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What makes a habbo retro unique? Private 

Feb 6, 2013
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what do you believe makes a habbo retro unique and worth playing?
I know this is a duplicate of previous threads, but they are outdated and Habbo has changed quite a lot lately.

I think personally that what makes a hotel unique is that the people who work behind the scenes day in day out have took the time to make their own emulator with their own code and their own features.

Because let's be honest. Nowadays all the hotels are the same none of the hotels really fall out amongst any other retro so it's a must for me for a retro to be different along with having professional staff and such.
I think personally that what makes a hotel unique is that the people who work behind the scenes day in day out have took the time to make their own emulator with their own code and their own features.

Because let's be honest. Nowadays all the hotels are the same none of the hotels really fall out amongst any other retro so it's a must for me for a retro to be different along with having professional staff and such.
I see, the thing is. Having "own features" is really hard today, I've tried many features both in CMS and Emulator side, I've coded jukeboxes and groupforums, fast food etc way before many people had it.

The users still seem to just like the basic stuff, building, gambling, chatting etc. If you have a unique feature, lets say FastFood, make the players play it, have a scoreboard, prizes, badges, etc. People don't just do stuff because they are fun, usually they want prizes in return or competition of some sort.
A few years ago I was running a retro and people really liked it. I had to end it shortly after because I didn't have the money to run it properly and I was still in school.

I was using Azure emu, I didn't know ANYTHING about coding, sql or anything, but I somehow managed to make tradeable Duckets which were used as a special currency, and at that time that feature was unique to my retro. In the latin-american community everyone was using the same CMS, same emu, same catalogue, so every latam retro was pretty much the same and my goal was to stand out.
I spent a lot of time organizing the catalogue, I added tons of missing furni. Azure had a lot of interactions that were hidden and many broken furni could be fixed by changing a simple setting in the database, but people didn't know that. I also got my hands in a few scripts to automate the addition of new furni to the db, and I learned to extract the SWFs directly from habbo.com so it was always updated even before the new stuff was posted in forums.

I created a brand, an image for my retro and had a clear goal. My retro wasn't perfect, the emu wasn't perfect, but the essential stuff did work and it was great at that, and as FunHotel said, that's what people look for in a retro.

Sorry for the unnecessary personal story, but I think that the determination of the owner/staff really makes a difference in a retro, it shows that you really care about the users and they stick to you because of that.

Edit: just realized this thread is a month old
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I used to run a pretty decent hotel (we had an awesome/shockingly secure userbase lmao) alongside a few friends of mine a few years back. (We peaked at about 25 users online per day)

Although I am huge on graphics and making our client and CMS look and feel different from other hotels (which definitely helps it stand out), I think that the community is what truly makes a hotel stick out, and that all connects back to the staff team...
~ Do your online users actually chat, or do they just afk? Better yet, do they get along? Do YOU as an owner interact with regular users? Or do you just sit and afk too?
~ What kind of rules do you have set? Do you run your hotel like a dictatorship? Are you and/or your mod team feel a false sense of power and ban people for no reason?

If you have a solid community, the users will come to you. Best of all, those users will fit right in with everyone else, since more often than not, they found out about the server through word of mouth. As FunHotel says, implementing unique features is possible but hard. The userbase is where it's at!

Excuse me if I have bad grammar or anything, I'm super tired.

Edit: yep. wasn't paying attention, this thread is ancient. My opinion still stands though!
If you have a solid community, the users will come to you. Best of all, those users will fit right in with everyone else, since more often than not, they found out about the server through word of mouth. As @FunHotel says, implementing unique features is possible but hard. The userbase is where it's at!
Fully agree. Nobody except developers care if your hotel has 100 unique features. Players need a fun community to stick around.
My hotel doesn't have groups, pets, marketplace, rares, custom clothes or custom furni - all the rival hotels do, yet mine is still the most popular in that country.
The thing is nothing is different im not going to lie in my thoughts hotels started going down hill when force hotel closed you know the old v26 hotel? that was amazing i was on it morning to night without fail. also a big hotel for me was Tardis Lisa did everything to make the hotel it could possibly could be i enjoyed them not even my hotel is in there league and iv done a hell of a lot to it.
It’s not all about the original features. It’s about making features that are fun and engaging. I used to own Ultima Hotel which was the biggest for a while with users online at a time in the V26 days, which used to be a big deal.

We we had a professionally organized staff team and everyone knew what their job was, and successfully did their jobs.

Not one hotel I have checked out has proper community managers, news managers or economy managers.

We had unique competitions always going on with mini events all in between.

We had unique and creative news that we used to triple check for proof reads and revise until it was perfect.

We we had a stable economy and didn’t cheat with handing out furniture or rares to our friends.

We didn’t sell obscene amount of credits or rare furniture.

We we had a radio, and constantly updated rare value system coded by Matt aka Jincos

Overall, we put in the time and hard work to make it a great community. It was a good group of people putting together a good community.
The thing is nothing is different im not going to lie in my thoughts hotels started going down hill when force hotel closed you know the old v26 hotel? that was amazing i was on it morning to night without fail. also a big hotel for me was Tardis Lisa did everything to make the hotel it could possibly could be i enjoyed them not even my hotel is in there league and iv done a hell of a lot to it.

Im glad you mention those two good hotels that changed then Habbo retro community. Only those that played those two will truly understand what It takes for a hotel to be unique and enjoyable. I am currently working on one and hopefully it meets the community expectations. I see that hotels are dying and I would like to be the one to change that. I grew up with Habbo and its a sad thing to see that the community is failing.