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[X360] Fifa 10 ;D

Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Ok ok, now this topic is only for those who LIKE this game, i dont want people coming in here mouthing out how bad it is, because we all have different taste in games...
Even though i probably like most of the games you guys also play.

ANYWAYS, has anyone else on this forum (Lol) got Fifa 10?
If so, then good, because i have now been following the Fifa series from fifa 1999 (Which was on the Nintendo Snes), from then and on, i have grown into a successful Fifa player!

Now those that do have Fifa 10 will know that you have a Virtual Player, anyone above 78%? (Which im currently at)...
If so, then i'd like to know how well you can play, to maybe tryout for our Online Club.

Anyways, yea, below post the following if you play!

Fifa 10 Virtual Pro Skill Level:
Fifa 10 Virtual Pro Accomplishments Percentage:
Fifa 10 Wins/Losses 1on1 Ranked Matches:

-Joe :D
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2008
Reaction score
Re: [Xbox360] Fifa 10 ;D

Woa thats awesome.
Well I have fifa09 and I quit cause the manager mode keeps bugging after I've spent days on it.

In fifa10 does the manager mode still do that? It like freezes and you can't get to the next stg. If not, I might think about getting it.
Skilled Illusionist
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Re: [Xbox360] Fifa 10 ;D

Woa thats awesome.
Well I have fifa09 and I quit cause the manager mode keeps bugging after I've spent days on it.

In fifa10 does the manager mode still do that? It like freezes and you can't get to the next stg. If not, I might think about getting it.
Do you have more than 35 players in your squad?
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [Xbox360] Fifa 10 ;D

Well fifa 10 manager mode is probably the worst i have ever played on all of them within the series.

Fifa 09 was probably the best manager mode and i didn't experience what you did lol.

The reason why Fifa 10 Manager mode sucks, is because there are so many bugs within it, but to be fair, they did release an update to fix most of them, but still, the weather bug is very annoying.
Most of the time in britain (So as im Manunited) playing home it will rain nearly every match.
God damn, i hate playing rain games, as the ground is so wet the ball doesnt roll across it....

Lol anyways, other than manager mode, the Online has become more advanced and imo the best online (Fifa) game yet.

I'd rate this game 9/10, just because manager mode does lack a little.
But yea, my best thing would be the virtual pro, thats pretty insane!

Experienced Elementalist
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [Xbox360] Fifa 10 ;D

Well fifa 10 manager mode is probably the worst i have ever played on all of them within the series.

Fifa 09 was probably the best manager mode and i didn't experience what you did lol.

The reason why Fifa 10 Manager mode sucks, is because there are so many bugs within it, but to be fair, they did release an update to fix most of them, but still, the weather bug is very annoying.
Most of the time in britain (So as im Manunited) playing home it will rain nearly every match.
God damn, i hate playing rain games, as the ground is so wet the ball doesnt roll across it....

Lol anyways, other than manager mode, the Online has become more advanced and imo the best online (Fifa) game yet.

I'd rate this game 9/10, just because manager mode does lack a little.
But yea, my best thing would be the virtual pro, thats pretty insane!

Fifa 09 ps2 manager mode owns :O
Anybody wanna game? Give me your gamertag if you want and we'll have a match :D