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World may be forced to go vegetarian by 2050, scientists say

Nov 19, 2003
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youre wrong.
they wont run out soon, thats for sure, but dont forget ppl take water, clean it in and make it able for drinking, washing and useable. they will run out, as theres a certain amount, and that amount will run out.

I think you might have missed the point of the article, as they do discuss this in the article itself. There is a certain amount of available water to be used on the Earth. While there is a massive amount of water on the planet itself, the vast majority of it is not usable without being treated. Treatment of water is both timely and expensive. Right now, according to the article, 70% of the planet's usable water supply is going towards sustaining the agricultural infrastructure. With an estimated population of 9 billion by the year 2050, more of this percentage will have to go towards sustaining this infrastructure. The problem, however, is there already isn't enough water to go around to people like you and me. Even in the United States some areas have to have water shipped in from other areas of the nation.
Sep 10, 2003
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I wonder how many people who claim this would raise and then kill their own animals, it is very different to buying flesh pre-packaged in the store.
Indeed. Most people I've talked about this subject have said that they can't even stand it when you can still see it was an animal. So yay for chicken fillet, nay for fish with the head removed.

When we buy and eat meat, we are not thinking about eating an animal, just about eating food.

Personally I know I could never kill an animal for food as long as there were other options.
In this day and age of genetic modification and super science I would imagine we could eat meat forever.
Actually our messing around with meat is causing the opposite. Right now 1 of the major problems is is that we're filling animals with hormones, either directly into them or through their food. To combat diseases etc we are filling them with anti-biotics and many other crap. What we are doing is producing meat and with that comes a shitload of problems and diseases. Frankly it's not the water or anything else that will force us to stop eating meat, but the way it's processed right now.

Our meat is reasonable safe right now, at least as far as we know, but many studies have shown that there will be a day where they won't be safe, basically the diseases evolve, right now we can still combat them, but we are running out, eventually we will be fucked, don't get me wrong, we won't die all the sudden since they are keeping some ways to combat diseases which are not allowed to use on animals just to keep them on hand if humans were to get ill from eating meat, but we are getting closer and closer to that point.

The problem is though that the whole world is addicted to meat and not just small amounts, most people in western countries expect meat on their plate everyday, it's just so cheap, I can easily afford 0,5 kilo meat on my plate everyday, that's how cheap it is.
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Lol, sorry but I couldn't help but laugh at that News story. Us running out of water for our Livestock is like the Sun running out of Gas. Our water sources come from a continuous cycle, just like the Sun's heat from the Nuclear Fusion in it's core. Whether there is a 'set amount of useable water' or not it will continue to recycle putting back the same amount of water that got taken away.

You drink water, what happens? You pee it out and it goes right back into the rivers/oceans. The Sun heats the oceans evaporating a bunch of the water, what happens? It goes back into the clouds, forms moisture and rains. You pour water on your garden, what happens? The water soaks into the soil and eventually evaporates back into the clouds forming moisture, and eventually rains. You fill your Livestock's water supply, what happens? All the animals drink the water and piss it back out into the soil, guess what happens next? - And in the case of these last 2 examples the dirt acts as a natural filter to filter out a lot of the bad stuff in the pee before it evaporates.

Now obviously just like the Sun, there will come a time down the road where there will be no more Gas, and no more Water on Earth, but those are in timelines of millions to billions of years - not less than 50 years. I don't think we need to be worrying about running out of water for our livestock, a more serious issue would be one of which Gohan was talking about.


There's a whole lot of water on Earth! Something like 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons (326 million trillion gallons) of the stuff (roughly 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters) can be found on our planet. This water is in a constant cycle -- it evaporates from the ocean, travels through the air, rains down on the land and then flows back to the ocean.

/gg stupid "scientists"
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Junior Spellweaver
Dec 26, 2011
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There's a whole lot of water on Earth! Something like 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons (326 million trillion gallons) of the stuff (roughly 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters) can be found on our planet. This water is in a constant cycle -- it evaporates from the ocean, travels through the air, rains down on the land and then flows back to the ocean.

/gg stupid "scientists"
change my name already!
Loyal Member
Apr 10, 2007
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Yeah I've been at bbq's with live pigs. The squeals when they're getting their throats slit is absolutely heartbreaking, i couldn't imagine getting used to that at all.

Deers are different. I can shoot from far away, but thankfully my brother is always the one that goes to kill it.
Staff member
Mar 5, 2012
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I grew up eating chicken we chopped the head off of only a few hours before. Also have skinned hogs and deer. Its not that bad.


Thats because you grew up with killing animals, so it could be easy for you however i just couldn't kill an animal then eat it, it just seems wrong.
Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
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I will have a huge under ground bunker with pigs, sheep, etc and artificial light (UVB) and awesome high nutritional food for my animals, I shall protect my bunker with a 20ft eletric-barbed perimeter fence, I will hire a team of former SAS soldiers to protect it from people who hate vegetables, The bunker shall be top secret and have 2inch thick steel walls and doors with auto mated locks.

No but really... it won't happen, A bunch of scientists will be selling stem cells by then to eat.
The one and only!
Loyal Member
Nov 24, 2008
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Thats because you grew up with killing animals, so it could be easy for you however i just couldn't kill an animal then eat it, it just seems wrong.
I feel the same, however if it came to life or death I would definitely learn how to kill and butcher animals so I could survive. There is absolutely no way I would become a vegetarian!
Mar 7, 2003
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Thats because you grew up with killing animals, so it could be easy for you however i just couldn't kill an animal then eat it, it just seems wrong.

Then frankly you don't deserve to eat meat.

It sickens me that kids these days can't identify what animal a meat comes from. Imo every child once they reach ~13 should be taken to a butchers and taught this stuff.
The one and only!
Loyal Member
Nov 24, 2008
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Then frankly you don't deserve to eat meat.

It sickens me that kids these days can't identify what animal a meat comes from. Imo every child once they reach ~13 should be taken to a butchers and taught this stuff.
Seems rather extreme to actually force someone to watch animals being slaughtered. Some people just plain and simple don't want to see how the meat gets on their plate. 99% of the time they know or have read about how it's done but to actually see it being done in person isn't really nice and isn't a nice thing to force anyone to do, especially a child.
Feb 19, 2003
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Then frankly you don't deserve to eat meat.

It sickens me that kids these days can't identify what animal a meat comes from. Imo every child once they reach ~13 should be taken to a butchers and taught this stuff.

I think that may be a bit harsh but I certainly see where you are coming from. If there one thing I do do it's that I make sure my daughter knows where her meat comes from. Althought, at 4 years is a bit young for the horrors of how it actually gets to her plate.

Saying that, I don't swamp her diet with it either. I like to think she'll grow up knowing there is more to life than just meat. I, myself, live a vegetarian diet because I not only hate the taste of meat but also because I think it's simply crap pumped with crap that we simply don't need.

On the topic on hand, not sure I believe we will run out of usable meat by 2050. What we do need to do is change the way these livestock are being brought up as it just isn't helping.
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
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Scientists said the world will end but it didn't.
Master Summoner
Jan 20, 2011
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I laughed so hard reading this , believe me scientist will come up with something as soon they see meat supply is running low and that thing with raising your own animals in the backyard is easy i started that a month ago at my grandma's farm and i cut pig's throat and cut chicken head off and other poop , i even pealed of the skin of a lizard ( i did not eat it blagh) so it isn't really hard dealing with it
Legendary Trio - Chocolate Rain
Apr 30, 2004
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oh noes, our children are going to have to see where meat really comes from with there own eyes and have to man up a little bit and not cry like bitches at the sight of it.

At very least they don't have to kill the creatures themselves, my own personal shenanigans statistic says that the majority of modern people are going to have trouble surviving in a world without the resources we currently have simply because they don't have the balls to look at what nature forces every other species to do. Life feeds on life whether animal or vegetable and the fact that people refuse to allow their children to see the violence of a hunt and butchering is a direct insult to the world we live in.

Just because we've figured out how to go to space and survive without nature doesn't mean we should loose our ability to do so. Meat should only be allowed to those thathunt it themselves, that way not only will we be healthier as a species but it will force us to be physically fitter and active just so we can have that extra special turkey for christmas which also means more belly room before you eat it ^_^