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What stereotype do you believe to be true?

Staff member
Jan 18, 2007
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Mexicans...and their gigantic family events. It's so true.
Clearly I know the wrong Mexicans, because my roommate's family events are no larger than my family's events.

... and their love for chrome tail lights and massive spoilers. You're in Dallas, you know this. :p

I don't see this. But what I do see is the African-American vehicles, those stand out to me. You know when you drive up behind a car, and you can just tell the driver is black.
(Its usually an old cop car, tricked out in some way..)

All idiot drivers in Britain drive an Audi, typically an A3 or A4. Or some sort of white sports coupé
Here it seems they are often Indians (India Natives).- and also idiot drivers.

It also seems Lexus drivers are dicks.

Hell yeah...at least twice a week in my neighborhood there's a Quinceanera or some kind of party...they will have a loud butt mariachi and loads of food cooking...smells awesome....

I do not dislike latino's at all...all my coworkers are latino...I work at a car wash....but all that we speak of is true....they love to party and drink cerveza and tequila!!! It's a fact that all Texans know.

mmm the food!

I did finally get to go to a Quincanera - my roommate's sister turned 15 this year. I didn't understand that overpriced birthday party, I admit. (And actually the food at that was terrible).
They did have a mariachi, it was indoors, wasn't so loud.

Asian tourists take pictures of EVERYTHING.
So apparent if you ever go to some place like Yellowstone National Park.
Staff member
Jan 18, 2007
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Go to the area just south of 635, around the Webbs Chapel and Royal/Forest Ln intersections. They're all over the place between there and Harry Hines due to pep boys and all of the car audio shops.
Oh I know right where that is, we used to go to that IMAX over there, but that's been like 2 years now since I've been over there. (I avoid 635 at almost all cost)
So sounds like its better not to go over there. :)
Apr 28, 2005
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Oh I know right where that is, we used to go to that IMAX over there, but that's been like 2 years now since I've been over there. (I avoid 635 at almost all cost)
So sounds like its better not to go over there. :)

Hah, yep. The theater is the best part of that area. Everything else is pretty ran down... I lived there for about a year when I worked at SpeedZone.

A strange influx of Mexican-bashing Texans have appeared...

You've got no idea how bad it is sometimes. They're everywhere. When you drive around lower income residential areas there are illegal Mexicans standing on the side of the road waiting for people to come by asking for help with something. They are literally labor prostitutes.

Trying really hard to not sound racist but its all true. :/
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 4, 2009
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When a black man eats a black man sleeps