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[WOW] Ceryz Games | Professional | Paid Positions | 3.3.5a | Unique

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Junior Spellweaver
Jun 6, 2011
Reaction score

Ceryz Games is currently looking for the following for our WoW Server..

  • Developer
You must understand how to work with the game and the released emulators fully. This includes C++, SQL, and DBC editing mostly. This is a paid position. How much you get paid depends on how well you work, but we can speak about this more over skype.
  • Game Masters
Your job would be to monitor the playerbase, answer tickets, questions, and so on. We'll need quite a few of these as our population is going to be quite big. This is currently a voluntary position, however that may change in the future.
  • GFX
We don't need these, but they'd help out. We'll just have our stuff designed elsewhere if not from our own team. Your job will be to design stuff we need for the game, websites, forums, and so on. This is also a paid position.

If you think you can fill any of these spaces please add me on skype. My ID is iloverivea.
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