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What do you do to relax ?

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Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
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Something else.

It depends what I want to relax from.
If I want to relax from lugging heavy stuff about all day, I lay down, read a book, watch a film or code. (usually code)
If I want to relax from coding, I find something to beat the crap out of... fix fence posts, mow the lawn, replace a U-Bend or such. (I can't afford gym membership :lol:)
If I want to relax from people whitening at me all day I go take a walk somewhere. Get lost. Weather doesn't matter.
If I want to relax from walking half way around the world looking for somewhere to buy... IDK, a tea strainer, sieve, rolling pin or garlic crusher (anything that people used to have and many of us do have but are no longer fashionable so are an arse to replace ... Crumpet Rings Vendaku? :lol:) I play a video game.
If I want to relax from being locked in server maintenance and admin BS I come and socialise on RZ or whack on some loud rock and dance my sox off (when nobody is watching) or something.
1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Get high and listen to plink floyd, it works, trust me.

Just close your eyes, and think about all the beautiful things in your life, somehow the high makes it amazing.
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 20, 2012
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I will go to a mountainous place that has an awesome view and there I will be chilling while drinking beer or eating something else and listen to reggae music.
1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Lol, it's crazy how I can't really think of another solution than smoking. Cause that IS the best, some will say "play a good video game" but it's rather stressing me more, when I get really high I just get this nostalgia, i lie down and listen to some Pink Floyd <3