[WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE

Dec 25, 2007
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Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Ultimatum - Instant 60
3.3.5a Supported

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Ultimatum is our an instant 60 "twink" realm.
The idea got realized in 2009 and since then we only tried to make the realm better.
This realm is based on most of the vanilla wow aspects with great new features.

Every player will start with a full Dungeon Set 1 Character, including class based weapons, rings & cloaks.
Every player will also start with a small amount of money to buy in-game features such as haircuts, guild banks and so on.
You will also start with a nice ride and even some healing and mana potions in your bags.

Gear up:
Our gear system is linked to the players total amount of honor-able kills.
Every amount of HK's has its own rank, and every rank has its own vendor.
For example, once a player reached 10 honorable kills, he will unlock the Rank 1 vendor which sells in this case the Blue PvP Set
The higher the rank, the better the items.

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Honor & Arena Points:
Once you unlocked a vendor, you will be able to buy gear.
This gear of course requires an amount of honor, the higher the rank, the more honor it requires.
Ranked Sets such as Tier 2, Tier 2.5 & Tier 3 will cost an extra amount of Arena Points.

You can earn Arena Points by participating rated Arena's
or you can finish daily quests rewarding arena points if you don't like arena at all.


Player start position
Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

The Hearth of the Mall
Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Solo Content & Daily Quests:

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums


We offer 24/7 10v10 Warsong or 15v15 Arathi Basin
Our Warsong Gulch has an anti Graveyard system that prevents Spawn-farming.
We also have several Battleground Related Quest, such as Capture the Flag, Win Battlegrounds, Kill Players and so on.

We even turned Alterac Valley in a Daily Battlefield

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

Join our side, it is worth it. Experience our unique realm and step into the battle.
We hope to see you ingame

Soulbladez - [WoW] [3.3.5a] Light of Chaos - Instant 60 PvP & PvE - RaGEZONE Forums

© 2009 - 2012 Light of Chaos

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