What would you do with 10 Million dollars?

Re: What would you do with 10 Million?

I would hire Jeremy Irons, the guy who voiced Scar in the Lion King, to follow me around all day and do my dialogs for me.

YouTube - ‪The Lion King - Simba & Scar (English)‬‏

"Yes I would like 2 bottles of milk and a carton of eggs. Yes most excellent."

Shit would be fucking epic.
Re: What would you do with 10 Million?

I think i will give some to my family so that do have to work and the rest for me.I would start traveling buying all kind of cool stuff and when i get bored of all i will settle down ,build a house have like 10 kids and die at the age of 40
Re: What would you do with 10 Million?

Moon trip costs 100 milion $, so that idea would fly away, but i'd do "around the world trip", probably donato some cash to people who need it more than me, give some to my parents, buy epic house and enjoy my life.
Re: What would you do with 10 Million?

  • Give 1m to my sister
  • 500k each to father and mother (don't deserve more tbh)
  • Put 2m in the bank, take the interest and put it in another savings account to accumulate more interest. Each time an account reaches it's limit, open a new account and repeat steps.
  • Put 2m aside for Devons' college/graduation fund, for when he turns 18, toward w/e he wants.
  • Buy 2 cars, one for me and one for the wife and a house.
  • Pay for schooling to get a degree in multiple programming languages.
  • After I have work experience in said programming languages, start my own gaming company or start working for a major gaming company.

Hell... even with 1m divided into 10 savings accounts with a 1% interest rate (some places offer a 1.50% rate), you can accumulate $1000-$1500 a month per account. It's the way to live

PS: The only way I would ever donate to a charity is if I personally were buying said supplies and delivering them. There are far too many so called organizations that only use a fraction of the donations they gain to actually help the people.
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Re: What would you do with 10 Million?

$1Million to my school for more teacher's,to help people that are struggling and having a hard time in school.

$6Million to the homeless, to live their lives.

$2Million to my mom.

$1Million for my personal spendings.