Why was my MaNGOS Recruiting Team thread deleted?

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
I tried looking for it and I realized that it was deleted. Why was it deleted and I had politely asked that if it was deleted that I would be notified as to what the reason was. Can anyone explain this?
BECAUSE THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO RECRUIT MEMBERS!!! IF YOU HAD READ THE FORUM RULES, YOU WOULD KNOW THAT!!! Sorry if I seem a bit harsh, but this has been said many, many, many, many, many times already...
FamineMK - Its no use... no one listens.

Nope, old users already know it, but not new users. Not yet, but after some warnings they will. :)
Stay on topic. If you wish to talk about something different, make a new thread for it. This rule maybe waived in Spamzilla, depending on the circumstance.

Advertising other forums is not permitted. This includes your signature or graphics.

Use common sense! If you think something may not be allowed, it probably is not. As such you maybe warned for something that is not specifically mentioned in these rules.

There's 3 for you. Though the more pressing question should be, why you created a new thread on why your old thread was deleted? Can't you just let it go? Or do you feel EVERYTHING you have to say is too important to be ignored?
Stay on topic. If you wish to talk about something different, make a new thread for it. This rule maybe waived in Spamzilla, depending on the circumstance.

Advertising other forums is not permitted. This includes your signature or graphics.

Use common sense! If you think something may not be allowed, it probably is not. As such you maybe warned for something that is not specifically mentioned in these rules.

There's 3 for you. Though the more pressing question should be, why you created a new thread on why your old thread was deleted? Can't you just let it go? Or do you feel EVERYTHING you have to say is too important to be ignored?
1)That doesn't make any sense, I didn't go offtopic, and it had nothing to do with the deletion. At least give me rules that would actully make sense.

2) I did not put any forum link on there. I said I needed dedicated staff members for an upcoming project.

3) I did use common sense, I made sure it wasn't there, and I got several PM's to go on other sites (of which I'll not name) so I figured hey, why not.

Again, I'm not looking for rules that I have already read, I want the reason from the mod that deleted my topic to either PM me or post it here.
Yamachi was nice enough to help me realize that there was a Team Recruitment section which I didn't notice. Probably because it was a subforum. My deepest apologies for offending anyone, but TBH, you were all linking me rules and not sections >.<. Anyways, mods, feel free to lock / delete this thread.
Welcome to the unfortunate state of being that is Ragezone...
I understand people deleting the thread in World of Warcraft, but not it was ALSO deleted in the Team Recruitment section.


What hidden pinned, 2 sentence topic, that is posted telling me I can't recruit members for a project? Can someone PLEASE tell me this?
That right there is bullcrap... Honestly, the mods must be fucking with ya, unless they don't agree with the content of the thread... Mind posting a copy of the thread?
I'll give it to you over MSN, who knows if they might delete every thread that has the word MaNGOS Emulation Team in it.. oh no..:juggle: