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WO_API: http timeout

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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 11, 2012
Reaction score
So after hours of troubleshooting I have failed..
I am running abyss webserver configured with ASP.NET and php 5.4 with mssql driver installed.
When I play on my server it self I have no problem. But as soon as I try to play on any other pc I get login failed after I click play game. I have my external ip changed to my ip.

Here's my dumb file
--- Log started at Sat May 04 02:20:05 2013

000000.061| ComputerID: 0xdac1bcb8ba3
000000.061| Game Version: WarZ v1.0  (build: May  2 2013 22:15:03) - final
000000.061| Available memory: 8189 MB
000000.079| r3dFS: version:May 3, 2013 1:25, 23256 files
000000.123| r3dFile: can't open local.ini
000000.123| Can't open file "local.ini"
000000.123| readGameOptionsFile: found INI at C:\Users\Fuzz\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\gameSettings.ini
000000.123| r3dFile: can't open local.ini
000000.123| Can't open file "local.ini"
000000.123| writeGameOptionsFile: Saving settings to C:\Users\Fuzz\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\gameSettings.ini
000000.126| readInputMap: found file at C:\Users\Fuzz\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\inputMap.xml
000000.126| writeInputMap: Saving settings to C:\Users\Fuzz\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\inputMap.xml
000000.126| userSettings: found file at C:\Users\Fuzz\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\userSettings.xml
000000.126| userSettings: Saving settings to C:\Users\Fuzz\Documents\Arktos\WarZ\userSettings.xml
000000.126| SOUND: initializing sound system
000000.301| SOUND: '5' sound drivers found
000000.301| SOUND: sound caps = 0xF8, speakermode= 2
000000.301| SOUND: sound driver 'Speakers (ASUS Xonar DG Audio Device)'
000000.308| SOUND: sound system ready
000000.308| FMOD: LoadSoundEffects: Loading from Data\Sounds\Sounds.fev
000001.071| Input Devices enabled: Mouse, Keyboard
000001.083| VMEM As seen through DDRaw: 978
000001.083| VMEM As seen through WMI: 0
000001.083| Setting mode:  1920x1080x32 Flags=4
000001.101| NVApi successfuly initialized.
000001.101| NVApi: stereo is not available. Stereo driver not installed?
000001.101|  Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti  
000001.101|   nvd3dum.dll
000001.101|  Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1 (1920x1080)
000001.126|  res adjusted 1920x1080->1914x1052
000001.127|  r3dRenderLayer::SetMode(x=1914,y=1052,bpp=32,windowed=4,hz=60)
000001.127|  Creating d3d device
000001.133|  NVApi: failed to create stereo handle!
000001.133|  GPU supports D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMP
000001.133|  D3D hack support = NullRT: 1, hwPCF: 1, IntZ: 1, ResZ: 0
000001.134|  We have 4042 MB texture memory
000001.135|  r3dFont: Creating Verdana 10pt
000001.135|  r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 10pt
000001.138| Loading shaders...
000001.564| Finished loading shaders (0.425064 sec)!
000001.614| r3dFont: Creating Tahoma 12pt
000001.615| r3dFont: Finished creating Tahoma 12pt
000001.615| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 10pt
000001.615| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 10pt
000001.697| Creating render targets
000001.701| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 8pt
000001.703| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 8pt
000001.707| Loaded 15 of 15 grass settings locations from the glist file
000001.707| r3dFile: can't open Data/Grass/BM_Grass_Far.xml
000001.707| r3dFile: can't open Data/Grass/BM_Grass_Med.xml
000001.707| r3dFile: can't open Data/Grass/BM_Grass_Near.xml
000001.708| Loaded 12 grass settings files
000033.126| WO_API: http timeout
000033.126| LoginAuth: 8
000036.803| obj_Zombie::FreePhysSkeletonCache:000036.804| done in 0.00 seconds
000036.805| Deleting render targets
000037.072| WARNING: pd3ddev have 10 reference counts

Not sure what I can do. Can any one help?
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
This happened to my friends, it's game.ini causing this, you need to have it in the folder with the game and set up properly
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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 11, 2012
Reaction score
Turns out I'm an idiot, forgot to copy the new build to my /wz folder. Thanks to you both.
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