Worked Bola's API

turned, went into the game world :)

Q: how to charge yourself game currency store: ZEN ?

and how to give yourself a GM?

To add zen: SQL > Databases > Raiderz_Account > Programmability > Stored Procedures, and execute dbo.US_WEB_AddAccountMoney (you'll need your user id, you can find it executing the dbo.US_WEB_GetAccountInfo_byUserName).

To give GM rights to your character: SQL > Databases > RZ_GAMEDB > Tables > dbo.RZ_GT_CHARACTER, open the table, find your character and change the PLAYER_GRADE to 3.
gda123123 - Worked Bola's API - RaGEZONE Forums

What is the cause of the problem

echo off
raiderz -ingamelogin -server -country USA
could someone help me I am not able to create the account in DB
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Have you tried to log in using that account? the RZ_GT_ACCOUNT just record accounts that have logged in the game.
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got this error when I try to log in
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How can i get the API running? ... Please explain me what do i have to do to get the API running.
Boa noite pessoal eu baixei o server file,api server e cliente bola mas também estou com esse erro de pedido de login DB falhou
gostaria de saber sobre a instalação do api server pois imagino que esse deve ser meu problema
i cant login game..
error at client
Login DB request fail

and other error at loginserver
01:25:11 - LMcURLTask_PWELogin::OnFailed ->unable to set private key file: 'data/PWE/web-c.key' type PEM 01:25:23 - LMcURLTask_PWELogin::OnFailed ->unable to set private key file: 'data/PWE/web-c.key' type PEM 01:26:11 - FPS = 17 , Link = 1 , Player = 1 , Recv BPS = 0 , Send BPS = 0

how to fix it?
Can you help me adapt this API to an old xampp version? i have been working on it and i can't figure out how to adapt it lol