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What Do You Look In Your GM's?

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 16, 2010
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The same things you look at when you're interviewing for any job.

Does the person really want the job? This is easy to tell at the application stage. First, throw out anybodies application with bad grammar, spelling or general literacy. Its not difficult to proof read, or run a spell checker over an application. If they're not capable of speaking literate English, they're probably not capable of expressing themselves correctly to players. We've probably all been frustrated by an indian call-centre right? It's just unprofessional to have staff posting around the forums that can't spell.
How long is the application? If its short, they probably haven't put a huge amount of effort into it. On a similar note, if they've just reposted their application from last time jobs were available, then they probably don't want it enough.

Why is this important? If someone doesn't really want the job, they probably won't stick around for long. It's in your interests to have a team working together for as long as possible to build up their rapport, and so you don't have to train lots of people. Consistency is good.

Then look for professionalism. Is the application formal? What about their other posts when they're giving support in Player to Player (or similar sections). Do they post in various colours and fonts which aren't the forums default? Do they spam, troll, flame or insult new people? All of these are probably things you don't want your staff doing in public, as it smears the image of the whole staff team. On a similar note, you don't want staff who frankly just look like complete retards.

Staff in general should be able to compose their business in a cool, mature, disengaged and professional manner. They shouldn't take things personally or let emotions interfere with their jobs, and should aim to provide excellent service to everyone regardless of the situation or personal opinion. You should be able to trust them, but still place restrictions on their access. Importantly, they should understand why these restrictions are in place, and that it's not because you don't trust them.

Dedication in terms of time is kinda important too. You don't want staff who put 12 hours a day in, but at the same time you'd like to see them every now and then.

I agree with Sephern & Adler. And personally I wouldn't care if they had ever played EFlyff or private servers, any customer service/quality assurance experience and workplace social skills would do as long as they make effort to learn enough about the game to be an informative, beneficial staff member. You have to remain aloof, professional, loyal, but also friendly, unbiased & open-minded. But my own personal rule would be no one under 18. I've seen too many servers with 14 year old kids spamming in notice or giving their friends items, etc... Basically; if you aren't even old enough to get a job, I don't need you as staff for my server.

Also agree with getting background checks. I'd like to know their 'motive', as you would say, for wanting to come to your server and how they think they could benefit the staff as well as the community. I probably wouldn't want to hire anyone (as a GM) if I didn't know a little about them. I'd probably wait until I knew them for a while so you can get a full grip on their personality and how they interact with your staff and players.

They'd have to be able to work well with a team, but also not feel too pressured working alone. And follow all of your rules the same as any player would. Pretty much like getting a job in the real world, it shouldn't be done for 'fun' necessarily, but because you want to accomplish something or utilize skills you may have pertaining to community management and sociology. (Though that does not mean they shouldn't at least enjoy what they do, all work and no play can be stressful to anyone.)

Really good thread, BTW :thumbup:
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Ragezoners,
I wanted to ask what do you look in your Gm's known as gamemasters
Well i'm talking about when recruiting GM's what do you look inside of them for?
Or anything else.
So feel free to post whatever you look inside your Gm's :D

I look for people that make sense when they type & Dont Talk Like This. Aka, people that aren't you.
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 24, 2010
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Literate is key for my staff.
I absolutely hate it when staff acts like an idiot.
Puts time into their application.
Brushes their emotions away when working.
Does not Flame and troll.
The use of emotes every now and then. I hate it when the first 10 lines are emotes. -.-''
Respectful to players and staff alike.
Has played eFlyff for a little while.
Has a decent amount of forum posts.[Applicants with 5 posts are usually ones that get denied]
Initiate Mage
Jan 27, 2011
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It's simple gm= experience + profesionality + respect + disponibility
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Ohh I remember the days when just pretending to have a good pair of tits managed to get you into a GM position (or perhaps Admin!!).

Good ol' times.
Initiate Mage
Feb 1, 2009
Reaction score
Ohh I remember the days when just pretending to have a good pair of tits managed to get you into a GM position (or perhaps Admin!!).

I look for tits in applications :glare:
Other than that! I'd hire people on their personality, If they can sell me a destroyed used car, if they follow the rules but use the ban-axe as a last resort. And some trolls that better be #winning.
I'd also look at how they type.

inb4 necroposting
We are Maverick!
Loyal Member
Feb 27, 2009
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Avalion;6239475[B said:
]I look for tits in applications[/B] :glare:
Other than that! I'd hire people on their personality, If they can sell me a destroyed used car, if they follow the rules but use the ban-axe as a last resort. And some trolls that better be #winning.
I'd also look at how they type.

inb4 necroposting

Many people usually do just look for tits....

tits = instant job.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
Many people usually do just look for tits....

tits = instant job.

Tits usually also means the worst job.

Female: Emotional wreck that can't handle anything and has a huge inner witch.

That's why you hire aliens, much nicer.
Skilled Illusionist
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Well i totally agree all what Adler have said, but i do not agree in the part they say, "14 years" i think age doesnt matter at all, for example i am 13 and i have knowledge of coding and computer stuff, i use to ignore or act normally/pacificlly against a flame menssage/text whatever, i think the gms must be mature, something that yeah its hard in a kid of 13-14 years, but mature is not the only thing they need, they have to be friendly with the community, atleast if you want a higher CCU, show Profesionalism but in a friendly way.

Sorry for my english! it sucks i know
Not working on UnitedFlyf
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2009
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Well i totally agree all what Adler have said, but i do not agree in the part they say, "14 years" i think age doesnt matter at all, for example i am 13 and i have knowledge of coding and computer stuff, i use to ignore or act normally/pacificlly against a flame menssage/text whatever, i think the gms must be mature, something that yeah its hard in a kid of 13-14 years, but mature is not the only thing they need, they have to be friendly with the community, atleast if you want a higher CCU, show Profesionalism but in a friendly way.

Sorry for my english! it sucks i know

Sorry, but even though I'm only 17, I disagree with your post.

#1. Experience is key for administrating and coding, as well as community work. Coding C++ would take about 12 years to fully master(you obviously can code games before that, but there's no way you will be able to compete with the speed/organization of much more experienced coders). Administration would be less, but experience is ALWAYS important.

#2. Friendly is only appropriate in a certain way. If your GMs act all "buddy buddy" with players, then players will become very unruly when punished/warned. The players will start to think of GMs as more of players, and thus, they will be less respectful(this can cause many issues).

#3. GMs should be someone you trust greatly. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't trust anyone on the internet without significant reason to. GMs also need to have a serious side.

On a successful server, Game Masters should only have 2 tasks.
- Punishments/Surveillance
- Events every few days

Offering too much support in-game will not lead to a well mannered community. 3 GMs for every cluster should be more than enough unless you have 2k+ CCU per cluster.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
Well i totally agree all what Adler have said, but i do not agree in the part they say, "14 years" i think age doesnt matter at all, for example i am 13 and i have knowledge of coding and computer stuff, i use to ignore or act normally/pacificlly against a flame menssage/text whatever, i think the gms must be mature, something that yeah its hard in a kid of 13-14 years, but mature is not the only thing they need, they have to be friendly with the community, atleast if you want a higher CCU, show Profesionalism but in a friendly way.

Sorry for my english! it sucks i know

Age always matters. The older you get the more you mature and to be honest, I rarely see any servers ran extremely well nowdays and their GM's are usually 10-15.
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score
the one who knows side by side of the game... so that if a user ask something techies or in game, he/she can answer it with confidence :D: