me, I had this idea which Murad and Josh know about. My portal consisted of 8 link images and it kinda lagged loading the images unless you already had it cached. And to be honest, it was a pain in the butt for me to see that happening.

I think I remember what you are talking about, haha. I'd like to see this jQuery way you are talking about. :p
Junior Spellweaver
May 2, 2010
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Re: aeroCMS

Haha, see, we're not hypocrites. We utilized open source code, so it'd only be fair if we let others do the same. But you probably won't see that happening in aero for a bit; it's pretty much coded entirely from scratch at this point.

Never said you were hypocrites. I used that function myself plenty of times haha
Mother effin' clouds
Loyal Member
Apr 13, 2008
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Re: aeroCMS

I don't understand what is trying to be done here... Are you wanting to use 2 images to make it look like it shines up? Because you can do that with jQuery, and it would look like its animated somewhat. But using two images is poop, trust me, I had this idea which Murad and Josh know about. My portal consisted of 8 link images and it kinda lagged loading the images unless you already had it cached. And to be honest, it was a pain in the butt for me to see that happening.

You are an illiterate bastard (and you're talking a lot poop)
He's talking about CSS sprites and changing the image on hover via the background-position property. Way to over complicate things. However, considering the developers want to make things 'customizable', I would recommend having text-based navigation instead. That way it would cut down on both load time, bandwidth and increase in portability. Don't rely on JavaScript for everything.

And what is this shenanigans about "already had it cached" ?? It's an image! Unless you are talking about preloading the image. Hahahaha. If you are talking about cache for real, then you should be referring to Expires Headers in the .htaccess, gzip compression, etc.
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Junior Spellweaver
May 2, 2010
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Re: aeroCMS

You are an illiterate bastard (and you're talking a lot poop)
He's talking about CSS sprites and changing the image on hover via the background-position property. Way to over complicate things. However, considering the developers want to make things 'customizable', I would recommend having text-based navigation instead. That way it would cut down on both load time, bandwidth and increase in portability. Don't rely on JavaScript for everything.

And what is this shenanigans about "already had it cached" ?? It's an image! Unless you are talking about preloading the image. Hahahaha. If you are talking about cache for real, then you should be referring to Expires Headers in the .htaccess, gzip compression, etc.

I love when you flame. Others flame and it comes out as retarded gibberish, but when you flame, it makes the other person look like a Ducking fool. :thumbup1: Thank you for that. aha
Apr 10, 2008
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Re: aeroCMS

I love when you flame. Others flame and it comes out as retarded gibberish, but when you flame, it makes the other person look like a Ducking fool. :thumbup1: Thank you for that. aha

I know right? I don't bother flaming people anymore. :p I just make myself look like a dumbass. So I send Ian after them. ;D
Junior Spellweaver
May 2, 2010
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Re: aeroCMS

I know right? I don't bother flaming people anymore. :p I just make myself look like a dumbass. So I send Ian after them. ;D

I feel like that's sarcastic, but the lack of ability to express sarcasm text has makes it kind of impossible to tell haha
Apr 10, 2008
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Re: aeroCMS

Oh well that's good. How's the CMS coming?

and by that I mean how's the weed smoking coming?

and by that I mean how's the high-development approach workin for ya?

It's going good, and I haven't had any since mid-June.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 19, 2009
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Re: aeroCMS

You are an illiterate bastard (and you're talking a lot poop)
He's talking about CSS sprites and changing the image on hover via the background-position property. Way to over complicate things. However, considering the developers want to make things 'customizable', I would recommend having text-based navigation instead. That way it would cut down on both load time, bandwidth and increase in portability. Don't rely on JavaScript for everything.

And what is this shenanigans about "already had it cached" ?? It's an image! Unless you are talking about preloading the image. Hahahaha. If you are talking about cache for real, then you should be referring to Expires Headers in the .htaccess, gzip compression, etc.

I meant the browser stores this poop so the next time you load the website, it doesn't load like slow poop. I'm illiterate? Cool.
Last edited:
Jul 20, 2010
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Re: aeroCMS

Can You Have A The Button That Says Community/Forum If So Can u Click it Where it stays at the same page instead of moves to a different one?
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