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When Nostalgia Meets Affection - Mixtape by DJ Mashter

Junior Spellweaver
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
So, Im back once again in the music section with another release. I posted two mixtapes a couple of days ago, but were not listened nor replied to at all :(:. Hopefully, this mixtape will get me some publicity. I chose DJ Mashter to be my artist name, because it corresponds with the music I play.

Please reply to this thread with your thoughts on my latest mixtape. If I wont get any feedback, I'll be leaving the music lounge forever, looking for a better one...
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2011
Reaction score
Let me first start of with saying that it's an awesome mixtape, enjoyed listening to it!
Haven't heard a few of the songs in quite some time.. was bobbing my head to Pakito - living on stereo though hehe
Anyways, listening to it i do have some minor things that caught my attention while listening.

The transition between Naughty boy - La La La and Kanye west - Niggas in paris is very sudden.
I was enjoying the mellow, slow paced rhythem and incomes the melody from Niggas in paris and it kinda startled me?
Maybe you could've added an riser or filler or atleast something to make the transition smoother, which will give it an much better flow when it comes to listening.
Hope it makes sense hehe, my english and technical music knowledge aint the best when it comes to explaining things..

You let the song fade out and then you hear the Ai se eu te pego intro thingy, and then you hear the computorized vocal sample "Dj Mashter" nothing wrong with it.
But then all of a sudden again, you hear rattle by the bingo players and it kinda throws me off..
Like at 2:13 it an too sudden transition from one song to another

Again the transition into Pakito - living on stereo, i can definitly hear you just faded the volume on one song and turned up the volume on the other.
And it just doens't sound good, it disrupts the flow of the whole mix

I think that's it..
I think the only thing you should focus on is the transitions, making them sound smoother.

Awesome mixtape, lot's of greats songs :laugh:

Junior Spellweaver
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
@wastedpeng: Thank you very much on the well explained feedback. I've literally never ever evar gotten constructive criticism I could use to improve my sound. I know I have much to learn and your comment is really helping me a lot.

The first couple of mixes are indeed not as good as the mixes later on or my other mixtape. I guess a warm up is needed beforehand and some better sounds which will keep the flow going, as you said. Personally, I think that my second mixtape is the best of all :) Maybe you should listen to that one as well!
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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2011
Reaction score
Hehe no problem, just finished listening to the Clubbin' Lounge mixtape
Loved it, this time i didn't reconize all the songs so i'm kinda happy i got some new songs..

Also liked the first mashup you made, said it was two years ago but i liked it :sleep:
Reminded me of DJ Kool - let me clear my throat hehe

Junior Spellweaver
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
My 4th mixtape is also up now. It will be the last one I will post on soundcloud, because I am 4 minutes below my limit. Someday next week my website djmashter.com will be up.
