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[Windows 7] Godmode

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Loyal Member
Dec 10, 2007
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Why wouldn't they just have a feature like this come with Win7? I think that it's stupid how you have to know a special code to use it. Anyways, it's pretty handy.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 3, 2008
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Why wouldn't they just have a feature like this come with Win7? I think that it's stupid how you have to know a special code to use it. Anyways, it's pretty handy.

Right? I dislike secret features a lot.
Maybe they probably would have bullshitted a lie and released it publicly later. I don't know.. First thing that came to head
Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
What if I wanted to create a folder named ".{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}"?? It wouldn't work...

Can I sell this to the high-school kids so they can feel like they "hacked" the school computers?

I wonder if you can turn off the setting for this feature using this feature :/

Why can't Windows just be simple for once! Sheesh!
Junior Spellweaver
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Ever wanted to customize your entire Windows 7 PC from one place? Ever wanted to have every system setting easily accessible without having to open up several windows? Enter, Godmode.

1) Create a New Folder

2) Name the folder :

3) Enjoy :8:
Intended for developers and represent shortcuts to various domestic settings, such capabilities have existed since the Vista, and even earlier, according to representatives of the departments Windows, which told CNET, that the folder with the settings is just one of many undocumented features of Windows.
In electronic correspondence Steven Sinofsky (Steven Sinofsky), president of Windows, spoke about a few undocumented features that provide direct access to all types of settings - from choosing the location to the control setup parameters to identify the biometric sensor.
Access to the "God mode", as well as to other settings can be obtained by creating a new folder with any name and adding the text string of a certain content. Sinofsky said that these parameters more than a dozen.
Sinofsky said that the term "GodMode" was coined by bloggers, the company is not accepted so call settings. And although Microsoft supports many of these undocumented features for developers, allowing access to setup parameters, usually most of them duplicate the settings from the taskbar Windows.
Such undocumented calls to different settings, called "God Mode", also found in previous versions of Windows and, in particular, in Windows Vista. However, some users are 64-bit versions of Vista say that when you call the folder GodMode their computers hang.
It seems that Redmond decided to draw attention to the issue of Godmode. Sinofsky gave a whole list of other commands that also create special folders (see below). However, given the problems with Vista, I tried to play them only on Windows 7. To do this, you must create a new folder with a random name, full stop and substitute one of the following GUID.
For example, the first may be a folder called "thevista. {00C6D95F-329C-409a-81D7-C46C66EA7F33}", with the GUID specified in the braces, and the name of the folder - no.
Here is a list of different modes:
And in a reminder to create a folder directly Godmode, use this sequence:
Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Intended for developers and represent shortcuts to various domestic settings, such capabilities have existed since the Vista, and even earlier, according to representatives of the departments Windows, which told CNET, that the folder with the settings is just one of many undocumented features of Windows.
In electronic correspondence Steven Sinofsky (Steven Sinofsky), president of Windows, spoke about a few undocumented features that provide direct access to all types of settings - from choosing the location to the control setup parameters to identify the biometric sensor.
Access to the "God mode", as well as to other settings can be obtained by creating a new folder with any name and adding the text string of a certain content. Sinofsky said that these parameters more than a dozen.
Sinofsky said that the term "GodMode" was coined by bloggers, the company is not accepted so call settings. And although Microsoft supports many of these undocumented features for developers, allowing access to setup parameters, usually most of them duplicate the settings from the taskbar Windows.
Such undocumented calls to different settings, called "God Mode", also found in previous versions of Windows and, in particular, in Windows Vista. However, some users are 64-bit versions of Vista say that when you call the folder GodMode their computers hang.
It seems that Redmond decided to draw attention to the issue of Godmode. Sinofsky gave a whole list of other commands that also create special folders (see below). However, given the problems with Vista, I tried to play them only on Windows 7. To do this, you must create a new folder with a random name, full stop and substitute one of the following GUID.
For example, the first may be a folder called "thevista. {00C6D95F-329C-409a-81D7-C46C66EA7F33}", with the GUID specified in the braces, and the name of the folder - no.
Here is a list of different modes:
And in a reminder to create a folder directly Godmode, use this sequence:

Nice copy + paste, do you know what ANY of that means?
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
lovely expanded control panel.
thank you :D!
this makes the computer life more simpler :)
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
It works in windows vista too (in case anyone cares :rolleyes:)

edit: oops XD
such capabilities have existed since the Vista, and even earlier
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