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Windows XP

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 17, 2008
Reaction score
So I have a computer in my room that has a problem. When I turn it on I can get to the user sign in part, then seconds after I sign it says I have to insert a Windows XP setup cd or somethin. I dont have that cd. Does anyone know of a site that would have the xpsetup.exe WITH OUT VIRUSES. That way I could just burn it to a cd, then ficx the problem. And if there is a more simple way can you tell me. Thanks guys!
Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Deleted the spam, continue like that LoOpEd and the next ones will come with infractions.

What exactly is it asking for? And what for? It should not be asking you to insert your XP CD for any reason, if you have a bad XP installation it would not boot in the first place. We need to know EXACTLY what it is asking and WHY before we can help you.