Thought I share my code for XML ShopData
Replace the whole ApiGetShopData function with this:
(Everything from
Because (again) I'm not using the stupid aspx site I don't have a code for only for PHP so here it is for PHP:
BTW If somebody says it doesn't compile:
Replace the whole ApiGetShopData function with this:
(Everything from
toint CUserProfile::ApiGetShopData()
CWOBackendReq req(this, "api_GetShop5.aspx");
r3dOutToLog("GetShopData FAILED, code: %d\n", req.resultCode_);
return req.resultCode_;
g_NumStoreItems = 0;
pugi::xml_document xmlFile;
pugi::xml_node xmlNode = xmlFile.child("shopInfo");
pugi::xml_node xmlSkills = xmlNode.child("skills").first_child();
uint32_t skillID = xmlSkills.attribute("SkillID").as_uint();
if(skillID == 0xFFFF)
r3d_assert(skillID < CUserSkills::CLASS_MAX * CUserSkills::SKILL_CLASS_MULT);
uint32_t Lv1 = xmlSkills.attribute("Lv1").as_uint();
uint32_t Lv2 = xmlSkills.attribute("Lv2").as_uint();
uint32_t Lv3 = xmlSkills.attribute("Lv3").as_uint();
uint32_t Lv4 = xmlSkills.attribute("Lv4").as_uint();
uint32_t Lv5 = xmlSkills.attribute("Lv5").as_uint();
ShopSkillCosts2[skillID][0] = Lv1;
ShopSkillCosts2[skillID][1] = Lv2;
ShopSkillCosts2[skillID][2] = Lv3;
ShopSkillCosts2[skillID][3] = Lv4;
ShopSkillCosts2[skillID][4] = Lv5;
xmlSkills = xmlSkills.next_sibling();
pugi::xml_node xmlItems = xmlNode.child("items").first_child();
uint32_t itemId = xmlItems.attribute("itemId").as_uint();
uint32_t price1d = xmlItems.attribute("price1d").as_uint();
uint32_t price7d = xmlItems.attribute("price7d").as_uint();
uint32_t price30d = xmlItems.attribute("price30d").as_uint();
uint32_t pricePerm = xmlItems.attribute("pricePerm").as_uint();
uint32_t gd_price1d = xmlItems.attribute("gd_price1d").as_uint();
uint32_t gd_price7d = xmlItems.attribute("gd_price7d").as_uint();
uint32_t gd_price30d = xmlItems.attribute("gd_price30d").as_uint();
uint32_t gd_pricePerm = xmlItems.attribute("gd_pricePerm").as_uint();
addItemToStore(itemId, price1d, price7d, price30d, pricePerm,
gd_price1d, gd_price7d, gd_price30d, gd_pricePerm);
xmlItems = xmlItems.next_sibling();
Because (again) I'm not using the stupid aspx site I don't have a code for only for PHP so here it is for PHP:
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BTW If somebody says it doesn't compile:
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