Web Portal or Registration Website

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
I need to make a WORKING registration page....I have tried 2 times.... On both of them I get MySQL errors..... please help.

Is there anyone willing to do it for free or GM on my server?

IF not is there a tutorial some where?

I dont have MyPHP so I cant do it that way...

I use MySQL 5.1, NaviCat, Mangos, I run a V2.0.8 server.

Please help me.

We have a50man Ventrilo ready for it.

And because when I run the server on no-ip or dyndns it crashes about 45 seconds after.

I have a 256man Hamachi network for people to join.
well one, you need a server software package:

Apache or xampp either or and you will also need to download and install php5 if you do not get xampp.

Once you have installed your server if its on your private machine I am assuming, just move the folder with your registration page to the /htdocs folder and start your personal internet server up and you can view it as well as anyone else from the web.
or download wamp on google.com then install it and put these files in your www folder

What server release are you using? Ludmilla/Kobold? Mangos? And depending on the answer I can help because I work in both Kobold and Mangos.
// guess what !? :D //
//modify that
$realmd_database = array(
'host'=>'', // HOST for Realm database
'user'=>'root', // USER for Realm database
'password'=>'my_pass', // PASS for Realm database
'db'=>'realmd' // Realm database NAME

$database_encoding = 'CP1251'; // Now encoding should be in lang files. Please Update.

$showshoutboxinindex=true; // True if you want to add a little frame with shoutbox in head of news page
$forum=false; // true if you have a forum, false if you have no forum
// if you have a forum:
$forum_url['game']= ""; // URL for game forum
$forum_url['server']=""; //URL for server forum
$forum_included=true; // true if you want to the forum is included in the page or false if you want in a new window

//not that
$site_cookie['cookie_name'] = 'mangos_user'; // cookie name (change to what you want) //
If your running 2.0.10 TBC change the realmd to realmd_bc.
it is 2.0.8

ok... I got the server up and running... only probelm is you cant go to it unless you have Hamachi... and are connected to my network...

Kinda gay
Is it TBC? Check your SQL database and see if its realmd or realmd_bc. If it was one of DJ's releases chances are it's realmd_bc
Yea its TBC but the db is called realmd


the site works you just have to be connected to my hamachi server....

Kinda gay...
Ok what the hell is a hamachi server, people keep talking about this thing, I never heard of it, why is it necessary?
It is nessassry because my no-ip.org and my dyndns work but only till someone does .learn all

then that causes my MySQL server decides to crash or something crashes....

Its not the server but it logs everyone off and cuts me off of using my internet...

Thats the only reason I have it....

is what you need to learn about it.
Im using Apache2triad it has everything you need and easy to use i installed it uploaded my databases turned off my firwall and im online very simple...

You can check here